Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 125 Second-hand preparation

Chapter 125 Be Prepared
Will the time traveler suffer the backlash of karma? Wang Yi didn't know.

At least before coming to the Republic of China era of the world of Under One Person, Wang Yijian had read those novels whose specific names he could not remember, but who came to the upstream of history and triggered the butterfly effect as a time traveler, thus causing changes in the turning points of history. The time traveler would only direct the turning point of history from a known timeline to an unknown timeline, and the rest was to take one step at a time, and to deal with the situation as it came. He did not see any scenes of cause and effect backlash.

But in this world under One Person, the backlash of cause and effect is real.

Decades later in modern times, before the Luotian Grand Ceremony at Mount Longhu, the successor of Fenghou Qimen, one of the Eight Great Skills, the King of Wudang, suffered the backlash of cause and effect, bleeding from all seven orifices, and almost died, because he had used Fenghou Qimen to observe and predict the results of the Luotian Grand Ceremony. Even though he did not tell anyone about it,

Wang Yi knew that he was a time traveler, and he had already cheated in observing the future. His fate was rather special, and that was probably why he did not suffer the backlash of cause and effect immediately, because he already existed reasonably and became a part of this era.

If he lets nature take its course, hides in the mountains to practice, and takes action when necessary, then peace will come and a new era will begin, and everything will be fine. He may even become a big shot in the practice circle and the secular circle. Apart from anything else, he is definitely an existence that even Mr. Zhao, the CEO of the company, has to call "Mr. Wang".

But Wang Yi knew that he was able to survive, exist reasonably and become a part of this era, not because he was lucky, but because someone gave him their life, so he had to do something.

So after the death of Ghost Hand King, he traveled around the world, took the initiative to contact the Northern Expedition Army in the south, asked two aliens to go to the master's side, took the initiative to show up at the Lu family's birthday banquet, and used the martial arts competition at the Lu family's birthday banquet as a lead to make a name for himself in the alien world. Not long ago, he left Beijing and took the initiative to contact the organization for the first time as an alien in Shanghai to reveal future intelligence.

These actions that actively leaked the secrets of heaven, although Wang Yi was probably a special fate of a time traveler, and was not immediately backfired by karma like the unlucky descendant Wang Ye. But Wang Yi is now considered to have achieved success in cultivation, and the cultivation method he cultivated is the human magnetic field that resonates with the magnetic field of the heaven and earth. He often leaves his body and feels the resonance of the magnetic field of the heaven and earth, and vaguely guessed the reason.

It's not that it is not reported, the time has not come.

He took the initiative to leak the secrets and had direct or indirect contact with people at the nodes of the times. These causes and effects did not manifest themselves immediately, but accumulated slowly, because the future was unknown. Wang Yi was not sure whether what he was doing could really make a change at a certain key historical node. Naturally, whether there would be a backlash of cause and effect was also unknown.

But because Wang Yi is a time traveler, the sorcerer needs to use inner vision and divination to know certain future fragments, and the specific time nodes are transparent to Wang Yi.

He can also roughly infer at which point in time the possible backlash of cause and effect will occur through what he has done.

And the most recent specific time point is April of the 17th year of the Republic of China!

It is now the eve of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the 16th year of the Republic of China, which is the second month of the lunar calendar, and there are only two months left until April.

He doesn't have much time left. Before he is sure whether the backlash of cause and effect will hit him and cause his death, he must do everything he can and should do.

Although the three sects' means of protecting the way was a coincidence, now that they had figured it out, even if it was just a prototype, Liu Wei had to go in person and deliver it to the Sanyi Sect.

If he hadn't been able to handle the backlash of cause and effect, he naturally wouldn't have been able to help Sect Leader Zuo complete his conjecture of attaining the third level of rebirth. But at least with these three means of protection, even if the Sanyi Sect failed to attain the third level, it would still be able to stand tall among the Xuanmen, and perhaps there wouldn't have been the subsequent decline of the Sanyi Sect, leaving only Lu Jin to survive for decades, and even because of this, he had a mental demon. This could be considered as repaying Sect Leader Zuo for passing on the Dharma.

I have already appreciated the kindness of Trinity School, and all that remains is for me to prepare myself for the future.

In the study, Uncle Li, the owner of Yinghe Tower opened by Jianghu Inn in the capital, was waiting for him. Liu Wei had not returned for a long time, so he could only let the owner called Uncle Li help him.

Uncle Li also knew Wang Yi's name, but it was difficult for him to agree to what Wang Yi wanted him to do, because he had to ask them to find someone at Jianghu Inn.

"Uncle Li, is this difficult to do?"

"Young Master Wang Yi, you should know the disturbance this person has caused. Although Marshal Zhang in the capital has not taken care of him for the time being, it does not mean that he will not take care of him. Now that the war between the North and the South has started again, this person is also a representative of the South. It is possible that Marshal Zhang will use him as a sacrifice. You have been rooted in the capital for more than a year and you know how many people this person is involved in. This has already touched upon the affairs of state of the inn."

Looking at the name written on the table, Uncle Li broke out in a cold sweat, but who could blame Liu Wei for not being here? He was the most important person in the Jianghu Inn in Beijing, and there was no way he could deny it.

"I didn't ask you about state affairs. I just wanted to borrow Xiaozhan's eyes and ears. If I can find this person, I will tell him that it is a time of trouble and he should not return to the capital. He should protect himself and wait for the right time to act. As for whether he listens to me or not, and whether he returns to the capital or not, this is not something I can control. This request is not too much, right?"

"If that's the case, it can be done."

Feeling relieved, Uncle Li wiped his sweat and responded to Wang Yi, saying that it was just a message, not a big deal, and Jianghu Xiaozhan could still handle it.

