Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 281: Destroy! Atonement!

Chapter 281: Destroy! Atonement!
In the uninhabited village where the rest of the people stayed, Yang Lie and Dong Chang, who were on guard, also saw Wang Yi and his group returning, and also saw the three young Japanese swordsmen surrounded by them.

They also noticed that none of the people who had returned, including their eldest master, had a relaxed expression on their faces.

Dong Chang and Yang Lie looked at each other and took out their Tang Sect business cards. Noticing their actions, Wang Yi spoke.

"Don't be so nervous. These three are young swordsmen from Japan. From what I can see, they have the same goal as mine. We save people, and they save their fathers."

"It's strange. The Japanese have conquered even the outer areas of the Great Wall. So they don't want to see the foreign masters from their own country? I heard that these saber-wielding warriors seemed to be upper-class people in Japan in the past. How come they can't even survive in their own territory?"

He had a bit of a temper. Having seen so many murders committed by the devils along the way, Tang Sect disciple Dong Chang was also a bit angry. He stabbed the three little devil slayers who came with Wang Yi and the others. Although the three of them could not understand Chinese, they could feel the emotions conveyed by this peer who was about the same age as them.

But they did not explain anything. In the past six months since they came to the outside of the Great Wall, as local citizens, they have witnessed with their own eyes what these soldiers of their country have done, and can understand their looks and emotions.

"Dong Chang, it's not the gentleman's fault that he was born in a small country. There are good people among the Japanese, and there are also many traitors in our land of China. After returning this time, review your lessons."


Dong Chang was confused, but seeing that the master, who usually had a kind face, now had a dark face, Dong Chang could only bow his head and say yes.

Yang Lie and he followed Wang Yi and the others obediently. At this time, Wang Yi also spoke at the right time.

"Master Yang, please call everyone over. I think it's time to explain to you the purpose of my coming out of seclusion this time. By the way, if you haven't had dinner yet, please don't eat yet."

Although he was puzzled by Wang Yi's words, Yang Lie looked at his master's ugly face and did not ask any more questions. He took the first step and began to gather everyone who was resting.

After everyone gathered, Wang Yi introduced the identities and names of the three little ones following them.

Just like the officially designated parallel-time isotopes of Hogwarts and Dumbledore, Flamel College and Flamel Isaac Tubber, the parents of these three little ones are the parallel-time isotopes of another world in their current world.

Although the origins are different, the main story is basically the same. They all regard it as their life mission to kill the Immortal Ghost King who has been plaguing their land for hundreds of years and has been living forever by cannibalism.

The only difference is that the story of the other world ends happily after the Ghost King is killed, while this world is full of strange people and is not much different from the official history.

The Immortal Ghost King, whom they had spent hundreds of years and sacrificed so many talents to kill, was pulled out of his grave along with the expansion of imperialism, and there were signs that he might leave endless harm.

The fathers of the three little ones are named Soul-Zanki Ichiro, Hayashi Ryo Inosuke and Kobayashi Shinji.

The three little ones are named Zhantaro, Hayashi Ryo Aoba, and Kobayashi Zenteru.

Chen Zhen on the side also repeated what he had learned from the three little ones before about why the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention troops stationed in Ice City looted the people in the villages outside the city.

But Chen Zhen’s retelling did not make others empathize.

He was especially confused when he heard that they used these ordinary people, extraordinary people, and even immortals as control experiments just to create a poison that would be lethal to them, the practitioners.

Although we are all practitioners and immortals are different species, they are all flesh and blood in the final analysis. Although there are changes, the medicines that can work on ordinary people and animals will also be effective for practitioners and immortals.

Haven’t you heard that White Snake cultivated for thousands of years to obtain a human body, but was stimulated by realgar wine and her true form was revealed, scaring her husband Xu Xian to death.

So it is difficult for them to understand why they should commit the sin of killing and do such an insignificant thing.

Until the king spoke and put his hand on the shoulder of Zantaro, the leader of the three little ones.

"Do you mind doing it again?"

"As long as I can help His Excellency Wang Yi."

Nodding, Wang Yi looked at the others and said, "Everyone, please relax. I will show you what they have seen in the past six months."

"Into a dream? I only knew that Granny Quanxing Liu was an expert at this method, but I didn't expect that Boss Wang also knew Granny Quanxing Liu's methods."

"My method is a step above that of the old lady Quan Xing Liu, but it does have some similarities. I just don't know if you can trust me."

"Your Wang family's character is trustworthy. Besides, if it is about sharing the inner scene, my Zhuge family also has the means in this regard. Everyone, please cooperate."

