Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 209 Unintentional intervention

Chapter 209 Unintentional intervention
Name: Nick Carraway.

Occupation: Former stock trader who dreams of becoming a writer.

Identity: Pseudo-innate alien.

Abilities: Spider.

This is the name Wang Yi gave to the ability he obtained after testing the bone arrow given to him by the ancient Egyptian god Imhotep on Nick Carraway.

It’s very easy to understand and it suits this guy’s face very well.

To put it simply, the true Qi in Nick Carraway's body not only strengthens his physical fitness, but also gives him the ability to climb walls like a spider, and can also be transformed into silk threads and sprayed out, carrying him to move between buildings.

Of course, his true Qi cannot be sprayed casually like Spider-Man does as a consumable thing. Rather than spider silk, it is more like a recyclable jet hook gun with a maximum range of fifty meters.

When facing an enemy, his one hundred-meter-long Qi silk thread will form an invisible spider web around Nick Carraway, with himself at the center of the web.

Regardless of whether the opponent is in the blind spot or not, when he enters the Qi spider web constructed by Nick Carraway spontaneously, the pulled silk threads will drive him to automatically counterattack, which is indeed a great benefit for novices.

Of course, as compensation, while giving Nick Callaway extraordinary agility and reaction, it also made his defense very fragile.

His true Qi could not form a protective true Qi on his body like that of ordinary extraordinary people, which meant that not only could his defense be broken by ordinary pistol bullets, but even ordinary swords, guns, sticks and clubs could break his defense if hit many times, just like what Wang Yi saw at this moment.

Nick Carraway thought it was just another everyday act of bravery, but he underestimated the madness of Americans during the Great Depression.

Forget about crawling on the wall like a spider. Even if you fall from the sky like a big bat, they will still dare to fight you because they are hungry and poor.

Nick Carraway himself had not received any systematic training, and nothing had happened to him before because that period happened to be the time when Hoover rescued the market. The stock market recovered for a while, and social conflicts were not so serious.

At that time, he only needed to appear in this way, show his extraordinary supernatural powers, and then confiscate the other party's tools, and the basic process would be completed.

But as the bailout failed and those guys in the White House started to move, the situation went downhill.

Even if we confiscate the gun of this armed gangster, it doesn’t matter. He is no longer committing crimes alone, he is a gang!

The people rushing out from other corners of the alley ran directly into the spider web constructed by Nick Carraway with his true Qi. Without much experience in fighting enemies, his first thought was not how to use his own true Qi to restrain the actions of these guys, but to dodge.

But Yi Ren is not the Flash. He has to either fight or run away when facing siege from all directions. How can he possibly avoid them all? Besides, he is not the Yi Ren who excels in strength.

Then he was screwed.

Some people surrounded him and beat him up, while others continued to rob him and snatched the relief food that the family of three had finally received.

Based on the Inhuman's healthy physique, Nick kept trying to stand up while being beaten, but was knocked to the ground again and again. During the fight, his pilot's hat and goggles were knocked off.

The wallet hidden in the lining of the black trench coat was thrown out. Looking at the green banknotes in the wallet, the gangsters smiled happily and cursed.

"Fuck! This guy is a stock trader?"

"Shit, if these guys hadn't given me false information, I would be here to grab relief food today. Let me do it!"

A man cursed and pulled the trigger at Nick Carraway, who had been beaten unconscious. In the current environment, what did it matter if someone died in the alley?
When the gunshots rang out, Nick Carraway did not feel the severe pain and death that was so close to him. He slowly opened his swollen eyes and saw several bullets just stopped in front of him, rotating slowly.

However, the gang's attention was not on themselves. Together with the family of three who were being robbed, they all looked up in the direction behind them.

Nick Carraway turned his head and saw the same scene.

A figure stood on a raised corner of the roof, looking down at them.

The long black windbreaker fluttered in the night wind. The real face could not be seen, but there was an intermittent murderous intent looming over the place.

Two pencils flew out and accurately hit the palms of two of the gangsters who had snatched relief food and wallets. They looked at the pencils piercing their hands, and then looked at the figure standing in the corner of the roof.

