Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 96 You Are the Challenger

Chapter 96 You Are the Challenger

Legation Circle, the second floor of the Japanese Legation.

Representatives from eight countries, led by the Japanese ambassador, are accompanying the little man, Marshal Zhang.

They also knew very well what the situation was like for the strange people under their command.

But the country behind them has won too many victories on the battlefield in the past few decades. It doesn't matter to them whether Wang Yi is just talking nonsense or has real ability.

There are even some people with dark hearts who wish that the alien representatives on their side would lose as miserably as possible.

This will save you from feeling that you have one or two special abilities that are different from ordinary people and that you should accommodate them.

Even though you are so capable, you have never conquered a few pieces of land and asked for more money. It is not these ambassadors representing the country who ask for money with their military might and words. They are not seen in the conquest of cities and territories, but they are more active than each other when sitting down to divide the cake.

Marshal Zhang subtly observed the ambassadors of the eight countries and roughly understood what they were planning.

Yes, if the eight ambassadors really want to stick together, then Zhang Dashuai, who has entered Beijing, will have to restrain his temper and dare not offend them easily. He just wants to know whether the Wang Yi in the intelligence is as invincible as the little Taoist priest in Longhu Mountain in the contemporary world as rumored.

Just as Marshal Zhang was thinking about how to start the battle between the Chinese extraordinary man and the extraordinary men from eight other countries, Gao Jin came up.

"Handsome Master..."

After calling out to Marshal Zhang, Gao Jin leaned over and whispered to him what Wang Yi wanted to say. Marshal Zhang knew what the three choices meant, which made him narrow his eyes. After Gao Jin, the personal guard, did what he was supposed to do, he did not linger and turned around to leave the court, waiting for Marshal Zhang to speak.

The little movements of Gao Jin, the personal bodyguard, naturally did not escape the eyes of these ambassadors, and he had no intention of avoiding these representatives.

After relaying the words, Marshal Zhang was still smiling and kind-hearted, without much change in expression, as if he suddenly heard something interesting during a conversation and spoke to the ambassadors of the eight countries and dignitaries in Beijing.

"Everyone, my subordinate just said that someone sent me a big gift, a good show. Are you interested in joining me to have fun?"

The sudden turn of events also made the politicians and ambassadors present stunned for a moment, but they were all smart people, so they reacted immediately and followed suit. Because no one would offend the unrivaled King of the Northeast at this time.

"A good show goes with a good banquet, just like giving a BMW to a hero. We are honored that the Marshal can share this elegance with us."

"Haha, Mr. Saito is really good at talking~ Then please accompany me, Zhang, to show off."

As he spoke, Marshal Zhang took the lead and walked out of the banquet hall on the second floor. He walked to the railing on the second floor, where he could overlook the panoramic view of the first floor. A microphone for speaking to Marshal Zhang had already been prepared there.

The noise coming from the second floor also made the strange people gathered in groups of three or five on the first floor look up. They all knew that the next thing would be opened by Marshal Zhang.

The future of these extraordinary people will be closely related to their subsequent performance, especially for the extraordinary people circle in the capital. If Wang Yi can defeat the extraordinary people from eight countries by himself, then they can naturally take advantage of Wang Yi's momentum and gain benefits from Marshal Zhang. Of course, in return, if Wang Yi has any difficulty in handling something in the future or wants them to do something, they will not charge any reward and will do everything they can to get it done for Wang Yi.

But all this depends on Wang Yi really doing what he said and picking up these eight foreigners by himself. If not, they have to make a second-hand preparation.

Wang Yi was very clear about this and also knew what these strange people in the capital were thinking.

He may not need to deal with these social etiquettes, but he cannot fail to understand them.

So he was very calm now, and even asked the waiters to help him pack up the delicacies from the mountains and seas that he couldn't eat on weekdays. The more the better, so that when he was done with work, he could load them up and take them back to the mansion and the porter for a good meal. It was a rare opportunity to eat and drink for free. How could he let it go?

