Daming: I am the Crown Prince

Chapter 139 Only family members can be assured

Chapter 139 Only family members can be assured

Improving people's livelihood and developing science and technology are not small things.

Zhu Yunhuan never underestimated the wisdom and scientific level of the ancients, and he also understood that science and technology need to continue to develop and progress. He needs to invest more resources in these things to bring more surprises.

After returning to the palace after the outing, Zhu Yunhuan immediately summoned Yan Zhenzhi and asked him to prepare for the construction of the martial arts garden.

Zhu Yunhuan summoned Fu Youde and others as well as Lan Yu who had returned to Yingtian Prefecture into the Wenhua Palace to discuss some things.

"Before, whether it was for the nobles to inherit the title or for someone to take over the position of their father or brother, the court had some tests." Zhu Yunhuan took the initiative to speak, saying, "But you have seen in recent years that although there have been occasional wars, overall there have been fewer."

Fu Youde must have something to say about this. When he was young, he was basically fighting. If he was not fighting, he was on the way to fight, or preparing to fight.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, although there were wars everywhere in the first few years, there have indeed been fewer wars in recent years.

As for Fu Youde, since the pacification of Yunnan and Guizhou, he has basically had no chance to lead troops.

Zhu Yunhuan said with some worry, "You should also know that peace in the world is a good thing. But civil and military leisure is never a good thing."

People like Fu Youde and Lan Yu can be said to have deep feelings about these phenomena.

They came from troubled times and knew what a chaotic and miserable world it was back then.

Their growth and achievements were all gained through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. A general's success is achieved through the sacrifice of hundreds of soldiers. Not to mention the soldiers under his command, even the friends and colleagues who fought side by side with him have died on the battlefield.

Zhu Yunhuan looked at everyone and said, "It is a taboo to be idle while being idle. You should understand that the noble families should be interdependent with the Ming Dynasty. The civil officials can continue to produce talents through the imperial examinations. If the noble families decline, it will be difficult for them to achieve anything."

In fact, what Zhu Yunhuan said was exaggerated. Even if a noble family fell into decline, as long as their descendants entered the officialdom, they would have a very high starting point and it would be easy for them to succeed with a little achievement.

However, we must have a sense of crisis at this time, and some things must be treated more seriously.

Chang Sheng immediately flattered him and said, "Your Highness is thinking long-term, I can't wait!"

With Chang Sheng taking the lead, other nobles also followed suit and flattered him.

Zhu Yunhuan was used to it and somewhat numb. He now seemed to understand why some emperors or people in high positions liked those fawning subordinates. Putting aside other things, these people flattered the emperor all day long, which made people feel a sense of accomplishment.

Zhu Yunhuan looked at Fu Youde and said, "You are also a veteran. Although you can still go to war, it is not a big battle. I don't think you need to lead the army. But it is a bit of a waste to let you deal with the miscellaneous affairs of the Governor's Office all day. I intend to set up a martial arts garden at the foot of Purple Gold Mountain, where the children of military merits and officers above the fourth rank should study."

Fu Youde's eyes lit up. Writing a book is a dream for many people, not just scholars.

For military commanders, being able to pass down their military tactics to the world is something they have always dreamed of. The sense of accomplishment brought by teaching and educating people is also gratifying, not to mention that this can also leave good karma and resources for the family.

Fu Youde asked quickly, "Your Highness, am I the chief priest?"

"Jiujiu?" Zhu Yunhuan said with a smile, "You have a good idea. For such an important minister to study, if it is not Your Majesty himself who should be the Jijiu, then the crown prince should be the Jijiu."

Fu Youde immediately laughed awkwardly, thinking that he had been a little rash just now.

Zhu Yunhuan continued, "Leading troops to fight is natural, but in the martial arts garden, one should not only learn courage, but also learn military tactics and strategies. In addition, the use and research of military equipment should also be studied by skilled craftsmen."

Hearing Zhu Yunhuan say this, Fu Youde and others were naturally quite looking forward to it, because this was not just an ordinary martial arts garden.

In their understanding, Wuyuan is a place similar to the Imperial College, where teaching military tactics and so on is the fundamental and most common.

But the Crown Prince thought differently, and he studied almost everything needed for war from beginning to end. The most basic fighting, marching and formation, etc., also required studying strategies, learning how to carry out baggage supply, and equipping himself with weapons research and development, etc.

Looking at Fu Youde, Zhu Yunxun said earnestly, "Among the children of the nobles, it seems that there are many who can be competent. But there are more mediocre ones. If you don't change, don't let the civil servants ride on your necks in the future!"

Chang Sheng subconsciously straightened his chest and clenched his fists. If any civil servant dared to ride on his neck, he would just beat him up!

Looking at Xu Huizu and then at Lan Yu, Zhu Yunxun spoke again, "Please help us plan which subjects should be set up in the martial arts garden, who should teach skills, and who should be enrolled. Report to me as soon as you have a number."

