Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 165 Hey, can we reconcile?

Chapter 165 Hey, can we reconcile?
The fighting scattered in various places of Qimen Qi Bureau seemed long, but in fact it was carried out at the same time. With the deliberate interference of Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei, the two of them divided the relatively stronger group of sixty alien masters equally. The remaining ones could allow Zhang Huaiyi and others to experience the life-and-death fight between the aliens firsthand, and the degree of danger was not so great that it could not be controlled.

In just a few minutes, 22 of the 60 experts trapped in the Qimen Qi Bureau had been killed, leaving only 38 experts scattered in the four battlefields of Wang Yi, Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Huaiyi and Liang Ting. This is how the fights between experts are. As long as it is not a pursuit battle, traps like this one set up specifically for fighting can determine life and death at such a fast speed.

The entire Qimen Qi Bureau gradually shrank as the number of trapped people decreased, and it was now within a range that You Baiyun could barely maintain.

Guarding the special car carrying the old marshal and the young marshal, father and son, Lu Jin and others also wanted to know who would be the next person to walk out of the Qi Bureau.

In the Qimen Qi Bureau, the fifteen strange people who were taken away by Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei were also a little panicked because of the gunshots that sounded in the Qi Bureau. Because with the intermittent gunshots, in their perception, the breath of nearly half of their accomplices disappeared. In such a Qimen Qi Bureau, the disappearance of breath has only one result.

But they were helpless against the two people who trapped them. Yes, it was not this strange Qi Bureau that trapped them, but Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei in front of them that trapped them, making it impossible for them to leave their position to support others. And they did not dare to act rashly, because Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei, who were in the same position as them, had already locked their Qi firmly on each of them. If anyone dared to be distracted, they would be struck by Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei.

At this time, they finally understood why the other side dared to face so many of them with a numerical disadvantage of twelve people, because the king and the card in front of them were enough to deal with all of them.

At this time, Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei looked at each other across the crowd. The two of them, one in front and one behind, sandwiched the thirty strange people in the middle, seemingly surrounding them.

Compared to the silence and depression on Wang Yi's side, Zhang Zhiwei, who was opposite Wang Yi, seemed much more active. At this time, Zhang Zhiwei had one hand behind his back and one palm on his chest, chanting the "Great Mysterious and Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Venerable's Wonderful Sutra on Saving Suffering" which was used by their Taoists for the ritual of saving the souls of the dead.

Zhang Zhiwei's voice was solemn and his expression was sacred. At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei, who was reciting scriptures, no longer had the arrogant and unruly look he had before.

The sound of scriptures resounded in the Qi Bureau like a huge bell, and in the direction where the four Japanese aliens Zhang Huaiyi was facing were, Zhang Huaiyi also heard the sound of his senior brother chanting scriptures.

As the sound of Zhang Zhiwei's chanting came, Zhang Huaiyi, who was still at ease facing the four Japanese fighters and was fighting with the Golden Light Mantra, also calmed down and thought about what Zhang Zhiwei said to him before the action and why he was given the surname Zhang by Tianshi Zhang Jingqing.

He closed his eyes, let out a long breath, and opened his eyes again. The gleam in his eyes was like a sharp sword, which made the four strange men dare not to attack. Zhang Huaiyi also said loudly: "What my senior brother recited is the Supreme Sutra for Rescuing Suffering. I am Zhang Huaiyi from Longhu Mountain. I will use this Supreme Sutra for Rescuing Suffering to send the four of you to the reincarnation of animals!"

After saying that, Zhang Huaiyi no longer suppressed his strength this time. He fully activated the Golden Light Spell, with lightning flashing faintly in his hands, and then he killed the four Japanese aliens who had horrified expressions on their faces.

As the chanting sounds echoing in the Qi Bureau disappeared, Zhang Huaiyi transformed himself into golden light and walked out of the Qi Bureau side by side with Liang Ting, who was solving the battle on the other side, dragging four corpses that were turned into charred black by the bombardment of Yang Wu Lei.

Compared to the majestic atmosphere of Zhang Huaiyi's killing with Yang Wulei, Liang Ting's side seemed a little creepy.