"As for the other thing, I wonder if Uncle Li knows about the picture of autumn leaves and begonias that I asked Brother Liu to paint for Jianghu Xiaozhan?"

"Of course I know, but it will be difficult if Young Master Wang Yi wants to speed up the process. In my estimation, it will take at least three years to complete this Autumn Begonia Diagram so that the veins on it are clearly visible. The cost is not small, so Young Master Wang Yi should prepare more."

"This is what I want to discuss with you, Uncle Li. I think you should be able to make the final decision on this matter. Let's see how long the money here can support us."

Wang Yi waved his hand, and the eight yellow croakers he had taken from Zhang Dashuai before plus two checks with numbers on them were the maximum amount he could withdraw. This Sichengjiao Bank was the hard work of Qin Erye and Liang Ting, and he couldn't let it go bankrupt because of his own ideas. At least now, this Sichengjiao Bank allowed many people in the capital to have a meal and a salary.

"It should be fine for about a year, but as the network diagram becomes more detailed, the further we go, the greater the cost will be. Young Master Wang Yi should know the reason."

"Well, if the final payment has not been received after one year, we will stop producing this Begonia painting and send it to the Trinity Gate." Wang Yi thought that with the character and wisdom of Gate Chief Zuo, he would know to which party this semi-finished Begonia painting should be given.

But for Uncle Li, who is currently in contact with Wang Yi, he has a different idea.


Uncle Li looked up with a puzzled expression, because he heard Wang Yi's words as if he was entrusting his lasting affairs to someone else.

"It's just to be prepared. After all, the world is so chaotic. Who knows when a disaster will take me away? I bought insurance to have peace of mind."

These words of being prepared for danger in times of peace temporarily dispelled Uncle Li's doubts. After all, it was hard for him to imagine that a young and promising man like Wang Yi, who was considered a great master in the circle of extraordinary people, would suffer such an unexpected disaster. How big must the disaster be to bring him down?

"So, these are the two things I wanted to ask Brother Liu to do before I went into seclusion. But Brother Liu hasn't come back yet, so I can only ask you, Uncle Li, to do it for me. If Brother Liu comes back and sees me in seclusion, please ask Uncle Li to ask me to tell him that I may have to give him this red envelope later."

As he spoke, Wang Yi also bowed to Uncle Li as a junior.

Facing Wang Yi's solemn gift from a junior, Uncle Li nodded even though he didn't know why. He took the note with his name on it, used magic to put the deposit into his pocket, and left the study in a hurry.

One thing is done, and one thing remains.

Wang Yi closed the door and took out a booklet from the bookshelf. On it were four big characters written by him: "Future Events"

This is something I have been preparing since I achieved success in my practice.

As the name suggests, this is the part of the future that Wang Yi specially recorded.

It is impossible for him to remember every single event from the Republic of China to the modern times, but for some major events, although he cannot remember the year, month, and day, he still remembers some of the chronological order.

He also knew how much cause and effect was involved in this thing, and that it would indeed, to a certain extent, lead the current situation, which was still known, to an unknown direction. But no matter how unknown it was, could it be worse than what was known now? He didn't believe it.

If he really couldn't withstand the backlash of cause and effect and died, he would let Liang Ting deliver this book to Mr., because he could only trust Liang Ting and believe that he could help him complete the unfinished business.

As for after he is sent out, will the backlash of cause and effect chase him and kill him until he completely disappears from this world? Damn, do you really think he is afraid?
If not, he would destroy the book. Anyway, he had it all in his mind and could write it down anytime and anywhere.

Thinking of this, Wang Yi put the book "Future Events" on himself and opened the door. He still had something to say to his friends in Sichengjiaoxing.
The mountain behind Trinity Gate is where Zuo Rutong is in seclusion.

As the six people who were present at that time and witnessed Wang Yi's delivery of the three methods of protection of the Sanyi Sect, they also quickly discussed and worked out a set of rules for passing on these three methods of protection, which was not much different from the preparations made by the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain before imparting the Five Thunders Law to the next Heavenly Master.

The two skills of drawing a prison on the ground and shrinking the earth into an inch can be practiced by disciples who have reached the second level of the sect.

But this final killer move, Space Slash, also known as the method of dividing the river into land, can only be practiced by those who can serve as the next head of the sect and those who are highly respected.

If you can figure out the last method through the previous two methods, then there is no doubt that you will be the next leader of the Sanyi Sect.

As for now, apart from Zuo Rutong, the sect master who can practice all three sects, the rest are Si Chong, Zuo Rutong's fellow disciple, Cheng Zhen, the eldest disciple, Lu Jin, Li Muxuan, Shuiyun and Changqing.

However, it is impossible to let them practice now. At least they have to wait until Zuo Rutong completes the risk assessment of practicing these three methods of self-defense.

As a master of his generation and one of the leading figures in the Xuanmen sect, Zuo Rutong would naturally do better than Wang Yi.

The young manager Liu Wei could not find any fault with this set of regulations. However, after discussing the regulations, he naturally had to ask Liu Wei about Wang Yi's recent news.

And Liu Wei inevitably mentioned the seclusion that Wang Yi mentioned before he left Beijing to deliver the letter.

The word "retreat" can be applied to Zuo Rutong, a great master, because he had already reached the second level of Ni Sheng, but had yet to find the way to the third level of enlightenment. Therefore, he needed to retreat from time to time, constantly improve himself, and figure out where the problem lies.

But apart from Zuo Rutong who had no choice but to go into seclusion, even Zhang Jingqing, the Heavenly Master of Mount Longhu from the same generation, had never gone into seclusion as frequently as Zuo Rutong.

As soon as the words about retreat were spoken, Zuo Rutong subconsciously sensed that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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