Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 252: 31 Doors of Humanity

Chapter 252: Trinity Sect Walking in the Human World

A thousand years of change!

This was when Zuo Rutong sensed clues from Wang Yi's words when Wang Yi sent the Three Gates Protecting Dao Method back to the Sanyi Gate. Combining this with Wang Yi's own experience, he asked his junior fellow disciple to rush to Longhu Mountain and ask Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing to do a special divination to get the hexagram and comments.

Moreover, with Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing's level of cultivation, he only obtained these four words of comment, and gained no other information.

With such a high level of cultivation as Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing, he almost suffered a serious injury after getting the four-character comment, and there was no other information to obtain. Zuo Rutong naturally understood how great the consequences were for Wang Yi to struggle in this secular world, which led to that safe trip to the capital.

Now that Wang Yi brought up the old matter again, Zuo Rutong also had to re-examine the Wang Yi in front of him.

He was now a little curious about what Wang Yi wanted to say to him. Could it be that he wanted to tie the Trinity Gate to his chariot as well?
"Well, I remember that when we talked at night down the mountain, I knew you wanted to be a worldly person, not an immortal. Since you are in the world, the worldly cause and effect are intricately linked. Coupled with your letter, I felt something was wrong, so I asked Si Chong to go to Longhu Mountain and ask the Heavenly Master to tell your fortune. It was just a four-character comment, without any other hexagrams, but it almost seriously injured the Heavenly Master. I still remember that four-character comment, which changed the situation for a thousand years."

As he spoke, Zuo Rutong also looked at Wang Yi's eyes and expression.

Obviously, when he said the four-character comment, Zuo Rutong could clearly see that Wang Yi was stunned at first. He was surprised, but not surprised. It seemed that he had anticipated the four-character comment that Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing had calculated at the cost of nearly losing his vitality.

After getting the answer, Wang Yi also kowtowed heavily to Zuo Rutong.

"Since this is a thousand-year change, there will naturally be great opportunities and great chances in this change, and of course, great dangers. Master Zuo, although there is no way to go after the third level, it does not mean that we cannot find a new way. This thousand-year change may help us find a way after the third level."

"How do you know that the Trinity Sect can find a way for the Triple Stage Queen in this thousand-year change?"

"I don't know, but I know that this millennium of change involves not just one family or surname, nor the entire land of China, but the entire world in the true sense. Whether it's the Sanyi Sect or Longhu Mountain, no one can stay out of it."

"Is this why you insist on entering the world?"

"Yes, this is a serious matter. This is all I can say."

"Using the millennium change as an opportunity to find a way for our Sanyi Sect to achieve the threefold rebirth? Could it be that our predecessors in the Sanyi Sect have spent so many years trying to find a way for the threefold rebirth, but in the end they are still unable to withstand the possibility brought about by the millennium change? How ridiculous and pathetic."

"Master Zuo, I made a friend on my overseas trip this time. My practice was greatly improved because of him. It was also through his hands that I was able to achieve the third level today."

"Taoist companion?"

"Although we didn't spend much time together, we were indeed Taoist companions, and there was one thing he said that I remember very clearly."


"There will always be successors! The predecessors of the Trinity Sect have been searching for a way to achieve the third level in vain. Perhaps you and I do not know this, but the predecessors of the Trinity Sect must have planted the seeds of the future after the third level in the past, waiting for you, the left gate leader, waiting for me, and the countless disciples of the Trinity Sect outside the cave to let them take root and sprout in the future, paving the way for the future after the third level.

If you, the Left Sect Leader, were to sacrifice your life so easily today, wouldn't you be failing the trust of the predecessors of the Sanyi Sect? The predecessors of the Sanyi Sect did not dare and could not return to Sanyi after achieving the third level, simply because they did not want the Sanyi Sect's dream of the third level to be shattered, but more importantly, they needed the Sanyi Sect to persist in this dream until the day when the dream came true. And for the dream to come true, how could you, me, and the efforts of many Sanyi disciples outside be missing? Left Sect Leader, right now is the time to practice!!!"

The sound echoed in the cave. This was the only solution Wang Yi could think of now, which was to stabilize Zuo Rutong first.

Through the experience of using his reverse-birth true qi to flow through Zuo Rutong's body just now, Wang Yi already knew Zuo Rutong's current realm. His second realm was like the two ways to attain the third realm that Wang Yi had thought of before. The foundation was too deeply rooted, and Zuo Rutong might have reached a level in the second realm that none of the predecessors of the Sanyi Sect had ever reached.

