Chapter 21 Seven Days
In the compound of the local security corps in Pucheng, three extraordinary masters and a group of killers under the warlord Cao Ying, who intended to jailbreak, were forced to let go of their weapons and kneel on the ground. They could only look up at the young man in white standing in the sun, whose face could not be seen.

The local security team members who came to their senses, including the team leader Yang Kenan and the independent and extraordinary master Ma Feng who had traveled here, looked at Wang Yiru in front of them as a god.

There was no other reason. The young man in front of him, who looked to be about 20 years old, had displayed such incredible means. It was clearly a killing game set against him by an outsider martial arts master, but this young man eliminated it without a trace while chatting and laughing. The magical means he displayed silently shocked everyone.

"This is fucking inverted?!"

Yang Kenan, the well-informed leader of a security group who had traveled extensively in his early years, had only this thought in his mind as he looked at the group of suppressed killers in front of him.

He had seen the skill of reversing eight directions. In the final analysis, it was a skill of using the opponent's force to counter the opponent's force and unloading the force. It was similar to Wudang Tai Chi. Catching a bullet seemed mysterious, but if Yang Kenan did it, he could catch the bullet. After all, the Yi Ren who practiced external martial arts had their entire body cultivated. They practiced to improve all aspects of their body functions. A single gun was not a threat to Yi Ren as long as they were prepared. What brought the Yi Ren to an end was the emergence of firearms. This was the reason.

But the means displayed by Wang Yi at this moment have exceeded Yang Kenan's understanding of Reversing Eight Directions. Anyway, he has never seen any school or sect's Reversing Eight Directions have this ability of group control that can suppress the enemy and make them unable to move.

'Where the hell did this monster come from!'

The man holding a spear and being forced to half-kneel in front of Wang Yi had similar thoughts to the head of the security team, Yang Kenan. His cultivation was slightly higher than that of the others who were accompanying him. At least the others were kneeling on both knees, and were weighed down by the heavy burdens on their bodies and even had difficulty raising their heads. He, on the other hand, was half-kneeling and could barely raise his head. Looking at this young man whose face could not be seen clearly in the sun, his mind was frantically searching for young talents who had become famous in the circle of strange people during this period. However, no matter how he searched, he could not find a guy named Wang Yi.

It would be fine if I couldn't find anything, but the key point is that the age of the young man in front of me is completely disproportionate to the cultivation level he displayed.

Generally speaking, the cultivation of extraordinary people is basically proportional to their age. Only a few of the chosen ones are inversely proportional, but no matter how inversely proportional, there is a limit. He is so good, the means he has shown now are stronger than his deceased master! This time the young commander has hit a wall!
This was the only thought that came to the man's mind after he felt the heavy burden on his shoulders.

Because the world is not like the future, in this chaotic era of the Republic of China, many sects in the Yi Ren Jianghu circle do not play the routine of hiding in the city, but directly open the door to do business. The upper-class officials and warlords have inextricable relations with these Yi Ren sects.

Farther away there is the Yanwu Hall in the capital, which is mainly engaged in escorting, and most of the people who started out by practicing external martial arts; the Tang Sect in Shu, which specializes in assassination business, and as long as the price can be paid, the Tang Sect has a full reputation and will accomplish the mission; Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi, Shaolin in Songshan Mountain in Henan, Wudang in Hubei, and Lingyin Temple and Sanyi Sect in Zhejiang and Fujian.

The people he made friends with in these strange sects were all the real people in control of this land, and they were far from being comparable to the so-called Marshal Cao Ying whom he was serving now.

If his young commander really offended the disciples of these big sects, his commander would have to personally bring people to apologize.

But it would be fine if it was just handled this way. After all, these big sects have inextricable ties with the powerful and wealthy, so it is inevitable that there will be some dirty things between them. In troubled times, for the survival of the sects, coupled with the limitations of the times, this is inevitable. It is somewhat moral kidnapping to rashly use the eyes of later generations to evaluate some of the principles of this world.

What I'm afraid of is running into those small sects with only two or three disciples, but they are all extraordinary people with extraordinary means. Once these people get into trouble, they have only one principle: either don't do it, or do it to the extreme!
And the young man who called himself Wang Yi was obviously the latter, which was a problem.

He had finally managed to get an official position in this chaotic world, no longer relying on others, and even had the possibility of making a name for himself. If this young man really killed Cao Shaolin and then took the head of his own commander, he would be beaten back to his original form and live a wandering life. He didn't want to do that, but for some reason, when he thought about Cao Shaolin and Cao Ying, the father and son who enjoyed killing people to establish their authority, being beheaded, he couldn't help but feel a little happy?

But now is not the time to think about why he is happy. In order to protect his career, he has to admit defeat and at least keep this Cao Shaolin alive!