Because at this moment Liang Ting's upper body is naked, revealing his muscular body engraved with talisman patterns. On Liang Ting's back, there is an iron box made of fine iron, which is interlocking and attached to the spine. It is precisely connected to his body. Four tentacles made of fine iron also extend from the iron box, like Liang Ting's four extra arms. On the sharp part of each tentacles, there is a corpse of a Japanese alien.

"Master Huaiyi is a very secretive person. No wonder the Heavenly Master taught you half of the Thunder Technique. I am so sorry for my disrespect."

"Brother Liang, you are too kind. This is the first time I have witnessed the exquisiteness of Mojin Rougu. It is indeed profound."

After Zhang Huaiyi and Liang Ting easily defeated their opponents, only Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei were left in the Qimen Qi Bureau, along with the thirty strange people surrounded by them.

The Qimen Qi Bureau that was barely maintained by You Baiyun began to lose its power after Zhang Huaiyi and Liang Ting left the battlefield. It slowly dissipated amid the puzzled eyes of the crowd, and the fog that was so thick that one could not see one's hand in front of one's face dissipated, exposing the last battlefield to everyone.

"Why did this Qimen Qi Bureau disintegrate?"

"No, it wasn't me who did it. It was Brother Yi and Little Master Tianshi who forcibly dispelled this strange Qi situation."

You Baiyun explained stutteringly, and as the strange Qi game dissipated, the thirty extraordinary masters surrounded by Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei also saw the heads and corpses placed not far away. Their eyes were bloodshot, but they dared not move under the suppression of the aura emitted by Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei stopped reciting the scriptures and looked at the thirty strange people in front of him, including some masters who could make him take serious action. He narrowed his eyes and introduced himself to them.

"I am Zhang Zhiwei, the eldest disciple of Zhang Jingqing, the Heavenly Master of Mount Longhu. I am good at the Golden Light Curse, the Five Yang Thunders, the Five Yin Thunders, the art of talismans, medical theory, divination, swordsmanship, boxing and kicking... In short, I know everything and can learn it at a glance. Wang Yi, do you have anything else to add?"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his head slightly, looking past the thirty strange people to the other side where the master Wang Yi was standing with his hands behind his back.

Wang Yi also glanced around, without stopping at the defeated general Yagyu Tajima no Kami, but instead looked at the former Qing nobles who had braids and chose to cooperate with the Japanese in an attempt to restore their country, who were mixed in among these Japanese aliens.

"In order to prevent wars from happening again and again in China, the former Prime Minister has repeatedly given way to you nobles of the previous dynasty. Now you are still so stubborn and are colluding with foreign races in an attempt to split the country. In this case, I will not give you any dignity. Go ahead. You thirty people only have one chance to use all your strength against the two of us. Take advantage of it."

Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei were talking to each other, and from beginning to end they did not take the thirty people in front of them seriously, even though many of them were qualified to make Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei take serious action.

Faced with the verbal humiliation from two juniors who were at least a generation younger than them, no one thought it was wrong, because Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei were strong enough, so strong that no one thought that these thirty extraordinary fighters could withstand the combined attack of these two.

So facing Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei who were surrounding them from the front and back, these thirty experts in alien warfare responded to the humiliation of Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei by speaking the most cowardly words in the cruelest tone.

"Come together! I don't believe they can kill all thirty of us before their true energy runs out!"

Before he finished speaking, the purest collision of true Qi began between the thirty extraordinary masters on the field and Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei.

The purest true Qi collided, and the feedback it brought was like thunder in silence. The asphalt road collapsed and cracked, and the trees on both sides of the road fell down. An invisible force carried Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei, along with the thirty extraordinary masters, the surrounding broken stones, and the fallen trees, all into the air.

Debris and trees swirled around the battlefield of thirty men versus two, and then fell from the battlefield and smashed into the surroundings.

At this moment, off the field, in the best audience seats, Lu Jin and others, the old marshal, the young marshal and the captain of the personal guard Xishun who walked out of the car, and the Fengtian Army and the Kwantung Army who were nearby or confronting each other outside the city gate, all raised their heads at the same time and watched the battle between strange people in the night sky of Fengtian City.