It was too thick, so thick that when Zuo Rutong mastered the three methods of protecting the way of Wang Yi back to the Sanyi Sect, he kept tearing apart the reverse life in his own body and observed the perfection that became closer to the innate Qi after the reverse life was repaired. Only then did he feel his heart broken and wanted to disperse his power and die.

Because Zuo Menchang was in despair, it would take years for his body of reverse-life Qi, which was as thick as the sea, to be completely torn and repaired and integrated with his flesh and blood.

But he had already understood through the partial transformation of his body that even if he reached the third level, it was ultimately just a dream.

Wang Yi must now give Chief Zuo an idea to stay alive. This idea cannot be too empty and pretentious. It must be something that Chief Zuo can see and stick to.

His only plan for now was to rely on this thousand-year change. As for whether the predecessors of the Trinity Sect in the past generations had found a way for the third level, he could only think in this direction.

As long as he is given twenty years, he will definitely be able to give an explanation to the Sanyi Sect and to the Chief Zuo.

Wang Yi kowtowed three times on the ground, breaking it into pieces.

Zuo Rutong also looked at Wang Yi in front of him in silence for a long time.

In the end, Wang Yi did not think of using this thousand-year change as a condition to tie the Sanyi Sect to his chariot. He just wanted himself not to be so pessimistic and to stick to his long-term pursuit of the truth.

"Slick tongue."

"Whether you are a silver-tongued person or not, I hope that Master Zuo can live another twenty years with this broken body to bear witness to the truth for me. I only ask Master Zuo not to do this. Whether the dream of reaching the sky after the third level is true or not is still unknown. Why do you want to define it so early?"

"You're right. Maybe I defined it too early."

Looking at Wang Yi who was still kneeling in front of him and kowtowing, Zuo Rutong sighed. The reverse-life true Qi that had been emitted from his body began to flow back into his body. Along with the return of this reverse-life true Qi, his real body had already been exhausted. Zuo Rutong, who looked like a centenarian, was about to become the Daying Immortal in the eyes of the world again.

But this time, Wang Yi stopped him.

The reverse-generation true Qi in the body transformed into magnetic field true Qi, which prevented Zuo Rutong from doing so.

But he knew the old man's current physical condition. If he showed his true face, although it would still be a broken boat leaking everywhere, it could at least last for another 10 to 20 years.

But if he continues to walk in the reverse posture, he will die within ten years!

"Master Zuo, this level is not just for you, but for all the disciples of Sanyi Sect. Since there is no way beyond the third level, you should let the disciples know. As for whether they can pass it, it depends on themselves. Master Zuo, don't underestimate these disciples who you have brought up."

Feeling Wang Yi's gentle and caring approach at this moment, Zuo Rutong smiled despite being surprised.

"The strange boy Wang Yi back then has now become a master. If that's the case, why don't you come and help me, an old man?"


Seeing that Zuo Rutong's emotions had finally stabilized, although his broken Taoist heart had not yet been restored, at least he was not as gloomy as when he entered the cave.

That was enough. Wang Yi heaved a sigh of relief and was glad that the first thing he did after returning to China was not to go back to the capital, but to visit Trinity Gate.

Otherwise, given the old man’s mental state just now, it would not be long before I would hear the tragic news from the Sanyi Sect in the capital that the old man failed to break through the third level and passed away in the back mountain.

He hurried forward to help Zuo Rutong, who had returned to his original form. He was nearly seventy years old, but among the cultivators, he was still in the prime of life.

But when Wang Yi supported Zuo Rutong, he realized that although Zuo Rutong, who had regained his original appearance, still had a profound cultivation, he was no different from an ordinary old man in both appearance and character, except that he had a few more magical methods.

Thinking of this, he began to practice his profound skills.

He also entered the triple state, and took over the reverse-life true qi for Zuo Ruotong. He tried his best to nourish and regulate Zuo Ruotong's body, which was exhausted from years of reverse-life without stimulating the hidden injuries in Zuo Ruotong's body.

Zuo Rutong also looked at Wang Yi's triple posture.

Just like before, apart from the white energy curling around his body, he was no different from an ordinary person, without any signs of being in the triple state of reverse life.

As Wang Yi supported Zuo Rutong and walked out of the cave, the Qi wall that was originally separated from the inside and outside of the cave in the back mountain by Zuo Rutong's thick true Qi also dissipated in the wind at this moment.

The disciples led by Cheng Zhen, Lu Jin, Li Muxuan and their fellow disciple Si Chong, who had been waiting for news outside the cave, finally saw Zuo Rutong whom they had not seen for many days.

But when they saw Wang Yi supporting Zuo Rutong, who looked like a centenarian and had a hunched back like a candle in the wind, walk out, even Si Chong, who had expected this, seemed a little distraught at this moment and could not help but kneel down on the ground.