These guys who were already hanging out on the streets seemed to have thought of a certain urban legend.

"It's him!"

"It's that Night Demon!"

In silent fear, the instinct for survival overwhelmed greed, causing them to abandon their belongings and relief food and flee in panic, leaving behind a bewildered family of three and Nick Carraway who struggled to stand up.

He was not very scared because he knew who was coming when he saw the two pencils.

"No offense, but next time if you want to do these things again, first hire a boxing coach to teach you how to fight. You know, it's not hard to hire a coach nowadays. Also, you'd better wear a mask."

"I'm not afraid of being seen, sir."

"Masks are not there to protect you, they are there to protect the people you care about."

Nick Callaway was speechless, and at this moment, the child from the rescued family of three timidly stepped forward, pulled Nick Callaway's windbreaker, and handed him the wallet he had picked up from the ground.

"Sir, how could you..."

Nick turned around, squatted down, and solemnly took the wallet from the child. When he turned around and was about to chat with Wang Yidu, he found that Wang Yi, who was standing in the dark, had disappeared.

Nick, who was used to Wang Yi's magical powers, could only turn around, look at the family of three who came forward and protected his child, then look at the relief food that was already in a mess, and think about it.

He also took out a few dollars from his pocket and handed them to the father of the family of three.

"Sir, can I ask what job you did before you lost your job?"

"Just a tailor who makes custom suits for people and opened a tailor shop."

"Did you know that the Continental Hotel over at the dock is hiring?"

"I know, but I'm not a member of the Continental Hotel. This job opening is only open to members."

"Take this and go to the dock to find the person in charge of recruiting workers. Tell them that Spider introduced you and your wife."

"Thank God, sir, for this gift..."

"Thank you, Mr. John Wick. This is all I can do. Take your child to buy some food, and then go to the dock to find a job."

After doing all that he could, Nick Carraway once again used the invisible Qi thread in his hand to quickly take him away from the scene.

The family of three hugged each other, and the parents celebrated the sudden good news, muttering words of thanks to John Wick.

The child was looking in the direction where Nick Carraway disappeared, in a daze, and only came back to his senses when his mother called his name.

"Stanley Martin Lieber, it's time to go home!"

"Good mother."

Wang Yi, who left early, had no idea that in this alley, an encounter that he did not see to the end happened in this way.

After dealing with the little episode with Nick Carraway, the young man, he followed the direction of the sudden dense gathering of the Qi of heaven and earth, which carried the power of faith of all living beings, and then tracked all the way to the apartment building where he lived as Wang Yi's true body.

When he realized that the source was himself, Wang Yi changed direction in the air, changed back to his real body, and slipped back to his residence quietly.

It was also here that he found these things that were the gathering of the Qi of heaven and earth mixed with the beliefs of all living beings.

"When did you develop this ability?"

Wang Yi muttered, and in front of him was a landscape painting suspended in mid-air. This painting was the spoils of war he obtained when he entered the capital and killed all the high-ranking members of the Yiguandao branch that had not yet fully gained power.

The reason why I collected it back then was because this thing looked like a magic weapon but it was not one. It was the place where the leader of the Beijing branch of the I-Kuan Tao kept the Qi of heaven and earth mixed with the faith of the believers.

According to his performance when he was confronting the four hall masters, there was a deity in this scroll.

A god born from the faith of all living beings and the energy of heaven and earth. He regards this unformed god, who is simply the gathering of the faith of all living beings and the energy of heaven and earth, as a source of power.

He uses the Qi of heaven and earth to perform so-called divine attacks, and while deceiving people, he can also temporarily endow his subordinates with abilities comparable to those of extraordinary people.

This sense of déjà vu also made Wang Yi, who later obtained the bone arrow, understand that the means of transforming ordinary people into extraordinary people are actually more or less available in various schools and factions, but none of them can be mass-produced without paying attention to various side effects like the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, one of the Eight Great Skills.

But what Wang Yi is facing now is another development.

