Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 277 Substituting one thing for another

Chapter 277 Substituting one thing for another
Kwantung Lease has nothing to do with the Kanto region in Japan. It refers to the area east of Shanhaiguan, including Dalian and Lushun, collectively known as Kwantung Lease.

After the defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed, and land was ceded and indemnities were paid. This area had nominally nothing to do with the Qing Dynasty. After the intervention of Germany, France and Russia in the return of Liaodong, it became Russian territory. After the Russo-Japanese War, it became Japanese territory again.

After the end of World War II and Japan's surrender, it became a Soviet-occupied zone again.

It was not until after the founding of the People's Republic of China that, thanks to the strong international situation of our ancestors and the toughness of the war of founding the country, the Kwantung Leased Territory returned to China in the sixth year after its founding. From then on, it became history.

From this we can see that the new regime is clearly superior to the previous ones.

And now, in the Port of Lushun in Kwantung Province, which is nominally independent of the puppet Manchukuo but has all administrative power under the control of the puppet Manchukuo, the Kwantung Army's coastal artillery stationed here is pointing its guns at three battleships of the Imperial Navy that are preparing to dock at sea, facing the guns on the ships from a distance, with a tense situation as if ready to start a fight at any time.

It was not until the Continental Group ocean-going freighter flying the American flag sailed out first and its head, James Gates, came ashore in a small boat and acted as an intermediary between the heads of the navy and the army that the tense situation was resolved.

A ship full of Spam cans docked at the port under the care of the Kwantung Army. In order to satisfy the Kwantung Army stationed here, James even took the initiative to take out some of the cans and let the officers use them to reward the soldiers.

As a beggar's version of an industrial country, although the Kwantung Army defeated the Fengtian Army step by step, only the Fengtian City was left to be taken.

The national strength seemed to have made great strides after the Meiji Restoration and the victory in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, but for the local citizens and the lower-level soldiers in the army, it was actually just that. If you say that their material life had improved, it had indeed improved. They drank white porridge, ate brown rice, and occasionally white rice with seafood.

It seems embarrassing, but it is much better than most people in the Republic of China.

But as an industrial country, even the beggar's version is a bit of a misnomer, and the reason is very simple.

All the benefits were taken up by the upper class and the Chinese.

As for getting used to it, these low-level army soldiers have gotten used to it, but they just can't resist the richness of the three provinces outside the Great Wall.

The value of a major agricultural country was immediately revealed.

In the mainland, it takes ten days or half a month to have a meal of white rice, but in the grain and rice shops in the cities in the three provinces outside the Great Wall, you can eat as much as you want.

Now that they have white rice, the only thing left is meat, and these canned Spam meats from the United States across the ocean opened their eyes.

Even the high-ranking army officers who were at odds with the Imperial Navy now had a favorable impression of James, an American businessman who was capable of handling affairs.

Little did he know that James himself was also wiping his forehead with sweat. Damn it, those who know that your Japanese navy and army have always been at odds with each other would think that there is going to be a fight between the two countries' navies and armies!

The hilarious scene of tension between the Japanese Empire's navy and army happening at the port was now seen by Wang Yi and others who had already arrived there.

Seeing these cans of Spam, enough to supply 100,000 volunteers for two to three years, docked at the dock, Wang Yi ended the remote image projection and looked out the window at the streets that had long been transformed into Japanese-style streets, and he was speechless.

Behind Wang Yi were the disciples of the Tang Sect and the Sanyi Sect, as well as the sorcerers of the Zhuge Family, who had hurried all the way to Port Arthur through the small path in the past few days.

Compared to Wang Yi's silence about the land beneath his feet becoming a Japanese-occupied area, the air pressure over there was even more terrifyingly low.

Because now they finally understood why Wang Yi killed those three powerful families who betrayed their country in the New Capital.

The straight-line distance from Xinjing City to Port Arthur is a little over 700 kilometers. Relying on the physical strength of practitioners like Wang Yi, they can arrive there within a week even without the help of the magical armor and horse.

What they saw and heard along the way also made them understand that Wang Yi's words, "The Japanese invaders occupied our land and killed our compatriots," contained the cries of many innocent compatriots' dead souls.

This is understandable. Although Xinjing City was the capital of the puppet Manchukuo and was under the jurisdiction of the Japanese, as a city, apart from the looting after the initial capture, the Japanese later supported the puppet government and took in puppet troops as their basic base, so these devil soldiers would be more restrained.

