Zhang Chaoqiang was surprised to find out.

Xu Shanji, who is known as the father of Central China Science and Technology, is in a mental and physical state that is not much different from that of Old Chen next to him.

Perhaps, this feeling of returning to nature can only be found among true masters.

Although they are old, there is no trace of old age in their spirit and energy. Like normal middle-aged people, they possess surging spiritual energy and momentum.

When Zhang Chaoqiang and his group entered the venue, Xu Shanji, who was wearing a plain martial arts robe, had a flickering look in his eyes and suddenly turned his head towards them.

However, the focus of his gaze, that is, the position where his eyes were aimed, was not towards Zhang Chaoqiang who had demonstrated his prowess and brilliance in the synthesis competition.

But it was Tan Yue next to Zhang Chaoqiang, and then Lao Chen next to him.

Old Chen seemed to have expected this and glanced back at the other person.

Suddenly, Zhang Chaoqiang felt dizzy...

He seemed to see Lao Chen and Xu Shanji fighting with their eyes, and this state was not a mental state...

But it was real gaze and eyes. Their eyes collided with each other in the air, as if they were two beams of light that did not exist at all.

Why does it feel like I've seen in a movie where Superman and Doomsday are shooting lasers at each other?

Is this a meeting between strong men?
In this way, Zhang Chaoqiang believes that although Lao Chen may not be the opponent of the other party in terms of spiritual level and scientific research, in terms of martial arts, at least he has attainments that are not inferior to the other party.

As the saying goes, every profession has its own expertise. I'm afraid the other party may not necessarily be Lao Chen's opponent, because what Zhang Chaoqiang could see was the eye contact between the two!

Xu Shanji was the first to dodge, but Lao Chen did not even flicker or dodge in his eyes.

This has already shown the extent of Lao Chen's ability.

At least in front of Xu Shanji, his martial arts skills are definitely stronger.

Maybe Lao Chen cannot match the opponent's technological research level and spiritual level, but in some aspects, such as martial arts strength, the opponent cannot compete with Lao Chen.

Then, the host Lei She introduced the names of the contestants who advanced to the quarterfinals one by one.

"The top eight players in the first event of this competition are: Gu Yizheng from Zhongzhou City, Wu Ma Mengchao from Xinyun City, Dang Zhenpeng from Jiangnan City, Yang Yunqing from Yangyun City, Xiang Yunlian from Jingran City, Zhang Chaoqiang from Tianan City...

They will compete for the final championship today!

In the first event, the "Concentration" competition, the champions won!

At present, in this competition of concentration, whoever can take the lead can basically lay a certain foundation for his or her final championship in the synthesis competition.

There are three events in the competition: concentration, efficiency and quality. The person with the highest overall ranking will be the champion of this competition, and the rewards for the champion are very generous.

It is also the wish of all contestants to make a name for themselves in the synthesis competition.

Following Lei She's introduction, Xu Shanji, who was sitting in the golden area in the center of the audience seats, already had a clear understanding of most of the people in the arena.

At the same time, his eyes remained in a balanced state of neither joy nor anger from beginning to end.

No one could get any information from his eyes, and no one knew the true thoughts of Xu Shanji, the father of Central Kingdom science.

In the final of this concentration event, Xu Shanji will be on the sidelines, making a series of comments on the contestants on the field, and then combining the results of other competitions to determine the final champion.

This is just one of the hard competition conditions, of course, it still depends on the concentration of the synthetic artificial crystal cores.

Suddenly, a round object like a city appeared behind Lei She.

The round object glows with light.

The light was very bright, but not dazzling, so people could not help but look towards the round object.

"This is the large-scale artificial synthetic crystal nucleus embryo that Mr. Xu Shanji has recently developed!
Today's finals will be held using large artificial crystal nuclei to synthesize embryos!"

Artificial embryos?
Such a large one?
Suddenly, that round object occupied an inimitable weight in people's eyes.

