Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 238 Born from Death

Chapter 238 Born from Death
The dome of the Wardenclyffe Tower was rumbling with thunder and lightning as the wind and rain raged.

The commander-in-chief of the ant nest stood on the huge and winding body of the evil spirit Teng Snake, the god of evil spirit that resided in him.

His hands maintained a magical gesture, sustaining the release of the magical power, Ten Thousand Snakes Fire.

Teng Snake belongs to the Li Gate in the Qimen Formation and is in charge of fire.

The evil spirit in his body, Teng Snake, obtained its energy from the battle between the Chan and Jie sects during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and is affiliated with the Jie sect.

When Jiejiao was defeated, He, as a member of Jiejiao and having committed numerous murders, chose to flee at the first opportunity. He crossed the ocean and by chance became the totem of civilization worshipped by the Mayan civilization, Quetzalcoatl.

It became a totem of civilization, and while enjoying the fortune of the Mayan civilization, it also turned into a god like Wang Yi's incarnation John Wick, except that Wang Yi was born from the Qi of faith of all living beings, a bit like the vests used by the powerful people in myths and strange stories to walk on earth.

However, this Teng Snake is closer to the direction of physical sanctification.

While enjoying the sacrificial offerings of the Mayan civilization, this Teng Snake also acquired new abilities based on its inherent magical powers, and gained control of the gods in charge of life, harvest, culture, wind and rain.

Wang Yi was not surprised by this. Although he was the loser in the family, judging from the template of the Yin Sha Qi he saw before his eyes, he thought that even when he had a physical body when he was alive, he was also a big monster that could be an elite monster in a monster movie.

Wang Yi remembered that there was a saying about the size of snakes. Some species of snakes have no size limit. As long as their lifespan is long enough, they can grow very large, so large that you cannot understand it.

It was hard for Wang Yi to say whether this statement was true or not, but the Teng Snake that was currently living in the body of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ant Nest had obviously broken through the limit of its lifespan, which allowed it to grow into a giant in its lifetime and join in the great battle between the Chan and Jie sects.

Possessing supernatural powers and blessed by the faith of all living beings in Mayan civilization, this Teng Snake's supernatural powers have become more varied.

The most obvious thing is in the magical power of Ten Thousand Snakes Fire.

Originally, Teng Snake was just using his magical power as the controller of the Li Fire Gate, one of the Eight Gates, and was mainly used for killing. However, with the blessing of the Qi of the Mayan civilization's faith, it gained the characteristic of controlling life.

The most direct feeling Wang Yi felt was that these tiny feathered snakes, with their characteristics of devouring and consuming, were constantly consuming his body in a state of reverse growth.

However, this pain, which was like the bites of thousands of living snakes and carried the cold and gloomy nature of the evil spirit, was simply unbearable for ordinary people.

One can see that these tiny, tens of thousands of feathered serpents are constantly tearing apart the reverse life on their own bodies, transforming their own flesh and blood and true energy into nutrients, giving birth to more of their own kind to join this gluttonous feast.

The god's incarnation, John Wick, was using his spare blood pack to replenish his own true energy, but was not in a very good condition at the moment.

In essence, it is a body condensed from the Qi of faith of all living beings, and now there are signs of instability.

The true Qi in his body was gradually running out, and under the backlash of the country's fortunes caused by American loan sharks, the Qi situation had already become violent and chaotic. Rashly absorbing the Qi of the surrounding heaven and earth would be tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

At this moment, his body is still troubled by the Qi-situation disease, and the true Qi generated cannot keep up with the speed of loss.

No matter how you look at it, Wang Yi is in a dead end now.

But Wang Yi, who was enduring the pain of being bitten by thousands of snakes, just frowned, and again and again used the little true Qi in his body to repair his body that was bitten by thousands of snakes.

At the same time, he also used his limited energy to connect with the God's incarnation, John Wick, to find out the reason why His divine body was unstable at the moment.

As his consciousness was connected, waves of riots, explosions, gunshots and prayers from downtown New York City rang in Wang Yi's ears, and his vision suddenly changed.

Switch to the Continental Hotel's main location in Brooklyn, New York.

Flames shot up into the sky. The entrance of the Continental Hotel head office, which was undergoing a new round of expansion, had just experienced a hail of bullets and grenades. As consciousness spread, Wang Yi also saw it.

In downtown New York, all properties belonging to Continental Hotels and Continental Group are being destroyed by criminals.

