This is definitely not a solution.

Without the original guidance, there is no quick way to find it.

I can only be like a blind fly. In its current state, this entire mountain spans hundreds of kilometers...

Then the area of ​​Mount Laoshan is nearly tens of thousands of square kilometers.

It would be a waste of time to continue thinking about it bit by bit and searching bit by bit like this.

This would take up too much of Zhang Chaoqiang's time and energy, and he would have to focus his attention elsewhere.

Then, he proposed his own idea: "Why don't we split into two groups? One group will continue to slowly spread the energy fluctuations of Liu Feng here and search along the path.

The other part is responsible for roughly exploring the situation of the entire Lushan Mountain. Although it takes a lot of time, didn’t you say that a few of them entered the Lushan area a few days ago...

Didn't you go out again?"

"I think that searching for them is a rather rigorous matter. Liu Feng's emotions and consciousness are out of control, and there are several other people. Perhaps they can also provide us with some clues and information!"

In fact, they had thought about splitting the troops into two groups.

But there is a problem so far, that is, the detection device has lost its effect. In other words, all the positioning functions are under the influence of the power of the heather flower, resulting in failure and the positioning communication function can no longer be realized.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, they dare not leave rashly, because they are afraid that if something happens on one side, the other party will not be able to receive any information.

Even if the communication equipment can be used, the heather flower is not so terrifying that it can even cover up sounds and vibrations. However, if some emergency situation occurs, they will not have time to call for support.

Even if they were warriors, they wanted to fly in the mountains, covering tens of thousands of square kilometers. Even if they were seventh-level warriors who had mastered the ability to fly for a short period of time...

It may take more than two hours to search every corner of Mount Lai.

Not to mention these ordinary sixth-level investigators, even if they explore for several hours, they may not be able to explore the entire Mount Lushan.

Therefore, in today's technologically advanced age, after losing the ability to locate energy, it will take a lot of time even if you want to find someone.

Based on this factor, Zhang Chaoqiang also thought about it.

Since it is impossible to change the obstruction and interference caused by the heather flower to the energy fluctuations, then just follow the most common and primitive method.

That is fixed-point positioning. The surrounding magnetic field has not changed. Combined with the longitude and latitude, Zhang Chaoqiang predicts the direction of travel in advance and plans the longitude and latitude positions that may appear.

One point is set up every ten kilometers, and then it will stop at a fixed point at the top of every hour.

Then all we need to do is communicate and inform Zhang Chaoqiang where the investigators who are out looking for the missing "affected persons" are now.

Then they can lock each other's positions according to the compass, so as to quickly achieve the purpose of convergence.

"Shen Qiangwei and Zhang Huolong are so lucky to have given birth to a good son like Zhang Chaoqiang.

On the contrary, Zhang Chaoqiang is really unlucky, he actually has such a pair of parents as Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei..."

Excellent analytical skills and planning, if Zhang Chaoqiang is an interviewee of the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau, then regardless of his ability or strength...

If we only observe his analytical and investigative abilities, then within just half an hour, Zhang Chaoqiang has definitely demonstrated that he is capable of passing their rigorous interview as an investigator at the Exotic Beast Investigation Bureau!

And in questioning the bold hypothesis of alien beasts stealing fat, he fully demonstrated the inquisitive spirit and desire that an investigator should have, coupled with a clever analytical hypothesis. This state is definitely lacking in most of their investigators today.

Unfortunately, it seems that this was not their interview with Zhang Chaoqiang.

Huang Feng and Bai Lu, who wanted to demonstrate the capabilities of their investigation bureau in front of Zhang Chaoqiang, had sweated profusely countless times during these frequent incidents.

The mission this time was mainly a means for them to recruit Zhang Chaoqiang. They never expected that the strange beast in Mount Laoshan seemed not so easy to find.

Among them, Zhang Chaoqiang played a role far greater than any other one of them, and Huang Feng and Bai Lu were no exception.

So at the moment it seems more like Zhang Chaoqiang is interviewing more than a dozen investigators.

It's completely the opposite of Tiangang.

So far, under the current circumstances, Zhang Chaoqiang's method seems to be the most efficient and reasonable.

Therefore, after a brief communication meeting, they decided to split the two teams into two groups.

One of the teams was led by Bai Lu to search for the missing "affected persons", while Huang Feng, Zhang Chaoqiang and the remaining team stayed where they were, slowly searching for clues and traces left on Liu Feng's body.

This clue is the only clue to their current situation.

It will be troublesome, but there won't be any danger. From the very beginning, Zhang Chaoqiang no longer had this feeling except when Liu Feng suddenly attacked him, which made him feel some danger to a certain extent.

Soon, Bai Lu, as one of the three warriors who could fly, led the investigator team and flew into the air to explore the way ahead.

Monster crystal cores that replenish spiritual power keep appearing in his hands, so that he can replenish the spiritual power that is constantly being consumed by his body due to flying.

Unlike Zhang Chaoqiang, this was also the first time he saw Bai Lu flying. Zhang Chaoqiang envied the normal flying without flapping his hands and feet randomly and using any waving movements.

Little did he know that he was actually being envied by others, by those sixth-level investigators. With only the strength of a first-level warrior, he could miraculously master flying martial arts. You have to know that those sixth-level investigators have never truly enjoyed that special feeling of stepping into the air or stagnating in the air!

After temporarily bidding farewell to Bai Lu and his group, Zhang Chaoqiang continued to search for Liu Feng's previous traces.

The sky was completely white, and even the presence of sunlight was not particularly obvious.

