Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 198 Yeah, this is bad luck

Chapter 198 Yeah, this is bad luck
“In 1914, when the World War broke out, I was 24 years old and had just graduated from the Flamel Academy with the Order of Merlin.

At that time, I felt that in the entire European superhuman circle, except for those old men, no one else was my match, because at that time I had already reached the realm of both sex and life as you Chinese superhuman circles call it.

At that time, I had an idea that a guy like me could play a role on the battlefield, so I signed up for the army and was assigned to the Royal Engineer Aerospace Battalion, which was the predecessor of the Royal Air Force.

You know what, Mr. Wang Yi? In my opinion, the First World War was a very special era. It was full of evil and there was no justice at all. But it made me truly realize the horror of war in the era of hot weapons and the powerlessness of aliens.

It was the summer of 1917. The fighter plane I was flying was ambushed by a German plane in the air. The co-pilot and machine gunner was killed, leaving me alone.

I was at least 2000 meters above the ground, and facing a dogfight with four German fighters, and everything I learned at the Flamel Academy was useless.

My tempered body couldn't help me jump onto the enemy plane, and if I chose to hang glide I would become a sitting duck in the air. The only thing I could rely on was the machine gun.

That was my first time using a machine gun, and the first time I used magic to control every bullet fired, allowing the pouring bullets to hit the enemy plane while ignoring wind resistance to the greatest extent.

I shot down two enemy planes, scared away two more, and returned safely. When the war was over, I retired and was awarded a medal.

It was that air battle that made me understand, what the hell are aliens! If you can't keep up with the development of the times, you are a primitive person, destined to become extinct!

You have a gun but don't use magic? How can you surpass the great Merlin and become the new dean of Flamel Academy? "

While riding a camel and charging towards the camp of the Inhuman Organization Ant Nest, Isaac Taber was also a little free, talking about his past. Taber's story also made Wang look sideways, no wonder he could be the top of the Western Inhuman Circle, with this kind of awareness, you deserve to be the dean of Flamel College.

This is also a problem that exists in the current Eastern and Western alien circles, especially among the older generation. Although they are all worldly, their concepts are more feudal than anyone else. In their eyes, the use of hot weapons by aliens is an insult to their ancestors.

Therefore, up to now, only the younger generation in the Republic of China's superhuman circle can barely accept the behavior of superhumans using guns. If we want to popularize it thoroughly and make the entire Chinese superhuman circle accept the ideas of the new era, there is still a long way to go.

Not to mention the bunch of old aristocratic aliens in Europe. In terms of the degree of feudalism, the alien circle in the East would have to call them brothers when they see them.

However, these older generations are too far away from them. Now is the time for these young people to show their fighting skills by combining aliens and hot weapons!
"Mr. Wang Yi, take a look at my idea of ​​using the Eagle Eye technique to assist aiming and the Fireball technique to boost shooting."

Isaac Taber, riding a camel, seemed to have returned to the war years. Looking at the ant nest camp only a few hundred meters away, he fired a shot into the air with the shotgun in his hand. The gunshot resounded through the sky and also made the alien who was in charge of alert in the camp look out at the first time.

And Isaac Tubb aimed his gun.

With the help of his magical Eagle Eyes, the target that was difficult for the human eye to see clearly at a distance of hundreds of meters was now clearly visible to Taber. His tempered body and war experience allowed Taber to hold the gun in one hand as steady as an old dog, and he pulled the trigger.

It is not an exaggeration to call the flame spurting out from the muzzle a pillar of fire, and in the vision of Wang Yi and Qian Boer.

At the moment the gunshot rang out, the head of an alien hundreds of meters away exploded like a watermelon, splashing all over the face of the person next to him. The person next to him did not react at this time, wondering how the other party could shoot his accomplice in the head with one shot hundreds of meters away.

"Exquisite control, Tub!"

Isaac Taber showed off his skills and put both Wang Yi and Qian Boer in.

The key to using Fireball as a booster is to control the timing and power, otherwise it will not be a success but a loss.

On this point, Wang Yi had to admit that he was not as good as Isaac Taber, who had been tempered on the battlefield.

But Wang Yi and Qian Boer also have their own characteristics.

