Chapter 288 Gu God
The human body has five internal organs, which correspond to the five Qi, and the five Qi correspond to the five elements.

The Yin-Yang Five Thunders, a half of the thunder method that can only be practiced by the successive generations of Tianshi Mansion's descendants or very few outstanding disciples, was created on this basis.

If one is able to master the Yin-Yang and Five Thunders, then he or she will have the foundation to learn the Five Thunders Orthodox Method which can only be practiced by the Heavenly Masters of all generations in the Heavenly Master Mansion.

Among so many generations of Heavenly Master's descendants, only Zhang Zhiwei, whom Wang Yi currently knows, can, before inheriting the Heavenly Master's degree, rely on his own talent without relying on the inheritance of his master, and after cultivating the Yang Five Thunders, cultivate the Yin Five Thunders on his own, and integrate them, with a hint of the taste of the Five Thunders Orthodox Method.

As for what kind of magic the Five Thunders Method is, from Wang Yi's perspective, one of its domineering aspects is that it allows practitioners to use their bodies to attract lightning without relying on weather conditions, which is what people often call a bolt from the blue.

In addition, the stories of the successive generations of Heavenly Masters in the Heavenly Master Mansion fighting demons and defending the Way have given the Five Thunders Orthodox Method, which is passed down among the descendants of the Heavenly Master Mansion, a bit of mythological flavor.

At this point, Wang Yi had to admit that the Five Thunders Method was powerful. After all, even though he had mastered the martial arts of the magnetic field, he could only use the magnetic field to attract lightning with his body during thunderstorms, but the power of the lightning was not under his control.

All he could control was the lightning created by the true Qi in his own magnetic field, but compared with the power of natural thunder, it was somewhat taken for granted.

His role is to give the opponent a lightning rod buff during thunderstorms, so that he will be struck by lightning. He cannot do what Zhang Zhiwei can do, who can kill everyone in the crowd with lightning through subtle operations in a busy city from hundreds of meters away, making it look like an accidental electric shock.

But it was precisely this principle of Yin and Yang and Five Thunders that gave Wang Yi the idea of ​​creating a new killing move for himself after he had mastered the magnetic field martial arts.

The five internal organs of the human body store the five Qi. The five Qi correspond to the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, forming a small world of their own.

Those who practice cultivation have the sky above their heads and the earth under their feet. They must master themselves and control themselves in this world and become the masters of their own destiny.

So, Wang Yi came up with an idea. He took his own primordial spirit as the foundation, coordinated with his own magnetic field and true Qi, and mastered the changes of the five elements within the range of his Qi field. Within this range, in the world he lived in, he took his body as his country and became the unique king of this world!

Within this range, the changes of the four seasons, the vicissitudes of life, and even the rules of the operation of the universe are all determined by oneself.

This is Wang Yi's third killer move after he created an imaginary black hole and divided the river into land: turning the world upside down!
It seems to have the same purpose as Fenghou Qimen, but the sentence in the general outline of the eight strange skills of Fenghou Qimen, "covering the changes of the whole body and turning me into a king", is too empty and pretentious. The universe is so big, how can it be possible to cover the whole body with human strength?

He is more pragmatic and down to earth. The extent to which he can control the rules of the world, the extent to which he can control the changes in the world, is positively correlated to his own cultivation.

Although the killing move is just a new creation, its power has already begun to show.

It can be seen that within the absolute territory controlled by Wang Yi at this moment, the wind and snow suddenly stopped and melted.

Wang Yi stood in mid-air, spread out his five fingers and pointed downwards towards the inner wall area under his feet. The penetrating magnetic field easily captured the underground building ten meters below the ground.

"I could have just left you buried in the thick earth forever, but that would have been too easy for you. Since you are so shameful, then come out and show yourself to the world, and let the world know what kind of beasts you are! Get up!"

Following Wang Yi's angry shout, the masters within the outer wall saw a scene that left them dumbfounded.

The snow melted, houses collapsed, and the earth shook.

The collapsed buildings and the cracked earth flew towards the sky in a way that went against their common sense, as if the earth was the sky and the sky became the earth.

However, for those standing on the outer wall, such an earthquake did not cause much noise.

In other words, if they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not even be able to believe that the only distance between them and such earth-shaking and world-turning movement was the inner and outer walls.

