Chapter 130: Gathering for a meeting, right?
"Compared to this dog, I would rather kill Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei..."

Han Wen shook his head violently, trying to discard the words that Zhang Huolong had imprinted in his mind.

"It's really brainwashing..."

Han Bing also sighed.

If they were not hidden warriors with sharp eyes and ears, they would have been able to hear Zhang Huolong and his words clearly when they were not around...

Han Bing and Han Wen were almost led astray by Zhang Huolong's weird remarks.

"Zhang Huolong's ability to deceive people is really amazing. He really is going to be a bed pin..." Han Wen rubbed his back and muttered, and then was hit on the head by Han Han.

"Is there any M3? Are you guys listening to me?"

"I said that Zhang Chaoqiang was away for the past two days. I felt that there seemed to be fewer people hiding in the dark around them. Maybe this is a good opportunity..."

This catchphrase is destined to follow Han Han for the rest of his life, because the world is so vast.

And the number of alien beasts is so large that they are active or using their abilities all the time. This catchphrase may follow George Han for the rest of his life.

Although the main mechanism of [Reaction] is to react to the presence of alien beasts, it can also enhance one's own senses to a certain extent.

When Zhang Chaoqiang left, although Han Han could not feel the specific change in quantity, he could sense it from the disappearance of the sense of oppression.

The people who were originally secretly protecting Zhang Chaoqiang's family, when Zhang Chaoqiang went out, split up and secretly followed and protected Zhang Chaoqiang.

Looking at the overall situation, now might be the best time to get rid of Lang Gou.

“Even though so much time has passed and we have raised its remaining puppies for so long, we still have no idea what the ability of the beast possessing it is.

But now is indeed the most suitable time to take action. If Zhang Chaoqiang were here, it might be difficult to take action. "

"Is it too sudden? We just took the puppies from Lang Gou and raised them. How can we kill their mother so soon?" Han Wen hugged the puppy and shook it. Then, Han Han elbowed him on the back of the head.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Han Bing, how is your [Disguise] practice going?"

From the beginning, they knew that the ability of [Disguise] had a strange mechanism. Han Bing claimed that this mechanism must have certain substitutes to work successfully.

This substitute does not refer to a real object, it can also be a goal, an identity, or an action.

Just like a chameleon, changing color also requires the surrounding environment to provide him with the conditions to hide.

Just like they want to [pretend] to be an ordinary person, they learn how to dress like street urchins.

His words and actions imitate those second-rate guys who graduated from technical secondary schools and are into rap and hairdressing.

So, after arming themselves with their identities, they successfully used [Disguise] under the guidance of Han Bing.

Therefore, the three people who successfully disguised their identities could be detected by the satellite of the Supernatural Administration or by the personal perception of powerful warriors.

There is absolutely no way to discover the true identities of these three people.

This ability mechanism, once fully developed, will definitely be unique so far.

This is also why the three of them believe that they, with only fifth-level strength, have the ability to subvert the entire Central Monster Investigation Bureau.

"Han Wen, I have learned a few massage techniques recently. Would you like me to give you a massage?"

"Okay!" Han Wen cooperated and turned around.

Han Bing's two slender palms fell on him, pressing down on Han Wen's body like plucking the strings of a guitar, and George Han could see that this was the massage technique used by the blind man in the next street.

The most important thing is that the masseur of this blind massage shop is not actually blind, but uses his blindness as an excuse to take advantage of customers during the massage.

Others could not see this, but the three of them could not hide it from them.

I was originally wondering why Han Bing's massage technique was similar to that of the blind man, but the next second, Han Wen burst into screams and wails...


Han Wen seemed to have been electrocuted. His whole body straightened and he fell to the ground. He struggled to get up after three or five seconds.

He stood up and yelled, "Han Bing, you damn bitch, what the hell was that? Weren't you giving me a massage?"

At this time, George Han suddenly realized.

After exclaiming "awesome", he gave Han Wen an answer: "You had an electric shock reaction just now, isn't that Han Bing's martial art, Hundred Thunder Palm?

I understand m3, Han Bing hides his martial arts in massage, using action to disguise the attack m3, it's amazing!"