Three sorcerers from the Zhuge family were also there cooperating with Wang Yi. With the Zhuge family as a guarantor, everyone could only choose to believe it and relax their minds.

At the same time, Wang Yi also launched his own methods.

Magnetic field martial arts·Radio dream!
In just a moment, Wang Yi shared through brain waves what the three little ones had seen during the conflicts with the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention forces over the past six months.

Information comes quickly and goes quickly.

But for those who were receiving Wang Yi's brain wave sharing images, this moment made them feel as if they were in a different world.

When everyone regained consciousness, regardless of gender, age or status, they were all gasping for breath as if they had been pulled out of the water.

Those with good concentration can still barely stand by holding on to the wall, but those with poor concentration and the young ones have now collapsed on the ground, looking as if they have survived a disaster.

Wang Yi and the others just stood there, allowing them to slowly accept this inhumane information in their own way.

This wait lasted for a quarter of an hour.

By the time everyone recovered from the nightmare-like scene, Dong Chang, who lacked self-control, had already stood up and rushed towards the three little ones, directly using the Tang Sect's unique footwork, Xubu.

But before he could make any move, he was held down by the master.


"Dong Chang, calm down."

Dong Chang's eyes were red and his face was ferocious. He looked at the three little ones behind the big master as if they were enemies.

Wang took a step forward, and the magnetic field's true energy emanated. A small magnetic field that allowed people to calm their minds and concentrate was generated around him, allowing everyone who experienced this video transmission to slowly calm their disordered breathing and racing minds.

After everyone recovered from this hellish nightmare, Wang Yi spoke in a deep voice.

"Everyone, this is the most important purpose of my coming out of seclusion this time. Brother Meng, this is what I want to tell you about the method of advancing as a beast master."

At this time, Old Meng had already been reminded of Wang Yi's words, and the scene that Wang Yi showed him in his dream through the radio flashed back to his mind again.

Those who were lying on the experimental beds and were injected with pathogens, who died screaming in pain, those who gradually turned into mummies during the observation experiments, and those who exploded from the inside out when the air was sucked out, directly caused Lao Meng's mind, which had just calmed down with great difficulty, to collapse.

"No! I don't!"

He stood up in panic, and rushed out of the courtyard with anger and fear. Seeing this, Chen Zhen, who had already been shocked by this information screen in the first round, also spoke.

"I'll follow and take a look."

"Good work."

Watching Chen Zhen catch up, Wang Yi and the master just stood there, and everyone else who stayed behind was silent.

The people who stayed behind were also looking at Wang Yi who was standing in the wind and snow. The bonfire was burning. The three little ones brought by Wang Yi and his friends could not adapt to the silent atmosphere at this time, but they did not dare to speak.

Because what these people are experiencing at this moment is what they saw when they crossed the ocean to rescue their father and sneaked into the prison where the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention force was stationed, and when they clashed with the aliens and troops guarding there.

If it were not for this, how could they have given up the living swordsmanship they had learned and chose to pick up iron swords, and during these six months, they constantly clashed with the Kwantung Army that went out to capture experimental subjects.

Even though so many people outside the Great Wall looked at them with hatred and were hostile to them, they still chose to save people and still chose to wield the iron swords in their hands to chop down these soldiers who were from the same country as them.

The conscience in their hearts prevented them from turning a blind eye to what the Kwantung Army was doing on this land, but their voices were weak and they could neither stop this unjust war nor stand idly by.

They could only do everything they could amid the hostility from their own people and the hatred from people outside the Great Wall.

They want to use their actions to tell the suffering people outside the Great Wall that not everyone in Japan is as inhumane as the soldiers of the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention force, and there are still people who uphold the bottom line and conscience of being human.
"This is an unjust war, right, Your Excellency Wang Yi?"

In such a depressing atmosphere, as the leader of the three little ones, Zhantaro spoke, wanting to get an answer from Wang Yi.

“Yes, this is an unjust war started by your country against our country.”

"Then why did the military, the higher-ups, and the Emperor want to start this war? Why didn't they stop them and tell them that this was wrong?"

"There should be, but they can't change anything and will be persecuted, just like your father."

"So what should we do to stop this war?"

"It can't be stopped. Once this war starts, they will either get everything they want or be crushed. There is no possibility of stopping."

"What about us, the people of us, what are we in this war?"

"Sacrifices, you and us, are all the same, but we know what we are doing, so death is not a difficult thing for us to accept. But you, your death here, and the death of the Kwantung Army soldiers killed by you, will not shake the decision of your country's emperor, the military and other top figures.

