Daming: I am the Crown Prince

Chapter 270: The funeral arrangements made in advance

Some major strategies need to be formulated so that the subsequent specific implementation can be better carried out.

Zhu Yunhuan did formulate some larger strategies, but for many things, he actually needed Zhu Yunhuan's help to check them. If there were any mistakes, Zhu Yunhuan could also help correct them.

Or if two people have some disagreements, they need to discuss it carefully, so that they may be able to find a more appropriate way to solve the problem that needs to be dealt with.

Old Zhu was in a good mood and said to Zhu Yunhuan, "I received a letter yesterday saying that Gao Chi also has a child."

Zhu Yunhuan was stunned for a moment. If nothing unexpected happened, it might be Zhu Di's "grandson" Zhu Zhanji.

But if you think about it, there is nothing strange about it. After all, the brothers who studied together in the Great Hall are now of age.

That is to say, Shang Bing from my second uncle's family is a little younger, so it may take another two years for him to have children.

But it doesn't make sense when I think about it. If I'm born next year, I'll be crowned the emperor. Don't let my fourth uncle have another dream by then, otherwise it will be interesting.

However, Zhu Yunhu was just having divergent thoughts. There was really no reason for his fourth uncle to rebel. Being a good King of Yan was more important than anything else. There was no need for him to have any unrealistic ideas.

Zhu Yunhuan smiled and said, "According to seniority, it's Zhanji's turn. Zhu Zhanji, I think this name is good."

Old Zhu said with some disdain, "Your fourth uncle is still alive, and Gao Chi is older than you. It is not your turn to name the child anyway."

There didn't seem to be anything wrong with what Old Zhu said. Given the situation in Fourth Uncle's family, it seemed that it was really not Zhu Yunhuan's turn to help with the naming, and it was also something completely unnecessary.

But if you think about it carefully, the Zhu family doesn't have much room for creativity in naming. The generation names are restricted, and coupled with the principle of the five elements, naming is naturally more restricted.

"I'm naming my nephew, what's wrong with that?" Zhu Yunhuan said, "Gao Chi and I have always had a good relationship. Next year when I become emperor, I'll name my fourth uncle's grandson first. This will also be a good story if it gets out."

Old Zhu nodded with a smile and said, "That's right. It's only right for you to give your first nephew a name after you ascended the throne. Among all your brothers, Gao Chi has a better relationship with you."

"Shang Bing, Ji Hui and I have a good relationship. Among the brothers, only Yun Wen, Gao Chi and I had children first." Zhu Yun Hun complained, "Ji Hui is still older, and there has been no movement so far."

This time, Old Zhu was more convinced. The second son's family was younger, so it was normal for them to have no offspring. But the third son's family was older and still had no offspring, so he became anxious.

But on second thought, Biao'er is still promising, and Biao'er's descendants are also promising.

So there is no need to have any doubts at all. This fat great-grandson in his arms who loves to jump around will definitely be very successful in the future. Old Zhu has no doubt about this.

"I will ascend the throne next year and release the fourth son first." Zhu Yunhuan said, "By then, Yunwen will also be promoted to prince, and the matter of the princes' enfeoffment will be smooth sailing."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying this. After all, the status of Zhu Yunwen as a vassal king is very watered down. He is still only a prince of a county, which is a bit special.

If it weren't for the competition with Zhu Yunhuan for the position of crown prince, Zhu Yunwen would never have been given the title of vassal in advance. It's just that everyone tacitly turned a blind eye to these things and didn't want to mention them.

But now there is no problem. When you reach a certain age, you can consider becoming a vassal, and it is more "legal and legal".

"I'm too lazy to ask about your brothers' affairs. From now on, you have to take care of not only the affairs of the court, but also the affairs of the royal family, and you have to do your own affairs well." Old Zhu said with a smile, "From now on, it's your turn to take care of it. If you don't take care of the royal family, you will be tired."

Zhu Yunxun smiled and said, "Miao Jin is helping me with many things. I have a wife to help me, so I don't have to worry a lot. For example, I don't really worry about the selection of princesses for my brothers."

Old Zhu also said with appreciation, "Miao Jin is still virtuous and can help you. From now on, you two just need to take care of the government and the royal family. I will take care of Wen Yao for a few years. When he grows up and becomes sensible, you two can take him back."

"It would be best to let him attend court when he is 20 years old. I am also thinking of having another child with Miao Jin in two years." Zhu Yunhuan said shamelessly, "I won't bother you then. I will raise the other children in the East Palace."

