Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 247: Reverse Life 3rd Level 89 Mysterious Art? !

Chapter 247: The Third Level of Reverse Life = Eight-Nine Mysterious Art? !

If you want to achieve the third level of the three levels of reverse life, there are two ways, one is PVE and the other is PVP.

This is the conclusion Wang Yi came to after combining his various experiences in achieving the third level of the Threefold Rebirth.

The so-called PVE and PVP are terms for game modes, meaning copy mode and player confrontation mode.

In the context of the unique skill of the Three Levels of Reverse Life, the former is achieved through the continuous accumulation of Reverse Life True Qi over the years, until one feels that he cannot make a breakthrough in the second level, and then uses the second level of Reverse Life to compete with God.

With the help of the power of heaven and earth, he continuously tore apart this invincible layer of his body, reshaped it, and then stepped into the third layer which did not exist in theory but existed in reality.

The latter, on the other hand, starts from the first level of Ni Sheng and then travels around the world, looking for guys who make him unhappy to fight with, the kind of fight that determines who is stronger and who is weaker, and also decides life and death.

Through life-and-death trials with different opponents, he gradually improves his ability to overcome difficulties, until finally, under the stimulation of one or more opponents, he makes a great leap and achieves the third level.

Both methods have advantages and disadvantages.

The former is more stable and basically risk-free in the early and middle stages. After all, as long as you spend more time in seclusion in the mountain gate and consolidate the foundation of the third level of reverse life, everything will be fine.

The disadvantage is that it is too stable. If you meet someone with average talent, he may not know whether he has reached the limit of the second level until he dies. People with good talent may not be able to perfectly use the power of heaven and earth to tear apart their own life because of their too solid foundation.

An overly solid foundation may become an obstacle in your ability to break through and achieve the triple certification.

The latter wins by high risk and high reward. Starting from the first level of Nisheng, he will look for someone to fight with every time. Through various opponents and various moves, he will tear Nisheng apart, and then repair it again under his own true Qi.

In a nutshell, this road can be summed up in one sentence: I want to beat you to death, or be beaten to death by you.

But as it stands now, the possibility of being killed is greater than the possibility of killing the opponent.

Combining these two methods.

Wang Yi recalled his experiences in the Wardenclyffe Tower, and figured out how he had managed to break through to the third level of the Three Rebirths.

All of this can be traced back to when he first arrived in the United States. At that time, he thought about getting himself an alias different from Wang Yi so that he could conceal his identity and get things done.

So he created the alias John Wick. At that time, he had not yet gained the unexpected benefit of the divine clone, so he could only make use of the bone-shaping and skin-painting skills of his master, Quan Xing Mian Ren Liu, plus the three levels of reverse life that did not have too many conspicuous features to cause trouble.

That is, when the god's incarnation John Wick played the origin event of the supernatural power of holding a pen in one hand and a gun in the other - he killed six Irishmen in an Italian bar with a pencil. He took this opportunity to completely set fire to the Irish base in Brooklyn overnight, just with the stolen pistol and the reverse triple.

That was the first time that he didn't rely on any other means, and relied entirely on the Triple Reverse to withstand the full-power bullets of these guys.

These 7.62mm bullets, while tearing apart his unique Triple Reverse Life, also made his Triple Reverse Life tougher and more durable during the repair process.

It was just that one night. After that, because of the birth of the god's incarnation, he no longer needed to play two roles and go back and forth on the set.

Then came the natural disasters and man-made disasters he faced during the wireless power transmission experiment at the Wardenclyffe Tower.

At that time, he had a Qi disease caused by the backlash of luck, and outside there was the evil spirit Teng Snake, the commander-in-chief of the Ant Nest, and the terrible thunderstorm weather.

Caught between internal and external pressures, all his means of relying on the Qi of heaven and earth became ineffective. He could only rely on his own practice of the human body's magnetic field and the triple strengthening of his body and the true Qi that kept dissipating in his body to endure.

Under the continuous bombardment at that time, he really felt that he could not bear it anymore and was going to die. It was not until then that Wang Yi remembered what Tesla said to him.

He also felt that his own life was trapped inside and outside, constantly being torn apart, constantly repairing and regenerating, to the point where it was almost integrated with his limbs, bones, tendons, blood and flesh.

He took a gamble and took the initiative to disperse his energy before his true Qi was completely exhausted, and completely transformed into Qi.
By maintaining a clear mind, he allowed the blood and flesh part to merge with the magnetic field of the Wardenclyffe Tower at that time. After that, he broke the whole into pieces and used the body of the evil spirit Teng Snake that was reborn from the dead to transfer the last wave of the country's backlash.

