Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 218 The Secret of the Ant Nest

Chapter 218 The Secret of the Ant Nest

In a corner of Wall Street that was temporarily blocked by martial law, Wang Yi stood there, watching the Japanese-American alien whose limbs he had cut off slowly losing consciousness in pain, then he waved his hand and sent out several streams of true Qi to seal his meridians and stop the bleeding.

After doing all this, Wang Yi finally relaxed a little. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes which had been irritated by the strong light transformed by this guy's fake body.

He spat with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Damn it, the world is so big that there are so many strange things. Not only do I have a bunch of old monsters hiding at home, but there are also monsters flying around outside. My reputation is almost ruined."

After cursing, Wang Yi looked at the Japanese guy whose limbs he had cut off. To be fair, this guy was not very capable and could not even block one of his attacks, but his methods were certainly not bad.

Let's put this escape method aside for now. He almost got himself tricked by this fake body. It was the first time he saw a fake body being used as a powerful flash bomb. If he hadn't maintained the state of Golden Escape Flowing Light, he might have really lost this guy just now.

After complaining, Wang Yi picked up the strange man who had been chopped into a human stick by him, and left quietly, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground.

That night, the strange man woke up slowly due to the severe pain in his limbs and the stimulation of the light.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Wang Yi sitting in front of me, looking at me.

The moment he saw Wang Yi, his pupils contracted.

"Very good, it seems that you recognize me and can understand Chinese, English and Japanese. Then tell me, you know what I want to ask."

"Mr. Wang Yi, my name is Kiritani Ryo, I am a Japanese American, and I am affiliated with the Ant Nest."

"He attacked me last night."

"There are three of them. One is called Reyes, one is called Morrison, and one is... a Chinese. I don't know his full name, but I know everyone else calls him Jue. As for Broadway and the one who attacked the Behemoth Foundation's board of directors, they are a man and a woman. The man is called Blitz and the woman is called Luna."

Kiritani Ryo is a very honest person. It seems that becoming an American citizen has not changed his nature as a Japanese who fears power but not morality.

After knowing that Wang Yi had the ability to cut him into sauce at any time, he told Wang Yi everything he should say.

Just as Wang Yi expected, including this Kiritani Ryo, he and his accomplices were all innate extraordinary people.

This Japanese-American alien named Kiritani Ryo has an ability called "Gods and Demons Are Unknown". Once it is activated, he can sneak into space and sneak around. The consumption rate of his true energy is extremely low. It can be said that as long as he does not take the initiative to walk out of the space, basically no one can hurt him.

As a price, his escape method could not be used to travel hundreds or thousands of miles in an instant like other escape methods.

It is more like the Earth Escape and Earth Travel Immortal in the Five Elements Escape Method, one uses earth as a medium, and the other uses space as a medium. And the fake body is also a derived ability, which can be regarded as a life-saving skill. Once you encounter a master like Wang Yi, you can consume 90% of your own true energy to create a fake body that is difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake but has no attack ability.

Its only function is to be deceptive. No matter how alert the enemy is, as long as they make a probing move, it will instantly release a powerful flash of light like a balloon that bursts with a poke, and he will be able to use this short-term blinding effect to escape into space in the first place.

As for his five accomplices, they have different abilities.

Reyes' ability is called Nightmare. He releases his own true energy into black mist, which can confuse the opponent's five senses and cause them to temporarily lose their five senses.

To Wang Yi, it sounded similar to the poisonous miasma mixed with the Tang Sect's own true Qi, but the effect was better, and it could also be used for long-distance communication at a certain distance.

Morrison's abilities are similar to those of Qian Boer, whom he knew. They are all based on firearms. His abilities are easier to understand. He is the cheater that FPS players hate the most, the aiming dog!
Once marked by his true energy, the bullets fired from his hands will automatically track and seek out the enemy.

Blitzcrank's is called Shock, a low-end Tremor Fruit that can't be any more low-end. Its greatest power is to cause a small local earthquake, which could collapse an area of ​​the Broadway Center for the Performing Arts. It can be used both long-range and close-range.