As for Liu Wei, he had already taken out the photo-taking glasses that Liang Ting had given him, and was ready to take them apart and wear them on himself as single-sided glasses at any time, in order to record the exciting moment of Wang Yi's challenge against the eight foreigners. When the time comes, he would take them back and release them through the channels of Jianghu Xiaozhan, which would also be a considerable income for their Jianghu Xiaozhan.

"Well, all the heroes, whether from overseas or at home, or who are here, basically all of you know me. I am Zhang Yuting, and everyone knows where I come from. I am a bandit from the green forest, and I can get to where I am today, all thanks to the brothers in my hands. Let's not talk about others. For example, my former commander of the First Army, Li Jinglin, was so skilled in Wudang swordsmanship that I, Zhang, really opened my eyes and felt that there really are people like sword immortals in this world.

Although I have parted ways with this old brother, I, Zhang Yuting, recognize his kung fu. I am holding this banquet here today just to relive the old times and see how many heroes in the world are as good as my old brother. It is said that there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. Here, I, Zhang Yuting, also say that no matter who wins the most at this banquet, I, Zhang Yuting, will give him a great gift! "

It was a bunch of flowery words, but those who were invited to this private banquet, even if they were foreigners, were first-rate China experts. They spoke fluent Chinese better than some fake foreigners and understood what Marshal Zhang meant.

Including Wang Yi, everyone applauded and showed their support for Marshal Zhang.

But after the applause, the banquet fell silent for a while.

None of the eight foreigners, who had been listening to Wang's provocative words because of their sharp eyes and ears, dared to respond at this time.

After all, although what Wang Yi said almost in front of them was a provocation, they all knew in their hearts that the other person dared to say that. In addition, the stunning glance of Wang Yi before entering the banquet hall showed that he had the confidence to say that.

Moreover, no one is clear about each other's means, and no one is willing to step forward first and become a stepping stone for those behind him for no reason.

As for the Beijing City's alien circle, they were thinking about whether they should come out to warm up the crowd first. After all, they still had Wang Yi. Even if they lost first, Wang Yi would come back to help them. The younger generation on their side was eager to try, but the older generation who brought them here to see the world was steady and suppressed the restlessness of the young people around them, and all turned their eyes to Wang Yi.

But at this moment, Wang Yi still did not feel uncomfortable being the center of attention. He just pointed at the delicious dishes on the table and told the waiter in fluent English, asking him to write them down and pack them for him.

Even the waiter beside him was worried for Wang Yi because he looked as if he didn't notice anything. After all, even he, a waiter, felt that the atmosphere at the banquet was not right. He should pay more attention to it!
"Okay, that's all. Remember to pack it up for me. I'll pay for your hard-earned money."

After patting the waiter on the shoulder and asking him to leave, Wang Yi turned around, holding a glass of champagne in his hand, looking at the pairs of eyes that were watching his every move, and smiled.

Because he found that he was just standing in a very ordinary position, talking to the waiter, but every pair of eyes in the venue had to stare at him, paying attention to his every move at all times. And from this ordinary position, he could also see everyone's eyes and take it all in.

He slowly drank the champagne in the glass and placed the empty goblet on the table. The waiter beside him also poured champagne into Wang Yi's glass out of professional habit. The golden champagne shone brightly under the light, and the carbon dioxide dissolved in the champagne turned into bubbles that kept emerging from the bottom of the glass, attached to the wall of the glass under the light, and kept bursting.

Wang Yi looked at the glass of champagne with bubbles rising from it and smiled at the strangers from eight countries.

"Since the Marshal has already said that there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts, I, Wang Yi, will warm up the Marshal first, and also let's see how big the world is. Apart from China, which other countries' aliens can compete with us? Everyone, the house is small, and you can't do anything if you attack together. Let's play outside, so that I can see how the methods of your overseas aliens are different from those of us Chinese aliens."

Having said that, Wang Yi took the lead and walked out of the embassy.

The gate of the embassy has been opened, and the 1.6-kilometer-long street block is the stage for Wang Yi to compete with the eight foreign countries.

Wang Yi totally ignored them and walked towards the door of the embassy, ​​which really irritated the eight foreigners.