This scroll, which had been dormant for several years since it was seized, was now activated for some reason. It just floated there, continuously absorbing the Qi from the job applicants at the dock.

Relying on his skills and courage, Wang Yi walked forward and reached out to touch the open scroll.

The moment his palm touched the drawing paper, voices echoed in Wang Yi's ears.

"Ah, Mr. John Wick is kind-hearted. He never forgets the well digger when he drinks the water."

"Ten thousand dollars? Ten thousand dollars for making pork shoulder and other things into a delicious and beautiful canned food. Damn it, I have to go back and tell my uncle this good news!"

'God, you have to bless Mr. Wick's current business, otherwise we won't even have the chance to pray for you.'

'It seems that in the future, Everywhere in the Continental Hotel will not only be limited to drinks, but will cover all aspects. But what does it matter? As for what Mr. Wick has done for us now, I buy his brand every day!'

"By the way, did you see what Mr. Wick looked like just now?"

'I didn't see it, but it's enough that a great man like him can provide a job for people like us who have nothing to offer. Even if I can't see it clearly, it doesn't affect my admiration for him.'

"I heard that when Mr. Wick first came to New York, he killed six Irish gangsters with a pencil in an Italian bar."

'Why did I hear it was twelve?'

'No, the entire Irish gang was killed that night by Mr. Wick with a pencil!'

One after another, rumors about this John Wick alias of his were gathering together, with an inexplicable admiration for him.

In Wang Yi's eyes, in addition to hearing these sounds coming from the dock dozens of kilometers away, the picture unfolding in front of him also took on a different look.

There is only one scene in this painting, which is a cloud-like vortex outlined with splashed ink.

But at this moment, this cloud-like vortex was changing, like an embryo, slowly developing and taking shape in the womb that was nurturing it as a large amount of Qi from heaven and earth mixed with the faith of all living beings was injected into it.

The cloud vortex formed by the combination of ink and water began to stretch and extend.

Limbs, torso, and a face that has not yet taken shape. The most interesting thing is that in the hand of this god, which is only in its infancy, there is a pencil in it.

When Wang Yi reached out his hand and touched the scroll, he felt a sense of spiritual connection.

Wang Yi found that there were two perspectives in his eyes at this moment. One was the perspective in which he was looking at this painting which was constantly changing under the infusion of such a huge amount of Qi of heaven and earth mixed with the power of faith of all living beings.

One is the perspective of the deity in the painting, which is slowly taking shape.

This deity, who was supposed to be the Mother of No Birth in the eyes of the leader and believers of the I-Kuan Tao branch in Beijing, is now being reshaped and looking at the Creator outside the scroll with curiosity.

Wang Yi felt that this deity was like an extension of his own body. He could sense some of the intelligence of the deity in the scroll, and he also felt that he could decide the life or death of the deity in a single thought?
He slowly withdrew his hand from the scroll, and the god in the scroll seemed to be full and no longer floated in the air.

After conveying its sleepiness and goodwill to Wang Yi, it automatically retracted and fell from the air.

Reaching out to take the automatically folded scroll, Wang Yi walked to the window and looked in the direction of the recruitment information at the dock.

The expression on his face was indescribably wonderful.

"You may plant flowers with care but they may not bloom, but you may plant willows by accident but they may grow into shade trees. You, my dear, have been in the Yiguandao for quite a while. You have eaten the faith of all living beings for so many years but have not achieved anything. I didn't expect that you have only achieved so much. You ate your fill all at once. A person's success depends not only on personal efforts, but also on the progress of the times. What the wise man said is indeed right. The power of faith of all living beings in this Great Depression is much greater than in the capital. Eat slowly, I want to see what you can achieve."

Wang Yi, who had not expected that his hotel in mainland China would have such an unexpected gain when recruiting workers to expand its production capacity, was in a very good mood.

After unfolding this precious scroll and hanging it on the wall, Wang Yi closed his eyes and meditated, watching the clouds roll by.
The Continental Hotel's week-long recruitment at the dock also caused a sensation on the streets of New York.

