Chapter 119 Classic
If one is tall and thin and the other is short and fat, they are the most classic duo combination.

Then the classic trio might be based on this, with the addition of a woman.

They are from this newly opened hair salon next to the Weilong Tattoo Shop.

New employee, Mr. Tony.

One is not tall but thin, one is not short but fat, and the last one has a well-proportioned figure but is a woman.

The thin man is called Han Han, the fat man is called Han Wen, and the woman is called Han Bing. It is hard to imagine that they are not three siblings, but just happen to have the same surname.

The three of them were dressed in so-called trendy clothes, and at this moment, George Han was constantly uttering that damn sentence:

“You know what I say…” When you say this sentence quickly, what people hear is “m3”.

This meant that, at this moment, he was constantly sensing the presence of strange beasts or their abilities.

The hair salon hasn't officially opened yet, but there are already quite a few strange men and women in the store who are dressed in strange clothes and claim to be trendy. They are employees who were hired to cut and wash hair.

In fact, the way the three of them dressed was precisely to cater to the hair salon's recruitment standards... using fashion as a gimmick to attract young people to come for hairstyling.

As for Han Han's sudden illness, several people were not only not surprised, but also extremely enthusiastic. They followed suit. In their view, this was a form of rap, and sometimes it was extremely disturbing.

If Zhang Chaoqiang were here, he would understand why his father dislikes rappers so much.

When the residents nearby saw the gorgeously decorated new hair salon, which was staffed by a group of strange "fashion people" who kept muttering to themselves, they immediately thought that some shady Taoist priest had come from somewhere and was preparing to perform rituals to communicate with the ghosts from the underworld.

From this perspective, Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei seem to have become more pleasing to the eye. At least they are not so weird and they don't usually act crazy in front of others. It is true that there is no harm without comparison.

Fatty Han Wen hurriedly pulled George Han and Han Bing out of the salon.

At this time, George Han finally stopped talking, apparently because Zhang Chaoqiang stopped using his diffusion ability.

“Han Han, your mechanical ability is more or less a bit lame… You can only sense that there are strange beasts nearby, but you can’t sense their specific locations…”

"If you can do it, then do it! M3, you are a thing without any mechanical ability...M3" Han Han sprayed a large mouthful of saliva on Han Wen's face.

"Who are you scolding? It's better than your reaction ability of chattering all day long!"

Han Bing waved his slender hand to divert their attention, frowned and asked, "Han Han, are you sure it's not the investigator who is using his ability this time?"

Han Han used his fingernails to pull at the beard on his chin, and fiddled with the beret on Han Bing's head. He was not sure in his heart, but he had to be tough:

"Sure, m3, the alien acid not only gave me a reaction to my own kind, m3, but also a superior sense of smell, m3, after dealing with them so many times, I remember the smell of the investigators m3..."

Wow, Han Han never stopped saying "you know what I say..." (m3 for short).

However, in recent times, he could feel it was much farther away than the previous times, proving that it was not the ability of the alien beast closest to them that was triggered.

The story begins in the year 983 on Earth, when three people with the same surname met each other while applying for a job at the Central Alien Beast Investigation Bureau.

They were full of ambition to devote their youth to the research of exotic animals and to benefit the people, but they were rejected by the Investigation Bureau.

When the officials of the Investigation Bureau saw these three people huddled together, they felt that they were the most classic villain trio in animation. Of course, this trifling reason was only auxiliary and was not told to them.

The main reason is that they failed the investigation bureau's test.

Afterwards, after saying "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west", the three of them set out together, practicing and traveling at the same time, thinking of using their own strength to investigate the strange beasts and to prove their abilities to the Investigation Bureau.

But the investigation bureau obviously missed these three young people who were quite lucky.

By chance, they came together to a place called Jingshan in the southern part of the Central Kingdom.

By chance, I met a strange bird on Jingshan Mountain. Its body was like a snake, slender and curved, covered with scales, had four wings and six eyes on its face.

When I saw them, they kept making "嘤嘤" sounds from their mouths, which was very scary.

They didn't know what this thing was called, they just thought it was strange.


Three top-level second-level warriors who only had 1400P spiritual power strength at that time killed a strange beast.

Later they realized that they had killed a strange beast, completely killed it, so they took advantage of the spirit that had not dissipated and tried to absorb the derived mechanism ability.