Wang raised his hand, and the magic coffin nail that had not been used for a long time was suspended in his palm, with a faint electric light flowing. Qian Bol, the innate extraordinary person, was even more direct. He stretched out his hand, and the true energy in his body flowed naturally, forming a golden pistol in his hand, and the sight popped up.

Innate superpowers - bounty headhunting!

"go with!"

Along with Wang Yi's shout, there was a dull gunshot from the small pistol in Qian Bol's hand, and the other two aliens guarding the camp were also named and shot in the head.

"Haha, that's really interesting, let's have some sandstorm!"

Seeing Wang Yi and Qian Bol showing off their talents, he, the dean of Flamel College, naturally did not want to fall behind.

With a wave of his hand, the dust raised behind Wang Yi and the others grew larger, and even the camels under their crotch sped up. It took them less than half a minute to reach the camp of the alien organization Ant Nest, which was caught off guard, across a distance of several hundred meters.

As the three camels carrying Wang Yi and his two companions rushed into the camp, a small sandstorm caused by the great magician Isaac Taber also hit the camp.

This sandstorm was naturally not as outrageous as a real sandstorm. It could neither overturn the camp nor blow people away. It just blurred the vision and made it difficult to see things clearly.

This limited the time for the aliens in the camp to counterattack to the greatest extent, allowing Wang Yi and the other two to inflict the greatest damage in the fastest time.

Not long after Wang Yi and his team rushed into the camp, the large force behind them caught up. Among them, the European alien expedition team led by Dean Taber was the most radical.

"Hurry up! This is the first time I see the dean take action. It's worth dying here to see the dean take action!"

These words also made the aliens from the Behemoth Group look at them sideways. Looking at these guys who came out of Flamel Academy, they also felt in their hearts that this was indeed the alien academy that was most likely to produce lunatics and reckless men.

When they arrived within a few dozen meters of the camp, they could already see two figures rising and falling in the dust.

Wang Yi and Taber were each holding a Thompson submachine gun and firing aimlessly, but every bullet fired from the muzzle accurately hit the enemy hiding in the dark or just about to counterattack.

No matter if they were hiding in a blind spot or somewhere else, they were named one by one by Wang Yi and Taber.

And Qian Boer, who was in the middle of the two men, stood still, and the Springfield bolt-action rifle in his hand was almost turned into an automatic rifle.

He didn't have to do anything but stand there and use the true Qi attached to the warheads to break through the surface of those targets forced out by Wang Yi and Taber.

This is also another use of his innate ability, bounty hunting.

Because it is extremely difficult for innate supernatural beings to cultivate, most of them can only choose to delve into their innate supernatural powers and try to improve their lower limit as much as possible without being able to improve their upper limit.

This is the case with Chamblee's bounty hunting.

It is an alternative version of the Tang Sect's Dan Shi, which is very effective in breaking the armor of aliens' protective Qi, but it is powerless against aliens who specialize in tempering their bodies. Moreover, the Qi is limited, so it is impossible to activate the infinite bullet cheat.

But who says that you have to use your own Qi bullets to break through the Qi of the aliens? Real bullets are just as effective, but they can't break through the armor in one shot like your own Qi bullets.

But as long as you attach your special true Qi to the real bullet, the effect will be no worse than your own true Qi bullet.

However, this combination of skills seemed a bit useless before automatic rifles or semi-automatic rifles came out. And if you use a submachine gun, your own true energy is not enough to support such a waste and you can't recover it.

Now that he has Wang Yi and Taber to attract hatred and lure monsters for him, he can shoot without restraint.

At this time, Wang Yi, who was in high spirits, threw away the Thompson submachine gun in his hand. The magnetic field was activated, and the two Maxim heavy machine guns in the camp were also summoned by Wang Yi. They fell to the outside of the three people, and together with the two Brownings that Wang Yi took out, they fired indiscriminately.

Isaac Taber also followed suit and pulled over two light machine guns from the camp with Wang Yi, and also learned micro-operation from Wang Yi.

The two men's powerful true Qi controlled the trajectory of the bullets without affecting the kinetic energy of the bullets. In less than ten minutes, thousands of bullets were fired from the guns controlled by Wang Yi and Taber, and the camp was covered with yellow sand.

Poor these aliens belonging to the alien organization called Ant Nest. It was the first time they encountered such a combination of skills of a master using guns. Before they could even draw the guns from their waists, the bullets broke their body's protective Qi. Combined with Qian Bol's armor-piercing bullets, they were killed in an instant.

