Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 273: Bihe Ren appears

Chapter 273: Bihe Ren appears
Xinjing, also known as Changchun City, is the capital of the current puppet regime of Manchukuo.

This was all the Nationalist government could offer. It did not recognize the legitimacy of Manchukuo, a puppet regime established by the Japanese with the support of the deposed Qing emperor to divide the people and rule outside the Great Wall, and even issued a public statement.

Unfortunately, the Kuomintang government will only issue a public statement, and all its weapons and thoughts are directed at its own people.

They ignored the Fengtian Army fighting bloody battles outside the Great Wall, and embezzled all the money, grain and supplies that were spontaneously prepared by the people.

As soon as it was sent out, it appeared in the black market or in the companies and grain stores owned by the government dignitaries. They also threw dirty water on the Fengtian Army outside the Great Wall, accusing them of disobeying orders, provoking international disputes, and damaging national interests.

After doing this for a long time, the original puppet Manchukuo gradually became the real Manchukuo.

Just like the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun in the past.

The new capital city today is certainly not as advanced as the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, but it was once the ancestral land of the Qing Dynasty. It has only been twenty years since the fall of the imperial system, and it has not yet been thoroughly rooted in the hearts of the people.

For the Han and Manchu people living outside the Great Wall, it was hard for them to feel uncomfortable with the abdicated Qing emperor becoming the head of Manchukuo. Some even felt secretly happy, thinking that their braids, which had been cut off many years ago, could grow back. Datong was the reign title of the abdicated Qing emperor when he became the head of Manchukuo. It would take another two years for him to be crowned emperor and changed his name to Kangde.

But for the common people, they can't tell the difference between the head of state and the emperor.

This also fulfilled the original intention of the Japanese in supporting the deposed Qing emperor - to use Chinese to control Chinese, and allow them to occupy the occupied land outside the Great Wall in the shortest possible time.

A night passed, and the sparse sound of artillery fire that was heard more than ten miles outside the city did not attract too much attention from the people and dignitaries in the city.

As each new day begins, they also begin the days that follow one another, year after year, with changes, but not too many changes.

And in Xinjing, that is, in the imperial palace of Manchukuo.

The head of Manchukuo sat there like a puppet, with the privileged Japanese ambassador to Manchuria and the Manchukuo Prime Minister, who was a traitor, standing on his left and right.

Below them were the responsible officials of the so-called prefectures, ministries, and agencies of Manchukuo who had been appointed long ago and took direct orders from the Japanese.

These officials, who were nominally the head of Manchukuo but were actually only responsible to the Japanese, cooperated with the privileged ambassadors and prime ministers standing on the left and right sides of Emperor Datong, ignoring the nominally highest head of state sitting on the chair, and discussed among themselves, occasionally agreeing with some of the opinions expressed by the head of state.

This puppet emperor has not yet realized that he is just an empty shell sitting on a chair. Even if he really wears a dragon robe, it will not be convincing at all.

Of course, there were officials among these officials who were loyal to the Qing Dynasty, but they were excluded from the margins and could only hypnotize themselves with various words, such as "Your Majesty, please endure the humiliation for a while, and we will surely restore the Qing Dynasty."

They were indignant that the Japanese had deceived the emperor, who was supreme in their hearts, but they could only express their anger with their eyes and words.

The head of Manchukuo, who was sitting upright in the chair, did not feel the loyalty of these officials. Their expressions of loyalty were just like winking at a blind man.

At this moment, the Japanese privileged ambassador to Manchuria suddenly paused, took out an object from his arms and looked at it, exchanged a glance with the Prime Minister, and then threw these subordinate officials into the palace hall, staring at the Emperor Datong. He then left the hall. In the side hall of the palace, an old man and a middle-aged man were already waiting for them.

The old man is vigorous, with bright eyes. You can't tell his age from him, but you can tell at a glance that he is a man who has been through the battles on the battlefield and has a murderous aura.

The middle-aged man looked haggard and pale, his face was covered with bloodstains, and even the clothes he was wearing looked like he had just changed them.

When he saw the Japanese Ambassador to Manchuria and the Prime Minister appear together.

The old man rushed towards them with anger and murderous intent, causing the two men to tremble with fear and could only barely remain calm.

The haggard middle-aged man on the side wanted to stop it but was powerless.

However, the Japanese privileged ambassador to Manchuria, after recovering, simply ignored the old man's aura, because he knew that the other party did not dare to attack him, and looked at the middle-aged man with a weak complexion.

"Nanmaru-kun, what's going on?"