However, Zuo Rutong, who knew his junior fellow apprentice inside and out, raised his hand, and a stream of true energy supported Si Chong.

"Junior brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why do you want to show me such a great courtesy right after I came out of seclusion?"

"Master, Senior Brother, I..."

Si Chong was about to explain, but Zuo Rutong pushed away Wang Yi's support, put his hands behind his back and looked at the many disciples who saw him look so old for the first time.

Just as Wang Yi said, each of them was a disciple that he brought up and taught personally.

Although there are differences in talent among them, each of them has become a good child under their own education.

They can all be called good people.

When they saw themselves in this state, they felt surprise, worry, and sadness, but they did not feel despair that there was no way out after the third level and that the road to heaven was fake.

Perhaps in the hearts and eyes of these disciples, the safety of their teacher and father is much more important than the invisible and intangible road to heaven.

"It seems that God has been kind to me. Although my life journey has come to an end, I have not gained nothing along the way..."

These words, which suddenly sounded like a determination to live and die, made all the disciples, who were worried about Zuo Rutong's mental and physical health, kneel down hurriedly.


"Okay, Chengzhen, Jin'er, Muxuan, you are all senior brothers in the sect, and you are all adults, why are you acting like children? I'm fine, but I suddenly realized that what I have been pursuing in my life is not just the simplicity of the three-fold heaven. If it weren't for Wang Yi, I would have been blinded by a leaf. Get up, go back, and have a good rest. Tomorrow, I have something to tell all the disciples, Si Chong."

"Brother, I'm here."

"give it to you."

"As it should be."

"I'm tired after being in seclusion for many days, so I'm going to rest first. Wang Yi, walk with me."

"Okay, Chief Zuo, how about I take you out to relax?"

"Okay, let me see where you can take me."

During the question and answer session, Wang Yi supported Zuo Rutong, and the Sanyi Sect disciples consciously split into two groups to clear the way for Wang Yi and Zuo Rutong.

Looking at Wang Yi's figure who had reached the third level, and his senior brother who was supported by him and walking unsteadily, Si Chong wiped his eyes, then he composed himself and told all the disciples to disperse.

The seclusion that nearly caused the Sanyi Sect to fall apart came to a temporary end with the return of Zuo Rutong, who had regained his true form, and Wang Yideng's seclusion in the Sanyi Sect.

For the rest of the day, Wang Yi and Zuo Rutong were not seen inside the Trinity Gate.

Of course they could not see the figures of Wang Yi and Zuo Rutong, because at this time Wang Yi was using the ability to fly in the clouds and mist that he had developed after achieving the third level of rebirth, and was flying in the air with Zuo Rutong over Fujian.

It was also to show Zuo Ruotong his achievements, to let him know that even if he had no way to reach the third level of the reverse life realm, based on the various methods developed by the mind to imitate the unity of the innate Qi, he was enough to be called a land immortal. This technique of flying in the clouds and mist was simple and complex.

After reaching the third level, one will separate a part of the true Qi that is integrated with one's limbs, bones, blood and flesh, and use it to lift others up and accompany them in traveling between heaven and earth.

How many people can be lifted and where can they travel depends entirely on the amount of true Qi of the practitioner himself.

That is to say, Wang Yi and Zuo Rutong. If they were replaced by other Sanyi disciples who had attained the third level, they would be lucky if they could maintain the state of gathering and dispersing as their hearts wish and not transform into the Qi of heaven and earth because their true Qi was exhausted.

With Wang Yi's magical power, he brought Zuo Rutong to the only place in Fujian that he had any impression of, an unknown village intertwined between the red and white districts.

The village is not big, but not small either.

The village is not well developed. Even kerosene lamps are a luxury here. The only source of income for this village is a paper mill. The owner of the paper mill is honest and kind, and he does not have any arrogance.

He also took good care of the workers in the factory. With him at their side, the village was able to survive despite being in a time of chaos and war between two districts.

For Zuo Rutong, who has lived in Fujian for many years, this is not a strange thing.

The only thing that could be considered strange for Zuo Ruotong was that in this unknown village, the only electric light was not in the paper mill owner's factory or home, but in the only school in the village.

The teacher who illuminates the educational path of the children of poor people and teaches them to read and write is a female teacher named Zhang.

For a woman to be a husband is a strange thing in this village which has almost nothing to do with modern civilization.

But no one in this village found it strange, and everyone showed great respect to this lady.

Wang Yi also used clever means to hide himself and Zuo Rutong's figures and wandered around the village.

