Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 267 Negotiation

Chapter 267 Negotiation
In the now unknown small village of Fengjibao, forty miles away from Fengtian City, the Japanese soldiers stationed here saw such a scene for the first time.

A giant snake with a pair of wings and white energy floating around it opened its mouth and bit another giant snake that was bigger than itself, more ferocious in appearance, and horrifically surrounded by evil black energy.

Along with a silent roar from the black giant snake, the black energy surrounding the black giant snake began to dissipate. The dissipated black energy turned into human faces. Under the sunlight at dawn, they dissipated between heaven and earth with a hint of relief and unwilling expressions.

For these Japanese soldiers, this is a rare experience.

Because after the Meiji Restoration, this small country of Japan has indeed stepped into the ranks of industrial countries. In this respect, they are advanced.

But in terms of system, their feudalism is no less than that of the current Republic of China, especially those soldiers who were used as cannon fodder to fight on the front line. They believe in the afterlife and retribution.

When these Japanese soldiers saw the resentful souls that had been freed from the black giant snake, some of them were the people they had killed. Although these resentful souls were freed by Wang Yi, without the nourishment of the python fairy Chang, they were freed and transcended, and could not maintain their physical form between heaven and earth.

But the hatred before death was real, and they were staring at the Japanese soldiers below who had killed them with their own hands.

Pairs of eyes filled with resentment stared at the frightened Japanese soldiers. At the last moment before they disappeared between heaven and earth, these resentments and resentments turned into a gust of evil wind, blowing across the entire military airport.

Wherever the evil wind passed, bursts of strange screams and ghostly howls came from the mouths of the Japanese soldiers whose hands were stained with blood. They began to shoot indiscriminately as if they were crazy, shouting and screaming.

"Baga! You Chinese people! I have the Emperor's blessing! This is a holy war! A holy war!"

For a moment, the entire military airport was filled with gunfire as the evil wind blew, and many Japanese soldiers were killed or injured by stray bullets.

And this is the only thing that the resentful souls of the people outside the Great Wall who died with hatred can do.

The Teng Snake that Wang Yi transformed into also turned back into its original soul body as these resentful souls were freed, and its soul body also faded a little in this brief confrontation.

But looking at the Japanese soldiers below who were in complete chaos and killing each other, Wang Yi also had a sense of satisfaction on his face.

"This should be what the older generation calls the evil spirit rushing into the soul, and the mind is lost. Thank you very much, everyone."

He bowed his hands and clasped his fists towards heaven and earth. This was the only thing he could do as a cultivator.

"You, you have killed people like me?!"

He was caught off guard by Wang Yi's transformation of his soul into a snake, but after all, he was an immortal who had received hundreds of years of incense and worship, and had practiced cultivation. Although he had fallen into evil and turned into a monster, his cultivation was definitely not something that Wang Yi could break with just one move.

Rather than the dissipation of the hundreds of resentful souls entangled around him, the python fairy named Chang was more surprised at what Wang Yi had done just now. That was a magical power unique to them, the snake and python fairies, and it was their talent.

But now it is displayed on a human cultivator, and from the aura just revealed, the python fairy named Chang can feel that the same kind that Wang Yi killed is older and more ancient than him.

"I killed a Teng Snake overseas. According to seniority, I have to call him ancestor. He is a powerful person from the same era as your five ancestors. I was just lucky. When I met him, he was only one ten-thousandth of his skills. Otherwise, I would have been dead or alive."

"Ahhh!! I'm going to eat you!!"

Hearing Wang Yi's nonchalant words, the soul transformed by the python fairy Chang suddenly dissipated in front of Wang Yi with anger.

What followed was a earth-shaking noise coming from a warehouse at the military airport.

At the same time, a complaining cry was heard in the wind. Wherever the sound passed, the Japanese soldiers, who were originally overwhelmed by the evil spirit and lost their minds, stood there dazedly like puppets with their springs run out. As for Wang Yi, he also had a vague feeling of instability in his soul and body, as if his three souls and seven spirits were leaving his body.

He did not take this kind of attack directly against the three souls and seven spirits of the human body lightly.

The reason why he came here this time was simply to say hello to these immortals, Manchus, Han aliens and other aliens from Japan who had defected to the Japanese, and tell them that the alien Wang Yi was here again, and was stronger than he was five years ago.

Now that our goal has been achieved, it's time to go back.

