Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 222 The Evil Warlock

Chapter 222 The Evil Warlock (Part )
Nine coffin nails suddenly flew out with lightning speed, catching everyone present off guard, including the sorcerer Wuxiang who was the target of the attack.

The sorcerer Wuxiang didn't realize that he was attacked until the coffin nails with bursts of electric light were only a palm's distance away from his mask. At this distance, he didn't even have time to activate the Eight Gates Movement, one of his sorcerer skills, to deflect the attack.

But the sorcerer Wuxiang was not panicked at all, because in his vision, when the nine coffin nails were about to pierce his face, time seemed to stand still.

He chuckled disdainfully, and as the nine coffin nails pierced his face, it was as if an invisible hand pushed the coffin nails aside.

And these nine coffin nails collided with each other when they were about to pierce the face of Warlock Wuxiang, bouncing themselves off the trajectory of piercing Warlock Wuxiang, and instead hit the seven aliens from the ant nest who were guarding Warlock Wuxiang.

This sudden change gave the seven aliens from the Ant Nest organization time to react, allowing them to use various means to block the coffin nails flying towards them.

While they were busy with their own business, Wang Yi suddenly appeared.

With one hand clenched into a fist, he used the killing move to directly destroy the opponent's Dantian, the magnetic field blasting punch!
The sorcerer Wuxiang was still sitting there, practicing his sorcerer skills.

Gen character·Kunlun!

This is the Mountain Gua among the Qimen. Once it is activated, it can make the practitioner's body as still as a mountain and as hard as iron.

A more popular understanding is, Navy Six Types: Iron Block!
The magnetic field blasting fist hit the warlock Wuxiang's chest directly at the Danzhong acupoint, colliding with the Gen Kunlun he used, making a loud sound of metal colliding.

A gust of air spread out from the collision of the two, creating a strong wind in the conference room.

As the flying papers blocked his vision, Wang Yi, who failed to hit the enemy, transformed the magnetic field around him into a big hand. He took the directors of the Behemoth Group who had escaped death and escaped through the broken window, thus distancing himself from the sorcerer Wuxiang.

The meeting room in the underground alien research department of the Behemoth Foundation suddenly made such a big commotion that it naturally attracted the attention of the staff and security personnel who were patrolling and doing their own things.

Their reaction was quick, but it all happened too fast.

From breaking the window to the initial fight, it probably took less than ten seconds, and Wang Yi jumped out of the window with the director, whom they had rarely seen before, and landed safely.

It was only then that they realized their home had been robbed?!

The soldiers belonging to the Behemoth Group quickly formed a formation, protecting their boss behind them, and pointed the muzzles of their Thompson submachine guns and rifles at the broken window of the conference room.

Qianbol's original Behemoth Group's alien team also showed their special abilities, standing on both sides of Wang Yi and fighting against the enemy together with him.

The nine coffin nails returned and hovered beside Wang Yi, with electric current still pulsating on them.

Wang Yi had a serious expression on his face, staring at the window he had broken open, without saying a word.

Something is wrong. One hundred percent wrong!

Everyone knows their own business. Ever since the god John Wick shared information with him, Wang Yi has been turning on the magnetic field radar non-stop as soon as he entered the underground alien research department of the Behemoth Foundation building.

This was the detection method he was most proud of. With him as the center, no living creature within a radius of 500 meters could escape detection. Even the Tang Sect's proud Illusion Body Barrier was helpless against this move of his.

Fundamentally, Wang Yi's magnetic field radar is the nemesis of all concealment methods in the extraordinary circle. By the way, escape methods are not considered concealment methods.

But even with the magnetic field radar monitoring on, he didn't notice anything at all and let the sorcerer Wuxiang and his men swagger into the underground alien research department of the Behemoth Group?

If he hadn't noticed that the magnetic fields in the bodies of the directors in the conference room were unstable, he wouldn't have known what was happening.

Even now, with his magnetic field radar still turned on, the area above the conference room is still blank in his magnetic field radar's monitoring. How is this done?
I turned on the magnetic field radar and you pointed out the anti-radar detection stealth method, right?
Not only this, but also the two attacks I just made.

