Technology room.

During the process of synthesizing artificial crystal cores, spiritual energy will be lost.

Therefore, the technology room will specially process the surrounding rooms to form a small sealed place similar to a space ring.

This kind of place is also crucial in the synthesis process of artificial crystal cores, and Yuhua Martial Arts School also spent a huge amount of money to build it.

Because it acts as a space-like state, it can not only block the loss of some energy forces, but also isolate any radiation energy like the alien space state.

According to the technological components and assembly process of the artificial synthetic crystal nucleus, the container of the artificial crystal nucleus is called an artificial crystal nucleus embryo.

The higher the level of the crystal core, the more difficult it is to create this embryo, because so far, the monster crystal core is the most "perfect" spiritual power container in the world.

Even more perfect than a warrior's body, the monsters that have evolved through countless eras have their energy carriers mainly based on their crystal cores.

The main source of energy and spiritual power is also supplied to various parts of the body from the crystal core.

Artificial synthesis of crystal core is not only about reshaping the container embryo, but also requires compressing the pure spiritual power.

This process is easy for low-level artificial synthetic crystal cores, but if it is a high-level one, such as an artificial crystal core embryo above level five, the difficulty of manufacturing is already very great.

Because to accommodate such a huge amount of spiritual power into a small embryo container, in addition to the uncanny power that nature has inflicted on the monsters, it would be very difficult for humans to do so.

The collision between energy molecules and even various particles is no less than a microscopic war. If the number of special microscopic components can cause fusion, compression and collision to a large extent...

After experiments, it was found that crystal cores above the fourth level would cause spiritual radiation. This radiation, even in trace amounts, could affect the bodies of ordinary people and pollute the spiritual energy in the air. If it had no effect on the air and the overall ecological environment...

That is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, when humans try to copy the wonders of nature, it is bound to be impossible to do so smoothly.

Everything has its pros and cons, therefore, a space like the Science and Technology Room is fully capable of accommodating combined experiments on high-level artificial synthetic crystal cores.

However, the function of blocking radiation is generally not used at all, because so far, the highest level of crystal core that the Central Country has explored and synthesized is only the fourth-level crystal core.

The fifth-order artificial synthetic crystal core, scientists are having a headache to accommodate the fifth-order tremendous energy of spiritual power, ordinary embryos are simply not enough to achieve this.

Therefore, although this artificial synthetic crystal core has been put into use, it still has very broad prospects.

"Looking for things to do, do we humans really like to proactively look for things to do...

The monster crystal core is still more cost-effective."

While in the science class, Zhang Chaoqiang was skillfully purifying various spiritual powers and then resisting the mutual integration of these energies.

I was able to do two things at once in my mind, thinking about what the science teacher had said a few days ago, that in the past two years, the country's investment in artificial crystal cores has even reached nearly tens of trillions, or billions of billions.

However, it is clear that the research on artificial synthetic crystal cores has only stopped at the embryo of the fifth-order container.

This situation was widely spread in the news.

In the news last night.

Upon learning that the country is vigorously developing this new type of high-tech thing, at least it is a high-tech thing in front of Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei, they immediately sighed.

The fruit platter cut by Zhang Huolong and Zhang Chaoqiang was always irregular in shape and was given a "rolling knife" shape. Shen Qiangwei fell on the sofa and sighed:

"That's great! Our Central Country's funds should be used to improve technology. In this way, our taxes can be used wisely!"

Zhang Huolong fed Shen Qiangwei a piece of fruit, and even forgot to ask Zhang Chaoqiang, who was feeding the dog, to eat some fruit. He responded and took over Shen Qiangwei's words and said, "That's right, our country's funds should be spent on strengthening the country's overall hard power. This behavior is right..."

"By the way, how much is thirty trillion?"

"I searched it, it's about three billion!"

"So many?" Shen Qiangwei asked in surprise. For a moment, she lamented at this astronomical number and wondered how many full back tattoos she would need to get to make it whole.

