Daming: I am the Crown Prince

Chapter 49 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

Chapter 49 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

If it were in the past, Chang Sheng would definitely start drinking and having fun after leaving the government office, but now, no matter how much the alcohol bug was bothering him, he forced himself to hold it back.

It is the mourning period for the prince. We cannot drink and have fun now. We must not miss our nephew's important event.

Chang Sheng's title of founding duke came unexpectedly. It was because Chang Mao, one of the six founding dukes, was so arrogant and domineering that he was demoted. Then it was Chang Sheng's turn to get the title.

His eldest brother died in Longzhou, which was a lesson for him. But in terms of ability, Chang Sheng thought he was not even as good as his eldest brother. The reason was very simple, his eldest brother could still go to war with the army, which was also an ability. But he could only train soldiers.

Chang Sheng is different. He has only known eating, drinking and having fun since he was a child. He is now a super Duke, but he has no real power.

If it weren't for his father's reputation, if it weren't for his uncle's sudden rise in recent years, if it weren't for his nephew suddenly stopping his playboy behavior and competing for the position of crown prince, Chang Sheng would definitely have continued to live a mediocre life.

Chang Lan held the rosary in her hand and asked, "Second Brother, are you still not allowed to see Yun Hun?"

"We met from afar today. He was in mourning, and the princes were all around him. We couldn't get away from him." Chang Sheng said excitedly, "My nephew looks like a rare talent, and he was very charming in front of the princes!"

Chang Lan said angrily, "Then why don't you go and say something?"

"Mother, I can't get through if it's not my son." Chang Sheng said with a sad face, "As soon as my son moves forward, the guards and eunuchs will block his way."

At this point, Chang Lan didn't know what to say. Her two granddaughters also said that the Emperor seemed to be very close to Yunhu now, and often invited Yunhu to have meals with him, but he was not allowed to come into contact with civil and military officials.

As they were talking, someone from the palace came in a hurry to report, "Duke, His Majesty has urgently summoned you to the palace."

Chang Sheng was stunned for a moment, then immediately stood up. No matter what happened, he would go into the palace first.

After entering the palace, Chang Sheng began to feel uneasy. Because in addition to the nobles sitting in the government office, all the nobles in the capital were summoned, and even the princes and sons of dukes came.

No one knew what was going on, but they were summoned in a hurry. It was obvious that something big had happened.

The nobles all looked solemn and worried, fearing that the Hu Weiyong case would expand the scope of implicated people.

As soon as they arrived at the Central Military Governor's Office, Chang Sheng and others felt even more uneasy because all the nobles sitting in the government office had also arrived, and they were all in the government office of the Central Military Governor's Office.

In the 21st year of Hongwu, Xu Yungong inherited the title of Duke of Wei and took charge of the Central Military Governor's Office. This handsome and talented general had always been trusted and loved by the emperor.

Another son of a general is Li Jinglong, who has a handsome appearance and graceful manners. He inherited the title in the 19th year of Hongwu and is now in charge of the Left Army Governor's Office.

Li Jinglong was in the office of the Central Military Governor's Office, which was a bit unusual. Moreover, Fu Youde, the Duke of Ying, was also here, and even Feng Sheng, the Duke of Song, who had not led troops for a long time, was also here.

All the nobles in Beijing had arrived, all gathered at the Central Military Governor's Office, including the princes, who all came in confusion.

These people were all confused and whispered to each other, but still could not find out any information.

Suddenly, Zhu Yunhuan appeared, followed by two eunuchs, guards, and Jinyiwei. Zhang Fusheng was fine, as many nobles didn't know him, but many people knew the other middle-aged eunuch, as he was the emperor's personal eunuch.

Many people were shocked. This Imperial Grandson has been very active these days. He has risen from a well-known playboy to a strong candidate for the Imperial Grandson.

Zhu Yunhuan sat down directly and asked, "Are all of you here?"

Zhu Zhongze immediately replied, "Your Highness, all the nobles and the prince have arrived."

Zhu Yunhuan nodded slightly, ignoring the excitement of Chang Sheng and the others, his face gloomy, "Prince Wuding Hou, set out immediately to bring Jiang Xia Hou back to the capital."

Marquis Wuding Guo Ying was stunned. The emperor's grandson spoke in a bad tone. Was he going to punish Marquis Jiang Xia?
Guo Zhen was also stunned. He was the eldest son of Marquis Wuding and also the wife of Princess Yongjia, and was granted the title of Duke of the Imperial Concubine's Wing.

Guo Zhen came out of the class, knelt down and said with an embarrassed look, "Your Highness, Jiang Xiahou returned to his hometown four years ago to live out his days in glory. I dare not arrest him without your permission. I hope Your Highness will forgive me!"

What Guo Zhen said was correct. Putting aside the special status of Jiangxia Marquis Zhou Dexing, he was just a marquis. No one would dare to arrest him without the emperor's decree, not even the princes or grandsons of the emperor.

Zhu Yunhuan was not angry, and asked again, "Does anyone else want to say anything?" Xu Yungong stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, Jiangxiahou is loyal and diligent, and has quelled the rebellion and brought peace to the people. If it were not for your majesty's order, we would not dare to disturb him."