Old Zhu suddenly said, "You have to build a palace for us, or we can build a house. You will be the emperor next year, and it is not appropriate for you to live in the East Palace."

Zhu Yunhuan said nonchalantly, "I'll just change the tiles. It's much easier than building a palace."

"That won't do!" Old Zhu said seriously, "The East Palace is the East Palace. It's not like it can be fixed by just changing the glazed tiles. The location is there. It would be a joke if they just changed the tiles."

There seems to be nothing wrong with what Old Zhu said. The location of the Eastern Palace is to the east of the Imperial City.
The current Chunhe Palace has a throne and a dragon bed, both of which are colorfully carved, and many plum trees are planted in front of the palace. However, this dragon bed is different from Zhu Yuanzhang's dragon bed. In fact, the glazed tiles are also green glazed tiles.

Moreover, the imperial palace of the Ming Dynasty also needed to follow certain celestial phenomena and comply with etiquette. All of these had many requirements and could not be changed arbitrarily.

"If I move directly to the Qianqing Palace, it will be so ugly." Zhu Yunhuan said, "If the emperor moves to the side palace, I will be unfaithful and unfilial."

Old Zhu smiled and said, "If the emperor really lives in the Qianqing Palace, it will be fine. But you have nowhere to go, and it's not good to occupy Wen Yao's East Palace. When the time comes, move to the Qianqing Palace, so that you can attend court in the future."

This is also because Zhu Yuanzhang loves his grandson. There is still some distance from the East Palace to the three main halls, but the Qianqing Palace is much closer.

Old Zhu pointed at Xu Miaojin and said, "You move to Kunning Palace. This is how an empress should be. Yunhuan has many concubines in the future, and it's not good for them all to stay in the Eastern Palace. Just listen to me. I will move with Wen Yao."

Zhu Yuanzhang was willing to give up the throne, so the Palace of Heavenly Purity was no problem for him, even though he had lived here for decades. But for the sake of his children and grandchildren, Zhu Yuanzhang would not be nostalgic.

Zhu Yunxun thought about it and it made sense, "What about Wen Yao? The child is still so young and is used to the Qianqing Palace. Can he go somewhere else?"

"You don't know your son. He doesn't care where he goes. As long as there is someone to entertain him, it's fine. It's best if he doesn't go home." Old Zhu said jokingly, "I called you over at this time because Wen Yao had fallen asleep. Otherwise, we wouldn't know where we would have taken him." There seemed to be nothing wrong with this, because Zhu Yunhuan also cared about Old Zhu and Zhu Wen Yao.

Old Zhu often carried Zhu Wenyao around the palace. It wasn’t necessarily because Old Zhu was restless and wanted to take a walk, but because Zhu Wenyao was restless!
Xu Miaojin said at this time, "Grandfather, I am your grandson."

Old Zhu interrupted directly, "You are the queen, so you should live in Kunning Palace. What is 'Kunning'? It means that the earth is peaceful, and Kun means the earth and the mother. The sky is clear, and Qian means the sky and the monarch, which is 'Qianqing'. The monarch is the sky, the queen mother, and you two should live like this too."

Zhu Yunhuan also advised, "Miao Jin, don't think too much. I've already moved to the Qianqing Palace, so you should also move to the Kunning Palace. Keep grandmother's things if you can, and move the unnecessary things to grandfather's place."

Old Zhu also smiled and said, "This is the way it should be. We have nothing to do these days, so we will take away everything we need to take away. I am also worried about you doing things, so we have to take away the things your grandmother left behind."

Zhu Yunxun thought about it carefully and said, "That's great. If I move away my grandmother's dressing box and my eldest brother's toys, you will punish me!"

Old Zhu said, "Your son smashed the things left by your eldest brother a few days ago. I was very sad. I couldn't bear to let him drop the fine glass horse."

"That's because Grandfather didn't hold him properly. Wen Yao is so young, how could he have such great strength to smash the glass horse!" Zhu Yunhuan said confidently, "He was holding an apricot in his hand, which was probably bigger than a fist."

Old Zhu looked at Zhu Yunhuan and said with emotion, "After all, he is our grandson. This is really amazing! Is it our fault that your son caused the trouble?"

This is a typical example of protecting one's own child. It seems that there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying this, and there must be nothing wrong with one's own child.

"We were just thinking about the few clothes your eldest brother left behind, which were all sewn by your grandmother and your mother." Old Zhu said, "We were worried that your brother was not grown up yet, and it was unlucky."

