Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 118: The Beginning of the Dao Protection Technique

Chapter 118: The Beginning of the Dao Protection Technique (25)

In the guest room, Wang Yi actively practiced his second profound skill, the Third Stage of Reverse Rebirth. White steam emanated from his entire body, and various essentials of practicing the Third Stage of Reverse Rebirth flashed through his mind.

The Trinity Mysterious Art, the third level of rebirth.

This is a mysterious and wonderful method created by the founder of the Sanyi School. It aims to return the human body to its original state of innate Qi, and to be able to change back and forth between innate and acquired.

But the innate Qi is invisible and intangible. Every practitioner who has obtained Qi and started practicing knows that such a thing exists, but no one can explain what the innate Qi is.

The only ones who can explain it clearly are the founders of the major Taoist sects, who had already become immortals.

The Three Levels of Reverse Rebirth is such a mysterious skill. It allows the practitioners to gradually improve their acquired nature of the human body through the practice and transform it into their innate nature.

This sounds like a technique that can lead you directly to the great way to heaven, but naturally not everyone can practice it.

The three levels of reverse life are divided into three levels. The first level is to circulate the true Qi throughout the body to the limbs and bones, and use one's own true Qi to nourish these limbs and bones.

This level is the easiest to enter, because this realm is like the so-called horizontal training method. Under the nourishment of the true Qi, one can have the power of dragons and tigers and the effect of Vajra indestructibility when entering the triple state of reverse life, and it is difficult to be hurt by ordinary swords and knives.

The transition from the first level to the second level is a watershed, because the second level is to use the true qi to warm the limbs and bones on the basis of the first level, and deepen it to every corner of the human body, the head, the five internal organs, the limbs and bones, the tendons and veins. Use your own true qi and the assistance of elixirs to build an invisible shell inside the mortal body, or to put it more precisely, to rebuild a human body composed of true qi.

This step is extremely dangerous. If one is not careful and something goes wrong when practicing the Qi, the person may become disabled at the very least and will never be able to practice the Qi again, becoming a useless person for the rest of his life. At the worst, the person may die on the spot and his body and soul will be destroyed.

Before Zuo Ruotong became the head of the sect, most of the disciples of the Sanyi Sect failed at this step. Even Zuo Ruotong himself had a problem when he tried to break through the second level. Although he succeeded in breaking through, he had a hidden disease and had to keep practicing the second level of reverse life all year round to maintain his condition.

The double attack is extremely dangerous, but the benefits are also obvious.

Because these two levels are constructed in the human body, it is like making the human body into a piece of memory metal. It remembers the best state of the practitioner himself. Once the mysterious skill is activated, on the basis of the first level of dragon and tiger power and Vajra indestructibility, the function of reconnecting broken limbs is added, as long as there is enough true Qi in the body and it has not been attacked with an absolute fatal blow.

Then the opponent is facing an enemy who is always at his peak and cannot be completely killed no matter how hard you hit him. Instead, he will be exhausted or killed in this way.

But as Zhang Zhiwei, a natural practitioner, said, the effects of the Three Levels of Reverse Rebirth and the Golden Light Mantra of Longhu Mountain are very similar. Both allow practitioners to enter a state through this mysterious skill, in which the practitioner's life cultivation is improved and maintained.

However, it is different from the Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain. The Golden Light Curse only requires one effect, which is to enhance the cultivation of life. Other functions such as reconnecting broken limbs and rebirth are all excluded. This kind of simple and practical skills are often the most durable. It is easy and difficult to break it. It is purely a matter of puzzlement.

The three levels of reversible rebirth are different. This state of constantly refining the human body and using the true Qi to build a new human body in one's own body is destined to make every step complicated. If there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable. Naturally, the threshold for practice has been raised too much. Qualification is one aspect, and the other is to be honest with yourself, so that you can be able to concentrate on practicing the mysterious skills to build every tendon in your body without being disturbed by the outside world or your inner self.

It is also easy to break, because for a practitioner who has entered the reverse life state, the whole body is like an interlocking precision instrument. As long as there is a problem with one of the core components, it will cause a chain reaction.

In order to avoid this situation, practitioners of the third level of Reverse Rebirth must constantly refine their skills, and constantly make the state of entering the second level of Reverse Rebirth a part of their own body. Only in this way, when an outsider breaks the skill in this way, the first thing they do is to rebuild it like muscle memory, not subconsciously.

