Chapter 187 Collection
The Investigation Bureau mobilized all parts of the Central State and linked up with the local Supernatural Management Bureau...

In just one day, all the warriors who had the scent of the fat-stealing spirit body...that is, the scent of the heather spirit flower, were brought back.

After "providing" a lot of crystal cores, including several seventh-order crystal cores, it was possible to complete the task in just nearly another day.

The area covered by gray has been greatly reduced.

This is the third day since Zhang Chaoqiang arrived here.

He saw that when the spirits scattered throughout the Lushan Mountain greedily absorbed a large amount of crystal core spiritual power, the gray area was also converging rapidly.

From the first day to the second day, it shrank to nearly 9,000 square kilometers, and then to 5,000 square kilometers at night. Until now, the gray area that originally spanned the entire Laoshan Mountain Range...

It has been reduced to only include nearly 2,000 square kilometers of the main mountain range of Mount Laoshan.

It is only one-fifth of its previous size.

The places that were originally covered by the gray area, that is, the fat-stealing spirit body that absorbed the power of the heather spirit flower, were successfully detected again by the energy fluctuation detection center after it shrunk and concentrated.

The biological energy fluctuations and various life fluctuations in it were exactly the same as before, producing dense red spots of light.

Without exception, each of those red dots of light represents a life.

"According to the source of the convergence and the center point, it is at the top of the main mountain range of Mount Laoshan!"

After working for a while, and consuming an unknown amount of crystal cores, they finally managed to reduce the area to just over 2,000 square kilometers.

I don't know how strong this thing is after going through such a big fuss to steal fat and finally reshape its body.

Anyway, with the help of Zhang Chaoqiang, the Investigation Bureau has already figured out the specific capabilities of the fat stealer, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The gathering place is at the top of the mountain, which means that when the fat-stealing gray area shrinks, its reshaped body will appear on the top of Mount Lushan.

At the moment, everyone is waiting on the top of the mountain. This scene is like being in a game, staying directly at the birth point of the opponent or monster, and killing them as soon as they refresh.

After all, this is indeed the current situation.

The only thing we can do is to wait. The scope of the gray area has shrunk and is basically visible to the naked eye. You can imagine how much the Investigation Bureau has spent, although the absorption capacity and speed of the fat stealer on a single crystal nucleus are limited.

But under multiple crystal cores, the scattered fat-stealing spirits can all start to operate and work together, so the efficiency is of course much higher.

During this process, Zhang Chaoqiang has been waiting for the right opportunity.

He was like a ferocious beast that had set its sights on its prey; his gaze, like that of the monster, had the most direct goal.

Including Liu Feng, the black-clad thief who had appeared in the Castle Hotel before, and the five warriors captured by Bai Lu on Mount Lu.

Then there were about thirty warriors with fat-stealing spirit bodies brought back from all over the world.

Their eyes were rolling around with faint flames in them, and no one knew what they were thinking. However, Huang Feng, Bai Lu and the others basically didn't even bother to look at these ordinary warriors at the top of the fifth rank.

As for Zhang Chaoqiang, he had been thinking about how to accurately absorb the fat-stealing spirit.

He deduced many possibilities in his mind, and finally decided to see if there was a chance to directly absorb the spirits of the strange beasts that had separated from these warriors during the chaos of stealing fat to reshape the body.

All he needs to do is let Thief of Fat appear completely, and stop using the heather flower as his protective color, so that Thief of Fat's few remaining spirits can come into close contact with his chest.

In that way, he would also be able to pull the other person into his body. Then, he would be responsible for the finishing work. Wouldn't the mechanism ability be easily mastered?

It’s a pity that this plan seems to be relatively feasible at present.

It would be ideal if he could use [Angry Eyes] to force it out directly, just like he did with Jie Gou before, and then shed a layer of flesh and blood to absorb its spirit.

But that time it was just because it happened to collide with the hook, which was afraid of fire.

