I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 97 Go, Go Quickly, Monster

Chapter 97 Go, Go Quickly, Monster
"I'll issue a notice in a moment. Do you think his food is related to..."

The deputy didn't say anything, but just winked at the shabby island in the east.

Although the two countries have not established diplomatic relations, this is not ancient times. According to the little notebook, there are deaths, the emperor is scared crazy, and the bank and granary have been stolen. All of these have already been known to the whole world. There is no need to guess that the sudden extra grain in the Dragon Kingdom is related to them.

"What does it have to do with us? If they have the guts, go find the Flying Knight. Only then will you have evidence. We won't admit anything without evidence. This is their compensation to us, but for the sake of appearances, they sent a condolence message to express their condolences!"

I have to say, everyone is very sinister, hahaha.

After the notice came down from above, the tense environment was immediately eased. The huge state machinery started to operate, and grain began to be transported to various disaster-stricken areas via special freight trains. The porridge that was originally used to feed beggars on the streets of the capital also began to become thicker.

Wang Luo threw the food away and didn't care about it anymore. He believed that the higher-ups would take care of it.

. . . . . . .

When he happily arrived at Guan Ping's place early in the morning, he and his senior brother Sun Hanwei were already waiting for him. To them, Wang Luo came too late. According to them, they should start practicing before the sun rises.

To show his power, he must be given a warning. First, he was criticized and educated, saying that he was lazy and should not think that he was great just because his eight extraordinary meridians were opened and he was recognized as a genius. Martial arts cannot be mastered overnight. He must be diligent and persistent. After chattering for half an hour, he was given the first project, which was the horse stance.

Guan Ping was giving instructions with a small wooden stick, and Sun Hanwei was demonstrating. After the demonstration, they asked Wang Luo to start practicing in the same way. Although they knew that Wang Luo was a genius, they had never taught such a person before. So they still followed the previous approach. It would not be too late to correct any problems they found during the teaching process.

The horse stance is the basics of the basics. Although it is simple for people who practice martial arts, it is not easy. The most important thing is persistence and endurance. They admit that you are strong, but that is explosive power, not endurance.

He just started tying the knot according to the instructions. I thought that since he had the basic skills, he could finish it in half an hour at most. Then when he couldn't hold on any longer, I would scold him severely and beat him with a small wooden stick to make him learn what humility and respect are. However, I didn't expect that Wang Luo didn't play by the rules. He didn't move for three whole hours, leaving Guan Ping and Sun Hanwei at a loss for words.

Well, they had no choice but to eat lunch and start teaching the moves with a gloomy face. They didn’t believe that you could practice quickly. This thing requires accumulation over time to become proficient.

"First, practice exerting force like a madman; second, practice soft, closed and pushing; third, practice inch-by-inch attack and inch-by-inch grab; fourth, practice lying down like a lazy dragon like a tiger. Boy, this is the framework summary of our Bajiquan.

According to the requirements of the elders, this stage is to first develop crazy magic power. The so-called mad bull shock is that kind of fast and fierce state. This actually requires the strength of the limbs and the coordination ability of various parts of the body to be trained to the extreme. In this stage, the basic quality of the body, the ability to exert force, and the reaction speed have reached the state that a warrior should have. This is the first stage. Han Wei, you beat your junior brother once! Xiao Luo was also watching and learning carefully. "

After he finished speaking, he gave some instructions to Sun Hanwei, who immediately performed all the moves of Bajiquan.

After playing it once, Wang Luo followed suit. He was not simply a man of strong limbs and a simple mind. As a time traveler who was admitted to a double first-class university, his memory must be excellent. Now with the blessing of the golden finger, his memory is even more amazing.

After watching it again, I had memorized most of the moves, except for some that were not very standard. After Guan Ping, who thought he had found a sense of accomplishment, gave some guidance with a small wooden stick, I was able to perform them very standardly the second time.

"Master, have you noticed that Junior Brother seems to have entered the state? When he practices boxing, we both involuntarily dodge, which means he has entered the state of crazy magic power. There is also the state of his force, including the size and speed, and his mental state. His mental intention is sincere and he has the enemy in his eyes. This is the requirement of crazy magic power."

When Wang Luo threw the punch for the second time, Sun Hanwei said to Guan Ping.

"He is indeed a genius. Damn, this is only the second time, and he has advanced too quickly. Not only has he memorized all the moves, but he has also gone crazy. Xiao Luo, keep fighting!"

Guan Ping was secretly surprised and shouted to Wang Luo to continue.

At this moment, Wang Luo didn't know what was going on. He seemed to have entered a very illusory and selfless state. He kept repeating the moves taught by Sun Hanwei. The more he fought, the more he felt it.