But complex constructions are often the most mentally exhausting. The reason why Zuo Rutong was given the nickname Daying Immortal in addition to his Taoist name Mr. Kanglong is that after he successfully broke through the second level at the age of forty, he has maintained the state of the second level for many years. At this age, no one can tell how old he is, and whether this appearance is his real face or a mask.

The disciples of the same generation or early stage of Zuo Ruotong in the Trinity Sect respected Zuo Ruotong so much because they admired his profound attainments in the third level of Reverse Rebirth, which far surpassed them. They could not maintain the state of Reverse Rebirth for years.

Wang Yi recalled the time when he was in the territory of Sanyi Sect, where Mr. Dongshan taught him the essentials, Lu Jin and Li Muxuan demonstrated the three-level true Qi circulation routes in front of him, and Zuo Rutong came down the mountain from time to time to give him lessons.

He only took a week to complete the first level, because he had already polished his foundation, and the first level only roughly strengthened the whole body, not every corner of the body, so it was not difficult to cultivate. But it took him a whole year to completely enter the second level, because he thought of the words Zhang Zhiwei said to Lu Jin and Zuo Rutong at night after slapping Lu Jin and making him cry at the Lu family's birthday banquet in the original timeline, which directly pointed to the core of the third level of the reverse life technique.

Complexity is both the advantage and disadvantage of reverse growth.

What I was thinking at that time was that I should just cultivate the first level of reverse rebirth. The second level was too troublesome. Anyway, I had already entered the door of human body magnetic field. As for reconnecting broken limbs, it might be possible after practicing the human body magnetic field for a while. If it was difficult to reconnect my own true Qi, then I could use the external force of the Qi of heaven and earth.

But it was this idea that gave Wang Yi inspiration.

Since the reverse three-fold requires the continuous construction of the human body from the inside out through one's own true Qi in order to achieve the effect of imitating the so-called innate Qi, is it also feasible to do it from the outside in? With the help of the Qi of heaven and earth pouring back into oneself, let the Qi of heaven and earth flow from the outside inward, constantly permeating the body, and combining with one's own true Qi to construct a more complex second layer. And because it is from the outside in, one does not need to refine one's own true Qi into every tendon, vein, bone and flesh in the body, but only needs to guide it, to achieve a similar effect of reverse molding.

The Sanyi Sect was unable to do this before because they were unable to resonate with the surrounding magnetic fields of heaven and earth like Wang Yi and draw the Qi of heaven and earth back into themselves.

Perhaps the predecessors of the Sanyi Sect had some ideas and could find a magician from the Qimen Sect to help, but which magician from the Qimen Sect could use a large amount of the Qi of Heaven and Earth for their own use right away like Wang Yi did? Receiving and sending are done by the heart, without consuming too much energy. Do it as soon as you think of it. Wang Yi resonates with the magnetic field of the surrounding heaven and earth, and mobilizes the Qi of Heaven and Earth within a radius of 100 meters towards himself, allowing it to flush his acupoints and tendons again and again through the initiation and infiltration from the pores. And he no longer regards himself as a whole, but divides his own true Qi into five equal parts like the Dark Master, first flushing and guiding the left and right hands, feet, to the torso and head step by step.

After spending a year, he finally connected his five-part body into a whole and entered the second level.

Also because of this unique way of breaking through from the outside to the inside, Wang Yi's second level of reverse growth is different from the second level of reverse growth of the Sanyi Sect.

Apart from the obvious feature of not having a white complexion like white clouds, when he used his energy, he gave people the feeling that he was resonating with the world around him, as if he were a part of it. In fact, he was still himself, and the world was still the world, but they were connected in the middle. Even if he really encountered the all-powerful and divine spirit of Wu Gensheng, the head of Quanxing Sect, in the future, Wang Yi would not be in vain.

Once the Trinity Sect's reverse life was broken, they would need to rebuild it themselves, which was equivalent to recreating a sophisticated handicraft. The process was tedious and mentally exhausting.

Wang Yi's reverse life was broken, which is like opening an assembly line. I will exchange as much as you break. If you have the ability as a god, you can destroy the connection between heaven and earth and break all the qi of this heaven and earth.

But apart from this, Wang Yi's second level of reverse rebirth is no different from that of the Sanyi Sect. They both perform the reconnection of broken limbs and rebirth, but he does not need to expend his mind and rely on his own true Qi like the disciples of the Sanyi Sect. It is all automatic.