The people in the city were also obedient, so the Tang Sect, the Sanyi Sect and the three sorcerers of the Zhuge Family all thought that Wang Yi had gone too extreme and that killing people was not enough and there was no need to kill them all and wipe out the entire family.

The problem is that the Japanese soldiers will be more restrained in the city, but for those villages and towns outside the city that are not under the jurisdiction of the county magistrate, they will completely tear off the human skin masks of disguise.

Along the way, although the villages and towns we passed by were not as tragic as those with bones exposed in the wild and no roosters crowing for a thousand miles, the air was filled with the lingering smell of blood.

Villages and towns large and small were looted by the Japanese soldiers, and the villagers were persecuted. When they saw these unfamiliar faces, they were so scared that they stayed indoors and refused to leave. Some villages and towns were even turned into a wasteland.

These are just the tip of the iceberg of the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese invaders against China during the 14-year War of Resistance.

Wang Yi had already prepared himself mentally, so he could accept it calmly. However, it was the first time for the Tang Clan, the Sanyi Clan, and the Zhuge Family to truly witness the Japanese soldiers' inhumane behavior. Even at this age, the master has not recovered yet.

Especially after Wang Yi used magnetic field martial arts to perform a long-distance projection and played the scene of the confrontation between the Japanese navy and the army at the port in real time, they felt a sense of humiliation in their hearts.

They are not stupid people. They can embark on the journey of spiritual practice, so naturally they have the most basic bottom line in terms of morality. It can be said that their thinking is backward and feudal, but they all have the concept of family, country and the world. It is just a matter of who can keep it or not.

Perhaps they were just indignant about the tragic plight of the villagers outside the Great Wall who were plundered and invaded by the Japanese invaders along the way, but seeing that their beautiful land had become the territory of other countries, their compatriots had become slaves of a conquered country, and had been slaughtered and toyed with like cattle and sheep, their anger would not have been reduced.

A shrewd man like the master roughly understood Wang Yi's position by following Wang Yi's trip.

The country of all people is the public, and the people of the world are in charge, which is called a company.

He already understands the people, but what about the country?

The master doesn't believe that the government knows nothing about the tragic situation outside the Great Wall, or rather, they know everything but just don't take it to heart.

Such a government that could ignore the miserable plight of 30 million compatriots outside the Great Wall naturally did not meet the threshold of putting the country first, not to mention the warlords in Sichuan.

The warlord Wang Yi looked down on it, and the government was not qualified, so what was this regime that took the country as the public? The answer was obvious. However, the master could not accept this answer.

In other words, not only the Tang Clan represented by the Big Master cannot accept it, but the entire Chinese alien circle will not accept the alien force of the company established by Wang Yi.

The Tang Sect might be conservative in the rules of the inner and outer sects, and use the Tianshi Mansion's system of passing down the surname Zhang, but the fact that the eldest master wears a suit and tie naturally shows that the Tang Sect is not the conservative and feudal type.

In other words, in the current circle of extraordinary people in the Republic of China, all the big and small sects are actually trying to keep up with the times.

It’s just that the circle of eccentrics keeping up with the times is just like the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty. If what’s in their minds doesn’t change, it’s useless to keep up with the times.

This backwardness and conservatism has not changed much until modern times, as can be seen from the attitude of the alien circle towards the Nadutong company.

The Nadutong Company is to the circle of extraordinary people what the Liushenmen is to the martial arts world.

The company follows the principle of "how to deal with things in the underworld". Unless you want to make things bigger, the company will intervene. On weekdays, they appear to be aloof towards the company, until something bad happens to their own company, then they will come to beg for mercy in a humble manner.

For example, in the modern Biyou Village chapter, among the twelve people with superior aptitude led by Ma Xianhong, the descendant of Ma Ben, who mastered one of the eight great skills, there is a Taoist priest from Shangqing Maoshan.

Because he was unwilling to practice seclusion on the mountain, he chose to injure his disciples and betray the sect. He also used the souls and evil spirits of ordinary people after their death to practice the Seven Evils Gathering Body technique.

As for what Shangqing Maoshan did at that time, the first thing they did was to cover up the incident and not report it. They also secretly sent their disciples to search for the whereabouts of the traitor. It was not until the company exposed the matter in Biyou Village and contacted Shangqing Maoshan that they revealed everything and pleaded that family disgrace should not be made public.

