Chapter 71 Golden Armor
The class teacher's name was Jin Jia, and he happened to be the teacher who used the Mountain Sealing Seal to help Zhang Chaoqiang seal his inner spiritual power during the spiritual power activation ceremony.

Basically, the students present here already knew something about it a few days before entering school.

But they were more curious about the student who skipped a grade named Zhang Chaoqiang. It was rumored that his parents behaved strangely and dressed differently from ordinary people.

But when the students looked at Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei who were chatting and laughing with Jin Jia at the moment, it was clear that something was not so simple.

After three years of entering the martial arts world, they knew that talent was hereditary to a certain extent, and that usually strong people gave birth to stronger ones.

The chance of a strong person being born from a weak person is very low.

This shows that Zhang Chaoqiang's parents are definitely top-notch strong people.

When the freshmen shifted their gazes away from Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei's faces, they were even more moved.

On the arms and body, there are faintly visible tattoo patterns of all kinds, most of which are animal images.

The more talented people are, the less likely they are to think that the two are shooting in the dark. They must have their reasons for doing so.

Could this be the Beast King they had killed?

The pattern of the five-clawed golden dragon on the shoulder rippled and vibrated slightly, which startled them!
Zhu Bobi quickly retracted his gaze and walked to Zhang Chaoqiang with a few people around him.

He greeted them: "Chaoren Qiang, Tan Yue, hello to the two geniuses who skipped grades. From now on, we will be classmates in the same class.

My name is Zhu Bobi, you can call me Big Guy, these two are Rong Yue and Pang Lei, and God, oh yes, he is called Customer. "

Tan Yue responded politely, but Zhang Chaoqiang didn't want to pay any attention to them.

"Activating 12P of spiritual power at the age of 500, this is the threshold for a first-level warrior. Don't you think you are a superman?" The customer stroked his chin and pondered.

Zhu Bobi: "Maybe he doesn't like realistic nicknames, so how about we call him Brother Qiang?"

Martial arts are somewhat boring, and geniuses also need to find fun in the details of life.

For example, the customers' nicknames. Zhu Bobi is short but calls himself a big man. The same is true for Zhang Chaoqiang. He is young but calls him brother.

"Just call me by my full name."

"Superhumanly strong?"

"... "

"Do you feel that Brother Qiang is better?"

Only Zhu Bobi and God's words could quickly narrow the distance between the six people.

Zhang Chaoqiang actually thought that this was better than going to junior high school.

The small theater did not last long. Two minutes later, groups of freshmen were seen rushing towards Teaching Building B from outside the corridor railings.

It was almost 9 o'clock. Seeing that the two children had been successfully delivered and their class teacher Jin Jia was also in place, Old Chen pulled Zhang Huolong and the other two and prepared to leave.

Zhang Huolong leaned forward and turned his head to ask, "Are we leaving now?"

Zhang Chaoqiang's eyes moved as Zhang Huolong left, and he and Tan Yue said goodbye to the few people.

School has officially started.

Zhang Chaoqiang, Tan Yue, Zhu Bobi and others are all freshmen in Class 1, Grade .

As the class teacher, Jin Jia held a brief class meeting and then notified all freshmen through the radio to go to the lecture hall in Area B to start the mobilization meeting.

Unlike Yuhua Primary School, the resources of Yuhua Martial Arts School’s high school department are not particularly inclined towards places like lecture halls and playgrounds.

The lecture hall is not big, the tables and chairs are ordinary, the stage is even simpler, the curtains are only a maroon curtain and a bottom curtain, and the lamp poles are only the most common conference lighting. Zhang Chaoqiang, a staff member of the high school department, can personally experience that they are almost all warriors. After placing the conference table in the center of the stage, he confirmed that the illumination of the surface light will not affect the leaders' sight.

This time, the principal of the high school department, as well as the vice principal and director, conducted the mobilization of the new students.

Zhang Chaoqiang's mind was not on the principal's high-spirited words at the mobilization meeting. His mind was full of the image that was imprinted in his mind at a single glance.

With a click, Zhang Chaoqiang took out a piece of homework paper and used a pen to scribbled the scene in his memory on it.

Clear and blurry, the state of the painting is almost the same as what I see, although it may not be considered detailed in the eyes of others.

After putting away the pen and paper, he had the energy to listen to the principal's increasingly intense speech.

The loud and firm voice made him, like the other students, fall into emotion.

Being able to achieve this with words alone, Zhang Chaoqiang believed that this tall young principal who looked to be less than 40 years old was no ordinary person.

"From now on, you have transformed from the ignorant beginners of martial arts to young men who are truly on the path of martial artists.

The world appears peaceful and stable on the surface, but in fact, behind it is the blood and flesh of countless predecessors. Every martial artist has shouldered the responsibility of maintaining peace in the motherland and even the world since he began his practice.

Our ancestors brought us a peaceful and favorable environment for growth. We should do the same, striving to grow while giving future generations an equally peaceful world.

If you embark on this path, you must be aware of it. Tell me, are you afraid of death?"

"Not afraid!"

Tan Yue was also slightly moved.

The only person who didn't respond was probably Zhang Chaoqiang.

He doesn't know how others are doing.

But when it comes to life and death, how could he dare to treat it so lightly?

At the end of the mobilization meeting, it was also explained that the first two weeks were a protection period for freshmen, during which they would not be challenged or disturbed by senior students. Once the period was over, they would face a martial arts school career where they would have to speak with strength under the rules.

The students will get familiar with the school today and will officially start classes tomorrow.

As soon as the meeting was over, Zhang Chaoqiang found the location of the library in Area B on the map and went there with Tan Yue.

Student ID cards had been received before the mobilization meeting. You only need to identify the ID card to enter the student open area of ​​the high school department in Area B.

Books are the key to help him open up the world, and the high school library covers knowledge in various fields in the world.

Under the administrator's instructions, Zhang Chaoqiang and his companion came to the monster catalog on the third floor, which contained more detailed monster information than the elementary school library and community library.

Ordinary, first-order, was a dazzling array. I flipped through it casually for a few times, but for a moment I didn't even know where to start.

He copied another similar picture of strange birds and beasts. Tan Yue looked at it, and he started looking for another target.

I asked for help from the librarian on the third floor, a female teacher wearing glasses. After looking at the bird with a long tail that looked like a duck and an eagle on the paper, she also fell into deep thought.

In her memory, monsters with this form were rare, and there was no one exactly the same as this one.

Therefore, after searching with the help of the administrator teacher, several monsters with similar characteristics were found among the first, third, and fourth levels. Zhang Chaoqiang shook his head immediately without any comparison.

Afterwards, he stopped dwelling on the library, thanked the administrator, and focused on the new head teacher, Jin Jia.

Coincidentally, the other party also had something to look for him for.

(End of this chapter)

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