Luna's ability is called the Killing Command, an ability that is most suitable for fighting one against many. As long as she kills one person, no matter whether the opponent is an alien or an ordinary person, the true Qi in the opponent's body will immediately turn into her own blood pack, providing her with super endurance.

This also explains why the Behemoth Consortium's 30 skilled aliens who had been transformed with great difficulty were killed by the enemy. If you cannot kill an opponent who becomes stronger the more you fight, you will be dead if you are dragged into the opponent's rhythm. Among the five aliens of Kiritani Ryo, the only one Wang Yi was interested in was the Chinese alien named Jue.

His ability is very interesting, it's called Solid Glass.

Its manifestation is the purple hexagram that Wang Yi had previously resisted with the invisible force field. The most powerful part of this ability is that it materializes the protective Qi that the aliens use to protect their bodies, turning it into protective gear similar to armor.

Whether it is a person with innate extraordinary ability or a person who cultivates extraordinary ability through acquired cultivation, the true Qi in the body all flows out from the upper Dantian, the middle Dantian and the lower Dantian. The first ray of true Qi is also born from these three places and travels throughout the limbs and bones.

And evolve various methods based on this, or use the most basic method of protecting the body to fight the enemy.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the Dantian is not damaged and the true Qi in the body is not consumed all at once, the true Qi in the body will be inexhaustible.

But as long as you are hit by this guy's ability, the true Qi that protects your body will become materialized and will not be able to be replenished from your own Dantian.

It is equivalent to a visual durability debuff being put on one's own protective Qi, and the alien itself is a glass cannon. Those with high cultivation can rely on their own protective Qi to withstand the barrage for a while.

But once your body's protective Qi is covered with this layer of visual durability debuff, it means that thermal weapons will break through the defense faster and more deadly.

That is to say, Wang Yi's own true energy is so strong that it is unreasonable, even if this guy puts a debuff of visual durability on him.

The durability of an ordinary person's protective Qi might be one hundred or two hundred, while for an expert it might be close to a thousand, while for people like him and Zhang Zhiwei it's heading for five digits.

The true Qi is as strong as a thick earth wall. Even if you carry the Maxim, it will take a while to break through the defense. With this time, I would have defeated the opponent's means and killed him.

Six innate extraordinary people, six kinds of abilities. After learning about them through Kiritani Ryo, Wang Yi suddenly felt fortunate that the other party was an innate extraordinary person who was extremely difficult to cultivate.

In Wang Yi's opinion, these six abilities all have extremely high upper limits. However, due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to practice as innate extraordinary people, they are unable to push their abilities to a new level.

But this also made Wang Yi confused. Although Ant Nest is the number one in the United States and is also an old-fashioned alien organization that was basically born at the same time as the United States, it is understandable that it has some background.

But the quality of your innate mutants is too high. With such background and strength, how on earth did you end up being surpassed and swallowed up by Behemoth, a new mutant force, in the 20th century?

Although he was confused, Wang Yi still had one last question that he needed the answer to.

"Your purpose, why did you attack Professor Tesla?"

Kiritani Ryo, who had always told Wang everything, now showed a look of fear on his face.

"Mr. Wang Yi, I can't tell you. If I tell you, I'll die!"

"It's okay, I'll find the answer myself."

Wang stood up and walked slowly to Kiritani Ryo, who wanted to struggle but was unable to, and put his palm directly on the guy's crown.

Supernatural power: magnetic field entering dreams!
The magnetic field's true energy penetrated into the alien brain of Kiritani Ryo along Wang Yi's palm, and began to capture the electrical signals in his mind and convert them into the information he wanted to know, completely ignoring the miserable situation of Kiritani Ryo's eyes rolling back and foaming at the mouth under Wang Yi's move.

And through Wang Yi's soul-searching search, he also found the secret of the birth and rise of Ant Nest, a long-established American mutant organization, in Kiritani Ryo's mind.

But this secret also made Wang Yi unable to help but swear.

"Fuck! How the hell can this be related to the dragon vein?!"

(End of this chapter)

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