Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 120 Mutual Confirmation

Chapter 120 Mutual Confirmation (45)

"Drawing a circle to make a prison, a good name, a good method."

Master Jin Guang, who had never thought that his Golden Escape Light could be broken by Wang Yi in this way, was silent for a long time as he looked at this tiny space that imprisoned him and made it difficult for him to move. Then he suddenly spoke, praising Wang Yi's superb technique while also mocking himself.

In just over a week, Wang Yi hastily created a method to lock himself in here through the continuous harassment of his own golden escape light. Regardless of whether Wang Yi was taking advantage of it or not, he was now trapped in this invisible space with nowhere to hide. After mocking himself, Master Jin Guang looked at Wang Yi outside the cage and continued.

"You wouldn't just come up with a way to create a prison."

"Your Excellency does not need to know this. How is it? Are you satisfied with this method?"

"Within just ten days, relying on my Golden Escape Flowing Light, I was able to hide the white Qi of the third level of Reverse Life into the void. At the same time, I was able to do two things at the same time. While hanging me, I was led into this prison. Haha, how could this old thing Ghost Hand King be so lucky to hide you so deeply? If he had told me earlier, I would now have this Golden Escape Flowing Light..."

"It was because I was afraid that he would do such a thing that I kept my skills and abilities hidden until that time when he confronted the left sect leader in the territory of Sanyi Sect. Then I revealed them. First, it was to help him out of his predicament, and second, I wanted him to understand that he saved my life, but I have the final say on how I go. Master, you should know that I am not Quan Xing. The reason I can still talk to you at this time is because you are benefiting from my master, not because of the Golden Escape Flowing Light in your hand."

Master Jin Guang was silent. What Master Liu, the dough maker, said was correct.

The guys who have entered the Quanxing are indeed a group of bastards who do all kinds of evil. It is not too much to kill them. But unlike ordinary bastards, they have to take responsibility for their own debts and clean up their own asses. If they can't clean up their asses, it is their own business and they can't blame others. He, Master Jin Guang, has lived for all these years, unlike the Ghost Hand King, who does not do big evils but constantly commits small evils.

The hands of the Ghost Hand King were stained with blood, but that was the blood from fighting with disciples of famous and upright sects. He was Quan Xing, and they were disciples of famous and upright sects. When they met in the martial arts world, they would fight. Life and death were left to fate. It was a matter of stance. On weekdays, he used his tricks to cheat and steal money. He indirectly killed some people, but he did not kill them directly. If it were not for this, Zuo Rutong would not have spared his life three times.

But this Master Jin Guang, for the sake of his Golden Escape and Flowing Light, killed many innocent people, not many, but also quite a few, and he indeed had a blood debt on his back. Although there were no more innocent deaths after the initial success of Golden Escape and Flowing Light, the blood debt was indeed on his shoulders. Even if Zuo Rutong met him, given his temperament, he would use all his tricks to capture him, and then personally escort him to Longhu Mountain to let the Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing deal with him.

It can be said that Wang Yi was kind to himself by not killing him after trapping him. But Wang Yi did not rashly unlock the cage and still locked himself up. After all, he had threatened Wang Yi before. As a person of Quan Xing, it would not be wrong to be more careful. This also meant that his unique golden escape skill was really something that Wang Yi could choose to have or not.

This was a huge blow to him.

He didn't teach his own Golden Escape Flowing Light to many youngsters in Quanxing, and even among the famous and upright sects, there were many sects coveting it. After all, in the field of escape, at present, only the Fire Escape of the Fire De Sect has the two functions of traveling thousands of miles away and fighting all over the body, and it also relies on the individual's own skills and the fire transformed from the true qi as the medium.

How can anyone come and go as he pleases?

But such a unique escape method could not even give him a chance to survive at this moment. His life and death depended entirely on Wang Yi's will.

"Ha, ha, ha, I have spent most of my life studying this Golden Escape Flowing Light, but in the end, even the temporary respite I got was due to the credit of my fellow disciple, the Ghost Hand King, and not this. Draw the ground as a prison, draw the ground as a prison, this small space is really a portrayal of most of my life. No matter how far the Golden Escape Flowing Light can escape, it is just spinning in the cage of this small space..."

Master Jin Guang said this with self-mockery, but suddenly looked up and stared at Wang Yi unwillingly.

"Is my Golden Escape Flowing Light so unattractive to your eyes?"

Seeing the unwilling look and question from Master Jin Guang, Wang Yi sighed. "Are you kidding me? Even if your Jin Dun Liu Guang is passed down to the Xuan Sect, no matter how many problems there are, it is a method that must be passed down. Even the various sects and schools are attracted to this method. How can I, Wang Yi, think that this Jin Dun Liu Guang is not up to standard? But some things are not calculated that way. You should have received the words that I asked Master Liu to pass on to you, the Quan Xing elders."

"If you really want to learn my skills, I will teach you sincerely. How do you plan to bear the consequences of my actions?"

