Chapter 184 Commander! We need drones!

After learning that a drone costs a full $90,000.

All the officers fell silent immediately.

The generals on the front line took the drone reluctantly.

However, because they want to protect their reputation, they dare not use it casually.

They will only take it out and use it at the critical moment when the enemy launches a charge.

But even so, the officers' use of it is laughable!

"Damn Rogers! How can you fly a drone like you? My grandma with Parkinson's can fly it better than you!"

"Dodge the bullets! Don't get bumped! If a drone breaks down, you won't get paid for the next three years!"

"Damn it! Get up in the air! Their bullets are coming!"

"Don't be afraid! Go forward!"


No, sir, listen to yourself, are you speaking human language?

They asked us to protect the drone and attack at the same time. How could such a good thing happen?!

We are just drone operators, not gods!
Amid the shouting of the other officer.

Not surprisingly, things are not getting better on the front line.

After just a few moments, Dai Sheng's regular troops retreated because they were afraid that the drone would be damaged.

It's not even as good as the first time!

After learning about this situation, all the senior executives of Dai Sheng were stunned.

I never expected this would be the result.

You want the horse to run, but you don't let it eat grass.

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

For a time, the senior officials of the entire military office started arguing endlessly about this matter.

"No! We must fight back! Don't be afraid of losses! Otherwise, if we buy these drones but don't use them, it's the same as not buying them at all!"

"Yes! Morale needs to be boosted! We still need a victory! I think we should teach the enemy a lesson with the force of thunder!"

"That being said, who will manage the loss of 90 million US dollars? Or should we deduct it from your military funds?"


"You also know why? If we lose this, our Daisheng will go bankrupt!"

“If we don’t fight and are occupied by Hamas people, we won’t go bankrupt?!”


"All right!"

Just as a group of people were arguing fiercely.

Suddenly, a loud shout interrupted everyone's conversation.

Looking in the direction where the voice came from, everyone discovered that the person who shouted was actually General Halevi.

At this moment, Halevi was looking at the current front line with a worried look on his face.

The army has been retreating again and again. If it continues like this, Hamas will really attack the capital!
Absolutely not!

Thinking of this, Halevi showed his toughness for once and yelled directly at his officers.

"Now it's a critical moment! We can't talk about money! We need drones! We can't care about his losses. If he doesn't have money, he can just buy more. At worst, we can increase taxes! Anyway, I will convince the commander to buy another batch of drones. You guys fight well, but... you must ensure victory! Do you understand?"


With Halevi's affirmation, all the officers suddenly became enthusiastic as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

They have been beaten by Hamas for so long that they have even forgotten when they last won.

Right now, the hoopoe really needs a great victory.

Since Halevi has confirmed that it can be used.

Then they don't need to have any concerns about this battle anymore!
The next morning, under the incredulous gazes of the Hamas soldiers, all the regular troops of the Hoopoe army seemed to be energized.

As Hamas members were maneuvering drones and preparing to move forward.

What they didn't expect was that Dai Sheng's regular army had already launched an attack before them!
Hundreds of drones rushed towards their rear.

Holding more and more powerful explosives.

Directly penetrated into the enemy's interior!

"Boom, boom, boom——"

After a violent explosion.

As expected, Hames's men were caught off guard.

This resulted in the loss of countless gas tank mortars and steel tube rocket launchers.

Even several of their tracked tractor tanks were destroyed.

Suddenly, the Hamas people realized something was wrong and quickly fled the battlefield with the remaining people.

Seeing this scene, Dai Sheng's army immediately burst into thunderous cheers.

In just one day, we organized no less than twenty encounter and counterattack battles.

In one fell swoop, the front line was pushed forward by no less than five kilometers!

For a moment, the entire military office was filled with excitement.

The good news from the front was reported to Halevi immediately.

After learning the situation, Halevi clenched his fists and came to Ort's office with the good news.

Take the freshly-released data and show it to the other party.

"Commander, look! This is the data from our frontline. Since we started using drones, we have won many victories! Although the loss of drones is a bit serious, it is precisely because of this that we should strive to seize the opportunity and continue to develop!

I propose to buy another 10,000 drones! With our military's combat capabilities, Hamas is definitely no match for us!
Even give me a million drones and I can drive Hamas back to the ground!"


Hearing Halevi's passionate speech, Ort felt his face turn green.

What did you say?

A million drones?

900 billion US dollars? !

Guess how much tax the Hoopoe collects in a year?

If you want to collect ten years’ worth of a country’s tax revenue in one war, do you still want to develop in the future?

How could this be called fighting? This was clearly digging up the roots of the hoopoe!
After hearing Halevi's analysis, Ort's face turned green and distorted.

But he understood Halevi's logic.

So... drones still have to be sold.

As a last resort, he had to contact the previous dealer again and place a new order with him.

With the experience of last cooperation, the other party was also very happy.

As long as the money is in place, I dare to spend money!
This time, DJI’s headquarters didn’t even need to remind the other party, and they obediently paid the fine.

Ah this...

What else could Wang Boyuan say when he saw the new order sent by the other party?

Sell ​​it!

In just a moment, another thousand drones were delivered to Daisheng.

Finally, after a period of mediation, a delicate balance was reached between Hamas and the Hoopoe.

But soon, the top leaders of Dai Sheng became unhappy.

There is no way, drones are useful, but they are too expensive!

If they continue to fight like this, even if they sell their oil fields they won’t be able to withstand such consumption!

(End of this chapter)

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