Start to use the changes in body shape to complete the action. In the boxing, the body shape characteristics such as snake shape, deer crouching, crane walking, bear upright neck, etc. can be shown. In the process of taking over, the body shape can be cleverly used to get close to the virtual opponent to create a state of "neither the opponent nor I know".

By the fourth time, he had already mastered the ability to "set up a dojo in a conch shell". At this stage, his boxing skills manifested in the emergence of inch-strike force, and he was able to complete boxing movements in an extremely short distance and very small space for change.

When it came to the fifth time, Guan Ping and Sun Hanwei said nothing and just watched from the side.

Wang Luo uses his efficient sense of space to appear in the most appropriate place at the most appropriate time and solve problems in the most efficient way. This stage has passed because the crazy magic power, body shape changes and inch-to-inch fighting have all passed. What remains is a change, which can be a change in boxing techniques, a change that can be freely played due to the changes of the opponent, or a surprise attack in pursuit of spatial efficiency. This stage is not just a simple practice, but a comprehensive play of the boxer's mentality, experience, timing and technology.

And he did all of this.

When he finally stopped, Master Guan Ping and his senior brother Sun Hanwei were both happy and sad.

"Xiao Luo, teaching a genius like you makes your senior brother and I feel no sense of accomplishment. Ask your senior brother, he has been learning martial arts from me since he was 8 years old, practicing in the hottest days of summer and the coldest days of winter, all year round, rain or shine, he dared not delay for a day. Now he is 30 years old, a full 22 years, and he has mastered all of our Bajiquan, just passed the Mingjin and entered the threshold of Anjin. If he continues to persist, it is estimated that he can enter the Huajin at around 45 and achieve the comprehensive performance of Bajiquan. This is already a very remarkable achievement, and it can be regarded as a gifted person.

As for you, today is only the first day and you have already caught up with or even surpassed your senior brother. He uses years as the unit of progress, or even decades as the unit, but you directly calculate it in days, no, to be more precise, you calculate it in hours.

Alas, you are indeed a monster who has opened up all the eight extraordinary meridians. You are taking a different approach to others. Forget it, forget it. You can start practicing Tongbeiquan tomorrow. The requirements are not high. You must learn faster than my Bajiquan, otherwise Old Man Song will think you are better than me. Do you understand?"

Guan Ping said helplessly.

"Master, Senior Brother, what do you mean? Have I already learned Bajiquan?"

Wang Luo asked the two of them a little puzzled.

"Then what else do you want to learn from me? We really have nothing to teach you. Haven't you understood the state of it?!"

"Oh, the state you're talking about is the feeling of being able to use boxing as you please, freely and without being bound by form?"

"Yes, that's the situation!"

Guan Ping nodded.

"So that's how it is. I thought I would have to practice Bajiquan for several years, but it turns out to be so simple. Well, Master, Senior Brother, I don't mean to be proud, I just feel incredible, hehe, do you understand?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to be a little Versailles and said the wrong thing.

"Go away, go away quickly, we don't want to see you again!"

Guan Ping and Sun Hanwei were so angry that they turned away, waved their hands, and decided not to pay any attention to Wang Luo. Damn, this was too discouraging.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. I'll come back tomorrow and try to make Master Song shorter than you guys."

After bowing to the two of them, Wang Luo strolled back home.

"Wang Luo, where have you been? Are you going to school again?"

On the way, I happened to meet Director Wang from the Street Office. He was sitting in a horse-drawn carriage with a smile on his face, transporting grain to the Street Office.

"I didn't go to school, but I already knew how to do it. There's no point in going. I'll just take the exam in a few days. I just found a master and I'm learning boxing from him. You look very happy today, not as sad as you were a few days ago. What happened? Did you find a gold bar?"

Wang Luo joked casually, and what stood out was his talkativeness.

"You have no respect for your parents. You must call me aunt when you see me next time. Otherwise, I will complain to your mother when she comes back. I didn't pick up any gold bars, but I picked up a lot of food. The country has distributed food, and the fellow villagers who came to Beijing can finally have a full meal. The country has also begun to transfer large amounts of food to the disaster areas. How can I not be happy?"

Director Wang became very happy when he talked about this.

"It's good to have a full meal. Now you can relax a lot. You don't have to argue with others on the phone in the office."

"Naughty boy, I won't talk to you anymore. I have to go back to distribute food. I'm leaving now."

After laughing and cursing, he left.

"Hey, who is this? Why are you walking without paying attention?"

As soon as he entered the gate, a figure almost bumped into Wang Luo. Before Wang Luo could see who it was, the other person started cursing.

"Aunt Jia, who are you scolding? I haven't blamed you for bumping into me, but you're complaining instead. You're in such a hurry to be reincarnated!"

After he supported the person who was about to fall, he saw that it was the "Necromancer" Jia Zhang. Why should he be polite? He had to confront him, otherwise he would have been a keyboard warrior and a introverted science guy in his previous life in vain!
(End of this chapter)

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