This scene had a great impact on the minds of the European aliens who had arrived at the scene. They had never seen their dean play with guns in so many ways.

What they didn't expect was that Wang Yi, who could knock them down with just one slap in the face in Beijing, was also an expert at this. And they actually thought of forming a group to go find Wang Yi and get revenge when they have time?

According to the other party's routine, it is estimated that as soon as they step on the train to the Republic of China, Wang Yi may send them to London Railway Station for a surprise attack.

Thinking of this outcome, the group couldn't help but shudder.

The battle did not last more than ten minutes. Under the metal storm composed of hot weapons, there was soon no one to breathe in the camp.

This highly efficient method of killing is much more brutal than any magic brawl. As long as your movements are restricted, you will just stand there and wait to be shot dead.

The gunfire stopped, the smoke dissipated, the yellow sand disappeared, and looking at the camp where it seemed as if only the three of them were left standing, Isaac Taber seemed to remember that he was still a magician. He raised his right hand, and a fireball with a diameter of about one meter condensed in his hand.

Under his control, it differentiated into fist-sized fireballs, burning the camp.

"Kids, do you understand?"

Taber looked at the group of students slowly walking towards his camp and smiled amiably, as if he was not the one who had just been killing people with guns.

These old acquaintances of Wang Yi, led by Tabbert, nodded with dull eyes, while Tabbert was there to deepen their impression.

"Times have changed. Hot weapons are the mainstream. Fighting between aliens often plays a supporting role rather than a decisive role. If we still stick to the medieval way, Flamel Academy will probably have to close down. I hope you can remember this lesson today. The future of the academy is still in your hands."

The group of European aliens nodded numbly again, while Wang Yi looked at the camp that was burning to the ground, and began to control his true energy to gather the killed aliens together, about fifty of them.

He squatted down and began to examine these guys' bodies with magnetic field qi.

As expected, there were fifty of them, almost all of them were fake aliens produced in batches using arrows made from the hand bones of the ancient Egyptian high priest Imhotep. There was not even one who practiced seriously.

"Tsk, no wonder he's so fragile and his skills are so clumsy. The first thing he thought of was to pull out his gun instead of protecting himself..."

That being said, for Wang Yi and the Behemoth Group, they both need this arrow that can transform ordinary people into extraordinary people.

Needless to say, as long as the Behemoth Foundation is confirmed to be able to transform Inhumans, they have plenty of time to slowly train the right people to be transformed into Inhumans.

As for Wang Yi, the Sicheng Logistics Company, the headquarters of the Republic of China, needs a group of extraordinary people to support the business. He can't always borrow people from Sanymen. He also has to consider the issue from the perspective of Sanymen.

The teacher said it well: first consider the problem of eating enough, then consider the problem of eating well.

But before solving the two problems, we have to solve the most important problem first, which is how to sacrifice these fifty pseudo-aliens to the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra in exchange for a way to enter. "Mr. Curator, it's your turn next."

"Mr. Wang Yi, Mr. Taber, on behalf of our guardians, I thank you for your sincerity, Evelyn."

"What about me?"

Evelin, who was about to step forward to say a few words to Wang Yi, was also stunned, but the curator had already stepped forward and pointed to the box she was carrying, the only thing her parents left her.

"The high priest once left a prophecy that Hamunatta would only open for us at the right time, in the right place, and with the right person. Now the time is wrong, but the right person has been found, and that is you, Evelyn."

"What? Me? I'm not even Egyptian!"

"Maybe you were one in your previous life. Egypt believes in the immortality of the soul and reincarnation. We have guarded the holy land for thousands of years, and the secrets of the holy land have never been revealed until 1923 when your parents followed these people's expedition team to explore, and only then did a corner of the holy land appear before the world. Sometimes you have to believe in the existence of fate, Evelyn."

"But Curator, this is just a compass. We are already in Hamunaptra."

"No, Evelyn, it is the key. According to records, the high priest is most proficient in astrology, and the stars don't lie."

At this time, the curator hidden in the Cairo Antiquities Museum looked a bit like the leader of the guardians of ancient Egyptian civilization, and his tone of speech was that of a charlatan.

But when the curator motioned for Evelyn to follow him holding the compass with an arrow as the pointer, Evelyn subconsciously looked back at Wang Yi, who was standing there with his hands behind his back like a master, nodding slightly to Evelyn.

