Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 27 Hiding Anger

Chapter 27 Hiding Anger

Warlord Cao Ying's troops captured Pucheng, but did not get what he wanted.

Pucheng, tea lecture hall.

The warlord Cao Ying was sitting, with his guards on both sides, and Zhang Yi and another extraordinary master protecting him on the left and right.

In front of Cao Ying were a group of local gentry in Pucheng, led by Boss Liu, who were arrogant at first but respectful later. The leader of the local security corps, Yang Kenan, was tied up and kneeling on the ground.

There is no county magistrate in Pucheng, or rather, the head of the security corps, Yang Kenan, concurrently holds the position of county magistrate. This is also the reason why the people of Pucheng rarely have peace in such troubled times.

"Where's my son!"

"Wang Yi took him away, and he asked me to pass a message to Marshal Cao."

Yang Kenan was tied up, but he was not afraid at all. He knew that he would not be able to solve the problem in front of a warlord like Cao Ying.


"Young Master Wang Yi said that if you, Marshal Cao, hurt a citizen of Pucheng, he will remove a bone from Marshal Cao's body and send it to you. There are 206 bones in the human body, and he can remove them slowly. If you insist on doing so, he will first pluck Marshal Cao's offspring roots and send them to you. If you still don't listen to his advice, he will do nothing for the rest of his life but stare at you and make sure you have no offspring!"

"He dares?!"

In this land, the greatest threat is undoubtedly the extinction of one's family lineage.

After hearing Yang Kenan's threat to Wang Yi, Cao Ying was furious and was about to pull out his gun and shoot Yang Kenan, but was stopped by Zhang Yi who was quick-eyed and quick-handed.

"Marshal, the safety of the young marshal is of utmost importance!!"

With Zhang Yi's interception, Cao Ying did not pull the trigger for a long time. Instead, he stared at the security team leader who was kneeling on the ground in front of him and looking at him without saying a word.

Cao Ying had only one son, Cao Shaolin, and he only expected him to carry on the family line.

When Yang Kenan told her Wang Yi's threats, Cao Ying did think for a moment that she didn't want this son anymore. At most, she could take in a few concubines. Although she was middle-aged and unable to do so, she still had a chance of winning if she did it more often, right? But the following words calmed Cao Ying down.

Do nothing for the rest of your life and just focus on yourself. Do you want to end your family lineage?

This sentence has a lot of room for manipulation. It is hard to say whether it is aimed at his unborn offspring or his descendants. Cao Ying also accepted the former. After I die, I don't care about the flood. But if it is the latter, it will make life less interesting. I will be laughed at by my peers for being the first eunuch warlord in the Republic of China. It will be more painful than killing myself.

And seeing the means and ruthlessness that Wang Yi had just displayed, Cao Ying believed that Wang Yi could do it.

"Damn it! Whose kid is this to be so cruel? Zhang Yi, do you know anything?"

Sitting on the chair indignantly, Cao Ying admitted defeat, but he also wanted to get to the bottom of the matter through Zhang Yi, and see if he could get around it through his own Marshal Sun. Otherwise, he would have to live in fear every day for the rest of his life, fearing that he would wake up one day and find that his descendants were gone. The thought of it was terrifying.

"I checked and found out that he is the only one left in his sect, and even his master has passed away for several months."

Zhang Yi answered honestly. These words could not be false. When Wang Yi introduced himself, there were a lot of people present.

"Fuck! Where did this lunatic come from? Did I kill his whole family or something? Why is he biting me so hard?"

After seeing the other people's eyes confirming Zhang Yi's statement, Cao Ying felt aggrieved. A lone ranger, with superb means and hatred of evil, would be a headache for anyone who met such a desperate leader. But Cao Ying didn't understand. There were many warlords who didn't care about people these days. For example, under the command of Zhang Dashuai, who was about to enter the pass in the north, there was a relative, Zhang Zongchang, nicknamed the dog meat warlord.

His family was a place full of evildoers, running opium dens, gambling houses, and brothels. The sky was high and the earth was deep.

Compared with this guy, I have to call him dad. But the result is that he is still living freely in his own territory by relying on the name of his cousin Marshal Zhang, while I am threatened with the extinction of my descendants. It's so unfair!

"Take this guy away and lock him up! Just looking at him makes me angry!"

Pointing at the tied-up Yang Kenan, Cao Ying had no choice but to ask someone to take him away while he sulked there alone.

Seeing the general's sullen mood, the strange man who had been sent away by Zhang Yi and escaped death from Wang Yi also came forward and offered advice to Cao Ying.

"Marshal, although the young commander is controlled by Wang Yi, the city has been taken. There is no reason for us to just watch. The brothers will not agree to this."

"What do you want to say? My son is still in their hands!"

"I know this, but Wang Yi also said that as long as we don't hurt the people in the city, the young commander will be safe. They are chivalrous and kind-hearted, and although their methods are cruel, they always keep their promises.

We can avoid hurting the people in the city, but that doesn't mean we can't take their property. We can also take back the guns that Wang Yi took from Colonel Zhang. Moreover, when we take the money and guns, we can also tell our men not to blame us, but blame that nosy Wang Yi. "

After thinking it over, this strange man offered Cao Ying a pretty good evil plan.