It was precisely because of such a large crystal core that their conventional thinking changed. It was simply incredible...

"How is it possible? How can there be such a large crystal core? Or is it a man-made crystal core..."

I'm afraid that everyone present, except Xu Shanji and Lei She, was extremely surprised.

Even Zhang Chaoqiang is no exception.

Because you have to know why the crystal cores of monsters are generally only the size of a fingernail or a small stone. Is it a coincidence?
No, in fact, after the spiritual power is compressed by several times the energy mass body, it can be completely stored in just the size of a fingernail.

And this act of storing is precisely to assist the monsters in supplying power and spiritual energy throughout their bodies as their monster level and life level increase.

The monster crystal cores in their bodies will also upgrade with their levels, and the microscopic structure will change.

Artificial synthetic crystal cores were developed in order to purify more "pure spiritual power".

Usually, one artificial synthetic crystal core is equivalent to more than ten artificial synthetic crystal cores, and the crystal core made by Zhang Chaoqiang has a concentration equivalent to thirty monster crystal cores.

In front of him, the artificial synthetic crystal core on the field was already one cubic meter in size...

Almost equivalent to...

Tens of thousands of monster crystal cores of the same level of spiritual power...

If the spiritual power within them were to be squeezed and then a spiritual power collision were to occur, the resulting danger would be enormous.

Almost everyone was in a state of confusion, waiting for Lei She and Xu Shanji's explanation.

Afterwards, without Xu Shanji having to speak, Lei She took the lead in explaining the rules of the final to his elder sister.

"The giant artificial crystal core synthetic embryo is the latest crystal core embryo developed by Mr. Xu Shanji. As you can see, in front of you is a giant artificial crystal core with a volume of one cubic meter.

This giant artificial crystal core synthetic embryo is different from ordinary crystal cores not only in the spiritual power they store, but also in the relationship of subordination..."

After some discussion, Zhang Chaoqiang basically understood the clues of this giant artificial crystal core embryo.

Instead of calling it a giant crystal core embryo, it is better to call it a remotely controlled crystal core center!

The so-called crystal core center is a new type of spiritual power transmission technology recently developed by Mr. Xu Shanji as the chief commander of the Central State Science and Technology. This spiritual power transmission technology, as the name suggests, is that a giant artificial crystal core acts as a spiritual power storage center and can communicate with a specific artificial synthetic crystal core.

This will build a way and channel for the transmission of spiritual power between the two.

In this way, the central nervous system can continuously transmit spiritual energy to the artificial synthetic crystal core that is used as the transmission channel to establish the spiritual energy.

In this way, the giant artificial crystal core spiritual power center is the signal base station, and those ordinary normal artificial synthetic crystal cores connected to it become mobile communication devices.

The giant artificial synthetic crystal core is equivalent to a power bank and signal source for every transmission bridge channel that it creates!
And in front of them was a first-order giant artificial crystal core spiritual power center, which was still in the research and development stage.

Having said that, Zhang Chaoqiang basically understood what was going on.

Because as far as he knew, in the current ordinary normal artificial synthetic crystal nucleus, the construction of the embryo's microstructure was temporarily stagnant in the fifth-order crystal nucleus.

This level of artificial crystal core needs to be reconstructed with great difficulty, and it must be strong enough to withstand the compression and impact of fifth-level spiritual power. The research and development bottleneck will exist for a short time.

At this critical juncture, even the entire Central Country is continuing to work on the quest for the fifth-order crystal core artificial synthetic embryo.

While Xu Shanji was conquering the more difficult crystal core embryos, he also devoted himself to researching the cutting-edge technology of cross-regional transport of spiritual power.

Although it is still in the research and development stage, the idea of ​​converting spiritual power into signals is very bold and avant-garde.

The stronger the spiritual power is, the more difficult it is to compress it. Attempting to compress it or control and transmit it will produce a very severe and surging impact on the surrounding objects.