Therefore, the terrified flame-faced Jie Gou was so panicked that he was easily forced out by Zhang Chaoqiang.

There aren't many ways to steal fat for now.

Not only Zhang Chaoqiang, but a group of investigators are also keeping an eye on the scene to see if any special circumstances may occur.

This is of vital importance to them.

Soon, after another half day, after a large number of crystal cores were laid down...

The amount of spiritual energy consumed is even equivalent to that of a warrior in his early sixth rank.

Bai Lu and Huang Feng were really looking forward to it. They wanted to see how strong the fat thief would be after he reshaped his body.

But generally speaking, they would not care too much about the opponent's strength, because as an investigator, of course they would use thunder methods to kill the opponent first, and then collect the spirit fragments to study.

Because every second the monster stays in front of them, it has the possibility of using its own mechanical abilities to restrict or attack them.

They all understand that mechanical abilities do not follow numerical values, so just in case, every investigation and every battle must be quick and decisive.

If they allow the other party to fight back, then they lose.

From evening to midnight, and from midnight to morning!

From 2,000 square kilometers, it was reduced to 1,000 square kilometers, and then to 800, 500, and 300 square kilometers.

Finally, at noon, the map showed that except for the top of the mountain, an area of ​​about ten square kilometers was still covered in gray.

The rest of the Laoshan area is filled with densely packed colored dots, representing their life levels and the types of animals.

This means that the area that was originally covered by the fat-stealing system of tens of thousands of square kilometers was reduced to the final ten square kilometers in less than three days.

Everyone present held their breath and focused. In the picture, the small gray area at the top of the mountain was shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next second, Huang Feng turned off the screen because they could clearly see and feel that the vibration amplitude on the top of the mountain was getting stronger and stronger.

And as a wave of heat came, their pupils reflected the red light gathering in front of them.

"Fat stealing, that's fat stealing! It seems to be condensing its body!"

I haven't forgotten the legend's description of the bird, a beautiful fiery red bird.

At this time, the entire top of Mount Yao was covered with a ripple of red...

The red ripples were magnificent, like a whole piece of fire cloud. The smell of the colorless and odorless heather flower, which originally had no trace or entity, was constantly gathering...

Because of the high concentration and the presence of lipid-stealing spirits, it gradually became rich in color. This phenomenon is not uncommon, although the composition of the oil of the heather spirit flower is a bit special, tending more towards the superposition state of molecular particles.

The state of this molecule is relatively sparse, and the arrangement of the particles in it gives it a wrapping property.

Plus the fact that fat stealing is involved.

In the current process of convergence, both color and materialized form are constantly evolving and improving from the visual and data aspects.

The stolen fat also became colorless before. That was because the dissipated stolen fat was obviously due to the fact that the dispersion of the body's molecules was too large. Covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, even anything had evolved into molecular atoms or even smaller particles.

And this tiny particle state is even more obviously not observable by people.

Even warriors above level six who have reached the state of subtle vision cannot make any exceptions within this range.

"It's converging, converging again. The gray part is shrinking rapidly, and has gradually shrunk to nearly one kilometer!"

It was ten square kilometers before, but now it has been reduced to one square kilometer.

This compressed fat-stealing spirit still has power, and its color is deepening further.

From the original cherry blossom pink, it gradually evolved into a deeper red.

Then it condensed from one square kilometer to five hundred square meters, and finally to one hundred square meters!

The investigators are closely observing the dynamics and changes occurring in real time.

They are always ready, and once the fat thief succeeds in gathering his physical body, they will collectively attack and kill him.

The main thing is that they can only touch each other when the fat thief completely condenses his body.

As the area of ​​condensation becomes smaller and smaller, the color becomes darker and darker.

From the original light pink, to the bright red, and then to the deeper bright red.

It is worth mentioning that this color only appears in a large area, while small areas, such as the fat-stealing spirits still attached to the warriors, have not yet reacted.

This is a good thing for Zhang Chaoqiang, because if the spirits in their bodies also produce materialized colors during this period of time, then the next small action he wants to perform...