If Wang Yi were to handle this, he would say, "Fuck you! You've caused a death and you come to us to beg for mercy. Don't embarrass you guys?" "Get lost!" "Not only will I embarrass you guys, I will also make you Shangqing Maoshan an example!" "Do you guys really think you are a piece of cake?"
But now the master has a premonition that this company founded by Wang Yi, or the position of this company, whether they accept it or not, will inevitably become the leading regime in this land in the future.

There is nothing else to say. What I have seen along the way has already given the master the answer.

If your government does not behave like a human being and does not care about the people, then naturally the people will not support you. The people will naturally stand on the side of whoever makes decisions for them.

This is not something that will not happen if they don't want it to. Thinking of this, the master also sighed. How the Tang Sect will survive in the future depends on the young man in front of him.

Thinking of this, the master stood up and walked to Wang Yi who was looking at the scenery.

"I didn't expect that Boss Wang is so well-informed and is secretly attacking Chencang. I guess these things are the real baggage, right? They are just hidden in the hinterland. How does Boss Wang plan to deliver these things to the volunteers? If there is any need for our Tang Sect to take action, Boss Wang can speak up."

"Master, it costs money to have connections everywhere. I was able to find this way when I went overseas a few years ago. Just for this shipment, I almost lost all the money I have worked hard for over the years. If I ask you Tang Sect to help me again at this time, I will have no money."

"They took over my territory and killed my compatriots. Some deals are not about whether they are profitable or not, but they must be done. If the ten targets we chose to kill the traitors were all extinct, I would feel better. But we only wiped out three families, and the rest were just the elimination of the main culprits. It is more or less inadequate. As the head of the Tang Clan, I cannot destroy my own reputation."

"Master, you are joking. This cargo ship has at least hundreds or thousands of tons of cargo. Even if we increase our manpower tenfold, it would be a fantasy to transport all of it away."

"I believe what others say, but I have to think about whether you, old man Wang, really don't know how to do it or you are just pretending not to know how to do it."

"Haha, if you really want to, I'd like you to accompany me for a walk tonight. We won't be here for long, and things don't need to go through us."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

That night, on the battleship of the Imperial Navy, senior naval officers from the three battleships gathered together and were drinking enthusiastically with the big boss James Gates.

The hatred between the Army and Navy deer is so abstract.

Even though James, a third party, mediated and temporarily calmed the fighting between the two sides, the army on the shore did not allow the navy to go ashore, and did not even send troops to garrison the port for the most basic defense.

In their view, the Americans are doing business with your navy. The Americans have given us benefits, so we allowed your navy battleships to dock. It is already a favor from our army. Do you want us to help you defend? What a dream!

As for the navy, they also look down on these army idiots who can only stay on the shore. In their view, our battleships are strong and powerful, so who would dare to cause trouble with us?

It's none of your business as an army idiot to worry about our navy's affairs. We've already been very kind of us not to bombard your warehouse for the sake of the Americans. Do you still want to join in the fun? Get lost!
It can be said that the degree of hatred between the two parties has become so abstract that it seems outrageous even for writing novels. However, it is precisely this abstract hatred between the two parties that gave Wang Yi and others the opportunity to take advantage of.

Just like that, in such a moonless night, the port in the hinterland, which should have been heavily guarded, became an unguarded area because of the docking of the Imperial Navy battleship.

The army that was supposed to be on duty tonight is currently somewhere drinking wine, eating cans of Spam, and cursing the navy idiots that have come ashore.

The three battleships docked on the shore were of no use at all and were only concerned with eating and drinking.

With the door wide open, a disguised gang entered the port in this safe and sound manner, targeting the cargo ship docked at the port.

Looking at the deserted port and the sounds of clinking glasses coming from the battleship, the group hid in the dark, feeling mixed emotions of sadness and joy.

"I didn't expect Wang Yi to be right. The hatred between the Japanese navy and army is so deep."

"But even so, we still managed to defend the land outside the pass! Damn it!"

"If you want to be angry, let's go back and be angry. This time, Wang Yi has finally created this opportunity for us. As long as we can drive this ship away, in the next few years, we can rely on these canned goods and the geographical advantage to make the Japanese sleep uneasy outside the customs. Gao Fei, you are the commander of this operation, don't let your personal emotions control your mind!"

"Brother Chen Zhen, rest assured. I know the severity of the matter."

After a few words, the identities of this group of people were revealed. They were naturally the Jingwu Chen Zhen and Gao Fei, a member of the Gao family, who had conspired with Wang Yi to set up a trap for the Japanese in Fengtian.

(End of this chapter)

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