I killed the film and television world

Chapter 101 Zombies? I’m fighting zombies!

Chapter 101 Zombies? I’m fighting zombies!

The neighbors who were watching the fun at the door were stunned. This hideous and terrifying face was truly creepy.

From a distance, you can already smell the pungent smell of rancidity. Combined with the overall gray tone, it brings a great visual impact when you see it late at night.

Outside the door, Jiu's expression also changed a little.

The copper coin mask has been taken off.

The Bagua mirror on the heart that gathered negative energy and suppressed corpse energy is also gone.

The purple talisman paper written with his hard work was torn off at this moment.

Plus, this zombie has sucked enough human blood...

I'm afraid something big is going to happen!

He wanted to use the zombie's body to completely seal the twin evil ghosts, and then use their luck to prolong his life.

But the prerequisite is that the zombie itself cannot be too fierce. If it is too fierce, he cannot suppress it at all.

This is the current situation.

Ah Jiu's face turned pale: "It's a zombie! The situation here is dangerous, everyone, leave here quickly!"

Chen You also supported his waist and stood up. He shouted, "Don't move! Everyone hold your breath!"

Then he took the lead and covered his mouth and nose with one hand.

The neighbors nearby were also a little panicked. Who wouldn’t be afraid of such a terrifying monster?
But after all, we were all adults, and soon we followed suit and held our breath.

The zombie raised his arms and jumped lightly as if floating, with his heels raised and his toes almost brushing the ground as he slid more than a meter away.

Then, his heels landed heavily on the ground.

The heavy footsteps seemed to step on everyone's heart. For a moment, no one dared to move, and cold sweat oozed from their foreheads.

The zombie was dressed in ragged cloth, his skin was a dull grayish-white, and his flesh was loose.

It just looks particularly hideous because of the stitches on its body.

This posture is completely different from the appearance of ancient corpses in Qing Dynasty costumes in zombie movies. It appears more real, more terrifying, and more depressing!

Especially the zombies' almost gliding leaps were extremely creepy in that night.

The field was silent, without the sound of breathing or the noise of the day.

The only sound was the dripping rain outside the window, and the room inside and outside seemed so quiet that it was a little scary.

The neighbors who were watching at the door were terrified and their faces gradually turned pale.

Chen You immediately realized that this was not a solution.

I can hold my breath for several minutes, but even one minute is a stretch. I must quickly find a way to subdue the zombies.

He glanced around, and just as he was about to take action, he was shocked to find that there was another alien in the room—

At this moment, the zombie was standing in the center of the room.

He turned his head slowly and stiffly, and his nose tip slightly loosened, as if he was discerning a special smell.

Song Ren looked at the zombie in front of him curiously.

This was the first time he had seen zombies. The huge monsters that had only appeared in movies and TV dramas in the past did look quite scary from a close distance.

Chen You was almost stunned.

No, even if he was possessed by an evil spirit, he wouldn't be so fierce, right? !

That's a zombie!!!
Seeing that the zombie had already pointed its face at the person in front of him, Chen You's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but remind him: "Yangyang, be careful! That's a zombie, hold your breath!"

These words have just been spoken.

The zombies suddenly attacked, their blue-white pupils full of death, staring at the arrogant man in front of them, their ten fingers piercing with blue-black cracked nails.

Sharp and pointed!
The knife-like fingertips stabbed towards Song Ren's neck. If it was stabbed hard, there would definitely be several bloody holes.

Chen You stood up suddenly and was about to rush over to help, but at the same time he couldn't help but stretched his neck and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

The next moment, the expected scene of blood spurting out did not appear.

Instead, a bloated black shadow flew out directly.

The hideous and terrifying zombie was kicked away, knocking over an old sewing machine in the corner, and finally fell heavily against the wall, shaking off large pieces of wall dust.

Song Ren retracted his sharp kick little by little.

Then, he turned around and looked at Chen You, who was half frozen: "...what did you just say?" Chen You opened his mouth in astonishment, swallowed all the words that were on the tip of his tongue, and subconsciously licked the corner of his dry lips: "No, it's okay."


Debris flying around!

The zombie had already stood up straight among the debris, without any roar of pain or anger.

He just stood straight with a stiff, dead face.

Song Ren took a glance and smiled slightly: "It seems that this kind of species is really durable."

The zombie jumped, this time very high.

His head was almost touching the beam. He stood on tiptoe and jumped in front of Song Ren.

Song Ren, however, had already lowered his waist and stood up straight, with a hint of excitement on his face.

With his current strength, ordinary people would not be able to withstand his full-strength attack. This was his first time fighting against a non-human creature.

Of course, evil ghosts with souls but no spirits do not count.

Species like zombies are really good!
Song Ren took a deep breath.

The waist and horse are one!

Cannon hammer!

drink! ! !
He used the strength of his waist and hips, coordinated with his shoulders and arms, and threw a punch with full momentum!

The full force of the fist hit the zombie's chest.

Even the zombies that were known to be as strong as iron walls and with sharp teeth were knocked to the ground on their toes by this punch and slid backwards.

But punching power is much weaker than leg power after all.

The effect of this punch did not have the visual impact of the previous kick.

But the advantage of hands is flexibility.

Song Ren's offensive has always been like a violent storm. Once he takes the initiative, he will continue to suppress the opponent.

He took a quick step to catch up!
He grabbed the zombie's cold wrist, which was even covered with a layer of sticky corpse oil.

Song Ren just frowned for a moment, not paying too much attention to the foul smell, and pulled the retreating zombie back with his backhand.

He stepped down and struck the zombie in the side of the chest with an elbow.

Zombies are almost defenseless!

There's no way, this thing is just a corpse with stiff limbs.

Although it is strong and sturdy, it is not very flexible.

Song Ren knocked the zombie away with his elbow, then hooked the back of the zombie's head and stood on tiptoes to attack it with his knee and elbow gun!
As dull as the sound of iron hitting!

Under everyone's stunned gaze.

The bloated zombie was almost floating up after being knocked into the air by the fierce knee.

The next moment, Song Ren launched a fierce attack!

Fingers, fists, wrists, elbows, shoulders!

All kinds of hard-core martial arts were used to block the zombies, knocking their entire bodies into the air.

The dazzling and fierce attack made the others who watched it stretch their necks in disbelief.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

Boxing is like beating a drum!
The hardness of zombies' bodies is indeed exaggerated, and they don't have obvious fatal parts like the human body.

So much so that the moves that Song Ren used with all his strength hit the zombies with a dull sound like firecrackers!
The bloated corpse was hit so hard that it floated in the air for a long time.

Then Song Ren suddenly retracted his body and kicked out with a sharp whip kick, and the zombie was knocked away again and hit the corner of the wall directly before it stopped.

This time a large area of ​​the wall was cracked!
After a long while, the zombies lay limply in the ruins of the debris, unable to stand up.

At this moment, inside and outside the house, no matter the neighbors or the two Taoist priests Chen You and Ajiu, all stood there in a daze.

The monster that had gradually disappeared in the tide of the times was now being beaten into this state right in front of their eyes by someone using fists and feet? !

Chen You couldn't help but swear: "Fuck, are they filming a movie?"

(End of this chapter)

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