Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 196: Heading to Hamunatta

Chapter 196: Heading to Hamunatta
At the hotel bar, Wang Yi and Isaac Taber each ordered a glass of wine and drank it, without paying any attention to the seriousness of the room because Evelyn, the librarian, was talking about the ancient Egyptian alien Imhotep who was active in 2900 BC.

"Mr. Wang Yi, what do you think of the story told by Miss Evelin?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"In terms of a long history, your country is the only one among the four ancient civilizations that has not been interrupted.

2900 BC is too far away from Europe. It is questionable whether there was civilization in Europe at that time. Even if we count Merlin, the founder of Flamel Academy, there is a 2000-year gap between him and Imhotep. Who else should I ask if I don’t ask you, the heir of Chinese civilization? "

Hearing Isaac Taber calling Merlin, the first dean of his academy, "Grandmaster" in Chinese, Wang Yiyi couldn't think of how to complain for a moment. He just drank a sip of wine silently and then gave an answer.

"Don't mention you, even I am skeptical now. Because in our country, the first alien who ascended to heaven with written records and walked into the door of the world's truth according to your country was called Xuanyuan Huangdi, who was active in 2600 BC, and there is a -year generation gap between him and this Imhotep. But since it is true that Xuanyuan Huangdi ascended to heaven on a dragon in my country, this Imhotep is most likely the first alien recorded to ascend to heaven in ancient Egypt, but there is a problem here."

"Since he had ascended to heaven, why was he buried by the Egyptians at that time in the ancient city of Hamunaptra?"

"Yes, Mr. Taber, since you are the dean of Flamel College, you should know some things."

"Well, there are records of aliens ascending to heaven in the East, and there are records of aliens entering the gate of the world's truth here. In my opinion, they all seem to have one thing in common. Their ascension gives me a sense of necessity."

"Or is it that you can't wait?"

"It's probably both, but one thing is certain, these ascended gods will not appear in the world again. Some just leave a legacy for future generations to pass on, and some don't want to leave anything behind and just leave. If this Imhotep is really one of the ascended gods, given his status in ancient Egyptian civilization, it is impossible for him not to leave behind a Taoist tradition, but he chose to bury himself in an ancient city, without seeing the sun. I always feel that something is wrong."

Isaac Taber fell silent. This was what he couldn't understand.

Now that this is uncertain, it may be difficult to enter the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra. It would be ok if it was just a false alarm, I can just treat it as a trip.

The only fear is that what is buried in the ancient city of Hamunaptra is a cenotaph, where this god, who has long been at leisure somewhere unknown, has set up all kinds of traps to entertain foreigners like them who want to come and find out what's going on.

Isaac Taber also clearly understood one thing from the books left by the founder of Flamel Academy, that is, one should not compare the strength of the current alien world to look at these ascended gods.

These ascended gods have paved their own way and left behind a perfect cultivation system. Each one can be said to be a perfect hexagonal warrior.

It's just a different emphasis. Knowing 500 years ahead and 500 years behind are both basic operations.

Not to mention that according to records in Egyptian books, Imhotep was also proficient in astrology. If this ascended god calculated through astrology before his ascension that his civilization would be discontinued and the ancient city of Hamunaptra would encounter a disaster in four thousand years, then it would be normal for him to use the ancient city of Hamunaptra as bait to set a trap for these foreigners.

As for the tests, please, it was a slave society back then, and the Jews were still slaves. I haven't seen this ascended god Imhotep think that there was anything wrong with his own Egyptians making slaves of the Jews.

All of them are tomb robbers who are eyeing Hamunaptra. If this ascended saint can really predict the current situation through astrology, even if there are good things in the ancient city of Hamunaptra, they will be left to tomb robbers instead of the descendants who are still the guardians of Egypt's ancient civilization? What a joke!
Wang Yi was thinking about even more, because when Miss Evelyn talked about the ascended god named Imhotep who might be buried in the ancient city of Hamunaptra, and narrated the deeds of Imhotep, the memory of this aspect in his mind was also opened.

Isn't this the story outline of the first two parts of the movie "The Mummy"? However, compared to the series of movies in my previous life where white people glorified various legal ways of tomb robbing and tampered with history, the one I encountered is the authentic one.

Imhotep did not steal the Pharaoh's woman, nor did he collude with the Pharaoh's concubine to kill his own boss.

The only thing in common between the pirated story I read in my previous life and the authentic story I encountered in this life is that this Imhotep was really good at fighting. In the pirated story, Imhotep was mummified and resurrected, which led to the Ten Plagues of Egypt. The authentic story I heard was that the Ten Plagues of Egypt were solved by a great repair, and he became a saint with this merit and ascended to heaven.

Then the question arises, if this guy really expected that these people would come to rob tombs, based on his performance in the unofficial movies of his previous life and the descriptions in the official history of this life, what should he do if he left behind any tricks to deal with him and Isaac Taber?
He has no experience of fighting against the Ascended Holy One!

But halfway through his thought, Wang Yi realized that he was being too stubborn. He was using the movies and unofficial history he had seen in his previous life to speculate on the Imhotep who ascended to heaven in the official history. Since he couldn't figure it out, why not ask someone who could give them a definite answer? Both unofficial and official history had ancient Egyptian guardians who knew about Imhotep.

