The crazy joy was beyond words and was so obvious on Gu Yizhen's face.

It was precisely because of seeing his smile that Lei She's anxious heart gradually settled down.

Originally, Lei She had been waiting in front of the synthetic space for nearly five or six hours, but Gu Yi Zheng did not come out.

In addition, it seemed that Gu Yizhen had already started training in the synthesis of artificial crystal cores in the afternoon, so even if he was at the third stage of the third-order artificial crystal core, Lei She's first thought was...

It’s not about his subsequent achievements, or the improvement of his personal abilities in synthesis.

Instead, don't go too far and don't train for a long time, which will cause your body to experience high-intensity wear and tear.

Ignoring these external factors, under this situation, Gu Yizhen used his actions to tell him that he finally succeeded and successfully synthesized the third-order crystal nucleus!

Whoosh, whoosh…

Gu Yi was breathing the air frantically. Suddenly, Lei She decisively opened the synthetic space, and Gu Yi appeared in front of him.

At this moment, Gu Yizhen, after a long period of crystal core synthesis, has become red all over, because the spiritual power in his body has repeated the same movement countless times.

At this stage, Gu Yizhen not only felt a burning pain all over his body, but also a stabbing pain deep in his bone marrow.

Of course, Gu Yi Zheng did not feel any of the pain, because he was in a very excited state. Gu Yi Zheng was so excited that his body and mind were completely immersed in his own harvest.

On this day, after nearly ten hours of continuous fighting, he finally broke through his shackles. Being in a high-pressure environment, he did not feel discouraged, but went one step further.

This is a good thing for him and his teacher Lei She...

"No, not good!"

Suddenly, Lei She discovered that Gu Yizhen's entire body was red, and even some parts of his skin, including the skin on his fingers, were emitting wisps of black smoke.

Accompanied by a fresh smell, this smell is not a good sign. This fresh smell is emitted by the burning of spiritual power.

A special fragrance is produced through the burning of spiritual power.

Moreover, only the pure spiritual power possessed by humans can emit such a fragrance. The spiritual power in the bodies of monsters is too mixed, which makes the monster meat not very delicious.

On fire, that's right. The smell of the situation on Gu Yizhen's body just represented that he was already burning.

The medium for combustion is not anything else, but the spiritual power that circulates repeatedly in his body.

However, Gu Yizheng, who was in an extremely excited state, was only concerned with firmly holding the third-order artificial synthetic crystal core that he had just spent ten hours and all his energy to successfully synthesize...

How can I care about anything else?

In an instant, the temperature around him dropped suddenly. He turned around and saw that Lei She had already put one arm on Gu Yizhen.

In an instant, the temperature dropped, causing Gu Yizhen, who was originally in a hot and excited mood, to stop instantly and start to realize that something was wrong.

"Teacher, am I possessed?"

Lei She didn't say anything, he nodded. As the temperature dropped, the spiritual power in Gu Yizhen's body gradually began to burn slowly.

In fact, the burning of spiritual power caused by being possessed by a demon is not the usual high-temperature burning, but because a person has exceeded the repeated endurance and frequency of his own spiritual power.

Therefore, Gu Yizhen, who had exhausted his spiritual power, suffered physical strain, and those strains turned into flames, burning his spiritual power and his own physical body.

Gu Yizhen, who had basically calmed down, now finally felt the pain in his body. Even Gu Yizhen, who was as strong as a third-level warrior, was grimacing at this moment.

A warrior with a higher level does not necessarily have a stronger ability to resist this kind of spiritual energy burning.

The higher the level of a warrior, the more his spiritual power can resist fatigue and be consumed. However, once this limit is exceeded, the spiritual power in the bodies of high-level warriors will burn even more fiercely.

It completely matches the strength they possess.

Lei She saw that he could only suppress the fire in his body a little but could not completely eradicate it. While the two were thinking about it, Gu Yi Zheng did not think of draining out all of his spiritual power.

He did not have the quick mind of Zhang Chaoqiang. Zhang Chaoqiang had also tried to go astray once. He would never forget the feeling, but it did not bother him for long because he immediately emptied all the spiritual power in his body on the spot.

Regenerating spiritual power through the body and replenishing and converting pure spiritual power from the crystal core, although this process takes a day or two, it is much more worthwhile compared to the damage to the body.

However, Gu Yizhen now has never considered or thought of doing so. Even if he thought of it, he would probably not be willing to do so.

Because tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are the last event, the second and third days of the quality competition.

The third day was particularly crucial, as it was the finals. He was now working so hard to overcome his shortcomings and completely raised his strength to a new stage and level...

How is it possible to clear out all the spiritual energy in your body?
If that’s the case, doesn’t that mean that I’ll lose my place in the last event of the synthesis competition?

The most important thing in synthesis is one's own spiritual power, followed by mental power. Without spiritual power, mental power has no medium to carry out movement.

If an adult male wants to empty out all his spiritual energy, it will take at least three to five days. By absorbing the spiritual energy in the crystal core and coordinating with his own body's gestational function, he can eventually grow back the spiritual energy that his body should have contained.

At this stage, Zhang Chaoqiang and Gu Yizhen are different from ordinary adults.

Because they are geniuses, and geniuses are usually beyond the normal state of human beings.

Gu Yi was thinking that with his recovery speed, he still had some time, but it would take at least two full days to fully recover.

Two days! These two days directly spanned the final two days of the competition. Even if it was only one and a half days, Gu Yizhen's strength would be greatly reduced, and he would not be able to sit firmly on the throne of first place.

He trained and studied so hard today, and finally made a breakthrough. All these actions basically had only one purpose, which was to prepare for the upcoming quality finals.