Listening to the villagers talking about what happened in the past few years.

During this process, Zuo Rutong also discovered that he had some similarities with the villagers in this village.

There is currently no way out after the third level. This is a fact known to all the predecessors of Trinity, including himself.

For this village, as the majority of the people in China, they may remain like this for the rest of their lives. The future can be foreseen at a glance. They will be like cattle and horses, or even worse than cattle and horses. This has been the case throughout the dynasties.

But in this village, in the school taught by the only female teacher, those children who should have known from birth that they were inferior to oxen and horses, or even worse than oxen and horses, are now full of different vitality.

It's not just the dolls, it's also the parents of these dolls.

They were busy with farm work or other tasks during the day, and at night, when the couple had some free time, one of them would come to the school to consult the female teacher and learn the knowledge that, in the eyes of the masters, was not something that they, the oxen and horses, should learn.

It seems that they all believe that one day in the future they will no longer be beasts of burden.

But Zuo Rutong couldn't understand where their belief came from.

But he noticed the expression of Wang Yi beside him, which was like that of a pilgrim, but not like one.

He also discovered that Wang Yi seemed to be the same as the villagers, believing that the future would eventually come.

At this moment, the shackles around Zuo Rutong seemed to begin to loosen.

Even ordinary people who have been accustomed to being cattle and horses, or even worse than cattle and horses in all dynasties, can now firmly believe that the future will change. It is ridiculous, sad and lamentable that my heart is so shattered just by knowing the truth of the three-fold dead end.

"Yi Wang."

"Junior is here."

"Does this village have a name?"


"You know Mr. Yang who taught here before, right?"

"Yes, I am his student."

"Is that so? Let's go back then."

"Captain Zuo, are you going to take another look?"

"My heart knot has been untied. There is no point in looking at it again. If there is a chance, I would like to meet with Mr. Yang. He can teach a student like you. He is worthy of being called a prodigy."

"Master Zuo, he prefers us, the later generations, to call him sir rather than the titles of strange man. He also likes being a sir."

After saying that, Wang Yi said no more, and once again used his flying technique to quietly leave with Zuo Rutong in his arms. But before leaving, Wang Yi left a small yellow croaker on the female teacher's desk.

That night, on the hilltop of Sanyi Sect, Wang Yi brought wine and food to the cenotaph of his dead master, Quan Xing disciple, Ghost Hand, Wang Yaozu.

Wang Yi kowtowed three times to the man who had allowed him to survive in these troubled times and provided him with a means of making a living, then sat down on the ground.

Facing Old Wang's tombstone, he drank alone and talked to himself.

"Master, please forgive me for taking seven years to come and see you. I have so many things to do that it's not easy to get away. But don't worry about me. I am your disciple. I have achieved great success in cultivation and can be called the best in the world. It's not easy for me to get into trouble. Even if you have always wanted to establish a sect, I can do it.

But in this world, it is not so easy to establish a sect. You can't just teach a few disciples and then take them to die, right? So you have to wait a little longer. There is no rush to establish a sect. I, your disciple, will not die so easily. Maybe next time when I come to see you, I will be followed by a bunch of disciples and grandchildren who will pay homage to you, the ancestor.

Well, the wine has been drunk, and the food is here, so you should take a good rest. If you see Uncle Yuan whom I sent downstairs, don’t be polite to him, just greet him to death. Let’s go.”

After patting the Ghost Hand King’s tombstone, Wang Yi left in a leisurely manner.

After a while, Zuo Rutong, who looked old, walked to the tomb of Ghost Hand King with a cane. Looking at the incense sticks inserted in front of the tomb, he thought of the past when he had punished Wang Yaozu, a disciple of Quan Xing, with light punishments and severe warnings, and spared his life three times.

In the end, it all turned into a sigh.

"Wang Yaozu, you are so lucky..."
The next day, on the square outside the Sanyi Sect's main hall, all the Sanyi Sect disciples, led by Lu Jin, gathered there. Also gathered were disciples of his fellow disciples, Si Chong, who was of the same generation as himself and Zuo Rutong but had become disabled due to his failure in the second level of the Ni Sheng test.

Zuo Rutong, who had regained his original appearance, also sat on the armchair, leaning on a cane, looking at his disciples and fellow junior brothers in front of him.

In the end, it turned into a chilly smile.

"Si Chong, are they all here?"

"Reporting to the headmaster, all the disciples have been gathered together."

"Okay, now that we are all here, I don't need to repeat myself. When you see me, Zuo Ruotong, like this, I think you all have the answer in your hearts. Yes, I have been in seclusion for many days and finally learned that this third level can be achieved, and that the idea that achieving the third level will allow one to reach the sky is false."