In the night sky, sometimes there are golden spots, like stars, and sometimes there are flashes of lightning. In a trance, some people see a master above the thunder, with his hands behind his back, overlooking the world.

Sometimes there were the howling of evil spirits, making creepy sounds that made it hard to sleep, and sometimes there were flashes of swords and sabers. Wherever they passed, the surrounding buildings and roads were riddled with holes and turned into dust.

Many years later, the elders who were fortunate enough to witness the great battle between the aliens that night would tell their children and grandchildren about this past event, saying that they had once seen a battle between gods.

As for Lu Jin and others who experienced it firsthand and witnessed the battle in the VIP audience seats, only they knew the situation clearly.

In this era, there are no gods in the world of aliens.

There is only one king and one card.

One, two, three... The fight ended in just a moment. Thirty extraordinary masters who were enough to turn the entire Fengtian City upside down turned into corpses and fell from the air. The greatest damage they inflicted on Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei with all their strength was just to tear their clothes, leave a few deep scars on their bodies that could be seen to the bone, and spit out blood from the corners of their mouths.

For Wang Yi and Zhang Zhiwei, two young men with profound life cultivation, such injuries would only require half a month or even a week of recuperation to be back to full health.

Zhang Zhiwei landed steadily, completely ignoring his injuries, looking refreshed.

This was the most enjoyable fight he had ever had, except for the duel with Wang Yi at the Lu family's birthday banquet. He didn't need to hold back and used all his skills wantonly. Compared with such an enjoyable fight, this little injury on his body was nothing.

Wang Yi also landed steadily, but compared to Zhang Zhiwei's refreshed look, Wang Yi didn't feel anything. Instead, he was looking at an old acquaintance who was acting as a cushion under his feet.

Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami, the head of the Yagyu Shinkage-ryu, a Japanese kendo school that was destroyed by his own magnetic field in the capital.

Wang Yi didn't know what kind of forbidden technique he used to break through the magnetic field true qi he left in his meridians. On the body of Yagyu Tajima no Kami, there were scars that were bleeding. Those were the marks he had obtained by reversing the eight directions to capture the force of Yagyu Tajima no Kami's slashing blows and replicate the torture on his body. His own magnetic field true qi also penetrated into his body through these slashes.

But now, if Wang Yi was not familiar with his breath, he would not be able to connect the half-dead man under his feet with the square-faced Yagyu Tajima no Kami.

"Master Yagyu, it's true that we meet everywhere in life. Do you have any last words?"

"Hey, Mr. Wang Yi, can we reconcile?"

Coughing up blood and oozing blood from his body, Yagyu Tajima no longer looked like a human being. He looked at the man who had trampled him under his feet. He had paid so much and almost turned into a ghost. When he faced Wang Yi again, he suffered the same defeat. At this moment, he finally understood how big the gap was between him and Wang Yi. He just wanted to live. In order to live, he could pay any price.

"Now that things have come to this, Yagyu, are you kidding?"

In response to Yagyu Tajima no Kami's plea for mercy, Wang Yi slashed him one by one, causing the words of plea for mercy remaining in his mouth to leave his body along with his head.

After doing all this, he counted the bodies on the road and confirmed that they were correct. Then he walked towards the special car of the old marshal and the young marshal, father and son, and saluted to the old marshal.

"Master Shuai, you have to walk the last part of the journey by yourself."

The old commander, who had just come back to his senses from the final battle, looked at Wang Yi in front of him and Zhang Zhiwei beside him, then nodded slowly.

"Okay, okay, in the end, a person still has to fulfill himself. Liuzi, accompany your father to complete this last part of the journey."


The old commander returned to the back seat with the help of the young commander and the car started.

Wang Yi and his companions also left Chen Zhen and Gong Baotian, who were more seriously injured, to recuperate on the spot. Shui Yun from the Sanyi Sect and You Baiyun from Wang Yi's side stayed behind to take care of them.

Wang Yi, Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Huaiyi, Gao Jin, Lu Jin, Lü Ren, Lü Ci, Wang Ai, Li Muxuan, Liang Ting.

A group of ten people also accompanied the special car carrying the old marshal and the young marshal, father and son, and slowly walked towards the gate of Fengtian City.

(End of this chapter)

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