The curator took Evelyn to the back of the camp, where the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra was located, which the Ant Nest, an alien organization, had been excavating.

After almost six years of digging, they only found stone statues and stone slabs, which they piled aside like garbage.

When the curator motioned for Evelyn to hold the compass in both hands, raise it above her head, and face the stars in the sky, Wang Yi, who was standing not far away, also closed his eyes and meditated, feeling the changes in the magnetic field around him.

The curator uttered an obscure ancient Egyptian language, which sounded so sacred that those who heard it could not help but stand in awe.

I think this should be the blessing that the ancient Egyptians recited when they offered sacrifices to the gods at that time. As they recited, Evelyn, who didn't understand what was going on, seemed to have become a different person. She followed the curator in reciting the blessing in ancient Egyptian and even continued the part that the curator hadn't finished.

At this time, Wang Yi still closed his eyes and felt the changes in the surrounding magnetic field. Isaac Taber also entered a state of meditation, and they both thought of the same thing.

He wanted to use his own cultivation to feel the profoundness of the works left by Imhotep, the ascended god of ancient Egypt more than 4,000 years ago, and how far he still had to go to reach these ascended gods.

At this moment, the European aliens and the aliens from the Behemoth Group around them also made strange noises.

"It's moving, it's moving! Do you see it? The stars are moving!"

"Why did the wind suddenly pick up?"

The slightly panicked words of the people around them rang in the ears of Wang Yi and Taber, making them both frown, because in their perception, the stars were still those stars and had never moved. However, under their feet, Wang Yi and Taber heard the rustling sound of insects.

"Hey, where are the bodies? Where are those bodies? Weren't they here just now?!"

"Be quiet! Don't disturb your uncle and Miss Evelyn if you still want to live!"

Compared to the people around him who were panic-stricken by various strange phenomena, Wang Yi felt it more deeply.

Because in his perception, the moment the curator and Evelyn recited the blessing, Wang Yi felt that he had stepped into a naturally generated Qi Bureau. This Qi Bureau had no effect and simply blurred a person's perception of time and space.

Even Wang Yi himself could only protect himself and dared not open his eyes. He was afraid that once he opened his eyes, he would be in the same situation as the people around him. Isaac Taber next to him must be the same.

But in Wang Yi's feeling, this naturally generated natural Qi situation seems to be targeting him?

He had to force himself to open his eyes and become like the people around him before he would give up.

Sweat soaked Wang Yi's clothes, but the people around him seemed to have no idea that there was something wrong with Isaac Taber. No, where were the sounds around him?
Wang Yi then reacted and there was no sound around him.

He wanted to open his eyes to see what was going on, but there seemed to be a voice in the dark telling him not to open his eyes!
At this moment, Wang Yi felt like a lone boat on the ocean. He had to try his best to ensure that he would not capsize in the waves. He didn't know how long this persistence lasted, one hour, or two hours, until the waves gradually subsided and the sound that disappeared in his ears came again.

"Wait a minute? What just happened? Where is this place?"

"Damn, why is there so much gold!"

"Holy land? Is this the place where the high priest is sleeping that we have guarded for thousands of years? Uncle, do you see it?"

Faintly, a strange voice overwhelmed the noise and appeared in Wang Yi's mind.

"not bad."

When this voice sounded, Wang Yi could feel the pressure on him suddenly reduced, but he still didn't dare to open his eyes.

Isaac Taber next to them probably felt the same way. This time, Wang Yi and Taber felt that if they didn't open their eyes, others would be able to continue exploring the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra, which they could not see for the time being.

At this time, the test is how well Wang Yi and Taber have mastered the meditation skills.

But the practice of static exercises is sometimes not easier than that of dynamic exercises, especially when one is in the place where a sacred person has ascended to heaven.

The strange thing is that, although Wang Yi and Taber were sweating profusely under the sacred test of Imhotep's ascension, the other people who finally entered the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra under the protection of Wang Yi and Taber still seemed to have not noticed anything strange about Wang Yi and Taber.

"Director, it's just as we agreed before."

"You can use these to get rid of the Egyptian governor. They are of no value to us guardians. As for the arrows you want and the inheritance left by the high priest, Miss Evelyn, it is a compass at this time."