When these words were spoken, although all the Sanyi disciples already knew the truth, some of them still could not accept the blow of the truth and choked with sobs.

But things in the world are sometimes so wonderful. With one more or one less person, the direction of the story will change.

Although some members of the Trinity sect choked up and were unable to accept the truth, some of them looked at Wang Yi who was standing next to Zuo Rutong.

Seeing that some of the Sanyi disciples were looking at him, Wang Yi did not shy away. He circulated the profound energy in his body, and white Qi curled around him. His figure turned into the white Qi and dissipated. Then, in the gazes of everyone, he gathered again in the air mixed with white clothes and landed on the ground.

"What Master Zuo said is true. I, Wang Yi, had a great opportunity overseas and attained the third level. The moment I attained the third level, I knew that there was still a very long way to go between the third level and the concept of the three levels returning to oneness."

Wang Yi's words also made people look over at him as if they had lost their parents.

Because Wang Yi's words did not completely deny the Sanyi Sect's idea of ​​reversing the cycle of reincarnation and returning to the original state, but left room for it.

"Uncle Shi Chong, I am not trying to comfort you. I, Wang Yi, have only been practicing for twenty years. Just because I have achieved the third level and confirmed that there is no way to go after the third level, does that mean I have to deny that the concept of returning to the innate state after the third level is wrong? A road to heaven not only needs to be proven, but also needs to be walked in person to know whether there is an end to this road.

Now I can only prove that there is no way after the third level, but how can I prove whether there will be a way in the future, and whether the third level returning to the innate is false? "

"But you have already attained the third level, Brother. If you have no way to go after the third level, doesn't that just prove that the concept of the third level returning to heaven is false?"

Lu Jin looked at Wang Yi, who had no psychological burden at the moment, and spoke in confusion.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things. Lu Jin, do you think it is possible that we all took it for granted from the beginning, thinking that the third level is a specific quantifier, but ignored that perhaps attaining the third level is just the starting point of the road to heaven? Of course, this is just my personal opinion. At least for me, I still have plenty of time to slowly explore the road beyond the third level.

Therefore, the Left Sect Leader has gathered you all here today, hoping that you can decide for yourselves whether or not you want to continue on in this third level realm where there is currently no way out.”

After getting Wang Yi's answer, Lu Jin and other disciples also looked at their mentor who was sitting on the armchair.

Zuo Rutong did not find fault with Wang Yi's words and took over Wang Yi's conversation.

"Just like what Wang Yi said, this is his personal opinion. For a teacher, I, Zuo Ruotong, have already reached the end of my life. Even if I want to prove whether there is a way after the third level, and whether the concept of returning to the innate after the third level is true or not, I am powerless. As a teacher, I cannot use my own experience to tell you that the mysterious door and concept passed down by the Sanyi Sect for countless years are wrong. Whether the concept of returning to the innate after the third level is a means or a way to heaven has never been up to me, but up to you.

It’s just that I, Zuo Rutong, can no longer guide you on the practice of the third level of Reverse Rebirth, and I don’t know what I can leave for you. I can only tell you everything I have learned so far. After today, I will appear in this way, and I will continue to try to delve deeper into it, to explore how the path after the third level should extend. Whether the dream of reaching the sky through the third level of Reverse Rebirth will come true, whether you will walk with me and the Trinity Sect, it’s up to you.

If you choose to stay, then as the sect leader, I, Zuo Ruotong, will have something to tell you who are staying."

One piece of bombshell news after another hit the hearts of the Sanyi disciples like a heavy hammer. Although they had noticed clues during Zuo Rutong's months of seclusion and had prepared themselves mentally, when Zuo Rutong really told them the truth in person, it was really difficult for them to accept this truth all at once.

At this time, Si Chong, who already had great respect for his senior brother Zuo Rutong, heard that Zuo Rutong still had things to explain to the disciples as the sect leader, and he felt like he had grasped a life-saving straw and hurried forward.

"Master, please speak, all the Sanyi disciples dare not disobey!"

Seeing his junior fellow apprentice so anxious, Zuo Rutong also smiled, raised his hand and pointed at Wang Yi who was standing in front of him.

"If you choose to stay, then from today onwards, Wang Yi will walk the world for my Sanyi Sect. Sanyi Sect members will see Wang Yi as they see me, and his orders will be the orders of the Sect Master."

Wang Yi, who was standing at the intersection of Zuo Rutong and a group of Sanyi disciples, also became the target of everyone's attention as Zuo Rutong pointed.

At this moment, it was Wang Yi's turn to be confused.

(End of this chapter)

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