The process may not be too smooth.

Investigators like Huang Feng, Bai Lu, etc., will not focus their attention anywhere else, but will always focus on that larger area of ​​red light group.

They ignored those warriors who were invaded by the Fat-Stealing Power, because the central part of the mountain top was where the majority of the Fat-Stealing Power was concentrated.

No matter which way you go, the place where your body will be reshaped will only be here, not somewhere else for no reason.

"Take out more crystal cores from the space ring to speed up the process of stealing fat and condensing the body!"

Huang Feng and Bai Lu could see with their naked eyes the fiery red cloud surging wildly in front of them, and its shrinking speed seemed to be decreasing again and again.

He was anxious to speed up the opponent further.


Zhang Chaoqiang was behind them and could clearly feel the fiery red light gradually gathering into a special outline of a bird or beast with obvious wings.

In the map of the detection center, the gray area has been completely reduced to ten square meters.

The thief fat greedily absorbed the spiritual power in the crystal core, and now has narrowed the scope again...

At this point, after statistics by a group of investigators, the cumulative number of crystal cores that have been completely consumed is a total of more than 200 first-order crystal cores, 60 second-order crystal cores, and more than 30 third-order crystal cores. The number of third to fifth-order crystal cores is all in the single digit.

As for the crystal cores above level five, the spiritual energy has not yet been completely absorbed.

According to the degree of digestion of spiritual power by the monster beast, and also following the conversion rate of nutrients, the value that is actually converted into its own spiritual power is roughly between 20% and 35%.

Therefore, after Qianzhi absorbed the spiritual power in these crystal cores and truly transformed it into his own strength, his overall strength was probably around level five, or even less than level five.

In this regard, they have nearly a thousand years of experience, and at least it is absolutely under their control.

I'm coming!
Suddenly, Zhang Chaoqiang, who had been paying attention to Liu Feng the whole time, noticed the violent look in the other's eyes and restrained himself.

This state was obviously caused by the spirit attached to his body through the fat-stealing effect, and it had now felt the recall of the main body.

At the same time, when Zhang Chaoqiang used diffusion on other people, it had lost its effect.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Chaoqiang's senses automatically locked onto the places where the spiritual power fluctuations were blocked.

Move the body quickly!
It collided with the ethereal, seemingly colorless and odorless smell and power of the heather flower, but in fact it was a group of tiny molecules of the incomplete spirit body.

Just like absorbing the crystal core of a monster, just like the last time it absorbed the hook, it pulled it.

He kept his body open the whole time, and the fat-stealing spirits around him had gradually become active, no longer the lifeless mass that did not cause any changes and could not be absorbed.

At the same time, the body of the fat thief had condensed to an area of ​​two square meters. Its body had almost completely materialized, and the mass that was intercepted by Zhang Chaoqiang...

While the main body completes the reconstruction of the body!
These remaining spiritual fragments were also preparing for the final reshaping and fusion. In the call of the main body, Zhang Chaoqiang could clearly sense their joy, which meant that they were rejuvenated.

Compared to the previous situation where not enough spiritual power was absorbed, the destination of the other crystal patterns around it was not only the main body, but also each other and the spirits that were originally attached to the group of warriors.

As their concentration increased, they came back to life.

Well, this is exactly what Zhang Chaoqiang wants to see.

In this state, the concentration and vitality are just increased to the level that one can absorb.

The crystal cores of exotic beasts are not like those of ordinary monsters. Their spirits contain mechanisms, laws and rules. As long as the warriors have enough understanding and opportunity, they will be able to gain rewards from them.

In just a few seconds, Zhang Chaoqiang pulled it into his body!

At the same time, the fat-stealing body was reshaped, and even if a small piece was missing, it would not have much impact. At this moment...

The investigators took action...the target was fat stealing.

And those warriors who were previously captured by the investigators and affected by the fat stealers also had the urge to attack... but their target was the investigators.

(End of this chapter)

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