Thinking of this, Wang Yi's soul began to dissipate with the wind.

But at the last moment before the soul dissipated, Wang Yi also saw the huge monster rushing out of the warehouse, and the soul-catcher transformed by the sound of funeral wails rushing towards him.

"Oh, so Anaconda is not a science fiction film, but a documentary. I've really learned a lot..."

The soul dissipated, and at dawn, only the long worm-like beast, whose real body had been dispatched but was confused, was left hovering on the ground. It looked at the stunned Japanese soldiers, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed several of them to vent its anger.

In Fengtian City, Wang Yi, who was sitting cross-legged on the roof, also woke up as his soul returned, and a bead of white sweat oozed out of his forehead.

Obviously, this brief battle between souls and bodies was not as easy as it seemed to outsiders.

Standing up and looking in the distance in the direction of the Kwantung Army's military airport, Wang Yi adjusted his breath and said to himself, "Now that we have made the announcement, it's time for more people to come. As expected, the road to the top is not that easy."

From this brief fight just now, Wang Yi understood that Zhang Zhiwei, the world's top talent, was of great value.

In a small military airport, there is a python fairy named Chang, a master who specializes in attacking other people's souls.

If these two guys were fighting one-on-one, Wang Yi was confident that he could kill or capture them within a hundred rounds.

But if the other party joins forces and is determined to escape, even Wang Yi himself cannot guarantee that he can capture and kill them all.

In this comparison, in the original timeline, Zhang Zhiwei was recognized as the best in the entire circle at the age of 40. Just think about how many fierce battles this guy went through.

After all, with what the Tianshi Mansion has done, if you want the new family to accept it and allow the Tianshi Mansion to continue to exist, who will believe you if you, the first disciple who has inherited the mantle of Tianshi Zhang Jingqing, don't hand in a letter of surrender?

"What a pity, Lao Zhang, you have to give me half of the top gold content. I have to fight inside and outside the pass myself. You just have to bear with the trouble and go to beat the beasts in the northwest to Tibet and those Tibetan practitioners. After we finish clearing the country, I will form a team with you and try the extraordinary masters from the seventeen countries, and strive to raise the top gold content further." Thinking of Zhang Zhiwei who was still hiding in the territory of Longhu Mountain and practicing beside the teacher in a different guise, Wang Yi could only use these words to comfort himself besides envy.

After comforting himself for a while, Wang Yi jumped off the roof. Liang Ting and Zhang Xuan, the couple who had been protecting Wang Yi before, made sure that no one in Fengtian City could threaten Wang Yi, and then they just gave orders not to enter the yard.

He took the military airport distribution map that Wang Yi had drawn up and transmitted back through the soul, went to the Marshal's Mansion, and began to prepare for tonight's attack plan.

However, Wang Yi, who was full of energy, did not think about resting first. Instead, he took advantage of this rare free time to stroll on the streets of Fengtian City, thinking about the gains and losses of his brief battle just now.

Revisiting the old place, Fengtian City is still the largest city outside the Great Wall. However, after more than a year of war, it is no longer prosperous and has become a bit dilapidated. Although the people on the streets continue to do their own business and live their own lives.

But looking at the Fengtian Army soldiers passing by from time to time, the people's faces also showed a bit of sadness.

Wang Yi ordered a bowl of meat soup at a stall, along with two baskets of beef steamed buns that weighed exactly the right amount. He also listened to the discussion between the boss and the waiter with a frown on his face.

"Hey, you said that this war has been going on for more than a year. Can we still hold the border?"

"Whether we can defend it or not, we still have to live our lives. It has always been a rotation of emperors. This year it is my turn. Look, the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty has to start all over again. In the future, he will have to learn from his ancestor Huang Taiji and invade the country again."

"You said this is a big deal. It feels like it was just yesterday that the emperor stepped down, and today he's back on the throne. It's like a joke."

"If you ask me, whether the emperor is in power or not, whether the Japanese invade or not, it has nothing to do with us. Take my stall for example, it has been passed down to my generation for almost six generations. When the emperor was in power, the Manchus still ate and drank as usual, so why don't they eat at my stall when the Japanese come? Let them fight, let them fight, can our lives still be different? Hey, send this soup to that guy over there."

The broth was placed in front of him, but Wang Yi didn't enjoy it.

Because he found that he had overlooked the fact that the present is not the afterlife.

