Chapter 44 Advice
The third day after the winter solstice.

The so-called elementary school simulated spiritual power exchange meeting was held in Yuhua Elementary School, the affiliated elementary school of Yuhua Martial Arts School, the first martial arts school in Tian'an City.

It is not a grand event like a formal competition. In fact, it is an exchange and competition between outstanding students from different schools.

This is to test the level of each of them. After all, warriors are not vases. They will eventually go to the battlefield and fight against alien monsters.

The development of the psychic ring has, to some extent, allowed some children to gain a glimpse into and practice martial arts earlier.

On the seventh floor of Yuhua Primary School's Wisdom Building, in the martial arts hall, there is a huge shock-absorbing fighting platform of 100 square meters in the center.

There are no spectators, only participants and teacher leaders.

The various school uniforms around are like fireworks, with different color combinations, as if they want to steal the show.

But the Yuhua Primary School team, which was at home, only selected 20 people from grades 4, 5 and 6, plus their respective skill class teachers and the director and principal, all wearing the same light black uniform with a red logo.

Among the flowers, a unique sense of stability arises spontaneously.

Before the game, Zhang Chaoqiang left the team and looked around the field. It was his first time to participate in such an out-of-the-ordinary competition.

Where has this kind of spiritual energy appeared in previous martial arts competitions?
He calmed down his excited mood and looked around the field.

Yadi Primary School, Tianan No. 1 Primary School, Lianhua Primary School, Tiannan Martial Arts School Affiliated No. 1 Primary School, Tiannan Martial Arts School Affiliated No. 2 Primary School...

Including his own school, there were seven primary schools in total, and a total of 100 top students from the military science pre-selection team participated in the exchange and discussion.

After layers of screening, Yuhua Primary School still has 20 students qualified to compete, which shows that the title of Wuke No. Primary School is well deserved.

After two days of thinking, he thought that the goal did not need to be too deliberate, whether it was to show off or to be cool, it would be too late to act too specifically for it.

Then in the eyes of others, it is no different from the middle school syndrome of deliberately pretending to be cool. Zhang Chaoqiang still hopes to find a way to achieve his goal invisibly.

This is inevitable, and we must seize opportunities to show ourselves in the future.

"Zhang Chaoqiang, are you nervous?" Tan Yue gently bumped his back with her head tied in a ponytail. Children always like to play.

Zhang Chaoqiang looked at her with a strange look as she was about to zip up the bag until it started to smoke, and frowned. This was the second layer of the bag, the outermost one had already been damaged by the nervous Tan Yue.

If this one is any worse, the next one will be the little bear bag that I gave myself.

Zhang Chaoqiang nodded: "I'm very nervous."

When Tan Yue heard the other party's calm words, she quickened her zippering movements again until the chain broke, and then she gently twisted the zipper of the little bear bag inside.

Hold for a moment, then release.

“You’re awesome now.”

"You are controlling the psychic ring very well. Just practice as you normally would. Believe in yourself."

The exchange meeting was about to begin, and all schools uniformly stipulated that the maximum energy of the psychic ring should be set at 10P, so as not to easily hurt the opponent, and both parties in the competition needed to change into protective close-fitting combat clothing to cushion the impact.

The competition is based on a lottery system, with students competing in pairs. After the first round, each student can freely challenge other students.

The rules are also very simple. Being knocked down or out of the game will be considered elimination.

Zhang Chaoqiang was drawn to a boy from Yadi Primary School, which is famous for its liberal arts, so only 8 students came this time. Tan Yue was drawn to a tall girl from Tiannan No. Primary School.

The people they drew lots for were all of the same age and grade.

Before the official competition, the scene was very lively. Every student who was about to go on stage had a skills teacher in front of him to remind them of the things they needed to pay attention to during the competition.

After giving instructions to Shen Guoqi and Tan Yue in his class, Teacher Guan stayed in front of Zhang Chaoqiang, talking non-stop.

When almost all the students were waiting for their numbers to be called, Teacher Guan still had no intention of stopping.

Principal Liu, the dean of studies, and teacher Cheng Wen were surrounding him, their eyes flashing in the reflection of the lights.

Skills teachers from other classes in the same school and even some teacher leaders from other schools in the surrounding areas showed interest.

In the past few years, Zhang Chaoqiang has won numerous awards in various knowledge contests and children's martial arts competitions. Not only teachers in this school, but also teachers in surrounding schools mostly know him.

They secretly thought that with Zhang Chao's ability, he should be able to control the psychic ring and fight smoothly, right? Why was there any need to nag like this?
Are you worried that he will be nervous during the sparring, or are you worried that he will get injured?

Isn't it necessary?

Gradually, in the huge martial arts hall, the voice of Teacher Shuguan became louder. Teachers from surrounding schools leaned in to listen and could hear the clear voice repeating the same few sentences over and over again.

"Student Zhang Chaoqiang, you need to be more careful and attentive later on, and don't hurt the other person.

This is a friendly exchange between schools. Remember to stop when you are satisfied. It's enough. You must not use too much force. Do you understand what the teacher said?"

Teacher Guan spoke earnestly and repeatedly before finally stopping. Although he had never seen Zhang Chaoqiang go all out, the details he showed during the training were enough to worry him.

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned for a moment.

Are you serious?
Careful observers noticed that the principal, director, and teacher Cheng Wen all had serious expressions on their faces during Teacher Guan's speech to Zhang Chaoqiang. This...

"Please prepare yourself!"

Only after the referee's announcement did they return to their original positions in disappointment.

Starting from the lower grades, Zhang Chaoqiang observed several games and no longer wasted his attention on it.

They were all pretty much the same as what Teacher Guan taught, integrating energy into basic movements, or using them as makeshift escape techniques, and he had already mastered them all.

He turned his head and focused on instructing Tan Yue: "Your opponent is a big girl who is a head taller than you. What are your plans?"

Tan Yue carefully recalled the practical content of the training that Zhang Chaoqiang had accompanied her in the past month, as well as the theoretical knowledge of Teacher Guan, and said, "Target the lower body, roam around and consume, and seize the opportunity?"

"That's right! Tan Yue, your proficiency in controlling energy is already amazing in the exercises I gave you before. With only 10P of energy intensity, your flexible control is your advantage.

In terms of strength, you may not be able to defeat him, but your strong point is the flexible use of energy. At the same time, others are unaware of this and focus on interfering with his movements in order to seize the opportunity to hit him with one strike. "

Zhang Chaoqiang waved his arms towards Tan Yue to cheer her up.

At the same time, Shen Guoqi, with a proud look on his face, had just won the victory in a crushing manner. He was swinging his arms wildly with his waist and hips relaxed, just like Conor who had just won two weight class gold belts.

"Please invite Tan Yue and Lin Ping to come on stage!"

(End of this chapter)

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