Collapsed buildings and cracked rubble were suspended in the air. After the ground cracked and there was an earthquake, a building with an area more than half the size of the inner wall that had been squeezed and deformed during the rising process broke through the surface and appeared in front of everyone.

The underground building suddenly rose from the ground, and Wang Yi, who was in mid-air, began to sweat on his forehead.

Those fragments of buildings that were originally on the ground lost their support and fell back to the earth according to the law of gravity. The wind and snow subsided and once again entered the area controlled by Wang Yi.

Wang Yi also slowly descended from mid-air, and at the same time signaled to the masters on the outer wall not to get close. He alone confronted the building in front of him, which was more than 20 meters long and six or seven meters high.

At this moment, he knew better than anyone what was hidden in this building, a huge monster with chaotic life cultivation.

Obviously, these guys hiding underground didn't expect that Wang Yi would have such a killer move to pull them out from the ground. During the process of rising, the pressure from external force was not something that ordinary people could withstand, not to mention that there were a group of ordinary Japanese officers inside.

As for why he didn't just bury them deep underground and let them die in silence, it was simply to get the evidence of their crimes and make it public.

Wang Yi's fatal move came so suddenly that the people inside panicked and made them react inappropriately.

Wang Yi didn't care what they did, but he had to get the evidence. The best way was to force the guys out.

So Wang Yi stood there, waving his hand, and a series of simulated slashing attacks were launched from the trajectory of Wang Yi's hand.

Just like slicing a roast duck, the edges and corners of the building were sliced ​​open bit by bit until the monster hidden inside could no longer hold back.

A sound of breaking through the air was heard, and a flesh-colored tentacle with a bone spur on the tip popped out of the air and shot towards Wang Yi. However, before it got close, it was pressed to the ground by the gravity field that Wang Yixin changed at will, and blood plasma spurted out.

Then, the building collapsed from the inside out, and a monster about six meters in size with human-shaped limbs but like a ball of meat rushed out of the building, accompanied by waves of painful wails from human voices in both Chinese and Japanese.

With the help of the firelight, the masters who were watching all this from the outside also saw the full picture of the monster, and the three little demon slayers among them were also furious.


You can see that on this monster with human-shaped limbs but crawling like a four-legged beast, with a body like a meat ball, there are three middle-aged men with faces similar to the three little demon slayers.

When the three little ones recognized them and shouted, the three faces seemed to react and looked at the three little demon slayers who were blocked by the big master and others on the outer wall and unable to come over.

But the faces on this monster include more than just the father of the three little demon slayers. Wang Yi can also see many unfamiliar faces and even wild beasts. They still retain the confusion before being swallowed, and speak unclear Japanese.

"Sir, sir, I don't want to die."

"This is not how you should serve His Majesty the Emperor." "You Japanese, this is not what we agreed on!"

Dozens of faces, male and female, young and old, human and animal, were all over this monster, talking to themselves, like dozens of pairs of eyes attached all over its body, making people feel their scalp tingling at first glance.

This visual impact is enough to give anyone who sees it nightmares for the rest of their lives.

And it's not just the visual impact. The Qi contained in this monster's body is chaotic and conflicting, and it's also extremely huge, beyond anything they have ever seen in their lives.

Young disciples like Dong Chang who had never seen the world could only look at the oldest master in the crowd, hoping to get an answer from him.

Looking at the monster who seemed to be still adapting, the master also had a serious expression and uttered two words.

"Gu God."

"Do you remember what I told you about the doctrine of the Gu God Cult? In the doctrine of the Gu God Cult, all things in the world are transformed by the Gu God. They use humans as Gu and raise Gu in order to create a Gu King, a body to accommodate the arrival of the Gu God."

"But the Gu God is originally an illusory thing, just like the immortals and gods in myths and strange stories, they are all man-made. However, we know very well that immortals and gods are traceless. They are just a group of Qi gathered from the Qi of the people's faith and bound in the statue."

"And what the Gu God Cult did back then was to use all the people as Gu, gather all the people's beliefs, and use the flesh and blood of all the people as a guide to create a Gu God that could accommodate the Gu God born from all the people's beliefs and come to the world."

"They are not only acting as gods, but also creating gods. However, until we joined forces to wipe them out, we didn't see the so-called Gu God. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it..."

The old master was talking about the story of how they joined forces to wipe out the Gu God Cult, and his expression didn't seem so relaxed. At this time, on the body of a meat ball monster that the old master called the Gu God, an old face also emerged from the body and responded to the old master's words.

