Chapter 55: First Battle Against Monster
After consultation with the school's top management, it was finally decided to make an exception and make the combat simulation system on the eighth floor of the Smart Building available to Zhang Chaoqiang for use in daily training.

When the director, Cheng Wen and other teachers took Zhang Chaoqiang to the eighth floor...

There was a spiritual barrier with blue light flashing everywhere, and a crystal-like barrier surrounding a huge light circle in the middle.

The aperture creates a rippling effect, with a circular platform rising out of thin air in the middle, like a lotus in the water.

"The so-called combat simulation is similar to the armor simulator, except that the simulation here will put your conscious body, Zhang Chaoqiang, into the simulation space.

In the simulation space, when you voluntarily exit, or are seriously injured or die, your consciousness will return directly to your body. For assessment and training, it is already very safe..."

The simulated space appeared before everyone like a huge blue cube, in which a blurry shadow gradually became clearer and finally achieved visual materialization, appearing in the cube.


When it appeared among them, and through the introduction of the dean of studies, Zhang Chaoqiang finally knew about it.

The so-called combat simulation refers to the combat simulation with monsters. No wonder this whole system is used for assessment in martial arts schools.

The monsters present at this time are the most common dog-wolves, which are at the lowest level of the monster class. Similar to wolf-dogs, they were born from the combination of the two and evolved over a long period of time.

The body of the wolfdog is two times larger than that of the wolfdog. It is 1 meters long and 8 meters tall. It has a sharp mouth and fangs, and its hair is not as smooth as that of ordinary dogs and wolves.

Instead, it is a hard bifurcation visible to the naked eye.

He had a ferocious appearance, as if he had seen Zhang Chaoqiang and others. He exhaled turbid breath and had a murderous look in his eyes.

"The age range of dog, wolf and monsters is basically the same as that of humans. 6 to 18 years old is the adolescent stage, which is also the period of their gradual growth. Therefore, Zhang Chaoqiang,

The dog-wolf in front of you is about 10 years old, the same age as you.

Of course, inferior monsters like dogs and wolves have only developed a trace of spiritual power at this age and have not yet fully entered the rank, so they are the perfect opponents for you!"

Among the monsters, the weakest are ordinary monsters. Although they are much stronger than ordinary people, they are nothing in front of the entry-level monsters and warriors.

And this young wolfdog is a demon beast that has not yet reached the upper level.

Zhang Chaoqiang had read about this in some encyclopedias, and making a comparison today, he found that even the weakest monster in the monster world is stronger than humans of the same age.

He is now less than 1.6 meters tall, which is a relatively normal stage of development. Compared with dogs and wolves, he is nothing.

For some reason, Zhang Chaoqiang finally felt a burning sensation of fire on his body. This must be his sense of smell for monsters taking effect.

He smelled the scent of monsters, and a desire to fight arose spontaneously.

The teachers repeatedly reminded him, and Huang Zhonghan also paid close attention to his every move, telling him to quit immediately if he was defeated, otherwise if he got injured in the simulation...

The feeling of pain will not be omitted.

Zhang Chaoqiang stood on the simulation platform. When he touched the blue crystal on his body, his brain went blank. He felt dizzy and nauseous, as if he had traveled through time.

It was just that his consciousness traveled into the cube of the combat simulator. He looked down and his body gradually took shape under the combination of the energy inside the cube.

He shook his arm, and the energy of the psychic ring completely enveloped his arm. The dog-wolf opposite him exhaled violently from its nose and crawled on the ground.

The powerful front legs gripped the ground tightly, ready to attack the person who appeared out of nowhere in front of him.

Outside the battle simulation cube, the school teachers and senior executives looked serious. The deans Song Yu and Cheng Wen were staring intently, writing something in their notebooks. Song Yu's eyes did not move, she turned to Huang Zhonghan and asked, "Teacher Huang, through your observations over the past few days, do you think Zhang Chaoqiang has the ability to fight against monsters of the same level?"

Under the same conditions, the monsters have more innate spiritual power and are naturally blessed with the advantage of a strong body, which is something that ordinary humans cannot match.

The gap between ordinary unranked monsters and ordinary humans is usually much greater than the gap between ranked monsters and warriors.

Although Zhang Chaoqiang has a psychic ring with 50P energy, it is not enough to narrow the gap between the two.

Faced with this question, Huang Zhonghan actually did not have an absolute answer in his mind.

“This old combat simulation system can only simulate low-level monsters that have no intelligence at all.

In the past, it has always been used for martial arts school assessments. Students who take part in martial arts school assessments usually have spiritual power of no less than 100P, and their proficiency in martial arts is also very high.

Even so, the kill rate is no more than 50%...

After observing Zhang Chaoqiang for many days, I think he is very likely to be able to fight against the wolfdogs of the same age. I guess he can at least hold out for more than ten minutes under the wolfdogs' attack!"

After all, with the help of the energy of the 50P psychic ring, Huang Zhonghan's evaluation of Zhang Chaoqiang is also very pertinent.

Song Yu nodded slightly, and she and Cheng Wen and others focused all their attention on Zhang Chaoqiang.

Zhang Chaoqiang, who was in the simulation cube, carefully looked at the simulated dog-wolf in front of him. He had already determined that the other party was just a combination of energy. It did not have any will as a monster. It was just a dead thing made of energy.

Otherwise, why didn't she have any other reaction towards him, but was instead full of aggression?

Just as the wolf dog was charging towards him, what no one expected was that Zhang Chaoqiang was actually one step faster than it.

His basic leg techniques made his steps agile. Every step was like a nimble deer leaping over water stains, and he could attack dogs and wolves from the side.

Take the initiative to attack?

This was something that everyone outside the cube had never expected. Zhang Chaoqiang, a man who had never experienced a life-and-death struggle, would actually have such an awareness...

As Zhang Chaoqiang was moving quickly towards the wolf, the wolf became defensive and raised its front legs high, trying to hit him head-on.

If he was hit head-on, Zhang Chaoqiang felt that he would definitely be knocked down, but his [Monster Smell Sense] was no joke and he reacted quickly.

He adjusted his steps with advanced leg techniques, leaned over and kicked twice at the side of the wolf's raised leg, and while the wolf staggered, he used advanced boxing techniques.

The surface was transformed into a point and broken through with the point. The energy wrapped around Zhang Chaoqiang's arm, like a sharp knife, dodged obstacles with a nimble posture and landed on the fierce eyes of the wolf dog.

With two "pop" sounds, energy spurted from the eyes. The dog wolf, who had lost his senses at this time, was completely controlled by Zhang Chaoqiang. He controlled the energy with his legs and whipped and kicked the opponent's limbs, breaking them all.

Zhang Chaoqiang took the initiative and, without getting hurt, crippled the wolf dog with thunder-like means.

He patted the remaining energy on his hands.

With a decisive fighting consciousness, victory is inevitable.

At this moment, outside the cube, everything is silent.

(End of this chapter)

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