Han Han succeeded. He obtained the mechanism ability [Reaction] and immediately let out a shrill "嘤".

It was so frightening that Han Wen and Han Bing were immediately startled.

After that, his "wailing" sounds were heard one after another. Through continuous testing and attempts, and combining the appearance of Sour and Six Eyes, they deduced.

George Han’s mechanism ability is that when a strange beast appears or someone uses the mechanism ability of a strange beast, he can’t help but make a sound.

The size of the distance can be detected from the intensity of the reaction.

[Reaction] It brings them endless yearning for a better future.

Han Bing: "Han Han, I'm glad you have such ability. The Investigation Bureau is so blind that it actually rejected a talent like you.

You have this ability, and there are no investigators who can match you, so what's the point of going back?"

Han Wen spitted out saliva and said unhappily: "Damn it, with such ability, why do you have to go back to the Investigation Bureau and be controlled by others?

Why don't the three of us travel the world to find traces of strange beasts, absorb their abilities to break out of our own world, and then overthrow the short-sighted Investigation Bureau? "

While Han Han was feeling ecstatic from the praise, he kept making “嘤嘤嘤” sounds.

Han Wen and Han Bing turned their backs and laughed secretly, fortunately it was not this ability they had acquired.

The Three Musketeers then passed by the Bohai Sea while traveling around the world and practicing.

During that period, rap had become popular in the world. It took Han Han ten years of correction to change "嘤嘤" to "m3 (哟闹say)" so that it was not so shrill and terrifying.

Near the sea, Han Han's reaction was even more intense.

So the three of them put in a lot of effort and stayed here for five years. At this time, their strength had reached the fifth level through intermittent practice, and the traces of time were not very obvious.

In the sixth year of their surveillance, they discovered a six-legged, long-bearded fish called mullet, which pretended to be hiding in the reefs.

Then I found out that its life energy was even weaker than that of a first-level fish beast, and I killed it instantly.

Han Bing, the prettiest woman in the group but not considered pretty by the other two, obtained a [disguise] from the minnow.

I have just acquired this ability, so I don’t quite understand it yet, but it probably can disguise some attacks from warriors.

The factors for success are probably luck plus eternal patience.

Then, they came here, reflecting strong symptoms, so this newly renovated and recruiting hair salon will be their future destination, because they found that in Pingshui Street, George Han's [reactions] were mostly more intense.

In the following time, they will act as a Tony teacher in the hair salon, and always track [Reaction] and look for strange beasts.

"The third one, is it finally my turn?" Han Wen imagined naively. He was the only one who had no mechanical ability and was rubbing his hands frantically like a fly.

Han Bing raised a question: “This is the first time we are looking for strange beasts in the city. What if George Han’s reaction is not a strange beast, but a person with mechanical abilities?”

Han Han emphasized: “I have already said m3, there is no smell of investigators nearby.

Besides, do you think that ordinary people living around here are only at the level of fourth-level warriors at most, and they have the opportunity to possess the abilities of exotic beasts? "

"When you derived your mechanism ability, it seemed to be only at the third level..."

"No, no, no," Han Han repeated, "They are different. How can they compare with me? When I close my eyes, the world is dim. When I open my eyes, the world is bright.

If I am not the protagonist, what am I? Can a passerby compare to the protagonist?

Han Bing stroked his brow with one finger: "Then the three of us are the protagonists."

Han Wen: "Three people? Why do I only see two of you?"

Han Han and Han Bing looked at him at the same time, as if he were a fool.

Han Wen laughed embarrassedly: "This is a joke I saw on the Internet..."

In the trio, the thin one is always confident and aggressive. The fat one is always silly. The woman is not a fire extinguisher, she can often be the emotional regulator of the team and calm them down.

"For the next five or even ten years, we will try to catch this strange beast and give Han Wen the ability to absorb the strange beast's mechanism, so as to further speed up the progress of subverting the Investigation Bureau!"

Absolute patience is the key to success.


In the martial arts hall, Zhang Chaoqiang's "little cheating" against Tan Yue was coming to an end, and after the last [Burning Eyes], the outcome was decided.

On the spot, the organizer directly removed the stage where Tan Yue was. The opponent had made mistakes for three consecutive games. This was such a weird operation. There must be something wrong with this stage, right?

