Chapter 207 Blueprint
1929 was the year with the least presence in Wang Yi's opinion.

This year he did nothing but play two roles, concentrate on practicing at home, perfecting the general outline of human magnetic field practice, and then stayed at the Continental Hotel until the stock market crash, when he made a lot of money and turned his John Wick alias and the Continental Hotel into one of the richest industries in New York.

Next, James Gates and Winston, under Wang Yi's instructions, began to use the legally obtained liquid funds. In the month from November to December, they successfully acquired an aircraft manufacturing company and three arms companies at a cost of just over 80 million US dollars. Wang Yi knew the behind-the-scenes bosses of these three arms companies.

He was one of the board members of the Behemoth Foundation, a new alien organization, and the Qianbol family business, with which he was also familiar.

Obviously, even the Behemoth Group was not spared in this stock market crash. It's not that there were no smart people among them who realized that the stock market was going to collapse, but they were too big and powerful to withdraw all of their assets without being able to determine the time.

Although it didn't cause serious damage to the company, it still needed to rob Peter to repair Paul, which only benefited Wang Yi.

Then there were two shipyards, a large steel plant and a large chemical plant with oil field mining rights, as well as a food manufacturing company, a pharmaceutical manufacturing company, a newspaper, and several ranches and farms in New York State.

Wang Yi’s idea is very simple.

Just hold on for the next ten years until the outbreak of World War II. The huge amount of orders will be enough for Continental Hotels, which owns two naval and air manufacturing companies as well as an arms company, to make a fortune.

While making money in this wave, he can also reasonably obtain core military technologies, such as aircraft carriers and aircraft. If he is bolder, he can even try to get in touch with the core "Oak Ridge" plan of World War II.

As long as she can bring these core technologies back to her new home and cooperate with Lu Guangda and other scientists who have returned to China for construction, Miss Qiu may be able to come out a few years earlier.

Because there is ready-made information available, everyone does not need to tread carefully at every step, thus avoiding a lot of waste of resources and striving for success in one go.

The above-mentioned things can only be transformed into resources to provide blood transfusion to the new home after the end of World War II and the establishment of the new home, but the arms companies do not need this.

He doesn't know how to design weapons, but he can copy others.

Apart from anything else, he still knows what the M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle and the 98K rifle look like. He doesn't know the specific design, but he can draw their appearance and put forward his requirements. It shouldn't be a problem for the people at the acquired arms company to develop these two.

In ten years, with no worries about food and clothing and a job, how could you not produce two guns with sketches and specific functions?
As long as he can get it, he can make a profit from the little mustache, and then send part of it back to the Republic of China via cargo ships to support the war of resistance.

As for the reasons, Wang Yi had already thought of them.

I'm a businessman. When a new product comes out, I have to test it to know how effective it is. There's no civil war here, so I can only send the products to places where there is a war for testing.

It was a reasonable excuse, and he had the final say on who to give it to. Even if it was for the Eighth Route Army, the bald guys wouldn't dare to explode in front of him.

Because Wang Yi can still find reasons to stop him.

"Your army is losing ground on the front battlefield, and the things I sent to you are now on the black market and in the hands of the Japanese. I don't care about the Japanese, but I sent them to the black market. You take half of the two million dollar order and give me the other half. What? Do I need to say thank you to you?"

This kind of operation of tight supply at the front and tight supply at the rear was common for the Nationalist Government under the leadership of the bald man from the War of Resistance against Japan to the later War of Liberation.

It would be fine if it wasn't pointed out, but once it was pointed out, the bald man had no choice but to accept it.

Because at that time, standing behind Wang Yi was the bald American father, and he would not dare to offend his own American father no matter who he offended.

Then there was Alexander Fleming's team, who had already come to the United States with their team and began conducting penicillin research with financial support from Wang Yi.

Wang Yi didn't know whether Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, could turn penicillin into penicillin for mass production before the outbreak of World War II in this time and space, given that he had used the prophet's cheat to provide funds, equipment and venues.

If he still can't point it out, then he will have to pull in Old Meng, his own brother who is currently advancing to become a biologist. After all, when it comes to microorganisms, the school of animal biologists does have some skills.

This was also the reason why Wang Yi had to look for the Beast Master school at that time, because the only school that could overtake the fastest and come up with penicillin was the Beast Master school that had advanced to the level of a Biologist.

At that time, Wang Yi, who had not yet gone to the United States to take advantage of the situation, had a simple idea. He wanted to rely on the beastly teacher to figure out penicillin himself.