"You come with me to Mount Longhu, and leave our affairs to the old Taoist priest Zhang Jingqing, and let him make the decision."

"Why does that big-name Zhang Jingqing have the right to care about our business!" When it comes to Longhu Mountain and the contemporary Heavenly Master, Master Jin Guang became furious. He knew very well that this was the best way to deal with the situation, and he also knew that the fault was all on his side, but he just couldn't help it.

Seeing that this man was still able to make trouble, Wang Yi did not tolerate it and grabbed him with his big hand. The small space that originally allowed Master Jin Guang to barely move around became difficult for him to even sit up straight. Only then did Master Jin Guang calm down for a while, and Wang Yi then extended the invisible cage outwards to make him feel less uncomfortable.

"Now you understand that methods cannot be passed on just because you want to. Just like me, if I had learned the bad things from my master, Ghost Hand King, I would not be able to walk around the world like today. The left sect leader of the Sanyi Sect would not cherish my talent and pass on the profound skill of the Three-fold Reverse Life to me. If you still have this idea, I still say that your method cannot be passed on even if you find a successor. No matter what method you use, it will be useless. If you don't want others to know, you must not do it yourself.

You think you have passed it down, but does your successor know what debt you owe? You can't let him learn the tricks but never show them, right? Or like my master, tell me to never say I'm his apprentice? Is that possible? The tricks are there, no one can learn a trick for no reason, even if you picked it up and learned it by yourself, there must be a background. When your enemy finds out and comes to you, he will know the truth only then. Will he feel more gratitude than hatred for you, the teacher who taught him the tricks, or hatred than gratitude? You should understand."

Wang Yi was not thinking of preaching to Master Jin Guang, because Master Jin Guang also understood these principles. Even the Ghost Hand King understood at that time that even if he repented and atoned for his sins, there would be karma that could not be redeemed. That's why he repeatedly reminded Wang Yi before his death that when he was wandering in the world, he should not say that all his skills were learned from the Ghost Hand King. But Wang Yi did not listen and took on the karma that the Ghost Hand King had not yet repaid. Although there were no enemies for the time being, it was only temporary.

Just understanding doesn’t mean being able to listen or change. Without experiencing the terror of life and death, it is difficult for many people to understand these principles, including Wang Yi.

The clearer Wang Yi explained these principles, the lower Jin Guangshang lowered his head and the more silent he became, because he knew too well that Wang Yi was right. Since he had brought this Jin Dun Liu Guang technique to the world at the cost of human lives, it was destined to be extremely difficult to pass it on. But the more this was the case, the more unwilling Jin Guangshang was to accept it.

"So, you really can't learn this method from me? Just think of it as me begging you to learn it. As long as you learn it, I will go to Longhu Mountain and Zhang Jingqing to solve the cause and effect, and I won't cause you any trouble."

Hearing this, Wang Yi was completely numb. No, why are you still begging me to learn? Do I look like someone who can learn everything?

Wang Yi quickly shook his head, which made Master Jin Guang feel very anxious.

"Master, you can't chew too much. To be honest, I am currently practicing two profound skills. One is derived from my master, Ghost Hand King. I am still trying to figure out what the future holds for this skill. Another is the Third Level of Reverse Life. I took on the karma of Master Zuo, so I also want to try to help Master Zuo to complete the third level. In addition, I also practice Master Liu's Bone-shaping and Skin-painting. I am already too busy with these three skills. Please give me a half-baked Golden Escape Flowing Light skill. Don't give me more work to do."

"You have been able to use my Golden Escape Flowing Light to use the third level of Reverse Life to figure out a way to draw a line on the ground as a prison. So what if I give you a half-baked Golden Escape Flowing Light? Can't you warm it up and make it cooked?"

"If it's for my own use, then it doesn't matter. But even though I just realized the technique of drawing a prison on the ground, I still don't know why. This technique of drawing a prison on the ground was realized by me through the three levels of Reverse Rebirth and the Golden Escape Flowing Light that you have been performing these days. I have to give an explanation to Sect Leader Zuo. At least the disciples of the Sanyi Sect should know how to draw a prison on the ground, right?
Oh, how about this? We are sitting here anyway. Master, please help me see what my method is all about. Give me some reference. Then, when I hand it over to Master Zuo, I will write your name on it. Maybe I can also understand the cause and effect between you and Longhu Mountain. After all, Master Zuo and Master Zhang are close friends. With their help, maybe you can keep your body intact and have a place to be buried. "

Wang Yi's sudden change of topic caught Master Jin Guang off guard, but as Wang Yi said, he was going to sit anyway. As for leaving an intact body when he died, he didn't care much at his age. And Wang Yi couldn't let him go for a while, so he just used it as a diversion. If he didn't divert his attention, he was afraid that he might die first after listening to Wang Yi's analysis of the means of transmission that could be passed on anyway.

This diversion of attention also allowed Master Jin Guang to see some clues from Wang Yi's method of drawing a circle on the ground to create a prison.

(End of this chapter)

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