As the controller, he could sense something strange when his nine coffin nails were about to hit his opponent, the Warlock Wuxiang. He still didn't understand what was going on.

He also has his own magnetic field blasting fist, which is one of his killer moves.

Once contact is made, and the true Qi of one's own magnetic field enters the body, the true Qi in the opponent's body will be disordered, and the opponent can only withstand it through the cultivation of one's life and energy. In mild cases, the opponent will be unable to circulate Qi for a while, and in severe cases, the disordered true Qi in the body will cause the opponent to explode and die on the spot.

Even someone as strong as Zhang Zhiwei was killed by Chu Jian when they first fought each other. It took a long time for his golden light spell to work again.

The other party has lived in the United States for many years. Even if he has the support of the Ant Nest intelligence network, he should not be aware of all my methods. Otherwise, he would not sit there and use sorcerer's methods to take my magnetic field blasting punch.

The fist did hit the target, and the magnetic field Qi did enter the opponent's body as he expected, and it also disrupted the opponent's Qi as he thought.

But the problem lies here. Since the true Qi in the body is disordered, why can the opponent still maintain the state of Gen Kunlun as still as a mountain?
Wang Yi, who realized something was wrong, did not act rashly. Instead, he took the directors and distanced himself from the evil sorcerer Wuxiang.

When Wang Yi was confused, the figure of the sorcerer Wuxiang appeared at the window, looking down at the group of people below. He was wearing a bird-beak mask, so his face could not be seen clearly, and his eyes were fixed on Wang Yi who was looking at him.

"That's amazing. You've only been away for a few years, and I didn't expect that your family would have another talent like you. It's true that every generation has its own talented people."

Wang Yi raised an eyebrow at the fluent Chinese. Until now, his magnetic field radar had shown a blank in the area where the Warlock Wuxiang was located, and he could only observe it with the naked eye.

The magnetic field Qi that I injected into the opponent's body through the magnetic field blasting fist was indeed still causing trouble, but the opponent was still commenting on me as if nothing had happened. It was really fucking weird!
"It seems that the intelligence is wrong. It's no wonder that my disciples were subdued by you. It's not bad, but it can be used against my disciples, but not against me."

"Then try again."

Regarding the sorcerer Wuxiang's attitude of evaluating the level of his own skills in the tone of an old senior, Wang Yi had only one answer, and that was to fight.

The invisible magnetic field began to spread with Wang Yi as the center, slowly covering the surroundings. In the underground alien research department of the Behemoth Foundation building, every instrument, equipment, and even the guns in the hands of the soldiers were shaking.

And in the eyes of the warlock Wuxiang, it was even more obvious.

"It's amazing. At your age, you have such a high level of cultivation and energy. You should be the best among the younger generation in our family. No, your level of cultivation cannot even be considered that of a young person.

Even some sect leaders are not as advanced as you, who disturbed the Qi of this world with their own strength. It seems that you have asked a lot about me from that guy Tong Gu Liang. At least he knows that I am a sorcerer. But, this guy is not a man of firm will. Maybe I can't ask him when he is alive, but I can ask him when he is dead. He has many tricks. It's a pity that your tricks are effective for other sorcerers, but useless for me. "

Commenting on the uniqueness of Wang Yi's natural move to restrain warlocks, the warlock Wuxiang stood there, not surprised but happy, just staring at Wang Yi.

And Wang Yi could also clearly feel that the sorcerer Wuxiang looked at him with greed, as if he regarded him as some kind of treasure?

He couldn't understand why the other party was greedy for him. Wang Yi could only clearly feel that while his own magnetic field and true Qi were still causing trouble in the sorcerer Wuxiang's body, the other party was still resisting the magnetic field and true Qi that he had injected into his body, and using sorcerer's methods in the Qi situation that he had messed up!

"Kun character: Earth Dragon flips over!"

As Warlock Wuxiang finished his words, the entire underground alien research department began to shake and vibrate violently.

The glass shattered, the walls cracked, the ground rolled, and the steel bars deformed.

Everyone was panicked by the sudden earthquake. Some people even put down their guns and knelt down towards the sorcerer Wuxiang who caused the local earthquake. They even began to pray, asking him to forgive them for their unwise act of pointing their guns at the gods.