Perhaps even if Shen Qiangwei has been working since the origin of mankind until now, the amount she has earned is probably not even a fraction of these tens of trillions.

Then I felt a little lost, but at the same time I sighed at the prosperity of my country.

"That's right. Only when the country's technology becomes stronger and stronger, the warriors will become stronger and stronger. In this way, the super warriors can also become better and better under the country's training!"


After listening to the two people talking for a long time, Zhang Chaoqiang, who was feeding the dog nearby, finally couldn't help but interrupt their conversation.

"After spending dozens of trillions, the Central Country's current research and development progress in artificial synthetic crystal cores has barely reached the level of less than fifth level!

How can this be considered rich and powerful? Isn't this just cheating? How much money did those people get…"

Suddenly I realized that my tone seemed a little harsh, and even my parents came over to comfort me.

"What's wrong, Chaoqiang? Why are you so angry? It's not that serious!" Zhang Huolong said.

"The reaction shouldn't be that big, right?"

Big reaction?
Zhang Chaoqiang had to smile bitterly and cover his face. The current situation was just like the night when the Central Country's football team lost a series of games against a border country, causing Zhang Huolong to curse loudly:
"The country has spent hundreds of millions of dollars just to train people like you who eat for free!"

The essence of the two is the same, but Zhang Huolong doesn't quite understand the news about martial arts such as artificial synthetic crystal core technology.

Basically, the investment is large and the return is small.

Forget it, it's like playing the lute to a cow. Even if Zhang Chaoqiang said it, they probably wouldn't understand.

When Zhang Chaoqiang thought about this little episode again, he didn't know how many people had gathered around him.

The first is the science teacher Ma Suying, a 30-year-old beautiful teacher with a gentle intellectual beauty. Her spiritual level is at the sixth level, her warrior level is at the fourth level, and her attainments in artificial synthetic crystal cores have reached the top level of the second level.

She was the first warrior in the Central Kingdom to come into contact with artificial synthetic crystal cores. She was also one of the first people in the Central Kingdom to be given the third official title, which was equivalent to warrior and armor operator.


In Zhang Chaoqiang's view, this kind of job is no different from that of an ordinary factory worker.

Because in his eyes, synthesizing artificial crystal cores is actually a microscopic process of screwing, except that the process is more complicated.

"Dear students, please watch Zhang Chaoqiang's actions carefully. This time, it is Zhang Chaoqiang's fourth attempt to compress and purify the spiritual power of various crystal cores and transfer it into the embryo container of the artificial crystal core.

We should not only watch Zhang Chaoqiang's movements, but also learn his calm attitude, so that we can better perform all the combined movements."

The remaining forty-nine students in Class 1 of Grade , plus teacher Ma Suying, a total of fifty people, were watching Zhang Chaoqiang's technique.

Now, there are more than a dozen crystal cores of different kinds of monsters in front of Zhang Chaoqiang. They are neatly placed in front of the artificial synthetic crystal core container embryo.

The monster's spiritual power, which originally possessed various attributes, had been melted and purified by Zhang Chaoqiang using high-temperature ion flames.

Just to complete this step, I am afraid that it is a goal that many high school students need to spend a whole semester to conduct experiments. However, Zhang Chaoqiang only needed three days, that is, three courses, to go from learning to practice and then succeed.

But his attainments were not limited to this. He had now compressed two types of pure demon beast spiritual power into a tiny container embryo with an area of ​​only 1 square centimeter.

Ma Suying gave instructions to each student, because none of them could embark on the process of compressing the spiritual power of artificial synthetic crystal cores.

In the fourth class, Zhang Chaoqiang had already accomplished something that they might not have been able to achieve in the entire semester.

In the next ten minutes, Zhang Chaoqiang communicated with the pure spiritual power in front of him.

He imagined the artificially synthesized container embryo as a drawer, and the pure spiritual power as objects one by one.