"The military's intelligence was inaccurate. The alien named Wang Yi is more powerful than he was four years ago. He is no longer an opponent that can be defeated by aliens alone. Mr. Miyamoto has been loyal to the emperor, but I brought the python back."

The only Japanese innate alien who escaped from Fengjibao Airport opened his palms, and a black sphere emerged. In it, a strong evil energy turned into a snake. A pair of resentful eyes looked at the people outside through the black ball that was temporarily protecting him.

This was also caused by Wang Yi's lack of understanding of immortals.

For practitioners, the physical body is the foundation of all practice. Without the physical body, all the skills one possesses will become castles in the air. Even if one can survive in the world as a ghost, it will only last for seven days. Moreover, one does not have much self-awareness, but only the instincts one had before death.

Unless there is a practitioner who practices Yin Sha Qi by his side at the time of his death, who can use some means to preserve his soul in the world.

Otherwise, the fate of every practitioner will be for Qi to turn into breeze and flesh to turn into mud.

But it is different for immortals, because they cultivate their intelligence in the form of animals, most of the immortals who have achieved success in their cultivation try their best to avoid fighting with their real bodies.

Because of hundreds of years of practice, these immortals have long exceeded the limitations of their own species in terms of body size. A larger body size means that they can contain more true Qi and their cultivation is more powerful.

If they start fighting with their bodies over a disagreement, it's okay for the younger generation, but for the Mesozoic and older generations who have practiced for a longer time, it's normal for a small area to be shaken, the sun and moon to lose their light, and sand and rocks to fly.

That's why there is the lineage of horse-riding disciples. They sign contracts with the immortals and, through their own constructed rituals, allow the immortals to reside in the acupoints of the horse-riding disciples without sending out their real bodies to fight, and use the disciples' bodies to fight.

When it comes to the cultivation of the soul and body, the immortals who practice different kinds of cultivation have a natural advantage in this regard, and this advantage is transformed into a fight. This python immortal named Chang, who, in Wang Yi's opinion, had been blown to pieces by himself with only half of his body left, was taken away by the Japanese alien who escaped from his hands without Wang Yi noticing.

"Humph! You can't even do this. When we made the covenant, your clan took a lot of benefits from us! Useless thing, come here!"

Seeing the miserable look of the Japanese alien named Nanwan with only the soul of the python fairy Chang left in his hands, the old Manchu alien beside him also reached out his hand, without any tricks.

Just like that, he simply and roughly reached into the small black space ball in the hand of the Japanese alien that could cut through entities, and pulled the remaining soul of the python fairy named Chang out of the ball, just like grabbing a small snake.

Despite being scolded and insulted like this, the python fairy named Chang did not get angry. With the help of the old man's outstretched hand, it drilled directly into the old man's skin, transformed into a snake-shaped tattoo on his skin, and moved around on his skin until it stopped near the old man's temple.

A pair of resentful eyes stared at the privileged Japanese ambassador and the Prime Minister of the Interior of Manchukuo who was a running dog of the Japanese.

"According to what you said, this young man named Wang Yi teamed up with the chief disciple of the Tianshi Mansion to trick you in Fengtian City four years ago, right? That was a good trick."

"Sir! You don't think that Wang Yi, this strange man, can be won over, do you? Based on the intelligence we have gathered on him over the years, he is not a strange man who has the emperor in his heart. Maybe he is on his way to kill the emperor now."

"You mean to say that he is loyal to the government? But what the government has done in recent years is not much better than what our Qing Dynasty did in the past."

The old man's face was full of contempt for the current Nationalist government, which was understandable. After all, the Nationalist government had only achieved nominal unification so far. If the Nationalist government did anything wrong, the supported Manchukuo would not be able to stand up.

"Is it possible that the government that this king is devoted to is another government?"

"They deserve to die! Those lowly people, those mud-legged people! They want to step on our heads too?!"

Obviously, this strange old Manchu with Eight Banners ancestry was not ignorant of the world. He could understand the elegant meaning of the music. In an instant, a strong murderous aura filled the room, making everyone present except him feel as if they had fallen into an icy cave, but they returned to the world in the next second.

"If that's the case, I want to see what kind of trouble Wang Yi, the rioter, is going to make in Xinjing. You guys, you said you were supporting the emperor to establish a new Manchukuo, so why are there still so many thieves in the city besides Wang Yi? If you can't handle it, don't blame me for breaking the contract."

"Don't worry, sir. We are already closing the net."

While these people were talking, a similar scene was also happening on the streets of Xinjing.

On the street, a conflict broke out between shop assistants from two shops located one behind the other. They started fighting each other without caring about anything.