These lawless elements can be found in bars, hospitals, schools, staff dormitories, food stores, and pharmacies. They are taking advantage of the darkness of power outages in some parts of New York and are wantonly venting the violent factors that have been suppressed by the Continental Hotel and the Continental Group over the past year and a half.

For a time, all industries belonging to Continental Hotels and Continental Group were swept by the phenomenon of zero-yuan shopping.

This is the confidence that the Commander-in-Chief of the Ant Nest has in daring to sit back and watch the Warlock Wuxiang being killed by himself. The reason why the Warlock Wuxiang can link his cultivation with the destiny of the United States is all thanks to the guidance of the evil spirit Teng Snake, which is the totem of Mayan civilization, on the Commander-in-Chief of the Ant Nest.

He knows better than anyone what kind of torture practitioners whose luck is tied to their destiny will suffer when their luck backfires. He is a person who has experienced it firsthand.

As for the true identities of these criminals, Wang Yi can also get a general idea through the shared vision with the god John Wick.

A large part of them were the guys from the New York underworld that he had suppressed before.

It was because of fear of Wang Yi's power that he had no choice but to surrender.

Assuming that there was no such thing as a backlash on the country's destiny, the resentment and ambition in these guys' hearts would slowly dissipate with the passage of time.

But the people in the Ant Nest knew that they could also find out the approximate date of the backlash of fortune through the sorcerer Wuxiang, so it would be easier to operate.

All we need to do is to communicate with them first, let them be patient and submit to the Continental Hotel for the time being, and use the rapid development momentum of the Continental Hotel and the Continental Group relying on the national fortune as a cover, and send the ant nest members who have been completely shrunk and broken into small pieces to hide in New York City and wait for the opportunity.

If Wang Yi were to do this under normal circumstances, he would not be able to hide it for long before being discovered.

But with the blessing of luck and being blinded by the American loan sharking and national destiny, there would always be various coincidences that Wang Yi would ignore, or would not notice these dark actions.

The reason why they chose to destroy these Continental Hotels and Continental Group's industries was very simple. The Ant Nest Commander and the evil spirit Teng Snake that lived in him wanted to dig up the roots of the god John Wick.

The riots that broke out in downtown New York at this moment, surrounding the entire Continental Hotel and Continental Group industry, if they were not suppressed immediately, and if the employees of the Continental Hotel and the Group, who were mythical characters of John Wick, did not see their Mr. Wick taking action in this riot, what would they think?
"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Wick is not omnipotent. This is bad news."

As long as the image of John Wick's omnipotence is shaken, the faith of all living beings surrounding the god John Wick will fluctuate, thus affecting the god's incarnation John Wick who is suffering with Wang Yi at this time.

If the Continental Hotel and the Continental Group were to fall apart overnight, the existence of the god John Wick would completely disappear and become nourishment for the evil spirit Teng Snake in the body of the Ant Nest Commander.

One round after another, Wang Yi was defeated without any chance to catch his breath.

Especially at this moment, thunder and lightning roared in the sky, and huge electric currents continued to converge towards the Wardenclyffe Tower, turning the entire Wardenclyffe Tower into a natural magnetic field isolated from the world.

But the more this happened, the calmer Wang Yi felt.

He no longer cared about what was happening in downtown New York at the moment, where Ant Nest and those criminals from the New York underworld were destroying the Continental Hotel and Continental Group. Instead, he calmed down and recalled what Tesla had said to him before.

"Wang Yi, remember every time a lightning bolt strikes, remember the feeling of the Wardenclyffe Tower operating. You are an expert in electromagnetic force, so you know what I am talking about..."

To be honest, Wang Yi doesn't understand. He is not a top student in science. He can achieve his current level of cultivation only thanks to my thinking. My thinking is the root of his talent.

He couldn't understand the mechanics of Wardenclyffe Tower, but he could feel it.

Thinking of this, Wang Yi somehow began to actively end the reverse state, allowing the true Qi in his body to run spontaneously in the state of dispersing power.

And what was reflected in Wang Yi's body was that his fair immortal body, which was in the third and second state of reverse rebirth at its extreme, was losing color and turning back to its original flesh color.

Then the essence of his flesh and blood began to transform into white true qi, which gradually dissipated from Wang Yi's body.

After the white true Qi transformed from the essence of Wang Yi's flesh and blood dissipated, it was not immediately absorbed by the surrounding tiny and numerous black feathered snakes.

Instead, through these black feathered serpents, they slowly filled the entire interior of the Wardenclyffe Tower and began to follow the operating mechanism of the Wardenclyffe Tower at that time, operating according to a certain law.