Han Bing waved her hands, the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised. Although she thought she was indeed a god, she was still modest:
"Thanks to the 'blind' masters in the blind massage shop for giving me this inspiration."

Thanks to?

Han Han had a strange and distorted expression: "Don't tell me, you have also been to the massage bar M3?"

"Shut up!" Han Bing was instantly angry. She was filled with rage when she mentioned the blind master.

"So, should we do it or not?"

After a long time, it was still Korean that brought the topic back to the center.

We looked at each other, but still couldn't make up our minds.

"Let's give it a try. There really isn't a better time than now."

The three of them considered it again and again and decided to take another look at the situation or keep an eye on Zhang Huolong's family to see if they could pull out Lang Gou's ability.


When Zhang Chaoqiang was there, everything at home and Pingshui Street was peaceful and nothing happened.

But when he was not around, many mischievous things happened.

For example, the betel nuts that are fed to dogs on a daily basis.

I don't know who deliberately slipped a betel nut containing medicine into my food today. Maybe I was drugged.

In fact, similar situations have occurred on the streets before. When Zhang Chaoqiang was there, he was able to quickly find them out with his strong perception.

In this case, the other party ends up in a state where the crime has been stopped. Previously, a minor sneaked in through the window of a tattoo shop and stole money.

Just as they were carefully rolling up a few dozen dollars and preparing to run away and climb out of the window again, they saw Zhang Chaoqiang lying upside down under the window, staring at them with wide eyes.

In order to steal a few dozen dollars, he was frightened to the point of incontinence.

In just a few years, Zhang Chaoqiang sent dozens of thieves and pickpockets to the police station. Qingshui Street was too peaceful, and it was not the result of the residents worshipping gods on the first and fifteenth days of every month.

Rather, it was the result of Zhang Chaoqiang's slight effort.

And as soon as he left, trouble came back.

Every afternoon, Betel Nut Dog is surrounded by a group of loyal fans who feed him countless betel nuts, among which is a betel nut with laxative added.

This was a prank by Tony, a teacher in Han Wen's hair salon. He thought it was a perfect opportunity when Zhang Chaoqiang was away. He had just turned eighteen and his mentality was like that of a child.

But after the drug was administered, Han Han, who had the strongest perception among the trio, seemed to see a group of people surrounding Tony, the teacher who had just turned 18 in their hair salon, within a few minutes after the drug was administered.

Then there was no sign of that person for the whole afternoon.

It was as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth, and nothing happened to Langgou either...

"It's better to postpone the dog-beating incident for a while...this is about efficiency..."

Han Han wiped his forehead with a cold sweat. The scene just now, the efficiency and speed of the work just now...

How dare I cause any trouble to Zhang Chaoqiang's family at this point...

Even if there is disguise, it seems a little obvious, right?


On the other side, Su Huoyin and provincial leaders were still observing the situation on the border of Hagen.

Most of the time, he was frowning.

From time to time, I would complain: "Zhang Chaoqiang's food and life are too good... While others are still gnawing on small sea fish that are hard to eat, they are eating delicious cement worm porridge..."

It must be said that he thinks Zhang Chaoqiang is really lucky.

Because there are a total of eleven islands from A1 to A6 and B1 to B5.

In the border waters, except for sea dragons, all other types of sea beasts and ordinary sea creatures, such as fish, shrimps, crabs, etc., were wiped out.

The only ones who survived might be the cement worms hidden near Island A3, which is the island with the lowest risk of monsters and where Zhang Chaoqiang's team from Grade One is located.

As luck would have it, last night Zhang Chaoqiang attracted the few remaining fish in the nearby waters.

So, Zhang Chaoqiang killed the few remaining creatures except sea dragons in the surrounding sea area and cooked them into porridge.

Zhang Chaoqiang, the small team in the first grade, and everyone in the third grade naturally didn't know this.

But leaders such as Su Huoyin knew.

“Through the Sky Eye, we can roughly know that the leader of the sea dragon clan around the border waters of Hagen Country is at the advanced level of the second stage.

It is only one step away from breaking through to the third level. According to its habit of devouring marine creatures to improve its breakthrough efficiency, all other sea beasts and creatures in the surrounding waters were killed by the sea dragon tribe as tribute to the leading sea dragon.