Yes, in their opinion, how could a being that can cause natural disasters be a human being? It should be a god, or a messenger of god.

Even the extraordinary people like Qian Boer and the directors of Behemoth Group were stunned at this moment.

Only Wang Yi, looking at the underground alien research department that was crumbling and on the verge of collapse, took decisive action!
Five times the gravity field!

Guided by his own true Qi, Wang Yi slapped the area where the sorcerer Wuxiang and his companions were.

The invisible gravity hit him, but just like his previous two attacks, it was negated by some invisible force.

But it also stopped the opponent from continuing to launch the technique.

At the same time, around the technique Wuxiang, spherical lightning condensed into shape. Magnetic Field Martial Arts - Spherical Lightning!

Under Wang Yi's control, he also smashed towards the sorcerer Wuxiang and others.

The word "Zhen" causes wind and thunder!
The warlock was able to counter the attacks without any confrontation. An electric grid appeared around him, colliding with and canceling out the ball lightning.

Magical power: shrinking the ground into an inch!
In short-range combat and sudden attacks, Wang Yi used the golden escape light to realize that the "shrinking the earth into an inch" method, which was one of the three protective methods of the Sanyi Sect and was combined with the Sanyi Sect's triple rebirth, had a better effect.

The distance of more than ten meters was reached in an instant, and his palm was facing the sorcerer Wuxiang who was only half a meter away in front of him.

At this moment, countless invisible slashes were also inflicted on the opponent.

The character Gen represents the body of glazed glass!
In response to Wang Yi's invisible slash, it was the sorcerer Wuxiang's body in the shape of a character "Gen" and colored glaze, which along with his clothes had turned into steel.

The sounds of metal clashing rang out continuously on Shushi Wuxiang's body, but none of them could break his clothes, and even his mask was not damaged at all.

However, the sorcerer Wuxiang Qiang took advantage of Wang Yi's trick and stepped forward, raised his hand to grab Wang Yi's wrist and started the spell.

Kun character · Earth River Car! ——
That night in Manhattan, New York, a strange earthquake occurred in the building where the Behemoth Foundation was located.

The earthquake was limited to an area thirty meters from the Behemoth Foundation building.

As security personnel on duty that night, the staff also clearly saw that the ground in front of their Behemoth Foundation building suddenly cracked, revealing a huge gap ten meters long and five meters wide, exposing the Alien Research Department located below the building.

At the same time, an earth dragon made of a mixture of steel bars and concrete rushed out from the cracked ground, and they could vaguely see two figures fighting on top of the earth dragon?
An earth dragon made of a mixture of steel bars and cement rose from the ground, accompanied by the sound of metal clashing overhead. It rose to a height of ten meters before it could no longer continue and turned into rubble and scattered.

The suspended air under their feet also allowed the fighting Wang Yi and the sorcerer Wuxiang to use their own tactics.

Xun Zi·Feng Xu Yu Feng!

Escape technique: Golden escape with flowing light!

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, carrying the sorcerer Wuxiang floating in the air. Countless invisible winds turned into thin ropes, trying to catch Wang Yi who had turned into a golden escape weapon.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it is a different picture.

It can be seen that in today's Great Depression, New York at night is no longer so brightly lit. Although Manhattan, as a commercial district, still has tall buildings, there are only a few sparse lights flickering on the floors, making it look particularly dead and lifeless.

In this dead silent high-rise building, golden lights are dancing, like a dragon swimming in the night sea.

What attracted this golden dragon to travel was a figure standing in the strong wind.

He was like a dancer dancing on the edge of a knife, narrowly avoiding the golden dragon every time. The golden dragon wanted to devour him, and the other party also wanted to tie up the stubborn dragon.

Every time the two collided, a gust of wind would spread out from between them, turning into an invisible sharp blade, leaving scratches on the exterior walls of the surrounding buildings and shattering the glass.

The golden dragon was exhausted and landed on a billboard, transforming into a human form.

The figure standing in the night wind seemed to have lost the protection of the wind and swayed to the opposite side.

