Chapter 65 Banquet
The name of Yiguan Taoism is derived from the saying "All paths converge into one, and my path is consistent throughout." Its doctrine integrates the teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

The headquarters was established in Jining, Shandong to preach. The I-Kuan Tao in the capital has only been around for a little over ten years and has barely gained a foothold in the capital. It has not yet formed a large-scale cult.

This branch of I-Kuan Tao in the capital is headed by an unknown master, the Great Immortal, who has four major charity halls under his leadership. Each of the four charity halls is responsible for more than 10,000 believers, and each hall master calls himself by a Taoist name.

There is the Nine Yang Immortal who was taught a lesson by Wang Yi in the name of being a god, and the other three are the Three Flowers Immortal Master, the Xihua Taoist Master, and the Daying Immortal.

Although they cheated people out of their money and secretly engaged in theft and prostitution, in this world, it was the same everywhere. Even the famous and upright people, as long as they were not separated from the secular world, could not avoid some filthiness. As long as they did not threaten themselves, they would just protect themselves and turn a blind eye.

However, in the past month, the capital city, which had been peaceful and stagnant, has been stirred up by the I-Kuan Taoism. The reason is simple: the four major halls of the I-Kuan Taoism have been trampled upon.
"Hey! Where did this lunatic come from? How dare you use the name of my master, Immortal Daying, to cheat people! You deserve a beating!"

"Oh no, you..."

"Hey! Who instructed you to cheat under the banner of Heaven? You won't tell me, right? If you don't tell me, I'll keep on beating you!"

"Hey! What level! How dare you call yourself a Taoist master? Beat him!"

For a time, Wang Yi, Si Chong, and Li Muxuan, who played the guest roles of the fierce dragons crossing the river, stirred up a storm in the territory of the Yiguan Daoism. However, the three of them were considered the best in the capital. Although the Yiguan Daoism had practitioners, they were not presentable. Often, they were beaten up before they could even explain and see who was coming, and their halls were smashed to pieces.

The hall used to recruit believers was destroyed, and the hall master in charge of the hall was beaten and insulted in front of many believers. It was the hall master who was beaten, but it was the face of the I-Kuan Taoism, which had worked so hard to take root in the capital, that was lost.

In just a few days, people in the four cities of the capital, whether they had connection with I-Kuan Taoism or not, were all discussing the topic of I-Kuan Taoism in tacit understanding and laughing at the joke.

"Oh my, where did this fierce dragon come from? How dare he trample on the face of the Yiguandao sect like this?"

"I don't know. I heard that before the hall master who claimed to be the Great Ying Immortal was beaten, he was heard saying that he was 'using the name of their master to cheat people?' Hiss! Could it be the Xuanmen Sanyi Sect in the south?"

"No way? Is it necessary for a big and orthodox sect like the Sanyi Sect to cause trouble with a small and insignificant figure like the Yiguandao Sect? Why not just go to their place and call them to account?"

"How would I know that? But haven't you noticed that Yanwu Hall, Jiyun Society, and even the Taoist priests at Baiyun Temple have been very quiet recently? It's better not to make blind guesses."

"That's right, you are right. Let's watch the show and drink tea."

That night, in the I-Kuan Tao residence, the head of the I-Kuan Tao stronghold in the capital was looking at the four kneeling hall masters in front of him and was furious, especially the hall master who had been beaten the worst and called himself the Immortal Daying.

"You mean when that group of people beat you up, they kept asking you to change your Taoist name, right?"

"Yes, yes, Master, have we met an enemy?"

"Enemy? Humph! That's an enemy you, a good-for-nothing, have made! Daying Immortal? Are you worthy of that? Everyone in the martial arts world knows that Daying Immortal is the title of Zuo Ruotong, the head of the Xuan Sect's Sanyi Sect. How can you have the same title as him? Damn it! You've made an enemy for no reason!"

Hearing his subordinate's question, the headmaster was furious. He waved the whisk in his hand, and the half-meter-long whisk grew in the wind and turned into a three-foot-long white silk, which swept over the body of the self-proclaimed Great Ying Immortal and knocked him to the ground. The clothes of the hall master, which were already rolled into a ball by the mud, became tattered and ragged, and bloody wounds appeared on his body.

Obviously, the head of the I-Kuan Taoism is not a person who has gained his reputation for nothing. To be able to gain a foothold in the capital, he must be good at speaking and even better at using his hands.

"Great Immortal, this, this can't be blamed on him. The Sanyi Sect is a million miles away from us. Not to mention the capital, even the Jining headquarters is rarely known. Who knows if there will be a few Sanyi Sect disciples who come to Beijing for business during this period of time and cause such trouble."

"God knows, God knows. Is it all over with just 'God knows'? Didn't you see the tactics they used? It's obvious that they are here to dig up our roots! Are you going to help me solve this disaster?"

"Why don't we ask for help from the headquarters? The Sanyi Sect is the orthodox sect of the Xuanmen Sect, and we, the Yiguandao Sect, are no pushovers. If we can't win on stage, we can just compete with our real kung fu off stage."

"Humph! With all the back and forth with the headquarters, we have to hand over the foundation we have worked so hard to build over the years. Are you willing to accept that?"

"What should we do?"

"Now that we know how we offended them, we know how to deal with it. Behave yourself during this period, don't go to the Taoists, and find a room to stay in this house. Also, tell Jianghu Inn and other people who are watching the show that it was us, the Yi Guan Dao, who offended the disciples of Sanyi. In half a month, we will set up a table of wine here, and we hope that the disciples of Sanyi will show us the honor!"

"Master, what if they don't show their respect?"

