Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 116 Wang 1, I want you to help me practice!

Chapter 116 Wang Yi, I want you to help me practice!

The elder Quanxing, also known as Master Jinguang, was surnamed Duan and his full name is unknown.

He focuses on techniques rather than practicing Taoism, and all his means of cultivation are based on the Golden Escape and Flowing Light. Speaking of escape techniques alone, this Golden Escape and Flowing Light is unrivaled in the world, enough for the contemporary Dragon and Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing to call him a Taoist fellow.

As for how this method of golden escape that was comparable to the ancient method of golden light flying across the earth was cultivated, it is unknown. Perhaps only this Master Jin Guang and Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing knew it, and this was also the source of their grievances.

This is what Wang Yi told his master Liu the Dough Man about the past of the Quanxing Elder Jin Guang after Wang Yi had warned him. Although it was not detailed enough, it was enough for Wang Yi.

In his opinion, the Golden Escape Flowing Light of this elder Quan Xing was indeed desirable. Based on his current understanding of the escape techniques in the alien circle, there were escape techniques or similar means that could instantly allow one to escape hundreds or even thousands of miles away. One was the Fire Escape of the Huode Sect, one was the Yang Shen of Quanzhen, and the next was the Golden Escape Flowing Light that appeared before his eyes. The three were different.

Taking transportation as an example, Huo De Zong's Fire Escape is like a train. It uses the fire formed by its own true qi to be thrown into a certain place and turned into an anchor point. Once it encounters a disaster such as being surrounded and killed by others while traveling outside, it can use the flame to connect to the fire thousands of miles away and instantly escape thousands of miles away, leaving the enemy helpless. The advantage is that the distance is long, and the disadvantage is that there is a lead time for casting, and it must be mediated by flames, and it can only escape to the anchor point where the fire was dropped in advance.

The Quanzhen practice of leaving the Yang Spirit is like a modern joke about cloud tourism. The physical body cannot go far away, and one can only travel by leaving the Yang Spirit. Those with a high level of cultivation can also bring back some small items from their travels.

As for the Golden Light Master's Golden Escape, it is the most enviable free travel, and it is a free travel by plane. Although it is not as far away as the Fire Escape of Huo De Sect, and not as durable as the Yang Shen of Quan Zhen, it is better in that you can stop and go as you please.

As for the grudge with Zhang Jingqing, the Heavenly Master, Wang Yi could probably guess something. He single-handedly restored and improved the long-lost ancient method of the Golden Light of the Earth. There were too many things to do by himself. If this method was not used well, the practitioner would be transformed into a gust of Qi between heaven and earth, and his soul would be scattered and his body would be destroyed.

But the Master Jin Guang was still alive and kicking in front of him, looking energetic, which showed that he valued his life very much. However, to create a technique from scratch, people had to keep trying it. In addition, Master Zhang was fiery and hated evil, which made Master Zhang still care about Master Jin Guang. So the only option was to catch someone else as a guinea pig.

And now, this person still wants to threaten me?

"Hey, you have quite the murderous aura, little one. That old fellow Ghost Hand King couldn't teach you that. Although that old fellow's hands were stained with blood, he is far inferior to those little brats in Quan Xing."

"Mr. Duan, you wouldn't play such a joke on me, would you? You're forcing me to learn your Jin Dun Liu Guang in this way? That's not polite. Besides, Master Liu should have told you what I said. If you're forcing me to submit in this way, I'll have no choice but to keep you here."

"You sound quite arrogant, little thing. Indeed, in terms of your cultivation, you and that disciple with a big nose are indeed the best in the world. If you are not the leader of the Xuanmen sect such as Longhu, Sanyi, and Putuo Three Temples, there should not be many people in the world who can stop you and that disciple named Zhang Zhiwei. But there is one thing missing between you and that disciple with a big nose, and that is foundation. The inheritance of Longhu Mountain is a unique system, with the skills of dual cultivation of sex and life, and the means of protecting the way. It's just like what I said just now. You and that warlock boy think you are unnoticed, but I also have the means to see your every move clearly outside the range of your vigilance..."

Before Master Jin Guang finished speaking, Wang Yi had already extended his invisible force field through the underground to under the old man and activated the gravity field, hoping to restrict the golden escape light of Master Jin Guang in this way.

But he obviously underestimated this Master Jin Guang. His Golden Escape Light was a skill that even so many high-ranking warriors from Mount Longhu could not match. It was no exaggeration to call it a divine skill.