After all, given their status and their position in the embassy community, they were usually young and full of energy, and their arrogance was restrained. Even if there were a few people with good tempers among the eight foreigners, they would still get angry when faced with Wang Yi's aggressive behavior.

"You dare to challenge us alone?"


Seeing Wang Yi swaggering out of the embassy gate like this, a young man named Tabert among the alien representatives from six European countries could not help but

He immediately chased after him, after all, no action was allowed inside the embassy.

Here, Wang Yi still had his back to them, with one hand behind his back, as if he was taking a leisurely stroll in the garden.

On the other side, Talbert, who had chased out from the embassy, ​​took the first action.

He was the first to rush out of the embassy, ​​took off the white gloves on his hands, and threw them towards Wang Yi.

Looking at the action, this man named Talbert is an old European aristocrat. He throws a white glove, and as long as Wang Yi picks it up, it means that this is a one-on-one duel between him and Wang Yi.

But Wang Yi just stood still and waved his hand as if he had eyes on his back. The pair of white gloves he threw did not fall to the ground but floated to the side.

The meaning is naturally self-evident.

This action further stimulated the young European man named Talbert. He didn't even say hello, but on the palms of his hands after he took off his gloves, two circular patterns with complex stripes inside emitted a light yellow light.

He also leaned over and slapped the ground with both palms.

As he clapped his hands, the blue brick paved road began to ripple like waves. At the other end of the waves was naturally Wang Yi, who was standing still with his back facing him.

Suddenly, two stone pillars, each one foot wide, rose from the ground, attacking Wang Yi from both sides.

If this hits him hard, even a skilled martial artist would spit out blood.

Two stone pillars, one foot wide, collided with each other, causing the earth and rocks to shatter and clouds of dust to form. However, Wang Yi's figure was not seen in the dust. Just as the young European alien from Tarbert looked around, his companion who had followed him from the embassy also shouted loudly.


The dust from the shattering of the stone pillars was blown away by a strong wind, but Talbert could not see any means of attack, he could only feel the wind pressure blowing towards him.

Another European stranger, who was concerned about the safety of his companions, rushed to the bewildered Talbert and raised his hand. In his hand appeared a cane as long as his forearm and as thick as his index finger. The cane was engraved with intricate patterns and glowed.

An invisible wall of air appeared in front of the two and collided with the invisible attack.

'boom! '

A muffled thunder exploded in the block surrounding the embassy, ​​and the strong wind it created dispersed the dust all over the sky. The glass windows on both sides of the block also rustled in the wind.

The strong wind dissipated, and the European alien Talbot, who had attacked Wang Yi first, and another European alien who came to help, were now lying on the side of the road. The right hand of the European alien who blocked the attack with the invisible air wall deformed irregularly, and the cane in his hand disappeared. Fortunately, Talbot had a companion who blocked most of the damage for him, so he was barely able to stay awake at the moment, but looking at the figure standing on the street lamp not far away, he had long lost his initial arrogance.

Wang Yi stood on the street lamp, still with one hand behind his back, and his free right hand holding the cane that was lost from the unlucky guy.

After carefully examining the patterns on the cane, Wang Yi looked at the other aliens from the eight countries who had walked out of the embassy, ​​as well as the European alien Talbert who had lost his fighting spirit in the distance because of his own methods.

Putting his cane at his waist, Wang Yi looked at the eight foreigners who came out of the embassy and stood on the street lamp, looking down at them.

At this moment, they were just like the European alien Talbert. They were all surprised that he could defeat two European aliens with just one move and left them without the strength to fight again. At the same time, they were also curious about what Wang Yi's method was just now.

But for the circle of strange people from Beijing who followed out, as well as the several strange bodyguards around Marshal Zhang, they had already understood what Wang Yi had done just now.

"Is this the Air-Splitting Palm?!"

Wang Yi naturally ignored the surprise of the strange people in the capital, and just spoke loudly to the strange people from the eight countries who showed fear on their faces at this time.

"You seem to have misunderstood what I just said. I want to reiterate here that you are the challengers."

(End of this chapter)

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