Ordinary people have absolutely no way to withstand this kind of impact.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to transmit spiritual power like a signal.

The spiritual power needs to be compressed even smaller than the previous normal state, almost one thirtieth of what they originally compressed!
When these words were spoken, everyone present was shocked!

Of course…

Except for those two very special people in the audience.

Naturally, they are Zhang Chaoqiang’s parents, Shen Qiangwei and Zhang Huolong.

When everyone in the venue, including the contestants, was very surprised, Shen Qiangwei and Zhang Huolong were still confused. They had no idea what was happening on the field.

He just kept asking Lao Chen questions.

Asked why Zhang Chaoqiang had not yet played in the game.

"This giant artificial crystal core spiritual power center is divided into about 30,000 plates. The microscopic space in these 30,000 plates is one-third the size of a normal crystal core...

However, if one wants to use spiritual power as the source of signal fluctuations and transmit special frequency amplitude, the compressed spiritual power must be one thirtieth of the original!
Therefore, this competition does not have too many restrictions and rules. All you need to do is to fill in the micro-plates with all your ability!
The space of each plate has been greatly reduced. You need to compress the original spiritual power within the limited space, increase the concentration of the spiritual power synthesized into it, and contribute your own part to the research and development of the giant artificial synthetic crystal core spiritual power center!"

Contribute, when these four words come out...

Whether it is Gu Yizhen from Zhongzhou City.

Or they could be the players from Xinyun City who are ranked among the top eight, including Wu Ma Mengchao, from Jiangnan City, Dang Zhenpeng, from Yangyun City, Yang Yunqing, from Jingran City, and Xiang Yunlian.

Even Zhang Chaoqiang was very excited.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be able to participate in Xu Shanji's research and development.

Even if they participate in just one of the 30,000 micro-plates...

But it is enough to make them feel extremely excited.

The rules of this competition are not difficult to understand.

Because in the giant artificial crystal core spiritual power center, spiritual power already exists in every microscopic plate.

What they need to do is to compress the spiritual power into one thirtieth of the size of an ordinary artificial synthetic crystal core.

In that state, the energy level is already smaller than the signal source and the fluctuation amplitude.

Only spiritual power of this degree has the possibility of being transmitted remotely to a designated location and forming an artificial crystal core.


Compression This is a very important test this time.

The families behind some of the contestants present were secretly a little confused.

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with concentration.

But if you think about it carefully, it is actually closely related to concentration because it involves compression.

The most important point about concentration is compression, which can compress various pure spiritual powers into the artificial crystal core synthetic embryo.

This is of utmost importance, and the current giant artificial crystal core spiritual power center is to further compress the microscopic mass state of spiritual power into a smaller microscopic structure.

This is not easy for a second-level synthesizer, after all, it is the first time he has encountered such a thing and action.

But after all, the giant synthetic crystal core spiritual power center in front of him is only of the first level.

The strength of each level of spiritual power is not just different in strength, the microscopic structure of the spiritual power and the arrangement of particle molecules are completely different.

Therefore, the first-order giant artificial crystal core spiritual power center can only remotely transport the first-order artificial ordinary crystal core.

It is not possible to transport ordinary artificial crystal cores that exceed the level of spiritual power center.

Because the strength and structure of the channel are different, if this kind of force is applied forcibly, it may lead to the destruction of the entire giant artificial crystal core spiritual power center and the normal artificial crystal core that transmits spiritual power.

And the spiritual power contained in the surrounding air must also be destroyed.

Soon, Zhang Chaoqiang and other eight finalists stepped onto the field.

Facing this final, it is also a huge challenge for the eight players who have crushed other opponents before.

They had never tried before to compress such a concentration of spiritual power to such an almost insanely small level.

Therefore, at the moment they came into contact with the giant artificial crystal core spiritual power center, they were still somewhat worried and uneasy. (End of this chapter)

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