Gas tank is useless? Watch out, I will only teach you once!

Chapter 113 What? Fuqiang Group has mastered carbon fiber technology? !

Chapter 113 What? Fuqiang Group has mastered carbon fiber technology? !

Looking at the few fishing rods, Lu Ming casually picked up one and swung it in his hand.

Then he threw it into Javier's hands without any care.

"We still have some leftover fishing rods in our factory, Prince Javier. If you wish, these are for you."


Looking at the fishing rod that Lu Ming handed over, Javier was slightly stunned.

After seeing that there was still a layer of dust on the fishing rod, he couldn't help laughing.

"Forget about this fishing rod. After all, my collection includes all kinds of fishing rods in the world. I have collected fishing rods made of all kinds of materials. I even have a complete set of carbon fiber fishing rods from various countries."

He is indeed a rich man, his collection is different.

Is the collection conducted on a country-by-country basis?

However, this made Lu Ming couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Eh? When did you come to Daqian to buy a fishing rod? Was it during the Tianyuan Group's annual meeting some time ago?"

After hearing Lu Ming's words, it was Javier's turn to be curious.

"What are you talking about, Lu? When did Daqian have carbon fiber fishing rods? As far as I know, Daqian should not have the ability to manufacture fishing rods yet, right?"

"Eh? Who said there isn't one? Then what is this fishing rod in your hand?"


Javier was slightly stunned when he heard Lu Ming's words.

Then, as if he had thought of something, his eyes suddenly widened.

When he looked at the fishing rod in front of him again, he couldn't help but reveal an expression of disbelief.

The next moment, he realized that the fishing rod in his hand was much lighter than he had imagined!

How is that possible? Could it be that this is really made of carbon fiber?
Immediately, Javier picked up the carbon fiber fishing rod in his hand and swung it hard.

A crisp sound was heard directly in the air.

Then he used all his strength to pry it open.

But the fishing rod didn't move at all.

Such a light material has such toughness and hardness.

Javier, who owns many carbon fiber fishing rods, naturally knows what he is talking about.

Almost in the next second, he confirmed that the fishing rod in front of him was indeed made of carbon fiber!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Lu Ming with some curiosity.

"Is this fishing rod produced in your factory?"

"Yeah, it just doesn't make much money, so the workshop is shut down."


After hearing Lu Ming's words, Javier nodded in understanding.

Then, as if he had thought of something, he couldn't help but ask Lu Ming.

"How much is this fishing rod?"

"One thousand and eight."

"One thousand eight hundred dollars? Hiss... The cheapest carbon fiber fishing rod I bought costs more than ten thousand dollars! There is really not much profit from this one thousand eight hundred dollars..."

"Ahem, let me correct you, Prince Javier. This fishing rod costs 1,800 Daqian coins each."

"What?! Daqian Coin?!"

Javier's eyes widened when he heard Lu Ming's words.

It was as if he was hearing some unbelievable news. He took a long time to digest it before he could not help but ask.

"Are you really talking about Daqian coins? Then you still have money to make?! I remember that Daqian doesn't have carbon fiber technology yet? How did you do it? The price of imported materials alone is more than this, right? You're not selling at a loss, are you?"

"It's true that we didn't lose money, but it's also true that we didn't make any money. If it's 1,800 yuan, we can only make twice the profit. This is definitely the most unprofitable business we have ever done."

Hiss...Javier used to feel that he was more Versailles.

But when he saw Lu Ming's depressed expression, he realized it.

Sure enough, he was not the only one who was forcing the king.

This Lu Ming is really strong!

"Lu, are you sure you're not kidding me? If your fishing rods are really that cheap, I'll have to order a large batch..."

As a result, after hearing Javier's words, Lu Ming simply waved his hands helplessly.

"No need, Prince Javier. Our factory really doesn't produce them anymore. If you want them, we can pack up all the remaining ones and give them to you. Now our factory is focusing on the sale of raw materials. I'm not afraid of you laughing at me.

We make more money selling raw materials than selling fishing rods!"


Wait a minute? !

You just said you sell raw materials? But how is that possible?!

When Javier heard Lu Ming's words, his first thought was disbelief.

Because in his memory, carbon fiber materials are the unique technologies controlled by Dayang and Jiaobenji.

In order to monopolize the technology, they set up a variety of technical barriers in carbon fiber technology.

It's not that no country has thought about cracking their carbon fiber materials.

However, the cunning foreigners deliberately mixed other ingredients into the original high-purity carbon fiber material.

Not only does it reduce the original quality of the material, it even increases the price.

Through this technological blockade, a lot of money is made.

Because the technology is firmly controlled by the other side, the surrounding countries dare not speak out and can only buy expensive carbon fiber materials from them.

And now, Lu Ming actually said that their factory has the ability to manufacture carbon fiber. How could Javier not be shocked? !
However, if you think about it, if the fishing rod is really as Lu Ming said, you can still make a profit of 1,800.

Then it is really possible to have the technology to manufacture carbon fiber.

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Javier's eyes.

Who would have thought that a small fishing tackle factory could bring him such an unexpected surprise!

Immediately, he grabbed Lu Ming's arm and couldn't help asking.

"In that case, Lu, please take me to the carbon fiber production workshop! I can't wait to see what your carbon fiber factory in Daqian looks like!"

Wait until the group arrives at the carbon fiber factory.

Javier watched as the workers added various raw materials into the huge furnace.

Accompanied by the continuous stirring and processing of the machine.

In just a moment, complete steel ingots emerged from the furnace!

The black carbon fiber steel looks like a matte texture.

I came to a pile of cooled carbon fiber ingots.

Looking at the steel ingot in front of me, it weighs at least ten kilograms.

Javier lifted it up with force, but was surprised to find something.

The steel ingot in his hand is not heavy!

Not heavy at all!

Wow, it’s actually carbon fiber steel!
Javier turned around and looked at Lu Ming in astonishment, and asked in shock.

"Oh my god! Lu! Have you really mastered the manufacturing of carbon fiber materials? I thought that stuff cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per ton! If it weren't for you today, I wouldn't have believed that the cost of this stuff was so cheap!"

Hearing Javier's words, Lu Ming just smiled and shook his head.

"You are wrong, Prince Javier. What is expensive is never the cost of its construction, but its technology!"

(End of this chapter)

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