In terms of the means of protecting the way based mainly on reversing life, he was lacking just like the Trinity Sect, except that he had a few more tricks.

For example, the dual performance of the reattachment of a broken limb and rebirth, both are in the state of memory constructed by reverse birth. If the broken limb is still there, it can be recalled by connecting the broken limb with its own true Qi and connected with the true Qi. If the broken limb is disabled, it can be discarded, and with the help of the memory constructed by reverse birth, the true Qi can be activated to give birth to a new limb.

But this requires the practitioner's own acquired true qi. Because Wang Yi achieved the second level from the outside to the inside, he did not have too many concerns about the amount of true qi. If he himself suffered a broken limb one day, he could take the initiative to break off the tail of the gecko and directly give birth to a new limb. And when the enemy did not pay attention to the previous broken limb, he could let the broken limb become his hidden weapon for a surprise attack, or take the initiative to attack, so that his limbs could surprise the enemy at a distance beyond the enemy's imagination.

These ideas may seem absurd, but once they are spoken out, he cannot guarantee that others can do it, but Zuo Rutong, the master of his generation, can definitely do it. His true energy is so strong that it is not like that of a human.

But this kind of self-mutilation should not be used as a means of protection for Nisheng. The power of dragon and tiger and the indestructibility of diamond, the reattachment of broken limbs and rebirth are just the effects of the state of Nisheng. The means of protection cannot be these. He has been thinking about what form Nisheng would take if it really has a means of protection. Until this Master Jin Guang, his annoying harassment this week and the golden escape flow gave Wang Yi some ideas.

Whether it is the golden light on the ground, the golden escape light, or the fire escape of the Fire Deity Sect, it is nothing more than a use of space.

Space is also a concept that is invisible and intangible, but exists in this world all the time.

But if we want to fully popularize it and transform it into a scientific technology, it may still take hundreds of years.

The modern Nadutong Company has the support of the country, has a bunker, and has extraordinary people cooperating in research at all times. It is impossible to thoroughly analyze the principles of escape through science, and naturally it does not have the ability to leave seeds in this regard for future generations.

Since the Golden Escape Flowing Light is essentially an application of space, compared to the Fire Escape of the Huode Sect, which can only travel back and forth in a fixed area, the Golden Escape Flowing Light allows practitioners to drive a Lamborghini freely in space, and how fast it can go depends on how much fuel there is and how good the engine is.

What about reverse birth?
If the human body can successfully construct such a complex structure from the inside out, then if the true qi emitted by the body can be released into space, and an invisible prison that cannot be detected by the opponent is constructed, and the size of the prison is under the control of the controller, is it also feasible? Even turning it into a space slash that is not released is also feasible?

In this way, wouldn't it be possible to attack when advancing and defend when retreating, and have a three-fold means of protecting the way by using the escape technique?

It is simple and crude, and the upper and lower limits depend on the user's own means of protection. Combined with the overall improvement brought by the Reverse Life Triple, its power is really not small, right?
“To achieve this, the most important thing is to learn how to release your true Qi into space and keep the true Qi solidified so that it can be transformed into a blade. The latter is simple, just like the former…” Wang Yi practiced the third level of reverse life, and the white Qi emanating from his body transformed into the shape of a blade in his hand. Then, in a state of meditation, he tried to integrate the blade transformed from the true Qi in his hand into the invisible and intangible space.

In a state of meditation, Wang Yi completely entered a state of emptiness. There was nothing in his mind, and he felt that even his consciousness had become chaotic.

His right hand, which was condensing the Qi blade, stretched forward unconsciously. As a flash of lightning passed through his chaotic consciousness, his right hand swung out automatically.

The Qi blade in Wang's hand also disappeared the moment he waved his hand, as if it had never appeared.

Wang Yi also woke up from his state of meditation, looked at the Qi blade that disappeared in his hand, and then looked around. Nothing happened in the guest room. Only his right hand was swinging out. In the state of reverse life, the bloodstains on his right hand were being repaired by the operation of reverse life.

He stared at his right hand for a while, and felt as if he had captured something other than escaping the true Qi into space, but he couldn't tell what it was.

A strange noise from the front interrupted Wang Yi's thoughts.

The wooden table in front of Wang Yi, which he used to drink tea and eat, was split into two by gravity, and the tea tray and tea sets on the table fell to the ground.

Looking at this slightly delayed Space Slash, Wang Yi knew that the Triple Reversal of Life, a method of protecting himself, had been discovered!

(End of this chapter)

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