Then they reunite and attain the triple state.

This achievement of the third level was of extraordinary significance to Wang Yi, because he not only achieved the third level, but also allowed the human body magnetic field he practiced, as well as his auxiliary practices of bone shaping and skin painting, and golden escape and flowing light to merge into one with the third level of reverse rebirth.

Moreover, on the battlefield of Wardenclyffe Tower at that time, because they enjoyed the last wave of national fortune blessing, they also experienced the realm that only the great masters of ancient times could have.

After a battle, he directly demolished the Wardenclyffe Tower, killed the Teng Snake in the Void, and destroyed the commander of the Ant Nest.

Although he no longer had the blessing of the American national destiny and was completely cut off from it, he lost all his magical powers.

But what you should understand and know is basically the same.

When one attains the third level, the body's limbs, bones, blood, flesh, tendons and veins are all integrated with the true Qi, just like the immortals described by the ancients, gathering and dispersing at will, flying through the air.

But ultimately this is just a crude imitation of the inexplicable innate Qi. If one's own true Qi is insufficient, this immortal posture cannot be sustained. If one's true Qi is insufficient, it is possible that one will not be able to gather back into human form at the stage where gathering and dispersing is determined by the mind, and by then there will be no remains left.

Therefore, even if one achieves the third level of reverse rebirth, it cannot be said that one is invincible. In the final analysis, it still depends on the person.

During these three months and the time at sea, Wang Yi has been groping for the way forward after the third level, and how to give an explanation to the left sect leader and the Sanyi Sect.

But up to now, he has no idea what to do after the third level, but he has figured out a lot of ingenious methods of the third level of the reverse life.

“Shrinking the earth into an inch, drawing a line on the ground as a prison, and dividing a river into land, these three methods of protection that I figured out on the spur of the moment are a form of escaping into space. Each method requires advancement to the second level of Reverse Rebirth before it can be practiced, because only the second level of restoration can resist the discomfort and damage when integrating oneself into space. Therefore, as long as these three methods are mastered, there is basically a high probability that you will step into the third level.

After all, constantly shuttling through space and using methods is essentially tearing and repairing the reverse life. And in this way, every disciple of the Three One Sect who can achieve the third level will not be too lacking in true Qi in their bodies, which will lead to the end of not being able to gather and disperse as the heart does during the battle, and then there is the method I have come up with during this period of time. "

Recalling the three methods of self-defense that he had developed by combining the Three Stages of Reverse Rebirth and the Golden Escape Flowing Light, it turned out that he had long ago left the Sanyi Sect with a method on how to attain the third level, but he did not know it.

Thinking like this, lying on the recliner, white Qi escaped from Wang Yi's body and turned into a white cloud, gathering under the recliner. After a while, a white cloud carried Wang Yi and his recliner floating in the air. This was also the method he used to send Tesla away from the center of the battlefield after he achieved the third level of enlightenment. This method was called flying in the clouds.

To put it simply, when one has attained the third level and has sufficient true Qi, one can gather and disperse at will according to one's heart.

Based on this, a part of the Qi in your body is separated out and used to control objects and carry people.

This ball of Qi is different from the Qi of ordinary practitioners, because it is a ball of Qi that is integrated with one's own flesh and blood. It seems to be tangible but intangible, but in fact it is full of weight and is connected with oneself as the subject.

And because it is performed at the third level, it is difficult to see from the outside what effect it has on oneself.

Based on this, Wang Yi combined the bone-molding and skin-painting skills he learned from his master Liu, the Quanxing mask-maker, and created another new variant, the Dharmakaya of Heaven and Earth and the Ever-changing Dharmakaya.

This was a point he had discussed with Liu, a dough artist, when he was learning the art in Beijing. Since bone shaping and skin painting are based on the human body, a person's entire skeleton, hair, and skin color can be deformed through the use of true Qi just like making dough figures.

If we can mold a person into another person, there is no reason why we can't mold a person into other species. We are all carbon-based organisms.

Then the waiter Liu refuted him, saying that this was the truth, but man was the most intelligent being and no matter how much you changed you could not change your inner roots.

Although you can transform into dog's paws or bear's paws, you can only change the surface. The skeleton is still human skeleton. You can't play with it.

Afterwards, Wang Yi put forward a conjecture that the so-called ever-changing forms of those great masters in ancient times were based on the art of shaping bones and painting skins. They used the vast amount of true Qi in their bodies to extend and shape an outer shell, wrapping their inner self in it, and performing some fighting or disguise themselves.