The strange phenomenon that appeared in the Wardenclyffe Tower at this moment was also noticed by the Ant Nest Commander and the evil spirit Teng Snake on his body, but for this man and beast, they could not understand the changes that happened to Wang Yi at this time. The Ant Nest Commander frowned and removed the Ten Thousand Snakes Tribulation Fire Magical Power that surrounded Wang Yi and the God's clone John Wick.

Looking at Wang Yi and the god's incarnation John Wick, whose figures were becoming increasingly illusory and transparent, the evil spirit Teng Snake was overjoyed.

"His true energy has dissipated, and his body has been destroyed! Help me, swallow him! Swallow everything of him!"

The voice of Teng Snake sounded in the mind of the commander-in-chief of the Ant Nest. The commander-in-chief of the Ant Nest did not doubt it, and once again used his own body as a support to activate the innate magical powers of the evil spirit Teng Snake.

Innate magical power: the python swallows the elephant!
The ant nest commander, whose body had obvious snake-like features under the host of Teng Snake, opened his mouth to 180 degrees, full of sharp teeth, and a powerful suction force came from his mouth.

First, the target was aimed at the white true Qi that was emanating from Wang Yi and gathering around him. Then, the main target was Wang Yi and the god's incarnation John Wick.

The bodies of the two, which had already become as thin as smoke, could not resist this powerful suction force at all. Under the tearing power of the Ant Nest Commander, they began to transform into a ball of true Qi starting from their feet and flew towards the mouth of the Ant Nest Commander.

But the commander-in-chief of the Ant Nest also noticed that when Wang Yi and the god's incarnation John Wick were dying, there was still a faint smile on their faces.

Then it completely turned into a ball of white qi and entered the mouth of the ant nest commander.

As the last bit of Wang Yi and his god-avatar John Wick's true energy was absorbed by the Ant Nest Commander-in-Chief, the backlash of American loan sharks against Wang Yi seemed to have come to an end.

The strange Qi situation formed around the Wardenclyffe Tower began to gradually stabilize, and the natural chaos within five kilometers around the Wardenclyffe Tower began to return to normal.

It's as if nothing happened.

Only the huge and winding evil spirit Teng Snake, which was composed purely of evil energy and the energy of faith of all living beings, was behind the commander of the Ant Nest. It was entangled on the tower of the Wardenclyffe Tower and let out a sharp and provocative hiss towards the thunderstorm clouds in the sky.

‘Boom! ’

Gao Tian seemed to be angered, and a bolt of lightning struck the evil spirit Teng Snake, which was now replacing the lightning rod.

Pure, destructive natural lightning was now traveling along the huge winding body of the evil spirit Teng Snake that was entangled around the Wardenclyffe Tower. Wherever the electric current passed, it brought huge damage to the snake body which was now composed of pure evil energy.

The destruction brought by the natural thunder to its body composed purely of Yin Sha Qi forced the evil spirit Teng Snake to shrink its body. The powerful force even made the tower frame of the Wardenclyffe Tower scream under the heavy burden, and its appearance was deforming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the evil spirit Teng Snake did not retreat. Instead, he held his breath and accepted the purest baptism of thunder from nature.

One can see that in those areas of his Yin Sha Qi that were defeated and dispersed by the heavenly thunder, flesh, blood, and skeletons were being generated, replacing his original virtual parts that were only composed of Yin Sha Qi.

This evil spirit, Teng Snake, is rebuilding its body by devouring the luck and faith of all living beings from Wang Yi and John Wick, the incarnation of the god!
As a Teng Snake, this is not an area that He can reach, but as a feathered serpent god who is worshipped as a totem of civilization by the Mayan civilization and is in charge of life and death, harvest, wind and rain, and culture, this is the authority bestowed upon Him by the Qi of faith of all living beings.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, by devouring Wang Yi's flesh and blood essence, his luck, and the majestic Qi of faith of all living beings in the god John Wick, to make the name of the evil spirit Teng Snake appear again in the world after five thousand years!
As the commander-in-chief of the Ant Nest who is one with the evil spirit Teng Snake, he has the deepest feelings about what is happening to the god residing in him.

He did not look very good at the moment. His sturdy upper body with snake-like features was covered in blood, and scales connected to his flesh and blood were constantly peeling off his body.

At the same time, new buds were growing where his scales were peeling off. He could feel his body and his life level evolving!