The purpose is naturally to strengthen the tribe..."

During this Hagen State mission meeting, there was a special meeting recorder who provided a bird's-eye view of the entire mission.

Su Huoyin was at the side, smacking his lips… He said, “Because there is no prey from other tribes in the entire sea area, the day before yesterday the sea dragon targeted the fish in the island’s granary.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. In this scarce border area, the resources for monsters to improve their strength are very few.

There is no other way. You, the sea dragon tribe, who live in the border waters of Hagen, have set your sights on the island’s granary.”

"But now we know that Zhang Chaoqiang killed the last few cement worms that were hiding in the sea last night. The remaining corpses attracted the hungry sea dragons.

Then they stayed in this area.

Now, there are hundreds of first-level sea dragons and more than forty second-level sea dragons already in the sea area of ​​​​A3 Island. Zhang Chaoqiang and his men are about to go deeper into the sea. Should we stop them urgently? "

Good guy.

Originally I just wanted to give them some frustrating challenges.

But they were not allowed to let their team of ten, whose strength was only at level one at most, deal with an entire clan of sea dragons!

"Wait a minute."

Su Huoyin waved his hand and told his men not to worry about them for the time being, because the life-saving jade pendant can not only be used manually, but also protect oneself.

And when it suffers fatal damage, it will be triggered automatically. At that time, the Extraordinary Management Bureau personnel floating around to protect it will rescue it.

"Let's take a look first. Let the kids experience what despair is." Su Huoyin smiled maliciously. Letting the children see it could also improve their experience.

Under the premise of life safety.

"Didn't you see any sea beasts?"

"What on earth is this? There is nothing on the seabed. I looked around the 10-kilometer area and didn't see any trace of sea beasts..."

“Could the destruction on the island really be a natural disaster or a normal tsunami phenomenon?

Forget it, let’s go back and repair the ruins of the island’s houses. We have explored for 20 kilometers and found no trace of monsters…”

At this moment, the senior high school students on the other ten islands besides A3 were originally looking at the ruins on the islands, and the expressions of the dead were unforgettable.

When he was preparing to kill all the sea beasts today with a lot of anger, he found that the area on his island was empty of monsters...?
I can't figure out what's going on.

At A3 Island, the team was ready to go all out. Zhang Chaoqiang was responsible for taking Tan Yuefei to check the situation from high altitude. The visibility during the day was better than at night, but it was more difficult to observe in the sea.

The customers, Zhu Bobi, Ma Wen, Ma Wu, Che Zhen, Liu Daniu and others put on underwater combat uniforms. Cheng Liang was equipped with hammerhead shark armor, and his hands could burst out strong impact force in the water.

A group of people, forming a fan shape, are preparing to drift deeper into the sea.

Earlier, from Zhang Chaoqiang's analysis, everyone basically knew that the culprit was probably a sea dragon.

Because they are the only monsters in this sea area that can rely on devouring sea beasts to speed up their advancement and breakthrough.

After swimming for about five kilometers in one breath, Zhu Bobi took the time to say a few words when he surfaced to breathe.

"It seems that the sea dragon is one of the few monsters that cannot devour humans to directly improve its own strength. In this case, the people of Hagen are still very lucky."

This is simply a joke from hell. Compared to the people who were drowned by the tsunami or crushed to death by the collapsed houses, how lucky can they be to be eaten by monsters?

In one breath, Zhang Chaoqiang was above their heads, observing the situation around them.

Suddenly, his [Monster Smell Sense] trembled violently.

Not right.

Zhang Chaoqiang's diffuse perception gave him a very comprehensive and all-encompassing sense of danger.

"Stop swimming, retreat, something is approaching quickly ahead!"

Zhang Chaoqiang's pupils suddenly shrank, and he reacted quickly on the calm sea surface.

He instantly understood what the sense of danger meant. That was because, damn, there were a lot of auras rushing towards the sea where they were from several kilometers away.

The area was surrounded and coming from all directions. Zhang Chaoqiang saw the insects wriggling on the sea surface.

In fact, it was a monster sea dragon that was swimming madly towards this side in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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