After finishing the business, Zhu Yunhuan kept Chang Sheng and Lan Yu. "Second uncle, you should check the firearms these days." Zhu Yunhuan said, "I won't let you lead the troops to fight, so you should check the military equipment reserves of the Five Military Commands, local arsenals, and garrisons, especially the research and development and maintenance of firearms."

Chang Sheng immediately said confidently, "Don't worry, Your Highness. I will make sure there won't be any mistakes!"

Zhu Yunhuan smiled and nodded, "I don't trust other people to do these things, but I trust my second uncle. Others may have some old friends, and may even be corrupt and take bribes, but my second uncle won't do that."

Chang Sheng immediately said awkwardly, "These ministers don't care about money, but there are many old friends and too many favors."

Zhu Yunhuan deliberately asked, "Second uncle still has many old friends and connections in the army?"

Chang Sheng said awkwardly, "My father had many old friends when he was alive, and my uncle also has many old friends in the army. If I really run into those people, I won't be able to save face."

Lan Yu was so angry that his eyes widened. He protected his three nephews as if they were his own sons. But now, this nephew was still trying to deceive her. Why did he bring up the matter of raising adopted sons again? Hadn't he sent them all away?
Zhu Yunhuan laughed and said, "That's true. My grandfather has many old friends in the army, and Duke Liang has had some contacts with many people in the army over the years. But it doesn't matter much. As long as it's not a big mistake, you don't have to worry about it."

Chang Sheng probably meant the same thing. If something went terribly wrong, he wouldn't protect it. The emperor and the grandson certainly wouldn't take minor issues too seriously.

So such an offensive task is not particularly difficult to do.

Moreover, in Chang Sheng's mind, he was a "lone minister" who only needed to be loyal to the Crown Prince, which was the foundation of the Kaiping King's lineage. He didn't care about offending some people, especially those who had sabotaged the Crown Prince's plan, and he couldn't tolerate it.

Lan Yu said with some concern, "Your Highness, during this military training, I saw that the Ming soldiers were extremely brave. Your Highness the Prince of Jin has a good command of the troops, and there are rules for building border forts and dividing pastures."

Zhu Yunhuan rolled his eyes at Lan Yu and simply said, "I have discussed these matters with you, and you should not mention them again when you leave. You are my elder, and I really don't want to say more."

Prince of Jin Zhu Gang had great power, especially in the past two years he was in charge of the construction of cities in the northwest border and other matters. He could be said to be the most powerful among the princes.

Lan Yu smiled awkwardly, but still said, "Your Highness, I dare not."

In fact, when it comes to the King of Qin and the King of Jin, Lan Yu naturally has some concerns. It is because the status and power of these two vassal kings are too great, much stronger than other vassal kings.

What's more, Lan Yu knew very well the abilities of the two princes, and they were definitely good at leading troops in battle.

"Duke Ying is now in charge of the affairs of the Martial Garden, and I guess he's too busy with the affairs of the Governor's Office." Zhu Yunhuan said calmly, "Who do you think can share some of the responsibilities for Duke Ying?"

Chang Sheng was stunned for a moment, and Lan Yu was also stunned for a moment.

But suddenly they realized that although they all had some military thoughts, they now understood what His Highness meant. In other words, the military power of Yingguogong Fu Youde was basically going to be cut off?

Duke Song Feng Sheng had just returned to the capital for recuperation and he went to Fujian only a few days later. Duke Ying was old and had to manage the Wuyuan, so he certainly couldn't be in charge of the Governor's Office, so naturally he had to give up some things.

"Marquis Dingyuan Wang Bi!" Lan Yu said immediately, "Marquis Dingyuan is a talented general. He made strong recommendations during the great victory at Buir Lake. Whether it's his literary and military skills or his military achievements, he is enough to convince the people."

Zhu Yunhuan sighed and said to Lan Yu, "Uncle, there are some things I really don't want to talk about anymore. Is it better that all the Five Military Commanders' Offices are from the lineage of the Prince of Kaiping? Do you think that if this is the case, His Majesty will agree?"

Chang Sheng also looked at his uncle and felt a sense of accomplishment.

When it comes to big battles, Chang Sheng certainly doesn't dare to compare himself with his uncle, that would be a joke. But when it comes to some things in the court, Chang Sheng feels that he can give advice to his uncle.

Zhu Yunhuan waved his hand and said, "Alright, it's a waste of time to discuss these matters with you. Don't say too much when you go back, lest people think that you are doing something to the Duke of Ying!"

Lan Yu and Chang Sheng quickly assured that they just needed to be aware of these things.

After they left, Zhu Yunhuan couldn't help but think about something.

My uncle has been intentionally supported in the past two years. This is not to create a sense of crisis for Zhu Yunhuan or to encourage his uncle's ambition. It is simply because my uncle is very capable, and everyone feels relieved when he takes care of the affairs in the northwest.

On the other hand, it is naturally my second uncle, in case he has any other ideas.

"Uncle, maybe it will be next year!" Zhu Yunhuan made up his mind secretly, "Uncle, I can help you, but you have to cooperate with me to play this big show well! The treatment of the royal family depends on us, uncle and nephew!"

(End of this chapter)

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