The talisman in Master Jin Guang's hand emitted golden light. The moment Wang Yi's gravity field was activated, his figure turned into a streak of light again. In an instant, he was pulled a hundred meters away, and reappeared outside the range of Wang Yi's force field.

This was the first time that Wang Yi released the gravity field and this method of controlling the field did not have the desired effect. Except for those who used horizontal training kung fu and had deep life cultivation and could withstand it for a moment, for others, this method of his was almost always effective, especially for an old master like Master Jin Guang, who would definitely kneel as long as he entered this gravity field.

"It's an interesting method. It does have some of the shadow of the old Ghost Hand King's method, but it's much more sophisticated than his. Unfortunately, even if the old Ghost Hand King were alive and had full power, he wouldn't be able to do anything to me."

Master Jin Guang was still commenting on Wang Yi's gravity field methods, but Wang Yi stepped in the air and turned into a spring and flew straight towards Master Jin Guang. As he moved, the magnetic field of the heaven and earth within a hundred meters radius began to rotate with him as the center.

Since the gravity field can't hold an old man like you, then just disrupt the Qi of heaven and earth around you so that you, an old man, won't be able to turn into golden light as you wish!

The idea is good, but the reality is the opposite.

He used his own Qi to resonate with the magnetic field of the heaven and earth within a hundred meters, causing it to fall into disorder for a short time, making the surrounding Qi of heaven and earth become Wang Yi's means of attacking his opponent. But he knew too little about Master Jin Guang's Golden Escape Flowing Light. The Golden Escape Flowing Light method was not driven by one's own Qi as the main force and the Qi of heaven and earth as the auxiliary force, but was a technique driven entirely by one's own Qi.

In this case, unless Wang Yi can get close to this Master Jin Guang, like at this moment.

The speed at which Master Jin Guang transformed into a golden dragon was faster than the operation of Wang Yi's magnetic field. Before the magnetic field of heaven and earth had time to squeeze him from the outside, Master Jin Guang slipped away from Wang Yi again.

But Wang Yi’s attack was not limited to this one wave. In this forest, besides himself and Master Jin Guang, there was another person!

The strange array spread steadily, covering the forest. Before Master Jin Guang could say anything, he felt a heavy hammer hit his head. The ground beneath his feet turned into a swamp, firmly holding his feet. The omnipresent breeze turned into ropes that bound Master Jin Guang's hands, preventing him from activating the golden escape flowing light talisman in his hand that was connected to himself.

After Master Jin Guang stepped into the strange formation set up by the sorcerer You Baiyun, Wang Yi took action immediately, with his palms filled with magnetic field energy, and was about to inject it into Master Jin Guang's body, in order to completely cut off the possibility of him using the art of Golden Escape and Flowing Light.

Unfortunately, Master Jin Guang's whole life was based on this golden escape flow. Even though Wang Yi forced him into the magic array of the sorcerer You Baiyun without noticing, he was not worried at all. The talisman that was forced to leave his hand ignited without wind and emitted golden light again. The moment Wang Yi's palm touched Master Jin Guang's palm, his body turned into flowing light and escaped from Wang Yi and the magic array.

The sorcerer You Baiyun who was hiding in the dark also put his fingers together to form a sword and slashed at the air.

On the moving trajectory of the light changed by Master Jin Guang, the traps that had been set were triggered one after another, but they were always one step slower than Master Jin Guang and failed to catch the slippery Master Jin Guang.

And this Master Jin Guang did not choose to stay where Wang Yi and the sorcerer You Baiyun could see him. He decisively used his amazing wisdom and chose to run away.

But before leaving, Master Jin Guang left a few words in the woods.

"Qi Men Dun Jia? I didn't expect that this art still has a successor alive. Yes, you are good. You have calculated the trajectory of my actions in advance. It's a pity that it's not fast enough. Wang Yi, I am very happy. Let's play slowly from now on. Is what the face man Liu said true or false? I really want to see whether you can understand this golden escape light that I have spent most of my life studying!"

The voice was still there, but the flowing light transformed by Master Jin Guang had already disappeared into the distance, leaving only the sorcerer You Baiyun staring at the deserted forest, dumbfounded.

"Wow, someone has really restored the ancient method of flying golden light. Brother, what should I do? The truth has been exposed!"

Wang Yi did not answer You Baiyun's words, but just looked at the direction where Master Jin Guang left, walked forward a few steps, and leaned over to the place where Master Jin Guang turned into a stream of light and escaped. He picked up some soil with a little blood on it.