If the people in the future really dare to fire the first shot, the entire nation will definitely be happy to hear about the war, and will want to replicate the story of a wave of Han envoys, so as to open a page in their family tree and qualify as the first incense.

But right now, although the people inside the Great Wall are outraged by the Japanese pirates' invasion, and even though the National Government has openly banned people from going north to fight the war, people from all over the country are also spontaneously preparing supplies. Although it is a drop in the bucket, they are doing their best to contribute to the areas outside the Great Wall.

But the people outside the Great Wall who were caught up in the war had a different idea.

Nowadays, there are only a few channels for the public to obtain information: radio broadcasts, newspapers and letters.

The people inside the Great Wall knew that the Japanese pirates outside the Great Wall were invading the border, but they didn't know what the battle situation was like. Although they wanted to serve the country to the best of their ability, they had no idea how much of these supplies could be delivered to the outside of the Great Wall in the end. After all, those who knew the nature of the Kuomintang government knew it.

They will only be puzzled as to why we sent so much supplies and donated money and food, but you, the young marshal with 300,000 Fengtian troops under your command, were so humiliatingly defeated by such a tiny country like Japan?
The people outside the Great Wall have gone from being in a state of panic and anxiety when the war broke out to being numb now.

Because at this moment they have not yet realized that the Japanese did not launch this war with the purpose of occupying land and becoming the king, but with the purpose of destroying the country and the race. It is not difficult to see from the conversation between the boss and the clerk just now.

They just thought it was just a replica of the Qing Dynasty's invasion of the Central Plains, except that the Manchus were replaced by the Japanese.

In addition, they are city dwellers, not villagers outside the city. They lack information channels and are blocked. The Japanese themselves treat the three provinces outside the Great Wall as their own private land. At present, the three provinces outside the Great Wall have not been completely occupied, and they have restrained themselves from doing immoral things.

This gave them an illusion that the Japanese occupied the areas outside the Great Wall. That's it. Maybe under Japanese rule, we could live better than under the Young Marshal's rule. After all, Japan is developed!
This mentality did not change even during the period of the All-out War of Resistance Against Japan, especially in the northwest or the areas of Jiangxi and Fujian.

Because to the common people there, the Japanese were too far away from them, while the landlords, with their heavy taxes and levies, were too close to them.

If you tell them to fight against Japan and save the nation and not become slaves of a conquered nation, they won't understand or know what you are saying. But if you tell them to fight against the local tyrants and divide the land, they will believe that you are on their side.

So much so that in later generations, in the areas outside the Great Wall that were severely damaged by the Japanese, there were even villages and towns that, in order to develop, forgot their roots and erected monuments to the Japanese pioneers.

They have completely forgotten how their ancestors sacrificed their lives and shed their blood to protect this land from being occupied by foreign races.

Wang Yi couldn't say whether the conversation between the boss and the employee was right or wrong, because too many people had become accustomed to accepting things and their spines had long been bent and broken.

If we want to awaken and rebuild the backbone of the nation, it will not be achieved overnight.

Thinking of this, he could only pay the bill, put his hands behind his back, walk among the crowd, and think about how to break the deadlock.

He didn't know how to unite the scattered people outside the Great Wall, but as long as he could expose the Japanese's evil ambitions, it might be effective.

But how can we make the people outside the Great Wall realize the true face of the Japanese and make it known to the public? It would be best if all the families and factions inside the Great Wall were aware of this.

"Shiro Ishii, you old beast, you really can't die so early. You have to stay in your base and wait for me..."
At the same time, at the Kwantung Army Combat Command Center forty miles away from Fengtian City, Wang Yi came over to say hello, causing a commotion here.

But after the commotion, several military commanders in charge of the capture of Fengtian gathered together with several extraordinary masters around them and began to discuss countermeasures, and proposed the helpless move of negotiating with the Young Marshal.

This is a strategy that is doomed to fail, but has to be implemented.

The reason is simple, because in the stalemate of Fengtian City battle, an extraordinary combat force named Wang Yi appeared.

Although the existence of this combat force cannot break the combat power balance between the two sides, it cannot extinguish their determination to occupy the three provinces outside the Great Wall.

They can also pay a huge price to deal with Wang Yi's super-standard combat power. The problem is that the payers of this price are these military commanders. They don't want to be the scapegoat, so they can only hold on to luck and after a brief discussion.

He sent an ambassador to Fengtian City to have a negotiation with the young marshal with a known outcome.

(End of this chapter)

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