We just need to compress and organize them reasonably, then even dozens of square meters of spiritual energy can be compressed and contained in an artificial synthetic crystal core of 1 square centimeter.

In other words, the more first-level spiritual power an artificial synthetic crystal core of the same level has, the more energy it can convert and absorb for the warrior, and the higher the quality of this artificial synthetic crystal core among the same level.

Therefore, when other students were still working on controlling the temperature of the high-temperature ion flame, Zhang Chaoqiang had already begun to work on increasing the number of his compressed crystal nuclei.

According to science teacher Ma Suying, the highest quality, highest quality first-order crystal core currently available, some powerful synthesizers can accommodate the spiritual power storage capacity of 20 monster crystal cores of the same level.

At this moment, Zhang Chaoqiang had 12 monster crystal cores placed in front of him.

The amount of spiritual power he has successfully contained into the semi-finished product, which is the open container embryo, has reached the sixth one, and he is still working on it.

"Student Zhang Chaoqiang, are you sure you want to try to place 12 crystal cores into the semi-finished embryo of the first-order artificial synthetic crystal core at the same time?

I must advise you that since this is just an open artificial embryo, there is still a final step to communicate and close its microscopic molecular structure.

Therefore, compressing pure spiritual power is not only a challenge when it is compressed into the container embryo.

When the microscopic structure of the final communication embryo is closed, the recoil force of the compressed spiritual power on the synthesizer will be even more terrifying than it is now!"

Zhang Chaoqiang nodded, but he didn't say anything. He just compressed silently.

Seeing that he was persisting, science teacher Ma Suying didn't say much.

Because she also knew the horrible things Zhang Chaoqiang had done half a month ago. He had made Teacher Jinjia, who had the third-level strength, be defeated in front of him.

Is there anything that is impossible for him to happen?

During the process of gradual compression and synthesis, Tan Yue, Zhu Bobi and other customers were staring in amazement.

Even geniuses like them have not yet completed the first stage, which is the step of using high-temperature ion flames to purify spiritual energy.


The pure spiritual power that could be felt by the body and the naked eye was finally compressed into the embryo by Zhang Chaoqiang as he communicated with his sweaty face. The seventh and eighth seeds were finally compressed into the embryo.

And the remaining four were placed gradually in an orderly manner.

Finally, in the silent technology room, Zhu Bobi sighed when he saw that all 12 groups of pure spiritual energy were compressed into the embryo, finally breaking the silence that had lasted for nearly 20 minutes.

With a whoosh, when Zhang Chaoqiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, Tan Yue hurriedly walked forward and carefully wiped all the sweat off his face with a handkerchief.

Later, when the bell rang, Zhang Chaoqiang, who originally wanted to proceed to the next step, was stopped by Ma Suying. After repeated consideration, she believed that the final synthesis step of connecting the closed microstructure still posed a certain risk for Zhang Chaoqiang at the moment.

Because in the final synthesis stage, it will cause a tidal backlash full of energy.

It gathered 12 pure spiritual energies, and he didn't think Zhang Chaoqiang could handle this level of impact.

"Student Zhang Chaoqiang, we must stop here today."

He originally had great confidence that he could complete this artificial synthetic crystal core containing the pure spiritual power of 12 monsters of the same level in one go.

But since the teacher stopped him, he chose not to explain or insist too much.

On the way home from get out of class, and in the next few days or even weeks, whenever he had free time, Zhang Chaoqiang would definitely be surrounded by layers and groups of classmates.

Not surprisingly, they were all overwhelmed by the complicated process of synthesizing artificial crystal cores and wanted to obtain some effective methods from him.

But Zhang Chaoqiang felt very upset from beginning to end. A sentence he said casually and casually shocked his classmates for the entire next semester.

"Is it really that difficult? I just treat them as objects, take them out, place them, and cover them. It's that simple." (End of this chapter)

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