Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 245: 27 years old, already the best in the world

Chapter 245: 27 years old, already the best in the world
"Old Soldiers Never Die" seemed less noticeable amid the numerous news reports about the damage caused by thunderstorms in New York last night.

This is also what Wang Yi said. You, Old Mac, have caused such a big incident that you will definitely not be able to suppress it. I can't control other places. In New York, I will use the resources at hand and use some bigger news to help you dilute the impact of this incident. This is all I can do.

Lao Mai: Thank you!

In Brooklyn, at the residence arranged for Wang Yi by the Behemoth Consortium, Chamblee, who had watched the entire battle between Wang Yi and John Wick, the incarnation of the god possessed by the destiny of the United States, went upstairs with several of his companions and opened the door with the spare key.

Looking at the empty room, with vines growing on the walls and cracks covered in cracks due to the backlash of the country's fortune, Qian Bol was stunned for a moment before he gave a carefree smile.

"You are really capable of causing such a commotion that you even didn't spare the house."

"Wang Yi just left like that? Without even saying goodbye?"

The alien Rogers looked at the empty room and felt inexplicably lost.

He and his two brothers knew Wang Yi the earliest. They met when Wang Yi participated in the Eight-Nation Martial Arts Competition in the embassy community when he came to Beijing.

The three of his brothers were defeated in vain, and he didn't expect that he would be able to partner with Wang Yi for a while after returning home. Thanks to Wang Yi, as a pseudo-innate alien who strengthens physical fitness, his ability has been strengthened. Compared with the ability of that mechanism, he prefers this kind of all-round improvement of numerical values.

Wang Yi has been in the United States for nearly five years, and his understanding of the world of extraordinary people far exceeds that of the previous ten years. It was Wang Yi who made him realize that the ceiling of extraordinary people is not bound by the shackles of the times and can display the mythical power.

He also wanted to follow Wang Yi and see more about the world of extraordinary people.

"What else can we do if he doesn't leave? Just look at what happened at the Statue of Liberty last night. Do you think the board of directors will be reassured if he's here?"

"But he just left like that?"

"After seeing him at his full strength last night, how do you think he should leave? Take a ship? He is in a completely different dimension from us, so don't think of him in terms of transportation. So let's do the hard work and clean up this place."

“Not recycling?”

"What are you recycling? Just treat it as our holiday cottage. If there's anything that's hard to say in the company, we can say it here. Besides, the board of directors is also having a headache right now."

"What's so troublesome about them?"

"Such a being returns to the country, and there is a war going on there. Although we have interests there, based on our understanding of Wang Yi, do you think he will allow so many foreign forces to enter his country? Perhaps he still cannot resist a country. The problem is that even our garrison in the Republic of China cannot withstand his destruction. Who knows, we may meet him again at that time."

While joking, several people were also cleaning the house. Perhaps Qian Boer hoped in his heart that one day he could meet this foreign friend here.

At this time, Wang Yi was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he took the newspaper that his divine clone John Wick had hurriedly printed and placed it on the desk of Tesla, the crazy scientist.

The old man was not angry about the title. Instead, he looked at Wang Yi with a sly smile.

"Can't figure it out?"

"A little bit. Did you call them to talk to them?"

"Of course, that John Wick was there during the battle at Wardenclyffe Tower last night. You and him didn't look like you just met."

Wang Yi smiled awkwardly. Last night he and the god's clone had joined forces to fight the enemy. Tesla was not a fool. How could he not see any clues?
"Forget it. I'm not some gossipy old guy. And I have to do this. Even though it was successful last night, it doesn't meet the conditions for repeating the experiment. But it was successful after all, and I'm very happy. But it was born in an era when World War II is about to begin, and I'm sad because if it is announced as a success, I don't dare to think about what this world war will end up like."

Wang Yi was silent. He probably understood what the old man was thinking.

"That's why I said you're my successor. After I die, the research manuscripts and data in this area will be published. I think the war will be over by then, and we can focus on development and move towards the 21st century. So I can accept the failure of publishing in the newspaper at this moment. Anyway, there will be answers in the future. Take it."

As he spoke, Tesla stuffed a thick stack of manuscripts into a black briefcase in front of Wang Yi and handed it to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi naturally knew what was in the briefcase. It contained manuscripts and verification formulas about the technology of wireless power transmission.

Tesla doesn't need to give himself a fake one, it's not necessary for him.

"That's putting your eggs in different baskets, professor."

"Yes, one basket here, one basket over there for you, and when the time is right, I'm planning to give one to the Red Soviet Union."

“Science without borders?”

"Science has no borders, but scientists need to think about the consequences of unconditionally opening up a technology, so just listen to this statement. At least in this era, anyone who says this is either naive or bad, including me."

"Then why give me one? I can understand if you leave one for the United States and prepare one for that red country, but my current country..."

"I believe that within a hundred years, China will have skyscrapers like those in New York, with extensive railways, airplanes and ships connecting to all parts of the world, and Chinese people will be able to walk the streets of New York with their heads held high, speaking Chinese... How can a young man who can say such things think that the manuscript I gave you cannot be put into practice?"

Tesla looked at Wang Yi with a smile, and asked Wang Yi to accept the gift from Tesla with a smile.