"I am Zhang Yi, and I have learned from Young Master Wang's methods. But Young Master Wang, aren't you being a little inconsiderate in doing this? Your methods are so advanced that I, Zhang Yi, have never seen them in my many years of traveling around the martial arts world. We failed to protect the young marshal, which led to his death and is a capital crime, but our marshal Cao Ying is not a fool. You can just walk away, but this city will be plunged into war because of your actions, and even your master will be implicated. Young Master Wang, you must know that there is no impenetrable wall in this world. If you really want to investigate, the origin of your master is not difficult to find out.

But if you let the young marshal go, based on the means you have shown now, even if the marshal is angry, he will not live in fear in the future, rashly move the people of this city, and dare not cause trouble for your master. Although the young marshal needs to be tempered, my marshal will not do that. This matter will only be raised high and let go lightly. Please think twice before acting, young hero Wang!"

His words, combining soft and hard tactics, gave Wang a way out and gave the Pucheng local security team reassurance.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yi felt as if a heavy burden on his shoulders had disappeared, but he did not dare to make any other moves, waiting for Wang Yi's next words.

"It seems that Mr. Zhang Yi is a sensible man. Well, then, let's have a good chat. Stand up and talk."

With Wang Yi's permission, Zhang Yi dared to stand up and finally saw the appearance of the young man Wang Yi clearly.

This is too young!
This was Zhang Yi's first thought after seeing Wang Yi's face. Wang Yi was beaten back to the age of seven when he returned to the first year of the Republic of China. Now it is the fourteenth year of the Republic of China, and he is exactly twenty years old. He is not as pale and thin as most ordinary people. With his three years of cultivation in Dongshan Academy in Sanyimen, although his appearance is ordinary, his temperament is enough to add twenty points to him, reaching the appearance of an average person.

With such a young age and such a high level of cultivation, Zhang Yi knew that they couldn't take Cao Shaolin away today, so they could only give in.

"Young Master Wang, please understand. I speak from the bottom of my heart. The young commander has offended you, so I have to teach him a lesson. After knowing Young Master Wang's methods, the commander-in-chief can only accept it. But if Young Master Wang insists on killing the young commander, then I am afraid this matter will be difficult to resolve peacefully. We cannot guarantee what the commander-in-chief will do to avenge the murder of his son."

"Mr. Zhang Yi, don't call this thing the Young Marshal in front of me. How dare he use the title of Young Marshal? It sounds disgusting. Also, you don't have to worry about my master. I am the only one. My master passed away at the beginning of the year. I set up a memorial for him with his ashes. Even if that warlord Cao wants to dig up his grave and whip his corpse, I guess there is nothing he can do."

"Damn it, how come I run into this kind of lone ranger!"

Hearing Wang Yi's teasing answer, Zhang Yi's heart tightened even more. He didn't think that Wang Yi would lie to him, but if so, this matter would become even more difficult to handle.

"I don't know who my master is..."

"Ghost Hand King, Wang Yaozu."

"You are Quan Xing?!"

When Wang Yi said Wang Yaozu's nickname, Zhang Yi, the head of the security team Yang Kenan who was watching the situation develop quietly, Ma Feng, and the other two extraordinary masters who were still kneeling on the ground were all shocked, and their eyes when they looked at Wang Yi suddenly changed.

"Just because my master is Quan Xing doesn't mean I am Quan Xing. Although he warned me not to mention his name before he left, when I go out, I will always run into people who are looking for my origins. Truth cannot be hidden. Rather than waiting for you to investigate, I might as well speak for myself. Besides, will whether I am Quan Xing or not affect our conversation?"

Wang Yi gave an answer that Zhang Yi, Yang Kenan and Ma Feng could all accept. Indeed, the Yiren circle had never heard of a Quan Xing disciple who was not recognized, and what Wang Yi said made sense. "Then what exactly does Wang Shaoxia want? Please tell us clearly so that we can give an explanation to the Marshal." Zhang Yi also knew that now was not the time to find out whether Wang Yi was a Quan Xing disciple or not. Cao Shaolin was the key.

"Don't even think about taking the people away, but you can rest assured. I'll give you seven days to call your Marshal Cao over. Before that, he will eat, drink, and sleep well in this cell until the dust settles. Now, take your people and go back to where you came from."

After saying that, Wang Yi also lifted the gravity field that was suppressing these killers, allowing them to regain their freedom.

This is the power of the human body's magnetic field after combining scientific theories and reversing the eight directions.

In the past, ancient people did not have an accurate understanding of the concept of force. Those who learned to reverse the eight directions were like standing in front of a treasure mountain but unable to enter. This problem continued until the founding of the nation in later generations and the rapid development of productivity, which was then improved.

But in spiritual practice, sometimes the most frightening thing is encountering obstacles in knowledge and perception, which can block one’s view of the mountain.