Zhu Yunxun said quickly, "If it's just some bellybands or something, I don't think it's a problem. The bellybands and clothes that my grandmother and mother sewed are real blessings."

Concubine Guo Ning turned and walked towards the inner room. After a moment, she took out a bellyband, which made Zhu Yunhuan tremble with fear.

The golden bellyband, in this era, means that only the emperor can wear it. Even Zhu Yunhuan, the grandson of the emperor, cannot wear yellow clothes. What's more, it is embroidered with dragons. The dragons on Zhu Yunhuan's crown have four claws.

But now there are five claws on this bellyband.

"My father and I have never worn it, but my eldest brother has." Zhu Yunhuan couldn't help but complain, "Don't wait until I wear the five claws before my son wears them."

Old Zhu said cheerfully, "Wen Yao's clothes fit him well and he looks happy."

"Then wear it. It's just not good to carry him to the court like this." Zhu Yunhuan smiled and joked, "My son must wear the dragon robe, a day earlier or later. Just don't let him get used to it. Wearing it now is festive. If he wears the five-clawed robe when he's in his teens, I'll be anxious."

The bottom line is that Zhu Xiongying was eight years old when he passed away, so if Zhu Wenyao really wears a bellyband or something now, it’s actually no big deal, and there’s no such thing as being auspicious or unlucky.

What's more, these bellybands were hand-sewn by Empress Ma and Crown Princess Chang. Even if some of the craftsmanship is certainly not as good as those provided by the Imperial Clothing Bureau, the meaning they represent is different.

"That's good, then Wen Yao will also wear it like this in the future." Old Zhu said cheerfully, "I think your father didn't wear the dragon robe when he was alive, and I feel bad inside."

Zhu Yunhuan was silent. According to his understanding, when Zhu Biao was buried, many things seemed to be in accordance with the etiquette of the crown prince, but there were also many things that exceeded the standard. Zhu Biao's Eastern Mausoleum was actually a replica of the Xiaoling Mausoleum. Many buildings were shared with the Xiaoling Mausoleum, even the sacred road was shared.

"I'll arrange for people to go over there. My father's mausoleum should also be prepared." Zhu Yunhuan said, "I'll transfer some people from the Xiaoling Mausoleum. There's no rush over there anyway."

This is the good thing about talking to smart people. Even though his grandson is doing well and his great-grandson is very caring around him, Mr. Zhu still misses his biological son and grandson all the time in his heart.

"It's not easy to posthumously confer a title on your elder brother. He was originally buried with the ceremony of a prince." Old Zhu said, "Just build a road. We have already chosen a site for you. When you really get there, you will be by our side, and you won't be worried about no one taking care of you."

Zhu Yunxun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "It's only right to build a mausoleum for my elder brother, so that I can posthumously confer some honors. But isn't it a little early for me to start preparing in advance?"

"What do you mean by early?" Old Zhu said confidently, "Emperors of all dynasties, which one did not start choosing and building a mausoleum as soon as they ascended the throne? You are too busy with government affairs, so we will choose it for you. Is that wrong?"

What Zhu said makes sense. Most emperors in history started building their tombs at the beginning of their reign.

But there are exceptions, such as Zhu Yuanzhang, who was not in a hurry to build it at the beginning. Zhu Yuanzhang chose the mausoleum site after being emperor for 14 years, but now, Zhu Yuanzhang directly decided on it for Zhu Yunhuan.

My son is here, my eldest grandson is here, and as for this little grandson, he can also be here legitimately.

There is no problem with this. If anyone dares to argue with Lao Zhu about these things, he will definitely be furious. Because his actions are not only based on his own selfishness, but also supported by morality and etiquette.

This is very confident, and there is no need to worry at all about others finding fault with this matter.

Zhu Yunhuan thought about it and said, "That's fine. After all, I haven't done much filial piety."

Old Zhu smiled and said comfortingly, "It's not your fault. When the time comes, we can just stay together as a family. We can't care about other things. As long as you guys are by our side, we can die with a smile on our faces."

Be it Old Zhu or Zhu Yunhuan, they never shy away from talking about matters of life and death. As for the others being terrified, that is their business, and they have no say in these matters anyway.

So just listen to the arrangements and don't think too much about other things. Some things can only be decided by Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Yunhuan.

Zhu Wenyao was restless again, and kept grabbing Old Zhu, shouting and pointing outside. It seems that staying in the house is not the child's character, and he is happiest when he goes out to play! (End of this chapter)

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