They will treat you like the villagers, using all kinds of excuses, even without covering up, to send batches of you to the battlefield and die, and then they will devour all the benefits you have gained from sacrificing on the battlefield, both at home and abroad. "

Wang Yi's words did not contain any emotion, but they reminded Zentaro of the scene when their three families moved from Fukuoka Prefecture to Hokkaido.

As I said before, Japan is indeed an industrialized country, but this industrialization is a beggar's version, with a shiny surface and does not deserve the title of the most powerful country in Asia as they claim.

The fruits of industrialization have not benefited ordinary Japanese citizens.

The entire process of Japan's industrialization was developed with the blood, sweat and tears of Japanese workers.

Those industrial groups are all controlled by oligarchs, royal families and politicians, and the industrial dividends do not fall to ordinary people.

If the Japanese people before the war said that their lives were better than those of ordinary people in the Republic of China, that is true, but the question is how much better?

If it was really that good, why did the Japanese army plunder the city as soon as they entered it? Property, food, livestock, and women were all within their looting range.

The reason is simple, that is, they have never seen so many resources in their own country, such as rice to eat as much as they want.

In addition, due to the deception of the imperialists, the Japanese soldiers who were not well-educated chose to believe it. Even if there were some who were not fooled, they were swept up in the open trend and accepted the pressure from both inside and outside. They either chose to commit suicide, surrender to the Communist Party, or degenerate.

The situation is even more outrageous in Hokkaido where they live.

Although Hokkaido is part of Japanese territory, this area is synonymous with a bitter and cold place in Japan, which is equivalent to the so-called exile to Ningguta.

Not all people living in Hokkaido are the so-called Yamato people. The indigenous people are a nation called Ezo.

The Japanese government usually uses the term "non-citizens" to refer to them. As for these non-citizens who belong to their territory but are not Yamato people, the government in power has never stopped suppressing and torturing them since the Meiji Restoration. It can be said that except for carrying out genocide, they have done everything they can.

Even so, when Zentaro and his family moved here, these Ainu people did not transfer the hatred from the Japanese government to them, but accepted them and allowed them to live a stable life here, until the letter from the leader of the organization that his father once served broke the peace.

He had seen with his own eyes how those governments exploited the Ainu people. If it hadn't been for his father's use of force, the level of exploitation would have been even more severe.

When Zentaro thought about everything he saw in his hometown, it was exactly the same as what was happening here now, among the villagers who had lost their young and strong men. The source of all this came from the emperor they believed in, who encouraged young people to join the army.

They even asked their own citizens to pay money and take a ship to Manchukuo in the name of a pioneer group, and they could receive a large amount of land.

In order to have enough food to eat, many citizens simply handed over their little remaining savings or land to the landlords or the country, and then boarded the ships to Manchukuo with their families, never to return.

When these images were intertwined with everything he had seen in this land outside the Great Wall, Zhantaro and his two companions clenched their swords.



"These high-ranking officials who started this unjust war must sacrifice their lives for the innocent people who died in this war! Whether it's the Emperor or the nobility, they must all atone for their sins! They must be arrested! That place and this unit must be destroyed!

This is our mission to slay the demons! Even if it means our death, we will not hesitate!"

A strong murderous intent emerged in these three little ones, but not towards Wang Yi, but towards the epidemic prevention troops stationed in the suburbs of Bingcheng.

Wang Yi also raised the corner of his mouth. Yes, they have to atone. The seeds of atonement have been planted in the hearts of these three little ones. How they will take root and sprout in the future, and how to make the war criminals represented by the Emperor atone, is not up to them to decide.

Speaking of which, Wang Yi just realized that in all these years of Japanese history, it seems that none of these emperors have ever died like the Sima family in his own family, who murdered the emperor in the street.

If a historical reenactment of the Sima family murdering the emperor in the street were to be staged on Japanese soil today, there might be unexpected gains.

Thinking of this, Wang Yi looked at the three little ones beside him, and an immature idea popped up in his mind.

While the three little ones were so indignant, Old Meng, who was originally unable to accept that the method for his advancement as a beast master must be obtained from the corpses of countless wronged souls of people outside the Great Wall,

With Chen Zhen's consolation, he gradually calmed down. Without saying a word, he walked in from the door with heavy steps, like a piece of thousand-year-old ice.

With the return of Lao Meng, the others who listened to the three little ones swearing in Japanese also turned their eyes to Wang Yi. They were waiting for Wang Yi to give them clear instructions.

 Sorry, sorry, today is the 1st, I have been in meetings all day, so I am updating this chapter so late. I will update before 9 am tomorrow morning.
(End of this chapter)

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