Chapter 283 Snowstorm
In the courtyard, the beastly master Lao Meng stared at Wang Yi in front of him.

The gentle and elegant man in the past, who was helpless and resigned to the fact that his family-inherited skills could only be used to feed chickens, ducks, pigs and horses, is long gone. The scenes of human experiments conducted by the epidemic prevention team that Wang Yi shared with the three little ones keep flashing back in his mind.

It made him become like a piece of ice, filled with an aura that kept strangers away.

The reason why he chose to talk to Wang Yi was because he wanted to get some answers from Wang Yi.

"When you started recruiting people, you had two requirements: one was a sorcerer, and the other was a beastmaster. Did you know what happened today back then?"

When Wang heard Lao Meng raise this question, he had already expected it.

But this is understandable. The beast master school is at the bottom of the contempt chain in the circle of extraordinary people. Even if there are people who have this skill, they will not talk about it specifically. Usually they will bring their skills with them to a master and learn another skill to travel around the world.

It was only Wang Yi who specifically asked for the beastly master as soon as he conquered the territory. Coupled with what happened today, Lao Meng had no choice but to doubt it.

"I can't answer all of this question for you now. I will give you the answer when the situation stabilizes and the world is settled."

"Okay, then I won't force you to give me an answer now. You said that my method of advancing as a beast master is based on this. What is it based on? Bacteria?"

Lao Meng recalled the scene in his mind called the plague experiment, and asked the question while suppressing his discomfort.

When Wang Yi heard Lao Meng mention the concept of bacteria as a prokaryotic organism, he knew that he could no longer hide it. He was not a fool. The beastman's skills were inherited from his family and his name was Mendel. His grandfather's generation had been thinking about how to combine modern medicine to improve and advance his own school of beastmanship. It was not surprising that he could think of this.

Wang nodded, confirming Mendel's guess.

"In the past few years that I have been overseas, I have met some great scientists and read many books on modern medicine. In the past, animal masters were considered low-class because of the conditions at that time. The concept of living things was limited to birds, beasts, insects, fish and humans. This resulted in the uselessness of the animal master school. It was ineffective against humans and alien species that had developed spiritual intelligence. Even if ordinary animals could be controlled, they would be useless at critical moments because of their instincts.

But what if the beastmaster's beasts are no longer limited to animals, but go a little deeper and enter the microscopic world, focusing on prokaryotes such as bacteria and fungi? Would that have another miraculous effect? ​​Broadly speaking, bacteria and fungi are also part of the concept of animals, microorganisms. And they don't have the animal instinct of seeking benefits and avoiding harm like ordinary animals, they are more controllable, more useful, and more able to help the beastmaster. "

Old Meng was silent. This explanation was reasonable, but it still couldn't dispel his doubts.

"So that's why you asked the assistant commander to find out about the Japanese officer named Ishii Shiro, because you knew he was the leader of this unit? He proposed to use civilians, strange people, and even immortals for experiments?"

"Well, I have always had an absolute malice towards the Japanese. Overseas, in the United States, before launching a new drug, those international pharmaceutical companies will let their own citizens get vaccinated and test the drug under various pretexts to observe the effect of the new drug. The United States is like this in a foreign country, so I think Japan, which claims to be the strongest country in Asia, will only be more evil and more poisonous than them."

Although this explanation was somewhat self-consistent, Lao Meng did not continue to ask questions on this issue. Just as Wang Yi said, the answer he wanted was something Wang Yi could not give at the moment because it was not the right time.

After wiping his glasses, Lao Meng nodded.

Then he said, "Okay, speed is of the essence. Let's go. I don't have enough strength, so take me with you."

"Understood, everyone. Let's go. This is the last stop."

With a push of the palm wind, the snow covered the campfire. In addition to notifying Tang An, Tang Wanru and Gao Fei who went to notify the nearby volunteers to come to support them, the master also sent Lu Huizhong and the remaining female disciple of the Tang Sect to notify the villagers who had helped them before, asking them to hurry up and move with the volunteers who would arrive to support them.

This is also a little selfish of the master. It would be an exaggeration to say that the place we are going to is hell on earth.

There's no need to let a female disciple go to that kind of place. It would be best for her to be responsible for evacuating the villagers.

The rest of the people walked out of the deserted village, which had long been deserted by the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention troops, in the face of wind and snow.