But plans cannot keep up with changes. I originally thought I would have to rely on magical powers, but I didn’t expect that I could use both science and magical powers at the same time.

As long as it can be made, a lot fewer people will die in the War of Resistance. The most important thing is that this thing is easier to support than military industry.

Whether Wang Yi is willing or not, he has to face up to the fact that the Republic of China has no industrial base. Under the trend of repeated defeats on the front battlefield, even if he pays for building an arsenal, he will still be working for the Japanese. He will not do such a thing as aiding the enemy. However, penicillin is different.

The discovery of this thing itself was purely accidental. If Fleming's penicillin paper published this year attracted attention, he naturally would not be able to do anything.

But no one was interested, and now he and his entire team have been poached by Wang Yi.

In other words, from now on, Fleming and his team are under Wang Yi's surveillance, and he can make them disappear whenever he wants.

As long as penicillin could be mass-produced, he could use reasonable reasons to change the discovery from Fleming to an accidental discovery in the anti-Japanese base area. He had already thought of the candidate, the internationalist fighter Dr. Norman Bethune.

With this excuse, he could intervene openly under the pretext of exchanging support for technology, and walk right past the bald man's nose. He still had to protect himself.

As for whether this is shameful or not, hey, what John Wick does is none of my business.

All he wanted was penicillin; it didn't matter who produced it.

These were the plans that Wang Yi had conceived after establishing the Continental Hotel through the alias of John Wick, obtaining a large amount of funds before the stock market crash, and acquiring these companies.

But Wang Yi couldn't tell us how to implement it specifically.

Because he still has a problem to solve, which is that he must completely separate himself as Wang Yi and the pseudonym John Wick, so that everyone knows that Wang Yi and John Wick are two different people.

This is also the problem that Wang Yi needs to solve most.

Under Tesla's guidance, his human magnetic field practice pointed out the means of radio dreaming and spiritual LAN.

This method can be controlled remotely, so that he can communicate with his two partners Winston and James even if he returns to the Republic of China, but there is a problem.

As the founder and behind-the-scenes boss of the Continental Hotel, John Wick could go to the Republic of China for a period of time to open up overseas markets, but it was impossible for him to stay in the Republic of China forever and rely solely on remote communication.

It may be okay for a while, but it will make people suspicious over time.

Mainland China's hotel business is such a big piece of cake, and it is now beginning to expand into machinery, military industry, medicine, life and food.

No matter how much he trusts Winston and James, he still has to consider this aspect of the problem. Otherwise, he will be shooting himself in the foot and will be so heartbroken that he won't be able to sleep every night.

"Damn it, having money brings its own worries, and not having money brings its own worries. How can I figure out this method of incarnation? This really hits my blind spot."

In the apartment building, Wang Yi went over the blueprint of the expansion plan of the Continental Hotel during the Great Depression in his mind, and was also worried about his John Wick vest.

And in such an atmosphere of one family rejoicing and many others crying, 1930 arrived.

During his term, President Hoover began to rescue the market. Under this old man's operation, the stock market first rebounded for four months and then completely collapsed.

If the stock market was still hanging on before, and could say a few last words before closing its eyes, now it has been sealed by this gentleman, tied up, thrown into a coffin, nailed down, and then thrown into hell in a hurry, with the main goal of never being reborn.

Although the policy is still being implemented, everyone can see that the president's rescue plan has failed.

The president is still talking tough, but the market has already said it all.

All companies were laying off employees and filing for bankruptcy. The streets of New York were filled with long lines of people waiting to receive relief food. A large number of middle-class bankers posted job notices on the streets, offering extremely low prices just to get a job that could provide them with enough food and clothing.

As the winner of the Great Depression, Continental Hotels' large-scale acquisitions during this period could not be hidden from the eyes of some interested parties.

Behemoth Foundation Building, Manhattan.

The board of directors gathered together again for a meeting. The Great Depression had begun to affect all aspects of the United States and was also spreading to Europe, Asia, and anywhere else with currency.

Their Behemoth Group wasn't faring much better this time. Although they were still able to maintain their status, they also began to lay off employees.

At this time, the Continental Hotel is particularly prominent in today's New York.

"John Wick, I remember you mentioned this guy before."

"Yes. Last year, under the pretext of killing six Irish gang members in a bar with a pencil, the entire Irish gang was uprooted overnight and renamed the place the Continental Hotel, which started selling alcohol. During this time, our people also contacted his manager, Winston, and told them how the Irish gangs did business with us before, hoping that they could continue this tradition."