Li Jinglong also stood up and said, "Your Highness, please think twice!"

They are indeed the nobles of Huaixi, basically they are from Fengyang, and they are all real fellow villagers.

Xu Yungong and others pleaded for Zhou Dexing. Although there was no explicit imperial edict, they also hoped that Zhu Yunhuan would show leniency.

Zhu Yunhuan asked directly, "How far is the imperial hometown from the capital?"

Xu Yungong replied, "About four hundred miles."

Zhu Yunhuan had no expression on his face, but he spoke slowly, "I heard that when the army went out to fight, there were Tang cavalry going ahead to pass on military information back and forth."

Tangqi, that is, scouts.

"Hundreds of miles away, beacons were raised, and warnings were set up. There were many surprises in one night." Zhu Yunhuan continued, "Emperor Xuan of Zhou, Yuwen Yun, rode the imperial post horse to travel 300 miles a day. In the Tang Dynasty, when warnings were set up, 180 miles a day were allowed. In an emergency, the military needs to travel 500 to 600 miles. Is this the number?"

Xu Yungong and the others were startled. When encountering an emergency, they would naturally gallop, changing horses but not people to deliver the military information. At that time, running two or three hundred miles a day was not considered particularly urgent. Five hundred miles was considered a truly urgent military information.

Zhu Yunhuan looked at Guo Zhen and said, "In consideration of Jiang Xiahou's past contributions, you should set off immediately. If you don't reach the capital in two days, there is no need to rush."

Zhu Yunhuan then looked at Li Jinglong and said, "Go back and pack up. If Jiang Xiahou fails to enter the capital in two days, you will immediately lead the Jinyiwei and the three judicial officials to arrest him. Use all the torture instruments and shackles. After the interrogation, arrest Jiang Xiahou's entire mansion."

Seeing Xu Yungong's face change greatly, Zhu Yunxun said, "You should also go back and pack up, and then go with Duke Cao to supervise the execution in person."

The nobles were really panicked. They subconsciously thought that Jiangxia Hou Zhou Dexing must have been involved in the Hu Weiyong case. And according to this pattern, it was not just an ordinary case of rebellion, but they wanted to find the mastermind.

A previous example is Li Shanchang, one of the six founding dukes. He was 77 years old at the time, but when the case broke out, he and his entire family of more than 70 people, including his wife, daughters, brothers, nephews, etc., were executed.

Zhu Yunhuan then looked at the eunuch who was close to Zhu and said, "Announce the decree."

A group of nobles were feeling uneasy. The case of Hu rebellion had been considered to have been stopped, so how come it started again?

These nobles were naturally terrified, and some even felt that they were in danger.

Fu Youde gritted his teeth and said, "Your Highness, please tell me clearly what Jiang Xiahou has done wrong?"

Zhu Yunxun looked at Fu Youde and said after a moment, "Drag that beast over here!"

Zhou Ji was dragged to the Central Army Commander's Mansion. This tall and burly middle-aged man knelt down and begged as soon as he saw Zhu Yunhuan.

Seeing Zhou Ji's appearance, Xu Yungong and others also shuddered. They were quite familiar with Zhou Ji, and they basically grew up together. They also knew that Zhou Ji was lustful and uneducated. Could it be that he had made a big mistake?
Zhu Yunhuan looked at Zhou Ji and said, "Since you dared to defile the imperial city, why don't you show any courage now? If you confess your crime and die calmly, I will still look at you with respect."

After hearing Zhu Yunhuan's words, all the nobles were shocked and looked at Zhou Ji in disbelief.

This beast is really going to ruin Jiang Xiahou's reputation. This beast is going to kill the entire family!
Even though they thought about many things, such as Zhou Dexing's involvement in the Hu Weiyong case or other things, they definitely didn't dare to think that it was because Zhou Ji had sex with a palace maid in the palace, even at this sensitive time of the Crown Prince's mourning period!
Guo Zhen, Xu Yungong and others also changed their expressions. They just pleaded for Jiang Xiahou. Even if it was just a subtle plea, it was still a plea after all!
Zhu Yunxun snorted coldly, "Prince Wuding, do you still want me to escort you out?"

Guo Zhen immediately knelt down and said in fear and trepidation, "I obey your order!"

Zhu Yunhuan then looked at Xu Yungong and Li Jinglong, "You two should go back and pack up. It is a good thing that you respect your elders. I also know that the former King of Zhongshan and the former King of Qiyang have old friendships with Jiangxia Hou. Don't waste time."

Not to mention Xu Yungong and Li Jinglong, all the nobles in the Central Military Governor's Office knelt down and shouted, "Your Highness, please forgive me."

Zhu Yunhuan was furious and cursed, "Look, if a son is not well educated, it is the fault of his father! The court is lenient and has granted you titles, nobles and descendants. Raising such a person who has no respect for the king and father will bring disaster to the whole family. Think carefully!"

Zhu Yunhuan walked away in a huff. This was just the beginning. Killing the chicken to scare the monkey was just the beginning!
 Thanks to book friend 20240115010518839 for the reward of 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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