"Don't you want to give me a favor? If you don't accept my toast, you will be punished. Do I need to teach you this? Don't you understand why we have grown to 50,000 followers? Also, tell this guy to go back and change his Taoist name! Damn it, I get mad just looking at you! Get out of here!" The decision of the great master who had brought disgrace to the Guan Dao Sect was made in just a few words. As for the so-called "if you don't accept my toast, you will be punished", it was nothing more than relying on their numbers to teach the troublesome Sanyi disciples a lesson and drive them out of the capital.

As the head of a branch of the I-Kuan Taoism, he has not yet become so arrogant as to challenge the Sanyi Sect, even though he has a hidden trick up his sleeve.

As the I-Kuan Taoism sent people to spread the word and at the same time withdrew its staff and stopped its daily preaching, the turmoil that had lasted for half a month seemed to have settled down. Everyone was watching whether the members of the Trinity Sect who were suspected of coming to visit the I-Kuan Taoism would accept the invitation and come to drink the peace offering set by the I-Kuan Taoism.
Yutai Teahouse, backyard.

Wang Yi stood in place, adjusting his breathing and stimulating the second level of the third stage of the Reverse Rebirth that he had cultivated. White Qi was still rising from his body, but his skin color did not change at all.

Opposite Wang Yi, the fifty-year-old man had skin as white as snow, with white Qi all over his body, like a god. Li Muxuan also had a major achievement and could break through to the second level at any time, and his skin color became slightly lighter.

At the same time, Li Muxuan and Si Chong's hands were covered with flour.

"Brother, be careful!"

With a warning, Li Muxuan and Si Chong attacked Wang Yi together.

Si Chong was an old hand, and he knew Wang Yi well. He knew that although Wang Yi was not good at close combat, he had mastered the most basic standing practice. Therefore, he chose Wang Yi's relatively weak upper body, and in an instant, he used his fists, palms, and fingers to attack back and forth. The offensive was like a violent storm, making Wang Yi overwhelmed.

The saying that a young and strong fist is better than a strong one is no longer applicable when it comes to the third level of the Sanyi Sect's profound skill of reverse rebirth, which also practices dual cultivation of body and mind. Although Si Chong is over fifty years old, he is almost sixty years old.

But with his cultivation at the second level of Reincarnation, he is stronger and more durable than the average young man.

For a moment, facing the violent attack from Si Chong, Wang Yi could only defend himself awkwardly without using the human magnetic field to fight back. As Wang Yi was at the second level of the third level of Ni Sheng, Si Chong had the upper hand in this close combat by relying on his experience and martial arts. The all-round improvement brought to Wang Yi by the second level of Ni Sheng was of no benefit to him against Si Chong.

Also cooperating with the attack was this guy Li Muxuan.

He went around and blocked Wang Yi's route of pulling with Si Chong, and kept attacking Wang Yi's lower body with his legs and feet, trying to make Wang Yi look bad. This kid knew very well that this was one of the few times to make Wang Yi look bad. When Wang Yi improved his close combat skills, if he wanted to use this kind of boxing and kicking method to win again, it would depend on whether Wang Yi cooperated.

But Wang Yi knew very well where his shortcomings were. The skills he had learned in his lower body were the result of more than ten years of hard training. Although the Ghost Hand King could not teach him anything in terms of boxing and kicking, he did not miss out on the basic skills.

Although Wang Yi's lower body was constantly attacked by Li Muxuan's private moves such as sliding, tripping, and hitting the joints, Wang Yi did not feel shaken in the slightest. Instead, Li Muxuan felt that every time he launched a sneak attack, he was hitting a thick block of iron.

Three practitioners of the Three Stages of Reverse Life were practicing against each other in the backyard of Yutai Teahouse. The Three Stages of Reverse Life added dragon and tiger power to the human body, and the effect of Vajra Indestructibility was fully manifested in these three people. Between the collisions of fists and feet, bursts of dull thunderous sounds rang out in the yard.

To Master Chang Si, Boss Wang and Master Qin Er, who had never seen the world, the battle between Wang Yi and the other two was just like the fight between gods and knights in books. Every move was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder.

The fight lasted for a whole stick of incense. Wang Yi had gradually adapted to the attack rhythm of Si Chong and Li Muxuan and began to try to counterattack.

At this time, Wang Yi used his right hand as a flaw, allowing Shi Chong to punch him in the shoulder, dislocating his entire right hand. He also let the right hand take advantage of the situation and hit Li Muxuan in the face at an angle that Li Muxuan could not have expected. At the same time, he took advantage of Shi Chong's distraction and slapped Shi Chong in the chest, pushing him away.

The right hand that had just been dislocated was also taken back by Wang Yi as Si Chong and Li Muxuan left the field, and it could move freely.

Just seeing that the black shorts on Wang Yi were dyed white during the fight, Si Chong and Li Muxuan couldn't help laughing.

The outcome of this competition was known from the beginning. Wang Yi's move just now seemed more like he was a little angry and frustrated.

So Si Chong and Li Muxuan are very happy, knowing that among the younger generation, only Zhang Zhiwei can compete with you. But if they can defeat you with fists and feet, it will be something you can brag about to your fellow disciples when you return to the mountain gate.

But Wang Yi was not as happy as Chong and Li Muxuan. He stood there, feeling his reverse state gradually fading away, and frowned.

“It’s indeed a little different…”

Wang Yi's mumbling aroused the interest of Si Chong and Li Muxuan, but before they could step forward to ask, Liu Wei, the young manager who had followed Wang Yi to the Jianghu Inn in the capital, came to the door.

"Brother Wang Yi, you seem to be in a good mood~"

 It will be officially launched at 12 o'clock. There will be updates at 12 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock. Please subscribe, collect, recommend and vote for it~
(End of this chapter)

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