This feeling was unprecedented, and it made his face look crazy, and his crazy laughter echoed in the Wardenclyffe Tower.

"Oh, is this the Lord's true attitude? His boundless vitality, his immortal body, his power to devour the heavens and the earth? At this moment, I am so excited!!!"

As if to verify the tremendous vitality that he shared with the evil spirit Teng Snake at this moment, the commander-in-chief of the ant nest raised his finger like a sharp blade and poked it straight into his own temple, constantly stirring the brain matter in his brain.

Destruction and regeneration repeated itself at his temple as his fingers stirred, constantly stimulating the nerves of the ant nest's commander-in-chief.

At this moment, below the man and the beast, in the control room where the Wardenclyffe Tower was located, a hunched figure was tremblingly pushing open the door of the control room, looking at the man and the beast that were currently entangled with the Wardenclyffe Tower.

That was Nikola Tesla, who was at the center of the storm but was not affected.

"Oh, I almost forgot about you."

When he saw Tesla walking out of the control room to check what was happening outside, the Ant Nest Commander let out a teasing laugh, and his figure fell from mid-air, landing directly in front of Tesla, and picked up Tesla with one hand.

"Mr. Tesla, your Wardenclyffe Tower is only one step away, right? Let me help you."

"You...what do you want to do!!"

"Nothing. With so much electricity stored, it should be enough to light up New York City. I just want this relit New York City to serve as a fireworks display for the rebirth of me, the Lord, and the Ant Nest."

"You...don't even think about it!"

As he spoke, Tesla's eyes subconsciously glanced towards the main switch in the control room. The reason why he came out was because he was just one step away from success. Before using the electricity stored in the Wardenclyffe Tower to light up New York City with almost no consumption, he wanted to know the final outcome of this battle.

But he did not see Wang Yi, and was instead seized by the commander-in-chief of the Ant Nest.

"Don't be so reserved, Mr. Tesla. You also want to see whether your masterpiece can succeed. Let me help you."

Noticing Tesla's eyes, the Ant Nest Commander also walked towards the control room with the door wide open with a smug smile.

In the control room, stray electric currents rushed towards the commander-in-chief of the ant nest as if they had life, wanting to turn the commander-in-chief who dared to hurt their father into ashes.

But now the commander-in-chief of the Ant Nest is no longer the same as before. He devoured Wang Yi and the god's clone John Wick, and also devoured Wang Yi's fortune, and his body began to evolve.

These electric currents began to lose their accuracy under the influence of the United States' national destiny before they reached the Ant Nest Commander-in-Chief. They flew everywhere and could not hit the Ant Nest Commander, nor could they stop him.

He walked closer to the main switch handle that drove the Wardenclyffe Tower, and felt the evil spirit Teng Snake that was currently entangled in the Wardenclyffe Tower undergoing a transformation from death to rebirth with the help of Wang Yi's flesh and blood essence and the majestic Qi of faith of all living beings of the god John Wick.

The commander-in-chief of the ant nest also grinned grimly.

"My Lord, enjoy the fortune bonus brought by industrial civilization! From now on, America and the world will be under our control!"

With inflated ambitions, the commander-in-chief of the ant nest pulled down the handle.

As the last main switch was pulled down, the huge amount of electricity stored through thunderstorms was now under the action of the Tesla coil, flowing from bottom to top and gathering at the top of the Wardenclyffe Tower.

Then, dazzling lightning began to be released from the top of the Wardenclyffe Tower. At this moment, the lightning emitted by the Wardenclyffe Tower even overshadowed the thunderclouds in the clouds, and almost illuminated Long Island, New York, into daylight.

The electricity stored in the Wardenclyffe Tower, which illuminates Long Island, New York, into daylight, will be transmitted through the air with almost no loss to the power supply company in downtown New York that is already ready.

Under the dazzling thunder and lightning, you can see a giant snake dancing wildly in the sea of ​​electricity.

Outside the control room of the Wardenclyffe Tower, the commander-in-chief of the Ant Nest carried a Tesla and watched the lights in the distance light up again little by little.

New York City, which had almost lost its vitality after the Great Depression, regained its vitality on this night with the successful experiment of the Wardenclyffe Tower.

At the same time, a painful hissing sound was heard from the evil spirit Teng Snake at the top of the tower. Where the evil spirit Teng Snake's flesh and blood was reborn, white Qi was dissipating.

Along with the sudden change of the evil spirit Teng Snake, a chuckle also echoed inside the Wardenclyffe Tower.


(End of this chapter)

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