With true Qi filling his feet, he raised his legs and took a step, running towards the Beiyin River Prison, 70 miles away, where the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention forces were stationed.
In the Beiyin River area on the outskirts of Bingcheng, the notorious devil army, claiming to be the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention team, is stationed here.

Under the pretext of recruiting workers, they began to plunder civilians from villages outside the city in the first year of their presence, stuffed them into prisons, and forced them to build cells to hold themselves. Then they became their experimental subjects in fear, died in various inhumane experiments, and became one of the many collections of those research staff.

At this time, the Japanese soldiers who were on guard outside the prison gate had no idea that the secret they had been hiding had now been exposed to the public. These Japanese soldiers were huddled in a small room, chatting casually.

"Why have Ono-kun and the others not returned for so long? The captain has gone out to look for them, so nothing unexpected has happened, right?"

"What else could possibly happen? In the past six months, whenever we went out to bring back the 'Maluda', weren't there always those three ronin who were causing trouble for us? I really don't know what those three ronin were thinking. They could have been military attachés in the military, but they had to go and make things difficult for their superiors for these 'Maluda'!"

"Maluda" is the nickname their unit gave to the many Chinese people detained here. It means round log in Japanese. That is to say, from the very beginning, this unit did not regard the Chinese people as human beings, but just a round log with a number, ready to be dissected at any time.

Because these guys know very well that if they don't brainwash their soldiers first, they will be the ones who will be in trouble.

This situation was not limited to this unit. There were many such people in the early days of the Japanese invasion of China. They believed from the bottom of their hearts that the unjust war they participated in was just and a holy war.

It was not until these guys were exhausted in the strategic defense phase and the strategic stalemate phase, and the subsequent soldiers forcibly conscripted from the mainland to fill the gap, that the brainwashing of the old empire could no longer be sustained. The military morale was low externally and resources were scarce internally, and then it entered the strategic counterattack phase.

None of these guys deserves sympathy. Kill one if you can. Killing one may save one or ten Chinese people.

"That's right. What's there to sympathize with these 'road warriors'? Aren't they all the wood needed to expand the territory of the Great Japanese Empire? Wood is to be burned and used. If those three ronin had any dignity as samurai of the Great Japanese Empire, they should have committed seppuku in front of the Emperor!"

The Japanese soldiers were denouncing the crimes of the three little ones one after another, but they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what they did.

As for the necessary vigilance, they believed that in such a cold winter, apart from the daily shipment of garbage loaded in from outside, the military would not come at this time even if they sent people, so a mere gesture of vigilance would be enough.

But it was precisely this kind of thinking that made them miss the initial opportunity to issue a warning, although the warning would have been of little use.

A fist-sized black ball appeared at the gate that was wide open by the Japanese soldiers. Without any sound, the moment it touched the prison gate, it destroyed the gate along with the concrete blocks and all the buildings within ten meters around it.

The Japanese soldiers guarding the prison gate were simply turned into a pile of minced meat mixed with mud under the pulling force of the imaginary black hole. The prison gate was blown open with such a powerful force, and the noise naturally woke up the other Japanese soldiers who were resting in the barracks, but they had not yet put on their clothes and picked up their guns.

He was forced into a death struggle by the poisonous miasma mixed with Qi poison in his mouth by the Tang Sect disciple who had sneaked in earlier.

In terms of large-scale killing, the Tang Clan members who are good at using poison and hidden weapons can play a greater role in this kind of surprise attack than Wang Yi and others who use more aggressive tactics.

After dispelling the phantom barrier that concealed their figures, the Tang Sect disciples, led by the eldest master, looked at the Japanese soldiers who stumbled out of the barracks but fell to the ground powerlessly with foam at the mouth. There was no trace of pity on their faces, only joy.

"Humph, letting these devils die like this is too easy for them."

"Stop talking nonsense. The remaining devils have already reacted. Cooperate with Sanyi and the Zhuge family to delay them as much as possible."


The phantom body barrier concealed his figure, and the Qi poison combined with the imaginary black hole caught the epidemic prevention team stationed here off guard, but the Japanese high-ranking officials here also knew what a stupid thing they had done.

There was an entire Japanese army regiment guarding the prison.

The combination of skills just now killed at most more than 2500 devils. For a Japanese army regiment of 3800 to people, such a loss was not considered large.

As the Japanese soldiers from other barracks rushed out, the place was suddenly crowded with people.

