"Sixteenth, customer!"

When this name was called, the students all cheered.

This was not a surprise to the customers, but a surprise to the strength that Teacher Jinjia had just demonstrated.

After all, they were so strong that in less than ten minutes, the first student to the fifteenth student completed the test...

On average, it took less than forty seconds to complete the test for one student.

When it was the customer's turn, it was already the sixteenth one.

In fact, the difference in spiritual power, the 350-400P spiritual power of the first level is not really that big of a gap compared to -P.

The difference in spiritual power strength is only one or two hundred, which does not mean that it is impossible to defeat the opponent of higher level.

However, if you want to defeat an opponent of higher level, the prerequisite is to have excellent combat experience and advanced body movements.

In addition, there is an experienced way to find a breakthrough, aim at the opponent's weakness and hit it with one blow. Only through this situation and other methods can one achieve a challenge across levels.

But it is obvious that the current golden armor cannot really be regarded as that of a first-level warrior.

Because his combat experience, awareness, and martial arts skills are basically the result of years of accumulation. As a fourth-level warrior, it is impossible for them to challenge him...

Therefore, the focus of this opening test has never been on defeating the examiner or anything like that.

The main thing is to show your strength as much as possible, this is the most appropriate testing method.

Among the fifteen students just now, Jin Jia basically understood the current strength status of the students, and had a rough idea of ​​the relative rankings of those students who had been tested by him.

However, the current customer required him to be extremely alert to deal with him, mainly because the customer had a sneak attack skill that had been passed down from generation to generation, and the other party was the best fighter in the entire first grade...

Of course, the reason why he was able to become the number one in the martial arts fight was mainly because the students were unwilling to fight with Zhang Chaoqiang, and Zhang Chaoqiang had no chance to be on the list at all.

Anyway, no matter what, the customer is one of the students that Teacher Jinjia needs to focus on testing this time.

After the customers came on stage, the students who are now acting as the audience also placed all their hopes on the customers at this moment.

After all, the 15 students just now did not gain any benefits from Teacher Jinjia, and were suppressed and beaten by Jinjia the whole time, which was extremely embarrassing.

Even though this was an opening test to divide the students into different ranks, their positions as middle school students were of course consistent.

After the fight was announced to start, the customer who had just observed Teacher Jinjia's attack status immediately used Shadow Steps in an attempt to increase the distance between the two sides.

But at this moment, Jin Jia, with his superb combat awareness, used his signature skill, the Mountain Sealing Seal, directly in front of his body!
This was originally a fourth-tier martial arts seal, but after its strength was restricted by Master Jinjia, it has fallen to the level of a first-tier martial arts and is being used by him now.

This move was just right and the timing was perfect, which just blocked the customer's shadow step's retreat range.

The customer was also smart, his body was like a monkey, and seeing that the area where he could retreat was blocked, which meant that his legs and feet had no way to land, he switched from his legs and feet to his arms.

Where his legs and feet were blocked, he used his palms to support the ground, and moved in both directions, flexibly and smoothly crossing the blockade of Master Jinjia's Mountain Sealing Seal.

This made Zhu Bobi, who was watching from the sidelines, sigh: "He is indeed a customer of the Hand of God. His hands are much more flexible than his legs and feet!"

At the same time, the customer who rolled over to distance himself made an unexpected move in front of everyone...

The customer who originally subconsciously thought that he needed to move away was trying to use a delaying tactic to distance himself from Teacher Jin Jia in order to find an opportunity...

Unexpectedly, after the weird rolling posture using both legs and feet, the customer behaved contrary to his usual behavior. His original move of retreating was suddenly turned into a forward attack!
In an instant, the black light surged onto the customer's right palm like a tide, and then formed a sharp edge as sharp as a needle tip that sank into the fingertips. The customer, who had not looked up for a long time, suddenly had his eyes flashing!

The customer reached forward and grabbed, but the golden armor, who was two feet away from him, obviously didn't realize that the other party's action was not to distance himself, but to attract his attention...

Thereby seizing the opportunity to take the initiative!
The golden-armored man's legs were as fast as the wind, worthy of the strength of a first-level man. With a kick, he retreated his body nearly ten meters.

At the same time, he surrounded himself with the Mountain Sealing Seal, because his long-accumulated experience told him that the move used by the customer would definitely not be a simple melee martial art.

As expected, the customer's pupils shrank, and he seemed to be surprised at Jin Jia's judgment ability...

The arm in front of him had already been swung out, and the black waves bursting out from his fingers were like bone claws formed by needle tips.

It leaped nearly ten meters and flew straight towards the golden armor's legs and feet, and in mid-air, it showed a gripping state with five fingers together.

As this state formed, it violently collided with the mountain-sealing seal that Jin Jia had used to cover himself.

The customer still had some thoughts, but unfortunately the last hope was completely blocked by the Mountain Sealing Seal, and the black bone claws could no longer penetrate even a little bit.

"This is most likely the Nine Yin Claws, a new martial art that the customer has developed! Its lethality is truly terrifying, and coupled with its long-range attack range, it is truly worthy of being a martial art that was derived from a rare bloodline crystal core...

It was just a little bit off, and he could have hit Mr. Jinjia, what a pity..."

The students in the audience exclaimed.

The customer saw that his brand new martial arts, which no one knew about yet, had been wasted, and he knew that his chance was gone.

This time, he took shadow steps and moved to the edge of the ring without any hesitation.

Then came Jin Jia's offensive against customers. As the class teacher, he might have finally encountered an opponent who could more or less arouse his interest.

