Chapter 87 Soaring
By the time Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei finally pulled the grass carp weighing more than five kilograms ashore, the people around them became excited.

Even Old Chen felt a little ashamed.

He was the second one to catch a fish. Old Chen, who used to love fishing, finally regained some face in front of Zhang Huolong and the other man.

In addition, many fishermen took the bait, but some failed to seize the opportunity and were slipped away by the fish.

Some of the hooks went straight into the carp's belly and were already mushy when they were pulled out.

The wooden stick and cotton rope thrown by Huang Feng was infused with spiritual power, making it no more fragile than an ordinary fishing rod.

They also caught fish.

"Big fish!"

At this moment, there was nothing more exciting in the hearts of the two men than to get a catch. Looking at the movement and the feedback of the strength of the fishing rod, the two men felt that the fish seemed to be quite large without using any strength.

Pulling it hard and tugging it requires the strength of an ordinary person. It would be too unchallenging to catch this big fish in one go.

Unfortunately, they overestimated themselves. When the big grass carp was slipped to the shore by them, it broke free from the cotton rope. It looked like the big fish, which was about 50 to 60 centimeters long and weighed more than 20 kilograms, was about to slip away.

The short and fat Bai Lu was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He fell headfirst into the reservoir and also fought with the fish, but in the end the fish quickly slipped away.

"…***I should have known not to hold back…"

The fishermen nearby sighed when they saw it. If it happened to them, they would jump up from their sleep when they thought about it decades later.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity." Zhang Huolong noticed Bai Lu and the other person at the same time.

A fish weighing twenty or thirty kilograms was missed just like that. Whenever I think about it, I always slap myself in the face.

Bai Lu, who was covered in mud, and Huang Feng, who was squatting motionless, stared at each other for a long time.

Their decades of comradeship seemed to be shattered at this moment?

I'm afraid even if Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were there, they would have to break off their friendship right then and there...

In half an afternoon, Zhang Huolong, who basically didn't play this kind of sport, caught fish frequently. On the contrary, those anglers who had been waiting there from the beginning didn't seem to be doing much better.

Some of them didn’t seize the opportunity and still didn’t take the bait, while some of them screamed in surprise as soon as the hook was lifted, but who knew that what came up was actually Bai Lu’s black boots…

Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei teamed up to be the best team in the whole competition. They caught 8 fish totaling about 56 jin. The big fish were all black carp, and the small ones were crucian carp. Lao Chen was not weak alone, and caught about 40 jin.
Bai Lu and Huang Feng both looked depressed.

Before 3pm, Zhang Huolong and his two friends were ready to pack up and leave. During the process, they sighed: "Fishing is really not an easy thing. We are so tired. After two hours of hard work, we only caught less than 100 kilograms of fish..."

I couldn't help but swear all the way, after all, the child was not there.

At the same time, the fishermen around cast murderous glances at Zhang Huolong. Their fish baskets basically only had three or two small crucian carps to fill their teeth, but they had been guarding for half a day's trophies.

But the next moment, when Zhang Huolong enthusiastically took out their spoils to share with everyone, they immediately changed their expressions and shouted: "Thank you, big brother!"

In the afternoon, Zhang Huolong and his wife took Lao Chen for a stroll again.

To be honest, Lao Chen is usually very busy. It was only during the Spring Festival a few years ago that we could see each other during the daytime for several consecutive days.

As an elegant old man, it was really hard to wear gentleman's clothes and accompany Zhang Huolong and his friends on the street. After wandering around, Zhang Huolong found that he and Shen Qiangwei had not enjoyed their own world for a long time, although they had just experienced their kiss anniversary a few days ago.

Gradually, some of the surrounding streets and shopping malls all became their hangout places. Lao Chen and other people were all ignored by them, as if the whole world had become black and white, and only the two of them were in color.

Wherever you go, there is chaos, and the people around you have become unreliable. The vendors in the commercial street are clumsy, causing customers to be crowded together.

Traffic on the surrounding streets was chaotic and reckless drivers caused traffic jams.

The two of them were like being in the middle of an explosion, calmly and unhurriedly leaving without even looking back...

Huang Feng and the other man were a little tired. Staying by Zhang Huolong's side didn't make any progress. Jie Gou showed no signs of taking any action, so it was very difficult to investigate.

If there is no movement, it means that the scope of suspicion cannot be minimized and isolation methods cannot be adopted to solve the problem. This is the most frustrating point.

After a whole day, they just watched the two in-laws and an old man go on a date. They were very worried, and they also learned through the communication that there was no movement from the martial arts school.

After all, they also had tasks to do in other areas. That night, the two of them prepared to apply to their superiors to open the case and have a substitute investigator stay behind. Since there were no signs of danger in Tianan City, it meant that the monster might still be dormant. If this mechanism monster was intentionally lurking, it would not be easy to investigate for a while.

But once it comes out, relying on its numbers, it can be destroyed with one punch.

Zhang Chaoqiang, who is at school, is still working intensively on his [recording] goal.

He felt that the strange beast would not be easy to deal with. At the same time, the record had reached the final stage. He wanted to make progress so that he would not be helpless when the abnormality came.

Although the investigators were powerless...

At night, when the two were picked up by Lao Chen to go home from school, Zhang Chaoqiang realized that his repeated requests to Lao Chen to keep a good eye on Zhang Huolong and the other two and not to let them wander around had no effect at all.

After asking his parents where they had been today, Zhang Chaoqiang got the answer and prepared to go without thinking about eating for the time being.

With the drawing paper in his hand, he was shocked when he learned from Lao Chen all the places Zhang Huolong had been to today...

My goodness, there were several streets, big and small, and he couldn’t imagine how many people would be affected.

Check the places Zhang Huolong has passed by and see if the people he came into contact with showed any unreliable or reckless behavior, which will further confirm the hypothesis and increase the Numu experience value and [record].

At present, [Angry Eyes] is already 79, and the angry eyes can force the hidden beast to appear. Although it is weak, the effect should be more significant in the next stage.

[Record] It has also come to the final stage, 197/200.

He couldn't find Bai Lu and Huang Feng for the time being, and thought that these two guys might have been affected to some extent...

Zhang Chaoqiang told Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei not to go out. Although they were confused, they did as he asked.

Then, taking advantage of the sunset before it completely covered the sky, they first came to the reservoir. The fishermen seemed to have a good harvest, but in fact most of them were the masterpieces of Zhang Huolong and Shen Qiangwei. Some reckless fishermen broke their equipment because of their recklessness today.

Qingzhou Street successfully created a traffic jam under the guidance of the traffic police, and some drivers who were not paying attention almost hit themselves.

There were also some other small things and changes that made Zhang Chaoqiang's experience value soar instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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