Wang Yi took a deep breath and stared at the sorcerer Wuxiang who was still at ease in his golden escape attack.

The opponent's methods were too weird. It was obvious that my magnetic field and true energy had hit the opponent, and it did have an effect on him, but the opponent just used the sorcerer's methods without any problem.

This shouldn't be the case. Not to mention that you might be relying on your life skills to sustain your own magnetic field and true Qi, even the sorcerer's method reveals something irrational.

Wang Yi was not a sorcerer, but he understood that except for the Fenghou Qimen of the Eight Wonders, which could use itself as the center and manipulate the eight gates of the Qimen formation at will, the rest, even the Wuhou Qimen left by Zhuge Wuhou, required one to determine the center and step on a specific Qimen position to maximize the effect of the technique.

Simply put, the word "Li" belongs to the fire element. So only if the sorcerer, represented by Wu Hou Qi Men, steps on the direction of "Li" can the fireball be turned into a huge extinguishing fire. If he steps on the direction of "Kan" which belongs to water, the fireball can only be turned into a small flame.

Fenghou Qimen is unique in that it can move the four plates and eight gates at will, with itself as the center, and whatever it shouts will come true.

Wang Yi was sure that the opponent would never know the Eight Wonders of Fenghou Qimen, because if he did, the opponent would give him a Golden Tutor and would be able to control him for three or four seconds, which was enough for the opponent to control him.

Wang Yi felt that this sorcerer Wuxiang was weird, like cheating, but not cheating.

It is even more impossible to rely on profound life cultivation to forcibly activate the technique in the direction where the attributes are counteracted. The opponent's life cultivation is not high enough to ignore the counteraction of attributes.

"Damn it! I don't believe I can't figure out your background!"

Mystical power: Draw a prison on the ground, ten levels of protection!

Wang raised his hand and pointed, and the ten layers of invisible cages, which were enlarged and increased in size, instantly trapped the opponent.

At the same time, with his hands open, the invisible gravitational force on his palms converged, and a phenomenon of weightlessness occurred around Wang Yi. An imaginary black hole the size of a fist slowly took shape between Wang Yi's palms.

"Oh my, young people have a lot of hidden cards. Wang Yi, right? You're not bad. I've got you. But I'd better not have a head-on conflict with you now. This is a bit of a mistake. Let's go."

Feeling the terrifying power gathered between Wang Yi's palms, the warlock Wuxiang also knew that their plan to force the Behemoth Group to surrender this time had failed.

In addition to the comments, the Eight Gates Transport technique was also activated.

The ten-layer protected prison made of drawn ground was forcibly broken by some force, and the bird-beak mask worn by the sorcerer Wuxiang was also cracking and peeling off layer by layer.

However, the figure of the Warlock Wuxiang did not appear around Wang Zhou. Instead, he landed on the ground of the Behemoth Consortium, where he was fighting with Qianbol and other core alien teams of the Behemoth Consortium.

Wang Yi also appeared in front of Qian Bol and the others. Looking at his opponent who was about to run away, he threw the half-condensed imaginary black hole between his palms towards him.

"Young people are so hot-tempered!"

The word Xun represents the fragrant car and gossip!

The wind was blowing hard and the fog was thick. Wooden stakes as thick as thighs emerged from the ground and gathered along the path of the imaginary black hole, forming a dense forest that was impossible to squeeze into.

The imaginary black hole devours and destroys the obstacles in front of it with great force.

The layers of forests are also constantly consuming the power of the imaginary black hole.

The fog dissipated, and in front of Wang Yi and others, there was only a corridor plowed out by an imaginary black hole.

At the end of the corridor, the sorcerer Wuxiang and his men had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a broken bird-beak mask on the ground.

Everyone looked at the messy scene that looked like a battle between gods, with dull expressions on their faces. However, Wang Yi and others flashed forward and picked up the broken bird-beak mask from the ground. When they turned it over, they saw bloodstains on the bird-beak mask.

Rubbing the blood on his fingers, Wang Yi finally laughed out loud.

"Hey, Lao Deng, I knew you couldn't be that powerful."

With a satisfied smile, Wang Yi turned into a stream of golden light and disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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