"You can think of this as a controlled experiment for me as a scientist. The same manuscript, under two systems with different ideologies, which one is implemented first may represent which ideology wins."

"Professor, this is really generous, but how can you be sure that my country is... you know."

"I'm a scientist, not a primitive man."

"That's right. After I take this manuscript away, how are you going to spend the rest of your life, Professor?"

"I don't know. My lifelong wish has been fulfilled. I feel a little empty now. I can't travel far with my body. Next, I'll find a university to be a visiting professor. While I can still move, I can improve some other theories and teach a few students. What suggestions do you have?"

Teach students? Wang Yi's eyes lit up. "Professor, this is it, I have a friend, don't look at me like that, I really have a friend, he is studying for a master's degree and a doctorate in physics in Massachusetts."

"You should think carefully. With my status, the students I teach will be on the national defense focus list."

"But as long as you are still here, you will be his best protection. I will come and take him back home."


"You can think of him as me when it comes to the physics department, and there will be more than one genius in the future."

"Then I'm interested. His name."

"Lu Guangda."

"I've made a note. I'll go to Massachusetts sometime after I finish my research on the giant snake to test your friend's character. So, am I really saying goodbye to you? Or is it goodbye forever?"

"Goodbye, it's not like we'll say goodbye forever."

Holding the manuscript that could change an era in the future, Wang opened the door and prepared to leave, while Tesla was muttering behind him.

"I hope one day I can go to China, a beautiful country."

"Then you should take good care of yourself and don't be so tired. I will pick you up in person when the time comes. Maybe you will meet another genius, a genius who has never studied abroad and grew up relying on the books in our house."

"Based on what you said, I'll have to live to be a hundred years old at most."

As the old man and the young man joked, Wang Yi turned into white Qi and disappeared, as if he had never appeared. Tesla continued to lie on the recliner, enjoying the rare leisure time in all these years.

For the next three months, New York remained the same New York.

The Behemoth Consortium began to take action, starting to swallow up the Ant Nest property that was full of gold coins, and absorb talents. Of course, no matter what the Behemoth Consortium did, they would say hello to the Continental Hotel and the Continental Group.

Although most citizens may have thought that the decisive battle on the top of the Statue of Liberty was just an illusion caused by drinking too much and in a thunderstorm,

But to the top executives of the Behemoth Foundation who witnessed the battle, he was the Shadow King of New York.

Although they are easier to get along with than an ant nest, if you are not sensible and don't leave a share for them, then you are being immature.

This incident also made the top executives of the Behemoth Group very depressed.

Before the ant nest collapsed, the Behemoth Corporation was the second largest in the American alien world. After the ant nest collapsed, how come it is still the second largest? Didn’t the ant nest collapse in vain?
But when they saw the twenty-meter-long corpse of the evil spirit Teng Snake placed in the Alien Research Department, and the bone arrow set of the ancient Egyptian god Imhotep that could mass-produce nearly five hundred pseudo-innate aliens at a time, their depressed mood improved a lot.

Before Wang Yi came, they couldn't even dream of having these good things, but now they have them.

In response to the Behemoth Group's understanding, John Wick, the god who was in charge of the Continental Hotel, did not accept the entire deal, but made an exchange.

Exchange these resources for industries that are currently beyond the reach of Continental Hotels and Continental Group, and let the Behemoth Consortium transfer shares and turn it into a subsidiary of His side.

Because his deity John Wick is the patron saint of New York, the patron saint of the Continental Hotel and the Continental Group. One of his duties is to ensure the financial prosperity of the Continental Hotel and the Continental Group.

As for the resources of aliens, with the bone arrows left by Wang Yi, He can slowly screen and transform a group of pseudo-innate aliens to fill this gap.

Moreover, with the geographical advantage of New York, when it is not certain where his real body is, he, the god of this place, is much more useful than a bunch of aliens.

Three months passed quietly.

With Winston, Old Ai and Old Du working together to set up the plan, Old Mac acted as a gravedigger and successfully gave a retired World War I veteran who was worth just over 20,000 and could be considered a good family man to the Continental Hotel and the Continental Group.

As managers of the hotel and the group, Winston and James also began to make arrangements based on the situation of these veterans.

People with mental illness should first see a psychiatrist, and through spiritual counseling and regular drug treatment, they can gradually get back on track.

Those who are in good condition but are just tired of war will be transferred to become instructors or security captains to teach new recruits military training and skills.

Winston also teaches young people who are going to run overseas branches how to gain a foothold and maneuver in the complex Shanghai.

James went to work for Fleming's penicillin team and asked them to go to the Republic of China, saying that there were people there who could help them increase the production of penicillin.

And so, in mid-September 1932, the first batch of fully armed mercenaries, consisting of hundreds of strong veterans mixed with new recruits, escorted a ship full of cargo and several technicians assigned by Fleming to serve as outposts.

We boarded an ocean-going cargo ship produced by the Continental Shipyard and headed for Shanghai, thousands of miles away.

On this deck, Wang Yi stood with his hands behind his back, his long gown fluttering in the sea breeze.

Looking into the distance with no end in sight, Wang Yi felt emotional.

After being away from the country for five years, he returned home with a full load.

This year was the 21st year of the Republic of China.

He, the strange man Wang Yi, is 27 years old and is already one of the few top talents in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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