Looking at the bloody mud on his hands, Wang Yi also stood up and called Shang You Baiyun.

"Let's go."

"Brother Yi?" "It's okay. Didn't he just say that he wanted to verify the authenticity of Master Liu's words? Before it is verified, he is not in a hurry to expose what we did. Let's take our time on the way back to Beijing."

Wang Yi was not in a hurry now, and walked on the path in the forest by himself. However, the sorcerer You Baiyun became curious.

"Brother Yi, can you really understand that person's golden light? This is completely different from the golden light recorded in ancient books."

"Then tell me what the difference is. The old man is right. I am indeed inferior in terms of foundation. Tell me about it."

This is an unavoidable problem. Regarding the practice of human magnetic field, Wang Yi has relied entirely on his own exploration. At present, he can make this technique achieve the dual cultivation of body and soul, field control, and can break the opponent's protective Qi at close range and disrupt the circulation of Qi in the body. It can also ineffectively attack magic over a large area at long range, forcing the opponent to get close to him and thus be suppressed by him in all aspects. Among many schools, this can be said to be unique in the world.

Up to now, for melee combat, he has the positive and negative magnetic poles, the Yin-Yang hand, and the magnetic field blasting fist. Even if a physical body training alien encounters it, Wang Yi feels that even if he can't win, the opponent can't use this method to defeat him. For long-range attack, there is magnetic field operation and gravity field. The combination of the two can play the effect and suppression similar to the warlock's arrangement of strange array formations. For protection, there is also an invisible force field transformed by the magnetic field. There are also detection methods, and the instantaneous burst speed is not bad. It can be regarded as a hexagonal warrior.

But who could have thought that he would run into someone like Master Jin Guang who was extremely biased in his studies. All his skills and skills were based on the Golden Escape Flowing Light, and there was no delay before he could cast the spell. As long as the old man noticed something was wrong, even if he had stepped into a trap, he could use the Golden Escape Flowing Light to escape hundreds of miles away in an instant, and then come back to harass him.

At least in Wang Yi's opinion, when faced with an opponent who was extremely slow, he really couldn't find any way to break through for the time being. He could only try to find inspiration from the family sorcerer You Baiyun.

From You Baiyun's narration, Wang Yi also understood the difference between Master Jin Guang's golden escape light and the so-called golden light that flies across the earth. Of course, this was also the opinion You Baiyun came to after comparing the characteristics of the golden light that flew across the earth as described by his grandparents with the golden escape light displayed by Master Jin Guang.

The first point is the distance. The Golden Light of the Earth can easily reach a distance of thousands of miles, but the Golden Light of the Golden Light Master did not achieve this effect in the initial confrontation. But compared to the Golden Light of the Earth recorded in ancient books, the Golden Light of the Golden Light Master restored and gradually improved was more flexible.

Secondly, in terms of attack power, the golden light that flies across the earth as recorded in ancient books was not only a top-notch means of escape, but was also unique in the world at that time for assassination.

Because the practice of the Golden Light of Earth has extremely high requirements for the life cultivation of the caster, those whose life cultivation is not up to standard may be torn to pieces by this method during the process of casting the Golden Light of Earth. However, once the caster's life cultivation is up to standard, when he transforms into the Golden Light of Earth, he will be an indestructible spear head. Any enemy who dares to stand in front of him will be smashed to pieces by the Golden Light of Earth before he can complete his starting action.

But that Jin Guang Master was obviously not very good at life. Although he could not rule out the possibility that his sudden attack was a test, as a Quan Xing, and an old man in Quan Xing, he could only think of the worst. Wang Yi did not rule out the possibility that if the Jin Guang Master saw that he could not defend against his Jin Dun Liu Guang, he would kill him directly.

However, his cultivation in the Way of Life was not up to standard, but the explosive speed when he used the Golden Escape Stream of Light was not much inferior to the Golden Light that Flyed Across the Earth in ancient books, except for the difference in distance.

This alone makes it much stronger than the Golden Light that Flies on the Ground. After all, for a cultivator with a high level of life cultivation, the Golden Light that Flies on the Ground is relatively useless. It is good to have it, but not having it does not mean that there is no way to escape. At worst, you just have to be more cautious when traveling around the world.

Secondly, the medium of casting is the spell. The caster of the Golden Light of the Earth uses himself as the medium, and cooperates with another spell to lead others, to achieve an integrated attack and defense, and lead others to race.