In the world view of Under One Person in later generations, the reversal of the eight directions was basically renamed the human body's magnetic field, but why has no one reached a level like Wang Yi?
Talent is one aspect, but on the other hand, most of the practitioners of Reversing the Eight Directions are old veterans, and their three views have long been formed. Even if they know that the power of Reversing the Eight Directions will be very different after it is transformed into the human body's magnetic field, after their three views are formed, many cognitions of practice will conflict with the previous ones. They should avoid going astray and dying before the human body's magnetic field is transformed.

As for the younger generation of practitioners, Wang Yi really didn’t know.

At least before he traveled through time, the comic Under One Person had only been serialized to the middle part where Li Muxuan recalled the past of Sanyi Sect. The modern story line was the modern sequel to the Tang Sect's Rusty Iron chapter, and there was no description of this aspect.

The only two young practitioners are the North China managers of Nadutong Company, Xu San and Xu Si. These two are the sons of Mr. Xu Xiang. Unfortunately, they are congenitally gifted with innate abilities, and their paths are locked. They do not have the talent comparable to Wu Gensheng, and are unable to practice acquired cultivation.

So at present, only Wang Yi has become the first practitioner to transform the eight directions into the human body's magnetic field. Maybe in the future Lu Jin and Li Muxuan will also take this path, but it's just maybe.

After all, not everyone can be like Wang Yi, who, with the vision and pattern of the 21st century's information bombardment, came to this chaotic era of the Republic of China to embark on the path of cultivation.

Using a dialectical and scientific perspective to practice the reversal of the eight directions, Wang Yi successfully transformed the reversal of the eight directions into a human magnetic field under the blessing of the golden finger talent of the traverser. However, Wang Yi's golden finger only brought him the blessing of cultivation talent, but not the blessing of IQ.

The four fundamental forces of the universe, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force, are something that only physics masters can understand. As an ordinary person in the 21st century, Wang Yi really doesn't know how to play with them. He can only focus on electromagnetic force and gravity. Although Wang Yi knows the two fundamental forces, he doesn't know why, but at least he has a general direction and can play with them.

The move he made just now was a manifestation of gravity. He covered the entire compound with invisible true Qi, controlling the gravity in the compound and inflicting it on these killers, making them unable to move.
"Oh, by the way, one more thing."

Just when Zhang Yi was about to leave with his men, Wang Yi seemed to suddenly remember something and said something. This forced Zhang Yi to stop and turn to look at Wang Yi, wondering what this gentleman wanted to do.

But Wang Yi had nothing to say to Zhang Yi. Instead, he focused his attention on the extraordinary master beside Zhang Yi who had also followed him into the yard and tried to break into the prison.

This strange man, like Zhang Yi, was also a practitioner of external martial arts. His name was Lei Yue and he came from the Tieshou Sect.

Zhang Yi also noticed that when Wang Yi focused his eyes on this alien, the alien named Lei Yue looked very strange. But Wang Yi smiled and spoke.

"Iron Hand Sect, Lei Yue, right? I recognize you. We met once in Jiaxing County three years ago. Do you remember what I said to you then?"

When the stranger Lei Yue heard Wang Yi mention what happened three years ago, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He felt uncomfortable from the moment he heard Wang Yi's voice as he entered the yard. He was the only one who had experienced Wang Yi's methods before, when he was chasing rebels outside the county three years ago. Those words had driven a group of soldiers and police officers to kill each other until they went crazy. He still remembered them vividly.

He had always thought that this was a method used by a sorcerer from the Shuzi Sect or Zhuge Wuhou's school, but now you're telling me that you're a disciple of Wang Yaozu from the Quanxing Sect? You're kidding! Who can turn the eight directions upside down and come up with a Feng Shui Qi Bureau skill?

"Please forgive me, Young Master Wang! I have no choice! Please forgive me, Young Master Wang..."

Before the alien Lei Yue could finish his plea for mercy, he felt a force coming from his throat, strangling him tightly. Not only that, there was also an invisible force locking him around his body, making him unable to move.

In an instant, a feeling of suffocation rushed to his forehead, making the alien Lei Yue's eyes go dark. However, he could not utter any words to beg for mercy. His mouth kept making hoarse sounds and he looked for help to Zhang Yi, the leader of the three aliens.

Unfortunately, at this moment, facing Wang Yi who displayed supernatural skills, Zhang Yi was powerless.

Wang Yi raised his hand, clenched his palm towards the stranger Lei Yue, and raised it slightly.

Then, the strange man Lei Yue, whose throat was locked by Wang Yi, was seen floating in the air.

"Take care of yourself. I told you this three years ago. I gave you the chance, but you didn't cherish it. Now you have it again. Then go to the underworld and apologize to those innocent people who died under your knife."

As Wang Yi's empty grip tightened slightly, a cracking sound was heard from Lei Yue's neck, and then his head tilted and he died.

A foul odor also emanated from Lei Yue's body. It was the filth that was excreted from one's own muscles when one died and could no longer control it.

Wang Yi waved his hand to dispel the stench, and then said: "Okay, you can take this thing and go. Remember, you only have seven days."

(End of this chapter)

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