“So their answer is no?”

"No, under the instruction of John Wick, Winston directly sold all the business channels between the Irish mafia and us to us."

"Oh, this Mr. John Wick is a smart man. He starts to whitewash himself right away."

"Yes, he is still a very good bartender. He created the 'Everywhere' brand and launched four cocktails. In the current environment, although their beverage business is not as good as before, it is not that bad either. And he is very lucky. He sold his stocks early, and together with his Continental Hotel, he has become one of the richest people in New York."

The director named Taylor looked at the large number of properties that Continental Hotel had acquired recently and was not too surprised, because he would have felt the same way.

He was curious about the time when Wang Yi was active as John Wick in the newspaper.

"This time is the same as the time when our Mr. Wang Yi came to the United States..."

"We have investigated this matter, but based on the current intelligence, we cannot confirm whether this John Wick is Wang Yi. There is a conflict in the subsequent time points."

"So when we invited Mr. Wang Yi, a powerful Chinese alien, from the Republic of China, a powerful alien also happened to appear on our land, a guy named John Wick? Gentlemen, do you think this is possible?"

"To be fair, Mr. Taylor, you still know too little about the world of Inhumans. Our American Inhuman world is too peaceful, but that doesn't mean there is no potential. It's just that sometimes it needs a little stimulation from the outside world."

At the board meeting, Hendler, who had been studying aliens, also stood up and spoke well of Wang Yi, which also made the director frown.

"Is it similar to nature's self-adjustment, Professor Hendler?"

"You can understand it that way."

"OK, then we will invite Mr. John Wick in the name of Behemoth to see if he is willing to join Behemoth and become a member of our board of directors."

This sudden decision also puzzled other directors at the meeting, but no one raised any objections.

Because they knew Director Taylor in front of them, the entire Behemoth Group could be said to have been created by this family. As the initiator and founder, he had a vote in some meetings.

"So how is our Mr. Wang Yi doing recently?"

"He is very comfortable and has been waiting for news from Professor Tesla, but at the moment, he may have to wait for a while. The Wardenclyffe Tower project has been affected."

Qian Boer, who was in charge of following up on this project, also frowned as he talked about the situation. During the Great Depression, the Behemoth Group could not possibly support so many people. After a wave of layoffs, problems arose everywhere.

"No movement at all from the ant nest?"

"No, at least so far, the news you sent out has not attracted the attention of the Ant Nest. Maybe they have more important things to do than looking for Wang Yi."

"Then don't let them be busy. Let the word spread that we have asked our Mr. Wang Yi to find something to do for the ant nest."

Qian Boer hesitated to speak, but could only nod in agreement.

"One last thing. Wang Yi brought us a set of bone arrows from the ruins in Cairo that can transform ordinary people into aliens. He said that this is a set that can transform up to 300 aliens when used together."

"Yes, we have been studying how to increase this number. The conversion between Inhumans is not a problem. The problem is the quality of the converted Inhumans. Mr. Taylor, I hope you won't be too anxious about this."

The technical director in charge of the alien research department also had sweat on his forehead. He was most afraid that an outsider would make a bunch of impossible demands to him at a time like this.

"I'm not in a hurry. The example of the ant nest is right in front of us. I just want to give you a new idea."


"Professor, no matter how you do your research, you need to have enough research samples. There aren't many on the street, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the technical director of the alien research department felt his scalp tingling as he looked at the big boss.

But looking at the other person's eyes, I could only nod and agree.

With the conclusion of these three issues, the Behemoth Group began to take advantage of the depression just like Wang Yi's Continental Hotel.

As for Wang Yi, he naturally didn't know that both he, as John Wick's alias, and himself had attracted the attention of Behemoth, because there were two things he had to deal with.

Following Wang Yi's request, James began to acquire companies in the name of Continental Hotels.

During this process, there are those like the Behemoth Foundation that attract attention and extend olive branches, and naturally there are also those that directly choose to cooperate. After all, everyone is short of money now.

It's rare to come across a big dog owner, so any sponsorship we can get is valuable.

Among the many companies that came forward to seek cooperation with mainland hotels, there was one that Wang Yi was familiar with, called Coca-Cola.

The other one was something Wang Yi was not familiar with. It was from a food company called Hormel in Minnesota.

Wang Yi was naturally unfamiliar with this company, but he was very familiar with a groundbreaking product under this food company, which was called Spam luncheon meat canned food.

(End of this chapter)

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