Chapter 132 Meeting (Part )

At the foot of Sichengxing in the capital, with the end of Wang Yi's retreat, the low pressure that originally shrouded the area around the house at the foot of Sichengxing also dissipated.

This was caused by Wang Yi's constant connection with the magnetic field of the heaven and earth nearby. In addition, he had been thinking too much, and even if he entered into a state of meditation later, he was unconsciously affecting the magnetic field of the heaven and earth nearby. However, Wang Yi did not pay attention to this aspect at the time. The principle that those who are involved are often confused can be applied to anyone, including Wang Yi, a time traveler.

It was not until he entered into a state of concentration and listened to the warning given by the little figure, or more like a kind of self-questioning and self-answering, that Wang Yi immediately realized that there might not be a backlash of cause and effect, but he might be like Zhuge Wuhou, who was unable to communicate with the heavens. Then Wang Yi didn't care. It was not bad to be like Zhang Zhiwei. In his later years, he was invincible in the world. His cultivation could destroy the whole nature alone. What else did he need?

Once he understood this point and his thoughts became clear, his inner demons were gone, his obsessions were eliminated, and his state of mind was further improved, which naturally fed back to Wang Yi.

At this time, the brilliance in Wang's eyes had begun to move towards the stage of retreating to the essence, but it would take some time to completely retreat to the essence. After all, this thing is either innate or acquired through hard work. Even if he took the accelerated channel, he couldn't achieve it quickly.

Inside the courtyard, Wang Yi and Zuo Rutong, the elder who was worried about him, were drinking tea. Next to Wang Yi was a newspaper that he had read during his retreat.

It is now the 18th of April, and many things have been settled. Being thousands of miles away, he can only see and see whether he has had any impact on anything.

Needless to say, the scene for No. 12 was almost the same as what he saw in his own internal vision. There were more casualties, but the weapons were still retained.

Things started to change after the 12th, first there were strikes and meetings, then armed demonstrations demanding the release of the arrested workers.

Because they still had their weapons, and they had just fought a gunfight, everyone knew that having weapons and not having weapons were two different things, so the issue of recalling the workers' weapons was not passed at all. Afterwards, hundreds of armed workers cooperated with the masses in marches and demonstrations, which were very powerful and had enough firepower to fight a gunfight with them. Coupled with the general strike, the army was forced to release the arrested workers under pressure, and then the two sides confronted each other until they dispersed.

Then came the sudden attack on the 15th, a large-scale search and massacre in Shanghai.

However, the progressive people in Shanghai, who had already understood the other party's purpose, also knew that Shanghai was not a place to stay for long. After taking back the arrested workers, they also transferred as quickly as possible, one step ahead of these reactionary troops. Although there were still progressive people arrested and killed, the number was much less than that in the original timeline. Seeing this, Wang Yi didn't need to read on. He put the newspapers aside and couldn't help sighing.

"Why, didn't things go as you wish?" Zuo Rutong looked at Wang Yi and asked directly.

During the days when he was in charge of the Four City Foot Bank, he also roughly understood what Wang Yi was doing. He had read all the newspapers Wang Yi saw. Although he was a cultivator and didn't know about the infighting in the temple, he also understood that this kind of purge was definitely problematic. What Wang Yi wanted to stop was this purge, and even the people behind it.

"It would be nice if this kind of thing could go my way, but I can still accept this result. It's just that I feel bad for having you, Zuo Menzhang, make such a trip this time."

"If I hadn't taken this trip, it would have been my turn to overcome my inner demons. Wang Yi, the thousand-year change, does it include even the aliens?"

Zuo Rutong's sudden question also stunned Wang Yi, but Wang Yi's reaction also gave Zuo Rutong an answer.

"It seems that the divination of the Heavenly Master is correct. Although you are not the result of karma backlash, what you did is indeed related to the thousand-year change in the commentary. Isn't it a thousand-year change that even aliens cannot escape?"

"Master Zuo, I can't say much about this, but you are right. We are the ones who can most directly feel the changes in the past thousand years. If you want to survive safely, the best way is to practice in the mountains, not worry about worldly affairs, and then go with the flow."

"But there is another way, right? Like what you are doing now."

Wang Yi didn't answer, and Zuo Rutong didn't ask any more questions.

He came to Beijing only for Wang Yi. Now that Wang Yi's inner demons have been eliminated and his state of mind has been further improved, there is no need for him to stay in Beijing any longer. He drank his tea, stood up, looked at Wang Yi who did not answer his question, and continued.

"If there are such things in the future, don't handle it alone, just find someone to send a letter to Sanyi Sect. Although you and I are not master and disciple in name or in reality, but with the Sanyi Sect's means of protection you sent us, the relationship between you and Sanyi Sect will never be severed. Your business is the business of Sanyi Sect. Although the disciples in the sect are not as talented as you, they are still a force. Just let me know if you can use them, including entering the secular world."

Wang raised his head, but all he saw was Zuo Rutong's gracefully leaving back.

"As cultivators, we need to cultivate both in the secular world and out of it. The world has been changing for thousands of years. If the Sanyi Sect does not care about worldly affairs, but only cultivates in the mountains and watches the world change, then it would be better for the Sanyi Sect to disband as soon as possible."