A crowd of curious people gathered in three layers to watch the fun. Among them were some puppet soldiers who had surrendered and reorganized, as well as some second-line troops of the Japanese Kwantung Army. They were all watching these Chinese who had really fought because of a few verbal conflicts and were very happy.

Outside the crowd that had gathered to watch the excitement, there was a car that had just left the Manchukuo Imperial Palace and had to stop due to traffic congestion.

Before the driver could get out of the car to figure out what was happening ahead, a dagger was thrown out in the air, piercing through the car window and hitting the driver in the chest.

Another two daggers also appeared from the side, broke through the back seat window, and stabbed at the important person sitting in the back seat window.

From the beginning to the end, apart from the three spikes that broke through the car windows and stabbed the people inside, there were no unnecessary actions, not even an autopsy.

The three sounds of breaking glass did not seem abrupt among the crowd of onlookers. Instead, a nosy woman turned around as if she was annoyed and let out a strange cry.

"Oh! Someone's dead!"

This strange cry also attracted the attention of the puppet soldiers and Japanese soldiers who were watching the excitement. The crowd of people who were watching the excitement also scattered like birds and beasts because of this fatal cry. The puppet soldiers whistled and the Japanese soldiers began to block the scene, but it was too late. However, in this chaotic process, the middle-aged woman who made the strange cry and attracted attention also disappeared.

When the crowd on the street dispersed and only the puppet army, police and devil soldiers were left to maintain the scene, several Japanese in formal attire appeared at the scene. They looked at the dead person in the car, and after understanding the situation from the person in charge of maintaining order at the scene, they also communicated with each other in Japanese.

"The other party is very cautious, and will leave after one strike."

"He is an expert."

"You two, we asked you to leave your homeland and come here not without paying a price. This is not the time for you to sigh at how professional the other party is. Besides, how can they be sure that their actions are successful?"

"They don't need to confirm. With so many people watching, there will always be someone to help them confirm whether they succeeded or not, and they can also be responsible for finishing off the enemy."

"Can you guys solve it? The bargaining chips offered by our military are very generous. As long as you can occupy this land, you can redevelop it here and bring it back to life."

"We know, but you should also know what we went through during the Shogunate period. Why should we believe that you are different from the Shogunate period?"

"You don't need to believe us, you just need to believe what you have got now. You two, get down to business."

During the conversation, two Higashiyama ninjas from the Japanese Ijin school looked at each other, looked at the two corpses in the car, and stood on both sides of the vehicle, and began to search the surrounding area for the most suitable ambush points for lurking and assassination from their professional perspectives.

Then, he closed his eyes, mobilized the true energy in his body, and used the secret method of the Japanese special sect of Higashiyama Ninja.

Ninja Technique: Lian!
This is the unique secret exploration method of the Higashiyama Ninja School of Japanese Ijin.

Its working principle is similar to radar and bat's ultrasonic positioning, but it has one more magical effect.

Because the Higashiyama ninjas who have mastered the secret technique of Ninjutsu-Rin can, within a certain range and with the help of drugs, establish an encrypted local area network with other ninjas who are also taking the drugs, so that only they can communicate with each other and share what they have.

Such a method is most useful to the leader of a force.

He can quietly control a group of his own people, and secretly eliminate dissidents during factional struggles. He is of infinite use both internally and externally.

Even within the Higashiyama Ninja Clan, there are very few people who can master this skill, and each of them can be considered a candidate for the next leader of the Higashiyama Ninja Clan.

Obviously, the Kwantung Army also suffered a great loss this time, so they invited some of the Higashiyama ninjas who had been backstabbed during the anti-shogunate movement and chose to close the mountain gate.

Through Ninja Technique Lian's exploration, the location where the Tang Clan's members had previously assassinated someone was marked out.

As top forces in the assassin industry, after the two Biheshan ninjas had marked each other's positions, they began to follow the clues left by the Tang Sect members, hiding their bodies and following them.

On the other side, in another courtyard in Xinjing.

The woman who had attracted attention with her strange cry walked into the yard in a hurry with a look of fear. After making sure the surroundings were safe, she wiped off the disguise on her face with clean water and a rag.

She suddenly transformed into a young lady in her prime. She was Lu Huizhong, one of the two female disciples of the eleven Tang Sect members who had been commissioned by Wang Yi to go out and kill the traitors.

"The person has been confirmed, it is undoubtedly him."

"Me? Isn't it too smooth? If I remember correctly, this should be the seventh person we killed outside the pass. Are these people so stupid? Do they think it won't happen to them?"