Since the unofficial history is to guard against him and prevent him from waking up, then the official history should be to protect him and prevent outsiders from disturbing his peace.

And the director of the Egyptian Museum whom they had met before was one of the guardians of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Thinking of this, Wang Yi signaled to the bartender to refill his and Taber's glasses. Taber also noticed Wang Yi's expression and knew that he had an idea.

"Mr. Wang Yi, have you thought of anything?"

"Since we outsiders can't figure it out, let's go find the locals who know about this and ask them for clarification."

"You mean the curator?"

"Sure enough, you saw it too."

"Let's meet in the evening?"

Wang Yi and Taber had not been away for long, but neither of them decided at the first time whether to continue exploring the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra. They just let Qianbol and Taber, the two aliens, eat and drink well and go wherever they wanted. After dinner, Wang Yi and Taber changed their clothes and went to the Egyptian Museum they had visited during the day, except that there was an extra follower.

In the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, the curator was looking at a map on the table with a magnifying glass, a map that also recorded how to reach the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra. Behind the curator, a man in a black robe, with a knife on the left side of his waist, a gun on the right side, and a tattoo on his face, stood respectfully by.

"How is the situation in the Holy Land?"

"It's still the same. That group of people joined forces with the British to occupy that place. Our people can't do anything but harass them. Uncle, if they continue like this, they will really disturb the peace of the high priest!"

"Peace? The high priest has had no peace since the British occupied this land in 1882. It's our own fault that we are incompetent and have not been able to keep up with the changes of the times and protect this land."

"But we kept Hamunatta's secret until 1923, when the Americans showed up, along with that couple."

"Ads! Those Americans are those Americans, and that couple is that couple. If they hadn't risked their lives to deliver the message, the high priest's peaceful place would not have been disturbed."

"I know, that's why you let their daughter work as a librarian here. But this secret can no longer be kept. In addition to those Americans, there are also aliens from all over the world. We have lost too many people over the years. Uncle, I know that protecting the high priest is our mission. But if the high priest can really calculate until now, can he bear to let our guardians disappear completely in history?"

"Not the time, Ades, not the time. Wrong time, wrong person. If we enter rashly, we will only lose our own people. The high priest left a prophecy that Hamunaptra will not be opened for us until 1933."

"But can we really wait until then?"

Just as the uncle and nephew were arguing, an untimely voice appeared.

"Perhaps we can provide you with a little help, Mr. Curator."

The man who was arguing with his uncle drew his sword first, and true energy instantly attached to the blade. The moment he drew his sword, even the lights in the house dimmed.

A blade of light slashed towards the source of the sound, but Taber, who was standing next to Wang Yi, raised his hand and caught the invisible blade of light. In less than a moment, the invisible blade of light turned into the Qi of heaven and earth and dissipated.

"Stand off, Ades."

Compared to his nephew's recklessness, the curator stopped immediately and looked at the three people in front of him.

At this time, Wang Yi had changed out of his suit and put on a black gown, while Taber was wearing a brown British-style suit. The slim design highlighted his burly figure to the fullest. Taber's figure could be described as strong and powerful.

And sandwiched between the two was the follower Evelyn.

She is not a naive little girl. She is able to endure and wait for the opportunity to uncover the secret left by her parents. Naturally, she will not let go of this opportunity.

When Wang Yi and Taber were about to go find the curator to find out what was going on, he stopped them and asked them to take him with them.

Taber was an old fox and he directly threw the hot potato to Wang Yi to deal with.

There was no other way, so Wang Yi had to bring her along, but it must be said that this Miss Evelin was really good, with no body odor, and she was pleasing to the eye, and she also provided the most valuable clues, so let's just treat it as a feast for the eyes.

It is better to arrive at the right time than to arrive early. As soon as the three of them arrived, they heard the key information from the quarrel between the uncle and nephew.

"Director..." "Evelyn."

"I just heard you talking about my parents, they..."

"Yes, it is unfortunate that you have to hear this news now. I wanted to wait until 1933 to tell you."

"But you just said, wrong time, wrong person..."

"Yes, but you can offer sacrifices in exchange for time to enter. You know, in that era, sacrifice was a custom."

"So they took this from Hamunatari through the sacrifice of Miss Evelyn's parents?"

Taking over the curator's words, Wang Yi signaled Taber to comfort Evelyn, who was in a state of emotional ups and downs. He also took out the black-and-white photo and placed it in front of the curator.

Looking at the arrow in the photo, the curator nodded.

"Yes, this is one of the treasures that the high priest left for us, the descendants of the guardians."

"Can ordinary people be transformed into extraordinary people?"

"Yes, but this is a set, not just one. It was made by the high priest using his own hand bones. There are six of them in total, with the same function: one for screening, one for blessing, and one for evolution. They are also effective when used alone, but the side effects are huge."

“What are the side effects?”

"If you can't stand the test, even a small wound can make you bleed to death. So both of you, tell me your purpose."

The curator sat back in his chair and looked at Wang Yi and the other two who appeared here, without much panic on his face.