Wang Yi, who fired the first shot, could see it clearly from his high vantage point. It was more than 400 meters from north to south and more than 200 meters from east to west, with three-story courtyards, three walls, a moat, and watchtowers at the four corners of the walls.

Rather than being a prison, it is more like a secret military castle built within the prison using the corpses and blood of the laborers.

No wonder the three kids said that their rescue efforts had been fruitless so many times; they couldn’t even get through the first line of defense.

If we really notify the volunteers to come, how many people would be killed or injured just in the attack?

On the contrary, now, because Wang Yi and his men are fewer in number, the turrets at the four corners are unable to find the target in the first place, and all within their field of vision are friendly forces, making it impossible for them to start.

Gunshots rang out, and dense bullets were fired at Wang Yi who was commanding a high position. However, they were all controlled by the invisible force field on Wang Yi's body, changed direction, and shot at the Japanese soldiers who were surrounding them from all directions.

Falling from mid-air, Wang Yiye spoke directly to the three little ones around him.

"Go with those people and rescue the people imprisoned on the first floor first. Three seniors, it's up to you."

"Yunduan, come here, uncle and nephew, let's work together to show these little devils the unique skills of our Zhuge clan!"


Zhuge Yunduan, who was learning the Sanyi Sect from his master, stepped forward. With the combined efforts of the four Zhuge family sorcerers, a nearly twenty-meter-long strange gate was instantly opened with the center determined by the positions of the four people. The vision of all the Japanese soldiers who stepped into the strange gate suddenly changed.

Finding himself in the Shura purgatory where wronged souls were seeking revenge, he immediately lost control, turned his gun around and started shooting at his own people.

The remaining three disciples followed the three little ones and, according to the escape routes specially marked by the four Zhuge family sorcerers in the Qimen formation, began to run towards the people who were imprisoned on the outer edge of this layer.

Although Qimen is very effective, it can only be used against objects that step into the range of Qimen. And to maintain such a large Qimen formation by stationing themselves in the center, the four sorcerers of Zhuge family dare not move their positions at will, for fear that the Qimen formation will be broken by itself.

The Japanese soldiers who were caught off guard at the beginning also reacted after suffering a loss. They acted decisively and first shot and killed the accomplices who had entered the strange formation without distinguishing between friend and foe. Then they kept their distance and kept alert in all directions. At the same time, they also signaled the people in the bunker to use searchlights to illuminate the enemy's position and directly attack with heavy firepower.

Some also began to enter the inner wall to notify the officers inside and prepare to contact friendly forces in the city by phone.

The countermeasures were perfect, but among the enemies in this attack was Wang Yi, and the methods he practiced had the best attack effect on these electrical appliances.

Magnetic field of heaven and earth, maximum range, rotate for me!
Since his mastery of magnetic field martial arts, the range of influence of Wang Yi's magnetic field true qi has also expanded from the initial radius of 100 meters to a radius of 500 meters.

It is more than enough to cover the secret military castle built inside the prison.

The magnetic field's true energy began to disrupt the electrical appliances within its coverage area with Wang Yi as the center. The mobile searchlight went out due to voltage overload before it could turn to the lighting direction. The lights in the military castle also went out. The telephones and telegraphs for external communications all completely broke down under Wang Yi's influence and became useless.

Darkness fell within this secret military castle at this moment, depriving the Japanese soldiers who wanted to rely on their firepower and numerical advantage of their greatest cover.

Under the cover of night, the two sides, which had originally been far apart in strength, returned to the same starting line. The advantage of Wang Yi and his men over the Japanese soldiers was that in this pitch-black darkness, they could see things clearly as if they were seeing fire.

Although these Japanese soldiers were well-trained, had excellent firepower and equipment, and were of good quality, more than half of them suffered from night blindness, a symptom that was known as a poor person's disease in the old society.

This situation is not uncommon among the Japanese soldiers, and it is even more common here.

But this situation is actually the best advantage for Wang Yi and his team, who are at a disadvantage in numbers.

Darkness became the best protective color of the Tang Sect. They concealed their figures with phantom barriers and used the invisible lines in their hands as weapons. Every time a invisible line was pulled up, several Japanese heads flew into the air. The hot blood and the smell of blood also stimulated the nerves of the Japanese soldiers who had lost their vision at this time.

The wind and snow that night added a bit of blood to the darkness that suddenly descended on this secret military castle.

(End of this chapter)

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