However, if he took the initiative to clear out the spiritual power in his body so that the burning spiritual power would not affect his body, it would take two days to recover.

These two days basically became a vacuum period for Gu Yizheng. Even though he had spent a whole day in the finals and was able to more or less recover some of his strength, compared to his current heyday, it was completely different...

One is heaven and the other is earth. Originally prepared for the competition...

He did not allow anything to hinder his goal...

Therefore, he would never choose to clear his spiritual power.

Gu Yizheng turned his head stiffly towards Lei She and begged, "Teacher, help me..."

There was no need for him to say more. In fact, Lei She had been cooling down his body to calm him down, and he also applied pressure to the burning spiritual power in Gu Yizhen's body to prevent further attacks on Gu Yizhen.

At the same time, Lei She's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to reverse Gu Yizheng's current situation.

This point is of vital importance. Therefore, after seeing Lei She remain silent, Gu Yizhen placed all his hopes on Lei She.

However, Lei She did not let Gu Yizhen stay in that dangerous situation for too long.

After a little thought, Lei She took his hand off Gu Yizhen's shoulder and waved towards the finger where he was wearing the ring.

In an instant, a jade bottle appeared in his hand.

Lei She exhaled, and the lid of the jade bottle was blown away by him. A stream of cold air from the abyss instantly rushed into Gu Yizhen's body.

"Inside the Jade Purification Bottle is a cold pill, which temporarily blocks the vital signs of the person who takes it. All signs of life will be temporarily stopped until the person takes the antidote and then returns to a state of vitality.

Gu Yizhen, since you care so much about this game, then take it to prevent the spiritual power in your body from being further burned. Then I will take you to find a doctor in the exhibition hall.

They have a way to avoid damaging too much of their original life force in this state of burning. "

Gu Yizhen looked at the pill in front of him, which looked extremely cold, and swallowed.

The next second, he decisively took it in his hand, and the moment it touched the cold pill...

His hands had no feeling at all, just like his numb torso, and then his body began to resist the erosion of the cold pill.

He tried to swallow the cold pill into his stomach, but the instinct released by his body made it difficult for him to swallow the thing in front of him.

His subconscious instinctive reaction and conditioned reflex made him spit out all the cold pills.

Of course, in the current situation, Lei She did not continue to let him take the medicine, because he knew that Gu Yizhen could not swallow anything in his current state.

Afterwards, he used his spiritual power to break up the cold pill and carried it into Gu Yizhen's body.

After about half a minute, Gu Yizhen's vital signs completely dropped, and then slowly began to decrease.

Until it disappears.

As if he was being stared at by the eyes of an ancient mythical beast called Medusa, Gu Yizhen was petrified. The motionless Gu Yizhen was taken by Lei She to the doctor's residence ten kilometers away and woke him up overnight.

"Did you use the cold pill on him?"

The doctor at the museum was a little surprised. After all, this cold pill was a valuable treasure. If it was just a case of infatuation, there would be no need to go through so much trouble...

Under the correct guidance, and while Lei She was helping Gu Yizhen suppress the spiritual power that was constantly burning in his body, Gu Yizhen only needed to clear his own spiritual power.

Why would one need to waste Han Wan, a spiritual medicine that uses a lot of green spiritual plants as auxiliary materials, and even a purple spiritual plant as the main ingredient?
Of course, as a bystander, the doctor naturally had no idea about Gu Yizhen's reasons.

"Perhaps you have your own concerns." The doctor muttered and began to prepare medicine to extinguish the burning of spiritual energy.

He said, "Fortunately, Director Lei, you used the cold pill on him. Otherwise, if it continued to burn, although you could suppress it a little, it would still burn and melt his foundation, talent, and even his lifeblood...

At that time, even the gods can’t save us. If possible, we should still put our own lives first…”

After the doctor's instructions, Lei She nodded repeatedly, but sometimes, the difference between one thought is really too great.

Afterwards, after the doctor finished processing the elixir, he placed the motionless Gu Yizhen into a large wooden barrel.

The wooden barrel contained the medicine prepared by the doctor. The doctor told Lei She that he only needed to soak it overnight to extinguish the fire burning in Gu Yizhen's body.

Afterwards, Lei She concentrated the antidote that could release Gu Yizhen's current state of vitality into medicinal power and transmitted it into Gu Yizhen's body.

After absorbing the medicinal power, Gu Yizhen, who had lost all vitality and all life characteristics tended to be calm, gradually recovered the medicinal power of the Han Pill in his body.

Knowing that his spiritual power did not need to be drained, Gu Yizhen finally felt relieved. Lei She saw that he took the last game so seriously.

In fact, he didn't want to see this happen.

The more Gu Yizhen values ​​the upcoming game, the more it shows that he can't let go of the situation in which he has been defeated repeatedly in the confrontation with Zhang Chaoqiang.

He totally couldn't accept it. Sometimes being too focused is a sign of fear.

This was the first time that he had gone astray, and it was probably closely related to Zhang Chaoqiang's combat performance.

In this regard, Lei She must give Gu Yizhen some advice and let him face the upcoming games and challenges in life with a normal mind.

Stay firm in your martial arts heart.

In everything, one should put his own safety first, and remember not to act on his own like he did just now. Although Gu Yizheng, who had recovered his vital signs, nodded to Lei She, Lei She knew clearly...

Maybe the other party may not be able to listen to what I said.

Just like that, after one night, Gu Yizhen completely extinguished the fire in his body.

There is another key issue. His spiritual power is still relatively weak, but it is not a big problem. It may take half a day to fully recover, and the morning game will not be affected too much. (End of this chapter)

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