When [Burning Eyes] was in effect, it was basically electric welding and did not last too long because Zhang Chaoqiang was also worried about being sensed by others.

But she underestimated Tan Tang. Tan Tang was the only person in the whole venue who noticed something unusual. Even though the time was short, and the dazzling light was not rays and had no source, Tan Tang was able to subtly perceive the brief malfunction that occurred in those spiritual armors.

Tan Yue's victory was due to someone's secret help.

The only possibility is...

He turned his head slightly. This was the first time in two days that he looked directly at Tan Yue, who had just returned to her seat, and Lao Chen, who was smiling and praising her next to her.

Lao Chen noticed the unfriendly gaze and looked up to confront it violently. There was no direct class difference between the two in terms of status, and Lao Chen was not hired by Tan Tang, so he naturally would not be polite.

Apart from this old ghost, no one else possesses this subtle ability, Tan Tang thought. But it's good this way, to maintain the reputation of the Tan family. At the same time, he also knows that Tan Yue is just an ordinary genius, and his talent and ability are not high enough to threaten his own.

Not long after winning the competition, the news reached Tan Tianlun who was far away in Zhongzhou City.

At this time, on the 17th floor of Dingsheng Building, the third tallest building in the world, Tan Tianlun received the news after receiving brain treatment. The messenger naturally reported good news and not bad news, and just said casually that Tan Yue defeated the other party.

Never mention the opponent's mistakes.

This did help calm down Tan Tianlun's fluctuating emotions after the treatment.

He nodded, showing slight approval.

After the fighting competition on the second day, 1 students from Zhang Chaoqiang's Class 13 of Grade 32 entered the top in each track and are expected to enter the finals tomorrow.

While Zhang Chaoqiang's family was arguing about how to leave, Jin Jia asked them to calm down.

"Student Zhang Chaoqiang, I have something I want to give you. It's about the prize money for this competition."

Then when Zhang Chaoqiang was about to follow Jin Jia to the tenth floor of the martial arts hall, Shen Qiangwei and Zhang Huolong were relieved and wanted to increase their speed to the maximum. They hurriedly said, "Chaoqiang, don't worry, you will fly back slowly later, we will ride away first!"

Without giving the two a chance, Zhang Chaoqiang forcibly took them with him. In front of everyone, they danced and acted strangely and flew to the door of the first floor before quickly slipping away.

The embarrassed parents were left gritting their teeth.

Complete [The Disobedient]

Zhang Chaoqiang seemed to have found a new continent, he discovered a method to quickly increase the number of times [Disobedient] is used!

But now it was obvious that there was no time to try too much, so he let his parents go.

The tenth floor of the martial arts hall is filled with display windows.

Displayed on it are the prizes for the top ten winners of this martial arts competition.

Every track is a little different. At the front of the twelve rows are the prizes for the champion.

"To give you a brief introduction, these are the prizes that the Central Kingdom has prepared for the high school students' martial arts competition in our Linhai District.

It's like this, Zhang Chaoqiang, given your ability, the championship places in the first-year high school boys' fighting competition and the weapon fighting competition should be in your hands.

Therefore, we will present the championship prize to you in advance, and because you were unable to go on stage to demonstrate your strength this time, we, the organizers and even your superiors, feel very sorry.

Not only the championship, but also the prize money for the top ten on both tracks is compensation for you.”

"... "

It seems that Zhang Chaoqiang has been being compensated throughout his life.

From the top ten outstanding children in childhood, the explosion of the internal spiritual power detection instrument, the trial in the secret realm, and the current Linhai Province high school students fighting competition.

There was another ding.

[Compensation for bystanders]: The good news is that you are a genius; the bad news is that you are a genius who is just watching. Growth value +200
[Far ahead]: 830/6000
Zhang Chaoqiang, who won a series of prizes, fell into a difficult situation for a while.

How could he get all this stuff back?
He looked at Jin Jia, who apologized, "My car is full of wedding supplies."

So, after preparing a sack to put the things in, he tied it behind him and then carried a large brown sack on his back.

Its hands and feet were dancing, looking like it was jumping for joy to others, and it was slowly flying towards its home.

Ten minutes later, he greeted Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei who were driving at full speed on the road.

"Hello, Mom and Dad?"

The two turned back...

"I'm on top!"

The two men looked up, looking as if they had seen a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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