A doubtful voice came from inside the house, and Tang Gao, Gao Yingcai and other disciples came out. This time, the assassination was carried out by the two of them, while Lu Huizhong was responsible for the autopsy and the finishing move.

However, the assassination that went too smoothly made the meticulous Tang Sect members feel that something was wrong.

"How are the other disciples doing?"

In response to the disciples' doubts, the master in charge of this anti-traitor operation also asked.

This time, we accepted Wang Yi's commission and went out to eliminate the traitors. Although on the surface it was eleven people from the Tang Sect, these eleven people were all disciples who entered the inner sect of the Tang Sect and received the true teachings.

Every assassination mission of the Tang Sect is also completed by the inner disciples. This can not only serve the purpose of training troops, but also will not affect the reputation of the Tang Sect.

As for outer disciples, most of the time they are responsible for acting as scouts and gathering intelligence.

The same was true for this trip out of seclusion. After confirming Wang Yi's commission, the head of the Tang Clan sent out outer disciples first to go out of seclusion, scout the area, and search for specific intelligence to support the eleven people of the Tang Clan who were responsible for eradicating traitors.

So far, seven people have been executed in the anti-traitor operation. So far, no one among the eleven members of the Tang Sect has been injured or killed, but this is not the case for the outer disciples.

This is also a hurdle for outer disciples who want to enter the inner sect for practice. Without walking the line between life and death and having no respect for the difference between life and death, many methods of killing learned will be useless even if they look good.

"It is still within the acceptance range, and some of the seriously injured have been arranged to leave."

"It's hard for them to go through this journey, but your disciple is not bad, he is a good seedling."

"You mean Zhang Wang? He's really good. In a few years, when he becomes successful, I plan to marry my daughter to him."

"Then let him take the other disciples out of the city and back to the mountain gate tonight, and leave the eleven of us here."

"Master, what do you mean by this?"

"There is no such thing as a business that only takes advantage without suffering any loss. The Japanese are not fools and have invited colleagues to come with them. This time they must be fishing to lock on to our location."

"Then we can't stay here anymore."

"No, Wu'er, Tang Gao, Yang Lie, Wanru, Huizhong, Dong Chang, you go to the next location. I, Yingcai, Li Ding, and Tang An will stay here. Friends from afar, it would be wrong for us as the host family of China not to entertain them. If nothing unexpected happens, they will come to our door tonight. You can take the Guanyuan in your hands as the standard. Once we take action here, you will find a chance to kill those leaders in Xinjing City. It doesn't matter if you kill more than one.

When the time comes, the blame will be placed on Wang Dongjia, and he will have to pay a heavy price."

"But sir, Mr. Wang said that there is no need to kill ten people. He thinks it is impossible to do so and saving lives is the first priority, so he allowed us to withdraw."

"You can't just withdraw whenever you want. They're not fools. If you don't make some noise, they'll keep thinking of you. So go and make the arrangements."

Hearing this, the rest of the Tang Sect members said no more and began to act.

Under the chain reaction initiated by Wang Yi, the vanguard of the Japanese alien force Higashiyama Ninja, which was supposed to appear 40 years later, appeared in the land outside the Great Wall at the invitation of the Japanese military.

It was in Xinjing, the capital of Manchukuo, that the first round of confrontation with the old enemy, the Tang Clan, began.

That night, the people in the new capital city were living like quails, keeping their heads down and living under the noses of the Kwantung Army and the puppet army.

These puppet troops, military police, and Japanese soldiers have become accustomed to the days of riding roughshod over the heads of the common people. Even during their daily patrols, they try to make some money from the business people, or simply rob them.

As the people of the new capital began to get used to the life, a group of Japanese soldiers quietly sneaked to the courtyard and alley where the eleven people from the Tang Sect were staying by changing guard at the city gates.

Under the leadership of the commander, they advanced little by little, trying to form an encirclement.

But they didn't know that their arrival had already been anticipated by the master.

When these Japanese soldiers stepped into the trap prepared by the master and his men, the hidden weapons mixed with poisonous mist began to be triggered.

The poisoned darts and needles took the lives of dozens of Japanese soldiers in the first moment.

The poison attached to them made these Japanese soldiers the best alarms. Their screams and the sounds of gun triggers pulled by those who couldn't hold back the pain immediately caused chaos in the encirclement.

At the same time, in several uninhabited houses nearby, fires shot up into the sky, instantly turning the area into chaos.

That night, the new capital city was in chaos again.

 Updates resumed today, there will be a chapter before 12 o'clock tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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