"I didn't expect that today, you, Tang Jiaren, would have the honor to see the God of Gu here, right?"

“Ancient recipe!”

When the old man's face appeared on his body, the master directly called out the other party's name, which was also the reason why he was puzzled. When they wiped out the Gu Shen Cult, these high-ranking officials were verified by them and their bones were crushed to ashes. There should be no one who slipped through the net.

"I know what you are thinking. How can a dead person live to this day? But didn't you say it yourself? The doctrine of our Gu God Sect is that everything is Gu. Our followers are Gu. We, the elders and the leader, are not Gu? The birth of a Gu is nothing more than the last one alive taking everything."

This sentence also explains the reason why the other party was able to survive such a method of crushing bones and scattering ashes. These middle and high-level leaders did not die suddenly at the same time during the elimination process that year. As long as they did not die suddenly at the same time, when they were killed, the Qi and Gu in their bodies would be transferred to the remaining survivors in a way unknown to everyone, and in this process.

This Gushen Cult master named Gu Fang successfully won the game and cleverly used the method of dying by substitution to escape, and has survived until now.

After greeting the old acquaintance, the master, the remnant of the Gu God Cult who controlled the so-called Gu God's body also looked at Wang Yi who was unmoved in front of him.

"You are a great medicine. In all these years, I have never seen a leader of your age with such a high level of cultivation. You are so powerful that even the immortals on earth are no more than you."

"Are you done? Then go die."

Wang Yi was too lazy to engage in verbal argument with the lump of flesh in front of him, nor did he want to know on what principle the lump of flesh devoured each other into its current state. He just calmed his mind and concentrated all the magnetic field and true energy that was emitted on his fist.

His body was like a shadow, and before the remnant could say the next word, he smashed his fist directly in the face.

Magnetic field martial arts·Magnetic field blasting fist!
With just one punch, the six-meter-long meat ball was sent flying into the air. The force was so great and heavy that the rest of the spectators were shocked.


Before the remnant of the Gu God Cult who took the lead could even utter a curse, he realized that the huge and chaotic variety of true Qi in his body, which was originally controlled by him and supported the actions of this body and was mixed with those of aliens and immortals, began to collide with each other and run wild, and was collapsing his body from the inside out.

A heart-wrenching scream came out of his mouth, and his huge six-meter-tall body exploded in mid-air at the faces that were absorbing and devouring.

Balls of flesh and blood exploded from his body, and the flesh and blood separated from his body. The power of Wang Yi's punch alone caused his body to shrink by half when he landed on the ground.

And in the exploding flesh and blood, the three little demon slayers also saw their father, who was dying.

Ignoring everyone's dissuasion and obstruction, the three little ones rushed out of the crowd and ran towards where their father was.

This sudden change caught the remnant of the Gu God Cult off guard. He knew that his body of the Gu God was a semi-finished product, but he didn't understand why so much of the alien true Qi he had suppressed would run away and destroy itself under Wang Yi's punch.

But before he could ask the question, he was greeted by Wang Yi's magnetic field blasting punch again.

Wang Yi delivered one punch after another, not giving his opponent any chance to say any last words.

One after another, powerful punches were aimed at the opponent's face. One after another, magnetic field true Qi was injected into the opponent's body through Wang Yi's heavy punches, constantly stimulating and disrupting the opponent's body's majestic yet chaotic alien true Qi.

This is also the reason why Wang Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party and was fearless.

If it was just a competition of numbers, with the opponent's size and the massive and complex amount of alien true Qi, even I wouldn't be able to guarantee that I could defeat him.

But besides being a numerical weirdo, I am also a mechanical weirdo.

Others have to stack damage when dealing with you, but I ignore your armor when I hit you, and every punch really hurts!
As we all know, real injury is the most real injury.

His magnetic field qi, which was more violent and intuitive than that of the rootless divine spirit, became the biggest killer move against this guy at this moment!
Under Wang Yi's punch after punch, the opponent's body size was shrinking, and the numbers that could originally compete with Wang Yi were also constantly decreasing and declining.

Until Wang Yi threw his last punch, the opponent didn't even have time to finish his last words before he completely exploded into a ball of blood rain. Wang Yi, who had completed this so-called god-killing act, stood there with his hands behind his back, looking back, standing in the wind and snow, his indifferent expression collapsed.

With a warm smile on his face, the wind and snow melt away.

(End of this chapter)

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