To put it bluntly, it is a more advanced form of camouflage.

Regarding this conjecture, the face-man Liu did not comment at that time, because he did not think in this direction at all, and he did not have the ability to develop the bone-molding and skin-painting technique in this direction. Moreover, if it was just a more advanced disguise technique, then why would the great master waste so much true energy to put on a shell for himself?
With so much true Qi, any trick he could use wouldn't be better than this.

It was not until now that Wang Yi had the answer to this conjecture.

Yes, simply changing one's sex by bending bones and painting skin is redundant, but if one uses the gathering and dispersion of the mind after achieving the third level of reverse rebirth to perform bending bones and painting skin, wouldn't it be indistinguishable from the real thing? !
There seems to be no way to go after the third level, but the third level itself is a simulation of the innate Qi that transforms into all things in the world. Since it is a simulation, even if it fails to draw a tiger and ends up drawing a dog, it is still a dog after all, not a fish, an insect or the like.

So, on the Statue of Liberty, Wang Yi evolved his triple body into a five-meter-tall white giant ape with a heavy stick. And now he is on the boat, evolving himself into a dolphin through the reverse life Qi, and the dolphin performs various miraculous functions.

The white cloud that lifted him up into the air slowly fell down and turned into true qi and returned to his body.

Wang Yi also rubbed his eyebrows for a while, feeling troubled.

"Shrinking the earth into an inch, drawing a line on the ground to form a prison, dividing a river into land, riding on clouds, plus the Dharma-Appearance Heaven and Earth and the ever-changing changes that may be advanced, one's own diamond is indestructible, and is invulnerable to water and fire. The concept of the founder of the Three Ones School is to transform oneself into heaven and earth, and reopen the Great Heavenly Venerable Method of earth, fire, wind and water. How did he practice and practice until he became the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills of Fighting Heaven and Earth, which is exclusive to the Dharma Protector God?

The road after the third level is not easy, but we have to give a passing grade to the left master first, right? If we can use this method on the seniors of the Sanyi Sect who failed to break through the barriers and became disabled, it can be regarded as an explanation to the left master..."

As he spoke, Wang Yi also sat up. The true energy in his hand turned into a fishing rod. He threw it into the sea and pulled it. Six sea fish the size of babies' arms were hoisted up, along with a water ball made up of sea water.

The six fish had no idea what was happening and could only swim around in the ten-foot square ball of water.

As Wang Yi looked at the six fish that seemed unaware of their future fate, white qi appeared on his body again.

"Xiao Yu'er, Xiao Yu'er, please contribute to Trinity's research. I'll sort it out for you in the evening..."

With five fingers spread out, the white Qi grabbed the sea fish surging in the water ball.

Time passed slowly after Wang Yi temporarily stopped focusing on the third level, and instead cultivated this realm.

After making its final replenishment in Yokohama, ten days later, the Continental Group's ocean-going freighter also arrived at the port of Shanghai.

It was already the end of October in the 21st year of the Republic of China. Wang Yi stood on the bow with his hands behind his back, looking at the port getting closer and closer from afar. With his eyesight, he could see traces of war in the residential areas around the port.

Because at the beginning of this year, the January 28 Incident occurred and the war lasted for half a year before it stopped.

Looking at the Shanghai beach that had suffered devastation from artillery fire, Wang Yi also understood that this was just the beginning.

Bucciarati and others who followed Wang Yi were also looking at the big boss, waiting for Wang Yi to speak.

After nearly one and a half months of living together at sea, both they and the veterans who accompanied them were already convinced by Wang Yi.

In the past month and a half, the other party had been using various methods to cultivate the third level of reverse life, and had conducted various experiments on seabirds and sea fish on the ship. This also made them understand that there are such people in this world who cannot be understood by common sense.

Especially the veterans, they looked at Wang Yi with even more fanatical eyes.

Because some of them have healthy limbs but some disabilities, such as a broken finger or a missing ear.

It doesn't affect combat, but it's still a scar.

But with Wang Yi's methods, the scars had long disappeared and the lost parts had grown back.

With such a big boss around, they understand that as long as they are not killed on the battlefield, they will have the opportunity to go to the battlefield intact and return home intact.

"After we dock, you guys go take care of your own business. I also have some personal matters to take care of. I'll contact you after I'm done."

"Yes, Mr. Wang Yi."

After getting the answer from the person behind him, Wang Yi did not join in the fun. He activated the third level of Reverse Life, his body turned into white Qi, and he disappeared from the deck, turning into a ball of white Qi and flying towards the port.

(End of this chapter)

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