Zuo Ruotong's voice was still echoing in the yard, but his figure had already disappeared into the house at the foot of the city. Wang Yi could only stand up and bow in the direction where Zuo Ruotong left.
The next day, at the Marshal’s Mansion in the capital.

Wang Yi was led by the guards to the hall, but did not see Marshal Zhang himself. Only Gao Jin, a member of the Gao family who had always been accompanying Marshal Zhang, was waiting for him.

"Congratulations, Brother Wang, for making further progress in your cultivation."

Gao Jin also said something polite when he saw Wang Yi for the first time. After all, Wang Yi had claimed to be in seclusion before, and now he came out of seclusion and looked full of energy, so it was not too much to say something more polite.

"Thank you for your praise. I have only made some progress in my state of mind. But Brother Gao, the Marshal is not seeing guests this time, so he asked you to receive me."

Wang Yi didn't care. He just felt the solemn atmosphere in the Marshal's Mansion. He asked Gao Jin tentatively, trying to find out what Marshal Zhang was up to this time.

"Brother Wang, you should also know why the Marshal didn't see you."

"I guessed it. It seems that the Marshal doesn't like the news I asked Brother Liu to send." "After all, the person you want to protect is the one the Marshal will definitely kill. You suddenly asked Jianghu Xiaozhan to ask you to meet him, and you also hope that the Marshal will give you face and not torture him. What do you think the Marshal will think? He now thinks that you are in cahoots with the arrested person. If he really comes out to see you, you will beat him up..."

"But the problem is that if I really want to do this, it doesn't matter whether the Marshal sees me or not. As long as he is still in the capital, it will not be difficult for me to assassinate the king."

"So the Marshal has been working in the barracks these days."

As soon as these words were spoken, the scene became awkward for a moment. Wang Yi and Gao Jin, the spokesperson for Marshal Zhang, also laughed awkwardly for a few times before continuing the topic.

"Brother Gao, does that commander have to be killed?"

Gao Jin didn't answer, but Wang Yi already knew the answer, so he changed the question.

"In that case, I will not deny the Marshal's face. But Brother Gao, can you please tell the Marshal that I asked Jianghu Xiaozhan to pass on the message at that time, just hoping that the Marshal would do me a favor and let me meet this person. I want to know whether the Marshal agrees or not."

Hearing this, Gao Jin also put down the teacup in his hand and said helplessly.

"Brother Wang, what's the difference between meeting once and not meeting each other? Do you really want to make things difficult for the Marshal just because of this person?"

"If I really want to make things difficult for the Marshal, the best way now is to break into the prison. With my means, as long as it is not heavily guarded or the Marshal is secretly executing him, it will not be difficult for me to save him. But I am coming here in person now, just to ask the Marshal to do me a favor and meet this person, have a good chat, and let him practice. This request is not too much, right?"

"Can I ask why?"

"There are some things I need your help with recently."

"It has to be him?"

"It has to be him."

"In that case, please wait a moment, brother."

Seeing Wang Yi's firm attitude, Gao Jin pondered for a moment, stood up and said something to Wang Yi, then walked towards the guard's duty room outside the door, where there was a telephone line specially pulled to the military camp. After a while, Gao Jin also returned to the living room and gave his answer.

"Brother Wang, the Marshal said that he will execute that person on the 28th of this month. You can only go to see him on the 27th. I will accompany you then. If you can really get something out of him, maybe you can save his life."

"In that case, I would like to thank Brother Gao and the Marshal first."

Seeing that the purpose of his visit to the Marshal's Mansion had been achieved, Wang Yi did not linger any longer and left the Mansion accompanied by Gao Jin. However, before leaving, Gao Jin still called Wang Yi.

"Brother Wang, for the sake of the people around you, don't do that unwise thing."

"Am I like that kind of person?"

Wang Yi replied and then left on his own.

Shortly after Wang Yi left, behind Gao Jin, a member of the Gao family, Marshal Zhang from the capital also walked out under the escort of guards and appeared beside Gao Jin.

"Handsome Master."

"Well, do you think this kid will know that I am in the Marshal's Mansion?"

"It's still a mystery how many methods he has, and no one in the circle has forced him to go all out. But handsome man, isn't this a bit too risky?"

"Fuck it! I've been through a lot and survived a lot. Do I have to stay in the military camp for a month just because this kid spread a rumor? If anyone tells others, I'll be looked down upon!"

"Yes, yes, yes. Since you have already agreed to his request, why do you have to go to such lengths to let me receive him? And why do you have to choose the day before the execution to meet him?"

"You've never supervised an execution before, right? It's not a pleasant feeling to wait for death. I chose this day to meet him, just to let him experience the feeling of waiting for death. Moreover, I have given this king a lot of face. After catching him, I just locked him up and didn't torture him. If he doesn't behave again, I guarantee that he won't die a happy death!"

Gao Jin was speechless. As a retainer of Marshal Zhang, he could not try to persuade Marshal Zhang in this regard. After all, behind him was the entire Gao family.

Wang Yi, who pretended not to know that Marshal Zhang was watching the show in the Marshal's mansion, also returned to the Sicheng Foot Trade. The business of the foot trade was still the same, with or without him. The only thing Wang Yi did was to fold the newspapers during this period one by one, sort them by date, mark the things that happened during this period with red circles, and then wait for the day of the meeting on the 27th.

(End of this chapter)

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