Especially in the current environment, mainland hotels have begun to expand their production capacity and target all members who have consumed alcohol and registered in mainland hotels.

The scope of this crackdown cannot be ignored, because in addition to those who have consumed alcohol in mainland hotels and registered as old members.

Many customers who had previously spent money at other bootleggers also rushed over after hearing the news, took out their last bit of money, and began spending money at the liquor brands that had already been discounted at mainland hotels and registered as members.

There is no other reason, because they want a stable job. It doesn't matter if the salary is a little lower. This is the general environment, but the job should provide food and shelter and barely support the family.

This is an unexpected surprise, because although it is a great depression, for now, a large part of the middle class can still maintain their dignity, even if this dignity is not as luxurious as before.

But they all know that without increasing revenue, no matter how hard they try to cut costs, they will eventually be among those queuing up on the street to receive relief food.

Now that they have the source of revenue, all they have to do is spend some money on consumption. Becoming a new member of a mainland hotel will give them this opportunity, so why not do it?

As for the old place where I bought wine before, eh? Don't I only drink the 'Everywhere' brand of wine from the Continental Hotel? When have I ever drunk other brands of wine? Even though we are familiar with each other, I will sue you for defamation if you say anything wrong!

As a result of this chain reaction, the Continental Hotel was transformed into the Continental Group under the operation of professional manager James, and the Continental Hotel became one of the subsidiaries rather than the dominant one.

This week-long recruitment effort has increased from the maximum of 50,000 people that James initially expected to a maximum of nearly 100,000. But it doesn't matter, because with the funds injected by a wave of new members, Continental can accommodate and support so many people.

This kept James very busy, but he was both happy and sad.

Because when he was still Jay Gatsby, working for his former boss, he worked so hard, but the basic base of the former boss was not even one-tenth of the current expansion of Continental Group. But with this new boss, in just over a year, he has achieved higher achievements than when he was Jay Gatsby.

A lot of companies on the verge of bankruptcy, bankers, and high-end people who claim to be upper class come to him every day.

They begged for mercy just to let him take them to meet Wang Yi so that the Continental Group could acquire their company to avoid bankruptcy.

There were also some people James knew during his time as Gatsby. When he stood in front of them openly, they seemed to know him for the first time. They no longer mentioned Jay Gatsby's past, but called him Mr. James one by one, as humble as a reptile.

Only now did he understand what Wang Yi had said to him. Those damn old aristocrats all came from nouveau riche.

He was the kind of person who ate with the bowl in his hand and cursed when he put it down. During the Great Depression, except for those with large fortunes, the rest had to lick his shoes obediently!
It is precisely because of this that James is extremely pious to Wang Yi, who gave him a second life. In the Middle Ages, Wang Yi is as loyal as a Pope.

With the expansion of the Continental Group, the underground order in New York has also changed.

There were still people selling bootleg liquor during the Great Depression, but Wang Yi's mainland hotel reduced the price of liquor and provided jobs for members. On your side, not only did you increase the price of liquor, but you also occasionally laid off employees, under the pretext of saying that you had graduated.

If you treat your brother like this, don't blame him for being ruthless.

The massive loss of personnel has made many gangs miserable, but they can only struggle to hold on and watch their territory and business shrink bit by bit.

The Continental Hotel, which was also engaged in the bootleg liquor business, was growing in size. This trend caused the Italian gangs, which dominated the gangs, to leave the Continental Hotel behind and convene other gangs to hold a gang meeting against the Continental Group.

 Some book friends commented that the direction of the book has shifted recently, from the adventures and fights of extraordinary people under One Person to business.

  I take the blame for this, because it's because I didn't update frequently enough this month. The transition story that should have been written in the middle of the month was almost completed at the end of the month.

  I hope all the book friends will forgive me for this. The plot transition here is almost over. Next, the protagonist's current layout will be used as a fuse to conflict with the local alien forces, thus establishing the protagonist's title of magnetic field martial god. I hope you can support me. Thank you all the book friends here.
(End of this chapter)

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