After a few rounds, he knocked the opponent off the ring!
Zhu Bobi, who was off the court, recorded the time the fight between the customer and Jin Jia lasted, a total of three and a half minutes.

The battle time is already nearly four or five times longer than that of the dozen or so students on the field just now!
This side is a whole level higher than them. The customer was able to last so long in the battle with the golden armor. It was simply a comparison and test with time...

Without Jin Jia's internal evaluation, they can basically infer based on how long the fight lasts. Isn't it that whoever lasts longer will have a higher ranking in strength?

As a teacher with over ten years of combat experience, the students' chances of defeating the opponent are basically zero, otherwise wouldn't he have lived in vain for more than ten years...

If a customer can hold on to him for three minutes, he is already a genius among geniuses.

Although Jin Jia does not completely rank the opponent higher based on who can hold out longer, it mainly considers the opponent's martial arts attainments, the spiritual power of the body, the coordination of the limbs, tactics, etc. The duration of holding out is just one of the aspects.

However, the tricks that the customers used on him really impressed him. They were definitely the best so far. Even in the whole class, there were probably not many people who could come close to this result.

"No. 28, Pang Lei!"

With a bang, Pang Lei, who was skilled in martial arts, ranked eighth in the class in the final exam of the last semester. Therefore, many people were looking forward to him.

Earthshaking punch!
Pang Lei didn't say anything, but the entire arena seemed to shake violently the moment he stomped his feet.

At that moment, the power that had undergone a strong vibration turned into his fist. Unexpectedly, a small hill actually rose from the ring...

The special use of this martial art brought Jin Jia surprise and unexpectedness in addition to the customer he just met.

Then, he laughed, and used Master Jinjia's signature martial arts, the Mountain Sealing Seal, turning offense into defense...

Resisted Pang Lei's attack.

Then within a dozen rounds, Pang Lei was knocked out of the game...

Pang Lei persisted for two minutes and is currently ranked two places behind the first customer, ranking in the third place.

It was also at this time that everyone discovered that from beginning to end, Teacher Jinjia seemed to have used only his Sealing Mountain Seal martial art, and his other martial arts had not yet appeared.

Although the Sealing Mountain Seal has both offensive and defensive effects, judging from his current situation, the students had to admit that no one seemed to pose any threat to him yet, at least forcing the opponent to use some of his best martial arts...

They had to use their hidden martial arts skills that they didn't know about to truly fight against Master Jinjia.

It's just a pity that Jin Jia didn't need to use any fancy martial arts to deal with them, even when facing the top ten students in the final exam last semester.

Teacher Jinjia even omitted all his martial arts skills, and only used his fists and feet, combined with his spiritual power as a first-level warrior.

It is enough to end the battle of those students who are launching flashy attacks in a very short time.

Usually within a dozen seconds, Jin Jia's comprehensive observation ability can give him a general understanding of the students' current situation.

The remaining 20 seconds are used for further testing, which is to strengthen the understanding and in-depth understanding of their practical experience.

Therefore, the time the golden armor spends on each student is generally around 40 seconds, and no less than this number.

Therefore, most students also noticed this. They noticed that some students who were not ranked very high basically all maintained a fixed time of around 40 seconds.

"No. 37, Rong Yue."

Finally, it was the turn of Rong Yue, who was at the lower third level of spiritual level.

Rong Yue, who had just entered the third level, was not as confident as Zhang Chaoqiang and did not possess the absolute mental strength to easily control cutting-edge armor.

So she didn't force herself. For this opening test, she chose the spiritual armor for her legs and hands.

She wanted to use her roaming state, attacking Jin Jia, and even harassing him to quickly let Teacher Jin Jia observe her current overall strength more comprehensively and thoroughly.

Of course, her goal was no longer to defeat or to last as long as possible. She knew that what she had to do was to show her strength as much as possible, rather than simply treating the other party as an opponent.

In this way, Jinjia can understand himself more intuitively and benefit from the class ranking.

After all, depending on the ranking, the various treatments they can get will be different.

In the end, Rong Yue only lasted for one and a half minutes.

Although she is only ranked less than 8th in the current class in terms of endurance, in Teacher Jinjia's mind, although Rong Yue's endurance was relatively short, she tried her best to demonstrate her abilities and combat awareness experience.

Therefore, in his future planning rankings, Teacher Jinjia believed that she could rank among the top five in the class.

No. 41, Tan Yue came on stage.

After Zhang Chaoqiang watched Tan Yue coming on the court and encouraged her, Tan Yue finally used the divided spiritual armor to hold on to Teacher Jinjia's hands for nearly two minutes.

Even if he is not in the top five in Teacher Jinjia's mind, he should be around seventh.

After all, after training under Zhang Jiaqiang for many years, Tan Yue has developed strong combat reflexes and sophisticated experience.

Despite his young age, he, like Zhang Chaoqiang, is also an experienced fighter.

Time flies. It took almost an hour before the last two students arrived.

Zhu Bobi and Zhang Chaoqiang, whose first letter is Z, were the second to last and the first to last students to take the test respectively.

After going through the tests of more than 40 students, Jin Jia's spiritual power was not damaged at all.

After all, he was a genuine fourth-level warrior, and it basically didn't take him any effort to fight against these students who had not even reached the first-level strength.

After Zhu Bobi took a look at Zhang Chaoqiang, he resolutely went on stage.

Throughout the entire winter vacation, his martial arts and spiritual power have not slackened.

Therefore, in the end, he managed to hold out under Jin Jia for nearly three minutes, and his overall time was second only to the customer.

"Fiftieth place, Zhang Chaoqiang!"

It seems that I felt something subconsciously.

Jin Jia felt that he should be serious... (End of this chapter)

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