"What we want and what they want are put together?"

"According to the records left by our guardians, the treasures left by the high priest are two books, one is called 'Black Book of the Dead' and the other is called 'Golden Book of the Sun'. The spiritual cultivation you want should be recorded in the book 'Black Book of the Dead'."

"Excuse me, are these two books left to you by the high priest before he entered the Gate of Truth?"

"I'm not sure. We are missing a lot of information. We only know that during the time of the high priest, he used it to summon Anubis' army to resist foreign enemies, and also brought the lost soldiers back to the world. He also used the Golden Scripture of the Sun to build the pyramid to serve Ra."

The curator talked about the wonderful uses of the two books, and Wang Yi closed his eyes and frowned when he heard this.

'Why does this sound a bit like the description of the Eight Great Skills of Soul Binding and Divine Refining?'

"Ah, I found it. There it is. That is the body of the high priest that remained in the world! The Black Book of the Dead and the Golden Book of the Sun are both there with the high priest!"

In the temple with a lit bonfire, a shriveled mummy with its right hand missing sat on the throne. In front of it, a book made of black iron and a book made of gold were enshrined there.

But no one has seen the five bone arrows that can transform ordinary people into extraordinary people.

This made the aliens from the Behemoth Group look unhappy. It's not that they didn't want the two books, but the leader Qian Bo'er was very calm. They didn't have enough knowledge, so it would be useless for them to get the two books. They couldn't understand them after reading them, and they couldn't understand them after learning them. It would be better to transform the aliens' bone arrows.

Looking back, in their eyes Wang Yi was just a bystander watching, and Qian Bol didn't want to bother Wang Yi.

The curator also knelt and crawled all the way to the mummy of Imhotep, the ancient Egyptian ascended god. After praying again and again, he stretched out his hand and touched the two ancient books enshrined in front of the ascended god with trembling hands.

Seeing this scene, Talbert, who belonged to the European Flamel Alien Academy, couldn't help but turn around and shout to Taber who also seemed to be a bystander.

"Dean, the book has been found!"

It was this shout that made Isaac Taber, who was looking at the scenery, turn around in Taber's eyes. In the real vision, Taber, who was still meditating with his eyes closed to experience the test of the ascended sacred Imhotep, couldn't help but open his eyes at this shout.

The moment he opened his eyes, he naturally saw the full picture of the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra. It also meant that he lost to Wang Yi in the test against the ancient Egyptian ascended god Imhotep.

Looking at Wang Yi who still had his eyes closed, Taber sighed, it was fate.

After adjusting his mood, Taber also walked towards his students.

But at this moment, an incredible change happened!
The moment the curator, the guardian of ancient Egyptian civilization, touched the two books with his experienced hands, the two books made of fine iron turned into powder and dissipated in full view of everyone. This sudden scene stunned the curator who was close at hand. His face turned pale, then suddenly turned red, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, which sprinkled on the mummy of the ancient Egyptian ascended god Imhotep.

He couldn't bear the blow and fell backwards, and was caught by his nephew.

"Alas, the prophecy finally came true."

A strange voice sounded in everyone's mind at this moment in three languages: English, Egyptian, and Chinese.

And they also saw that, nourished by the blood of the curator, the leader and guardian of ancient Egyptian civilization, the mummy's body, which had been shriveled for thousands of years, was becoming plump, with flesh and blood forming, followed by skin, and finally a black robe and clothes covering its private parts appearing out of nothing.

Everyone was so shocked by the supernatural scene before them that they were speechless.

Because they saw with their own eyes a shriveled mummy's body come back to life at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into an ordinary-looking bald man. His eyes seemed to see through everything, scanning everyone here until they locked onto Wang Yi, who was not far away from them and still had his eyes closed.

As if being sensed, Wang Yi slowly opened his eyes and saw the man who was looking at him.

The ancient Egyptian civilization that was active in 2900 BC, the ancient Egyptian god who should have ascended to heaven long ago, the high priest Imhotep, now crossed the distant time and looked into the eyes of the future human king standing here.

With just one glance, Wang Yi felt an even more magnificent aura than before, as if he was under the starry sky, being watched by the stars.

But this feeling came and went quickly. Just looking at the strange scene in front of him, Wang Yi was so scared that he spoke out his hometown dialect.

"Yeah, now I'm in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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