Chapter 18 Does the school have a problem with me? (Please read on)

Seeing Zhang Chaoqiang come forward obediently, Cheng Wen also showed a relieved smile.

This time, the conclusion was reached with the cooperation of senior technical executives.

I also stayed at Yuhua Martial Arts School and borrowed a band-splitting instrument.

No matter how powerful Zhang Chaoqiang is, he will never be able to reach the three times value required to destroy the equipment.

0-200P is enough to accurately detect Zhang Chaoqiang's true internal spiritual power under absolutely safe conditions.

Cheng Wen rubbed her nose. She was a little nervous and could not wait to see Zhang Chaoqiang, the recognized genius.

How superior is the true value of the inner body's spiritual power.

When absolute self-confidence surges in your heart.

I was originally fully confident, but for some unknown reason, I suddenly felt uncertain.

Cheng Wen shook her head, her mind telling her that there would be no chance of an accident this time, the man standing in front of the machine.

It's a human being, not a monster.

"Turn on."

The senior technical personnel around Cheng Wen activated the internal spiritual power sensing device of the sub-band converter.

Kaka, the sound was originally normal, but now it sounds a little strange...

A hint of white light flashed across Zhang Chaoqiang's eyes, and the smell of the monster seemed to tell him.


As expected, two seconds after it was activated, the amplitude of the spiritual power fluctuation set inside the device produced a huge deformation displacement, as if it could not withstand the pressure of the vibration of the spiritual power amplitude in the body of the person being tested.

The same situation as last time occurred.


Zhang Chaoqiang, who sensed something was wrong, immediately stepped back and shouted to Cheng Wen and the technical teacher, "Run! It's going to explode again!"


Cheng Wen was so angry that the technical teacher quickly pulled her up and activated the void barrier protection of the perception room.

After learning from the last device explosion, the school installed a transparent protective barrier near the device in the perception room...


The huge tremor seemed to uproot the entire building.

Just like the last explosion, it was isolated after the appearance of the transparent barrier and was not heard by others.

The people in the entire building were naturally curious: "It seemed like there was an earthquake just now?"

Although she avoided being affected, Cheng Wen was covered in flying ash from the explosion. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were stained black from the oil in the device.

Cheng Wen: “…”

Senior technical staff: “…”

Zhang Chaoqiang: “…”

The three of them stood there in silence.

Another senior technical executive announced the end of the get out of class and dismissed the students. Except for Tan Yue, no one knew what had just happened.

After a while,

[Monster Smell Sense lv1]: Avoid life risks +2, 11/100
Achieve [Double Score]: Viscera +0.2, obtain the growth goal [Basic Complaint].

[Primary Tucao]: Sometimes the things happening around you are too outrageous, and you need to complain about them. 0/500, upper limit of internal organs +2
"Teacher Shenwen?"

In the silence, Zhang Chaoqiang suddenly spoke.

Cheng Wen's mouth turned down in grievance, and she stared at the wreckage of the equipment with despair, her mind going blank.

When she heard Zhang Chaoqiang calling her, she turned around subconsciously.

Zhang Chaoqiang had a bitter expression and complained:
"Am I hard to kill?"

"The school has something against me, right?" At this time, Zhang Chaoqiang was almost certain that there was a problem with the sensing device. Basically, the detection level during debugging was too far from his actual internal spiritual power, which caused the fluctuation amplitude to produce a huge step and thus caused an explosion.

When Zhang Chaoqiang said these two sentences, [Primary Complaint] +1.

At the same time, the surrounding spiritual energy barrier was damaged by the huge explosion and shattered and dissipated at this moment, and could no longer be used.


The collapse of the barrier and Zhang Chaoqiang's complaints were the last straw that broke the camel's back for Cheng Wen. She collapsed on the ground helplessly, covering her pretty face.

The other two senior technical executives, one comforted Zhang Chaoqiang and the other comforted Cheng Wen.

Comfort Zhang Chaoqiang and let him go back to the classroom first.

In the reflection room, Cheng Wen burst into tears, and the two senior technical executives were also infected and suffered terribly.

"What the hell is going on..."

They racked their brains but couldn't figure out why this happened, and they watched Cheng Wen suffer from the trauma of the incident.

Sensing device, 105 million, band converter 80, spiritual barrier that can resist 1000P spiritual energy fluctuations 10...

This time, Yuhua Primary School's net loss reached a full 195, nearly two million.

Also starting from today, there was an exception in the comprehension class. From now on, Zhang Chaoqiang must not be allowed to test his internal spiritual power.

Then Principal Liu called together several technical experts from Yuhua Martial Arts School to jointly study whether there was a problem with the sensing device or with Zhang Chaoqiang.

No results so far.

Because of the trauma caused by this incident, Cheng Wen suffered a temporary psychological disorder. The school hired a senior psychotherapist for her, who finally helped her out of the trauma during the two-month summer vacation.

The school felt very sorry for the impact caused to Zhang Chaoqiang, so Principal Liu gathered several school directors to try to keep Zhang Chaoqiang.

Out of guilt for him, after discussion, they decided to compensate their family with 10 yuan in cash. After all, the school had forced Zhang Chaoqiang to undergo spiritual power testing for the second time.

This is already an act of testing the edge of danger. If an accident occurs, social opinion will be affected, and the police will collect evidence, none of them will be able to escape responsibility.

The money was compensated for the fright suffered by Zhang Chaoqiang.

One day during the summer vacation, Shen Qiangwei and Zhang Huolong checked the 10 yuan that had arrived in their account.

The two of them could not save 10 yuan even if they worked for a year without eating or drinking.

"Compensation for being frightened? Chao Qiang, you're fine, right?"

Zhang Huolong's hands and feet were flying, he wanted to check every inch of Zhang Chaoqiang's skin, and he would not let go until he was sure that he was fine.

Zhang Chaoqiang complained: "If something happens to me, this amount should be called a pension..."

[Primary Tucao]: +1
"That's right, husband, do you know how to speak?"

Shen Qiangwei slapped Zhang Huolong's arm, picked up Zhang Chaoqiang, turned him left and right, and looked him naked from head to toe.

I only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that everything was alright.

"Super strong, do you feel any discomfort?"

"The school is compensating so much money, it must be something bad..."

Worried, the unreliable parents finally became reliable for once and took Zhang Chaoqiang to a full physical examination overnight.

Except for X-rays and other procedures that involve radiation, we have done everything else that can be done.

After changing three hospitals, all of them said that there was nothing wrong with Zhang Chaoqiang's health. In fact, his physical strength was much better than that of normal children of the same age.

After the personal guarantees of several directors, the assurances given by the school, and the police investigation, Zhang Chaoqiang's parents finally felt relieved after learning what had happened.

"It's okay, it's okay." The parents hugged the child very nervously.

The examinations over the past few days have cost nearly 20,000 yuan, but compared to confirming that Zhang Chaoqiang is healthy, it is nothing.

Zhang Chaoqiang also hugged Shen Qiangwei and Zhang Huolong tightly.

It’s great to witness the growth of my parents. They are finally reliable for once.

(End of this chapter)

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