As for this Master Jin Guang, the medium for casting spells is the talisman in his hand. Both Longhu Mountain and Shangqing Sect have talismans, but Shangqing Sect is obviously the best among them. However, even if you are a high-level master in Shangqing Sect, don't think of using a talisman that has been drawn in advance all the time. The lifespan of a talisman is only nine times at most, and nine is the maximum.

And the further you go in the future, the weaker the effect of the talisman will be.

But this Master Jin Guang, since the brief fight just now, including the first surprise attack, has already used this talisman no less than five times. But as for the performance of this Golden Escape Flowing Light, You Baiyun could not see any weakening, otherwise he would have calculated the movement trajectory of this Master Jin Guang in the form of golden light in advance through the escape armor, and as long as the opponent was a little slower, he would be captured by his strange formation.

"Hearing what you said, this person's Jin Dun Liu Guang is indeed quite something. Now I really want to learn it."

Wang Yi was somewhat moved by what You Baiyun said. This man's talent was indeed worthy of being called a Taoist fellow by Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing.

Not to mention the difference in distance between the Golden Light that Flies to the Ground and the Golden Light that Escapes, the fact that this technique has lowered the threshold has greatly reduced the requirements for the life cultivation of the practitioner, and the advantages of using talismans as a medium for display have made this Golden Light that Escapes far surpass the Golden Light that Flies to the Ground.

When it comes to issues like distance, there's really not much difference between a thousand miles and a hundred miles.

As for the lack of attacking means, there is gain and loss. When traveling in the world, it is not important whether you can beat others or not. If you can run faster than others at the critical moment, you will be invincible.

"Brother Yi, you don't really want to take this old man as your master, do you? This will be bad for your reputation. I can understand Ghost Hand King, and Liu the Face Man is okay, after all, Quan Xing used some means to surround and kill you before. But if you take him as your master when you have a grudge against him, you will have a hard time explaining to the righteous side."

"Who said I want to take this guy as my master? I asked Liu the face man to tell him before, and he still disgusted me in this way. I still rush to ask him to learn his skills? Isn't this a humiliation? And judging from his attitude, he is not using this matter to force me to learn his skills. Instead, he is verifying his own Jin Dun Liu Guang and wants to make up for the shortcomings."


You Baiyun was puzzled, and Wang Yi showed You Baiyun the blood-stained dirt on his hands.

"This Master Jin Guang is indeed talented. He lowered the upper limit of the Golden Light of the Earth and raised the lower limit. The requirements for life cultivation are not that high, but there is still a threshold after all. And from the means I just displayed, this Golden Light of the Earth escape is entirely driven by one's own true energy. Maybe this is why it can only escape hundreds of miles at a time. Since it is driven by one's own true energy, it is a skill of youth. It is okay when you are young, but when you are old, the little oil in your body will burn easily. If this defect can be made up, coupled with the lowered cultivation threshold of this Master, this Golden Light of the Earth escape will probably really replace the position of Golden Light of the Earth."

"You don't even want to learn this?"

"Because the Golden Escape Flowing Light technique is not the only one in the world. For example, the Three Ones' Reverse Life Technique, for those who reach the third level, can return to their original nature and transform into the innate Qi. They can move their bodies at will and go anywhere in the world."

"The problem is that only the founder of the Sanyi Sect has achieved this rebirth so far!"

"But don't you think the realm described by the Third Stage of Reverse Life is very similar to this Golden Escape Flowing Light? One can learn from others. Master Jin Guang wants to verify my method to see if I can make up for the shortcomings of Golden Escape Flowing Light. Don't I want to find inspiration for advancing to the third stage from him? Don't forget that I also have the Third Stage of Reverse Life. Master Zuo has given up his sectarian prejudice and taught me the profound skill. How can I be so calm? Perhaps this moment is the time for me to practice with Master Jin Guang."

Wang Yi walked forward on his own. You Baiyun listened to what Wang Yi said and didn't quite understand the connection between the Sanyi Sect's three levels of reverse life that could reach the sky and this sect's golden escape light technique.

However, a hundred miles away from Wang Yi and You Baiyun, in a cave, Master Jin Guang, who had fled a hundred miles away, sat cross-legged with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, but through other means, he heard everything Wang Yi and You Baiyun said clearly.

"Is it the time for cultivation? Your tone is somewhat similar to that of Niubizi. Humph, I want to see how you can verify with me!"

 Sorry, there is only one chapter today. I just came back from my hometown by car, and it is not convenient to type on the phone in the car. Tomorrow, I will make up for the two chapters I owe you today, together with the three chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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