It took about half an hour to find the route, and I covered about five kilometers.

In order to find the route accurately, Huang Feng basically searched the ground carefully along the route that Liu Feng had taken before, but he found nothing.

"Why is this happening?"

One investigator suddenly felt that something was not right with his body after he had been in Mount Lushan for some time.

He looked down and saw the pendant on his chest. It was made of a monster crystal core. It was originally shining brightly, but now it was obviously dimmed. This crystal core was of great significance to him, so he always paid more attention to it. Therefore, he was the one who could most notice the changes that were happening.

At first, the people around did not pay too much attention to it. After all, it was just a small second-level crystal core, and a lot of its spiritual power had been lost due to being carved.

In addition, the spiritual power contained in the crystal core of this level is not much, and it will gradually dissipate and evaporate over time.

So it is not uncommon for this thing to fade.

"Don't worry about it, Old Song. The sunlight in Minjiang City is obviously brighter than that in Zhongzhou City, so it's not impossible that you are seeing things wrong."


Although he did feel that it seemed a little dim and the spiritual power in it did dissipate a little, he did not worry too much about it.

As the saying goes, fireworks are fleeting, beautiful things will always leave, and this is a fact that cannot be prevented.

So he put the pendant on his neck into the space ring. The air inside was relatively thin, and the speed at which the spiritual power evaporated was much slower than in the real space.

Their words and investigator Lao Song's actions caught the attention of Zhang Chaoqiang, who was multitasking, and he became wary.

While looking for traces of Liu Feng's last visit, he was secretly pondering in his heart.

"Under normal circumstances, the spiritual energy in the crystal core evaporates faster?"

Normally, the crystal core contains the monster's spiritual power during its lifetime. The higher the level, the more spiritual power contained in the crystal core, and the slower the rate at which it is lost between heaven and earth.

Therefore, the lower the level of the crystal core, the more obvious the change in lost spiritual power.

Generally speaking, at the normal flow rate, the spiritual power contained in a first-level crystal core will be completely lost within ten years.

The second-order crystal nucleus takes about twenty years.

A fourth-level crystal core would probably take around a hundred years.

Some antique high-level crystal cores that have been passed down from ancient times have used storage methods developed on Earth over thousands of years to temporarily slow down the rate at which their spiritual power is lost, allowing the spiritual power within them to be preserved to this day.

In this Mount Lu, there was no way to feel or perceive the fluctuations of spiritual power and energy, so Old Song was just suspicious. He saw visually that the color of his crystal core had dimmed.

Zhang Chaoqiang had a peculiar idea in his mind. Could it be that the crystal core pendant worn by Old Song, which was suspected to be a sign of spiritual power loss, was related to this Mount Lu?

Or is there some clue or an inseparable connection with the hidden fat thief?
He didn't say much. All this was just his guess. After all, it was really possible that Lao Song was seeing things. It was just because of the white sky that the sun could not be seen.

However, the light was somewhat too strong, and it might have obscured the original light of the crystal core.

However, practice is always the only and fastest way to test the truth.

He placed a first-order crystal core in his hand, holding it gently, and exposed it to the white sky and the air around Mount Lu, which was not fresh at all and even a little turbid.

Then he still did not forget his main task and continued to analyze and look for the route.

On the other side, under Bai Lu's condescending leadership, they explored the southeast side, which is opposite to the direction where Zhang Chaoqiang, Huang Feng and others are currently heading.

What they need to do in an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers is to survey the terrain and quickly search for any traces or figures of human passage on the ground.

After searching nearly one-tenth of the area, Bai Lu almost used up all his spiritual power on flying. He paused flying, landed on the ground first, and quickly used his own [Healing] on himself.

In an instant, because his lack of spiritual power was the most obvious and was the first state, [Healing] directly restored 50%, which was half of his spiritual power.

However, it can only be used on the same individual once a day.

"Strange, how come the crystal cores are consumed faster than I normally absorb them? And I can't quickly replenish the spiritual energy consumed by flying.

Damn it, could it be that the resources allocated by the bureau this time have shrunk? Why is it so useless?"

When he thought of the Central Government above, he automatically thought of Zhang Chaoqiang, and he arrogantly believed that the resources distributed by the above this time were a reminder that if they failed to recruit Zhang Chaoqiang, then the resources in the future would not only not be replenished...

It is very likely that they are all made according to these specifications!

Therefore, he had to quickly deal with the matter of Lushan, because he felt that the longer he stayed here, the effects and effects shown by Zhang Chaoqiang would be further compressed and occupy the most important position.

Then they would not be able to leave Zhang Chaoqiang with the impression that the Investigation Bureau is strong.

Soon, Bai Lu and his group captured the first "affected person" they met in a cave at the southeast foot of Mount Lu, about 30 kilometers away from the border of Mount Lu.

When Bai Lu came in front of him, the man was neatly dressed and there was nothing unusual about him.

"Come with me!"

Before the man could react, he was taken away by an investigator behind Bai Lu.

Then, in the process of searching for the next "affected person", the investigators around him questioned him.

Basically they asked him where he had been in the past few days, and his answer was very simple...

"My Lords, I am just an ordinary tourist. For the past five days, I have been wandering around Mount Lai and have not stayed in any place for long..."

Soon, another two hours passed...

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

It's exactly the same number as the one recorded before. It looks like there are five of them."

Bai Lu clapped his hands.

Now that they have all been found, it is time to return and reunite with Huang Feng, Zhang Chaoqiang and the others. (End of this chapter)

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