Gas tank is useless? Watch out, I will only teach you once!

Chapter 123 This unmanned submarine can still be sold after a modification!

Chapter 123 This unmanned submarine...can be sold after modification!
Looking at the excited Wu Deyi in front of him, Lu Ming's expression was calm.

After patting the other person's chest, Lu Ming looked at the original unmanned submarine production line in front of him and couldn't help asking.

"What about the original unmanned submarine? How many did the factory produce?"

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Wood felt a little embarrassed.

“The original plan was to produce 1,000 units, but because we couldn’t find an investor willing to invest, we had to stop production after making 100 units.

Now all those unmanned submarines are wasted and have to stay in the warehouse."

Hearing what Wu Deyi said, Lu Ming showed a regretful expression.

"Hey! How can you say it's a waste? I've seen your unmanned submarine plan. Except for the lack of diving depth, it's actually done very well. It only needs a few minor changes to be able to sell it."

what? !

Can such a failed product be sold?
Mr. Lu, are you sure you are not joking?

Lu Jianhua, on the other hand, showed a very serious expression and nodded at them.

"That's right! Based on the original, make some minor changes... Do you have a backup of the original drawings? Give me a copy."

"Yes! I'll get it right away!"

Hearing Lu Ming's words, an old employee named Ma Guowei nodded immediately and asked his men to get a copy of the backup drawing on the table.

Seeing Ma Guowei, Lu Ming couldn't help but look at Wu Deyi in confusion.

Immediately, Wood introduced himself formally.

"Mr. Lu, this Ma Guowei is the chief designer of the previous unmanned submarine. Our first generation of unmanned submarines was designed by him. From the initial 20-meter dive to the current 200-meter breakthrough, Designer Ma has spent a lot of effort on the unmanned submarine."

After hearing Wu Deyi's introduction, Lu Ming immediately became serious.

He has never been stingy with his respect for scientific researchers.

When Ma Guowei's men brought the blueprint, Ma Guowei came to Lu Ming and checked the reasons for his transformation of his original physique.

In this regard, Lu Ming did not choose to hide anything.

After all, he knew that people like Ma Guowei were not old employees of Fuqiang.

At that time, Fuqiang’s old employees knew nothing and could only rely on their experience to perform repetitive tasks based on the drawings.

But Ma Guowei and others are different, they are real designers!
Adding ballistics and launchers to the unmanned submarine is a design that anyone with a discerning eye can see what it is intended to do!
"This is……"

After seeing Lu Ming's "simple" addition, Ma Guowei and his group were immediately shocked.

Looking up at Lu Ming blankly, he spoke subconsciously with some hesitation.

"Mr. Lu, is your design..."

"Any problems? The original unmanned submarines were overkill if they were only used for reconnaissance. This batch of unmanned submarines is just right. Whether they are used as disposable unmanned submarines or reconnaissance torpedoes, there is no problem.

They seem to me to be a very suitable tool for underwater defense, don't you think so?"

Ah this...

After hearing Lu Ming's words, several designers looked at each other in surprise.

However, Wood Yi, who was standing aside, took the initiative to step forward and speak.

“I think what Mr. Lu said is very right. Instead of letting our designs become a pile of useless garbage piled up in the warehouse, it is better to use them effectively and bring unlimited funds to the factory. Now our factory has no source of income. If we don’t innovate, the most tragic ending will be waiting for us.

Even if Fuqiang injected capital, it would not be possible to bring him back to life. The moment Fuqiang acquired him, I was ready for change! "Huo!
After hearing what Wu Deyi said, everyone looked at him in shock and swallowed in disbelief.

It seemed unexpected that these words would come from the mouth of Wood, who usually looks rigid and serious.

After hearing what Wood said, the designers around him hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"You're right, we are the South Pole Star! If we can't even change this design, what kind of South Pole Star are we?"

"That's right! Our factory used to build destroyers for the country! So what if we build an unmanned submarine with defensive capabilities now?!"

"Yes, yes, yes! As long as I can have enough food to eat, it doesn't matter how much I change!"

"I support Mr. Lu's decision! I think this will work!"

"But Mr. Lu, are you sure that anyone will want the equipment we produce?"


I saw that people's ideas were gradually changing.

This made Lu Ming, who was originally worried, gradually become more cheerful.

With a slight smile, he patted Wu Deyi's shoulder and nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, everyone. As long as you follow my policy, I guarantee that you will not lose a single bite of food. I know some big foreign customers who need it, and they will definitely like your newly designed unmanned submarine.

In the future, these unmanned submarines can even become our flagship products! Don’t worry, do it boldly! Within a week, I can sell these unmanned submarines!”

With Lu Ming's assurance, everyone finally felt relieved.

It's just a matter of adding a bomb bay design to the original one, which is not a difficult task.

For a shipyard that once specialized in designing destroyers, every craftsman has rich experience in modification.

So, at Lu Ming's request.

The designers and workers under him quickly modified the original unmanned submarine design drawings.

That night, the new drawings appeared in front of Lu Ming.

Seeing this brand new blueprint, Lu Ming opened YouTube without saying anything and contacted [Eagle Sauce Must Die], whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

FQ: [Brother, do you need a submarine? Our company has recently developed an unmanned remote-controlled submarine to enrich your underwater combat capabilities. Are you interested? ]

It was shortly after Lu Ming sent the message.

Ahmed saw Lu Ming's prompt on YouTube.

Upon hearing that FQ had new products, Ahmed's face immediately showed a hint of joy.

He asked immediately after clicking on the message bar.

[What is an unmanned submarine? I don’t need an ordinary unmanned submarine! ]

[Don't worry, brother. Don't I understand your needs? I'll send you the drawings right away. I guarantee you'll like them! ]

After saying that, Lu Ming immediately sent a photo of the unmanned submarine blueprint.

Soon after seeing the photo of the drawing, Ahmed was overjoyed.

Does the above bomb bay design mean that torpedoes can be installed inside?

If this is the case, this unmanned submarine will be able to greatly increase Hamas's maritime strength and prevent the blockade of their maritime supplies by the Hoopoe!
(End of this chapter)

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