Wang Yi also sat opposite the curator and said with a smile.

"Like I was saying, Director, how about we work together?"


"Do you need these arrows?"

"We, the guardians, have the inheritance left to us by the high priest. We don't need this kind of thing used to transform aliens, but the question is, can you make the decision? Do you only need these few arrows?"

"Can I be the master of my side, Mr. Tubb?"

"Sir, if you know me, Flamel Isaac Taber, I can assure you that I brought my students here just to see if I can find an opportunity for them to break through. As far as I know, you ancient Egyptians worship the immortality of the soul and the weakness of flesh and blood. If possible, please allow me to copy a copy of the book material about the cultivation of the soul left by this high priest."

"Isaac Taber, I know you. You are regarded by the European Inhuman community as the Inhuman with the greatest hope of catching up with Merlin. If it were you, I could believe it. But what about you, Mr. Wang Yi? I am impressed by your strength, but why should I believe that you only want these arrows?"

"Because my country is suffering the same hardships as your country, I can understand your nephew's feelings. Watching his country become a colony, he wanted to do something but was hindered by the responsibilities on his shoulders. In fact, you need these six arrows. Although you have a part of the inheritance left by the high priest Imhotep, you have lost too many people in order to protect the holy land over the years.

If you really had to wait until 1933 to explore, five years would be neither long nor short, but would you still have so many people by then? If you could explore Hamunaptra earlier, you could be freed from the responsibility of guarding the holy land earlier and go to defend your country. "

Wang Yi's words hit the nail on the head. The curator was not a conservative person and he was well aware of the current predicament facing them as guardians of ancient Egypt.

If there had been no war and the secret of Hamunaptra had not been leaked, they could have waited until 1933 to explore. After all, this was the treasure left by Imhotep to future generations.

But years of war have made the secret organization of the Guardians of Ancient Egypt almost exhausted. If they continue like this, what’s the use of the inheritance? There will be no one left.

"And for now, Director, it seems that you only have these two choices. Either watch your organization gradually wither in the battle to protect the holy land until the holy land opens in 1933, or choose to trust us. At least for now, both of us come with good intentions. I don't want to be a tomb robber, so I need your help, and likewise, you need our help."

"But now is not the right time."

"You also said that we can use sacrifices. I don't believe that you, the curator, didn't target the Americans who have been excavating the ancient city of Hamunaptra."

"They are cooperating with the British governor stationed here. They have troops."

Hearing this, Wang Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Isaac Taber who was comforting Evelyn.

"Well, I will ask Talbot and his men to talk to the governor and ask him to transfer the troops stationed there, but you know that the governor is not easy to get rid of."

"Isaac Taber, if you can transfer the army, I can decide to give you a portion of the treasure left there by the high priest as a reward, but the prerequisite is that these treasures must be identified by me. We, the guardians, do not lack this little gold and silver."

"Then I won't have any problems."

"So the decision is up to you, Mr. Curator. Want to take a gamble?"

"Do you like gambling, Mr. Wang Yi?"

"I don't like it, but now even you and I have to take a gamble at the gambling table."

Ades, the nephew who was listening to the conversation behind the curator, was also looking at his uncle. He really wanted to agree on his uncle's behalf.

"When do you plan to leave?"

"Speed ​​is of the essence in war. Let's do it the day after tomorrow. You are a local and we can tell you what to watch out for and what to buy. After we enter Hamunatta, we will follow your advice. If you are worried, you can mobilize your guardians to surround Hamunatta. Besides, it takes time to dispatch the army, right?"

"You are very frank, Mr. Wang Yi."

"I'm just making myself clear, but I have one last question."

"The high priest must have become a god. All we guardians know is that we must guard the holy land until 1933 before we can enter Hamunaptra."

"You should make us a little panic, Mr. Curator, but we are already at the gambling table. Let's see if your high priest has calculated our conversation. The day after tomorrow, together?"


"It's a pleasure to work with you, Mr. Curator. I hope you and my country will have a bright future."

Having achieved his goal, Wang Yi naturally did not want to disturb the subsequent conversation between the uncle and nephew. Taber, who was watching Wang Yi talking to the curator, also had a look of appreciation and regret.

What he admired was naturally his courage and his skills which were not inferior to his own. What he regretted was naturally that the other party was not a family member, otherwise he would be the dean of Flamel College.

As for what Wang Yi said just now, this kind of confrontation between countries and infringement of interests, even as the dean of Flamel College, he cannot influence the opinions of the cabinet and the prime minister in this regard.

Staying out of things and helping whenever he can with what he sees is already his limit.

When Wang Yi passed by Evelyn who heard the bad news about her parents, he paused. From the conversation between the curator and his nephew just now, he knew that her parents were good people and real archaeologists. After knowing what they had done, they immediately informed the guardians of ancient Egyptian civilization and paid the price with their lives.

“Let’s go, Miss Evelin. The day after tomorrow, I will take you to kill someone.”

Evelyn stopped crying, and when she looked up, Wang Yi had his hands behind his back, the hem of his black gown fluttering in the wind, becoming a scene that lingered in Evelyn's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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