Cao Ying looked at this trusted subordinate suspiciously and asked back.

"Will this work? Will these untouchables believe it?"

So you also know that you have nothing to do with human affairs? Listening to Cao Ying's question, this stranger also complained in his heart, but he continued to answer Cao Ying's doubts.

"They will believe it to some extent. After all, the security team has been locked up by you, Marshal. As for how much they will believe it, it depends on what Boss Liu and Colonel Zhang can do."

As he spoke, he threw the hot potato to Zhang Yi who was standing beside him. Local tycoons like Boss Liu, who had immediately knelt down to Cao Ying, the dog warlord, also nodded and bowed to Cao Ying after hearing what he said.

"Of course, of course. I will help the Marshal to get this done. To be honest, if it weren't for Wang Yi's interference, the young marshal would still be safe and sound in my house, waiting for the Marshal's army. It was my negligence that caused the young marshal to encounter this difficulty."

Boss Liu and others kept nodding and bowing to Cao Ying and others, but they did not notice the way Cao Ying looked at these gentry as if they were dead objects.

Oh, are you still a guest at your house?

If Wang Yi hadn't taken action, all of you guys would have been sent away by his son and Zhang Yi's troops long ago, and he wouldn't even remember that there was such a person as you in Pucheng.

As Cao Ying's order was issued, the frightened Pucheng also ushered in a new round of disasters.

Zhang Yi led Cao Ying's troops and went door to door, taking away everything that looked valuable from the people of Pucheng, including the gun that Wang Yi had borrowed from Zhang Yi's military camp.

Among them, there were also some brave men who wanted to resist, but they were all restrained by Zhang Yi's quick eyes and hands. At the same time, he strictly ordered his men not to kill anyone except by speaking and taking action!
Anyway, with the safety of the young marshal Cao Shaolin at stake, these soldiers and bandits really didn't dare to act rashly.

At this point, Zhang Yi seemed to understand what Wang Yi wanted to do.

Duke Zheng defeated Duan Yuyan. Although he was a martial artist, his master had given him much education. But he didn't understand if Wang Yi's approach would really work.

Amid the heart-wrenching cries of the people of Pucheng, what little property they had was transported by Cao Ying's soldiers to the residence of a local tycoon, Mr. Liu, to be packed up and taken away.

The silver lining in this unfortunate situation is that although some people were injured while protecting their property, at least no one died.

That night, Cao Ying did not dare to stay at Boss Liu's house. Instead, he packed the property he had looted from the people of Pucheng and local gentry including Boss Liu, shipped it out of the city, and set up camp outside the city.

They were simply afraid that Wang, who was hiding somewhere, would come and launch an assassination attack. It wouldn't be difficult to hide someone in the buildings in Pucheng.

Even when he was resting in the camp, there was a guard every ten steps and a sentry every five steps around Cao Ying, surrounding him tightly.

Zhang Yi, the traitor who was instigated by Wang Yi and stayed with Cao Ying, was also drinking in the camp. He was thinking about his junior brother Ma Feng who was rushing to Huangpu in Yangcheng. He wondered if Ma Feng had delivered his letter to the government in the south.

Just when Zhang Yi was getting drunk, Wang Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

Zhang Yi was used to being shocked by Wang Yi's sudden appearance in his camp. The man's ability to turn the world upside down was completely beyond his comprehension. He thought it was acceptable even if he could build a city one day.

"They took the money, and they also took the guns you distributed to the people of Pucheng. Right now, it seems that the only solution is for reinforcements to arrive from the south."

Wang Yi sat leisurely in front of Zhang Yi, with a little blood stain on his linen gown and jacket. Those were the injuries Wang Yi deliberately suffered during the day because of his acting. They were not serious, just scratches.

"If they don't do this, why should I distribute guns to the people of Pucheng?" Wang Yi poured a glass of wine for Zhang Yi and said mysteriously.

"But the guns have also been taken away. You don't expect the people of Pucheng to fire the first shot, do you? They are full of hatred towards you right now."

Wang smiled.

"I never intended to let them fire the first shot. It's unrealistic. But Colonel Zhang, do you know? They resent me and they fear Cao Ying. Colonel Zhang, do you know what else is hidden between the resentment and fear?"

Zhang Yi was puzzled, but Wang Yi continued.

"Hidden anger! I have to draw out the anger in their hearts! So what if their guns are taken away? Having their guns taken away is telling them that you could have resisted and kept everything you had, but you gave it up. Only in this way, when the next opportunity to resist comes, they will grab it tightly!"

Zhang Yi listened to Wang Yi's words and even forgot to pour the wine in his hand into his mouth. He just stared at Wang Yi's eyes for a long time before uttering two words.


"What did you say?"

"I think what Cao Ying said is right. You are a lunatic! You are going to drive Cao Ying and all the people in this city crazy!"

Wang smiled.

"The world has become what it is now. Maybe sometimes we really need a little bit of madness to change it. I am now afraid that Cao Ying is not crazy enough. If he doesn't go a little crazier, how can I give guns to the people of Pucheng again?"

After he finished speaking, Zhang Yi felt that he was a little dazed.

By the time he reacted, Wang Yi had already disappeared. Only the wine glass on the table told Zhang Yi that Wang Yi had been there.

(End of this chapter)

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