Chapter 136 Forced Killing
Three body bags were loaded onto the same special vehicle, and a police car led the way and left at the same time.

A black business car followed closely behind.

Song Renze paused for a moment, then stepped on the accelerator to catch up, and stayed at the back not too far away.

In this day and age, and especially late at night, there are very few vehicles on the streets.

If you keep following, you will easily be noticed by the car in front.

Fortunately, not only Song Ren thought so, Tian Yangsheng also thought so...

So they just waited a little away from the downtown area before choosing to dismember the body.

The black commercial vehicle stepped on the accelerator first and began to overtake by force. After the vehicle was parallel to the police car leading the way, it suddenly turned the steering wheel!

Caught off guard, the front of the police car was knocked off balance and hit the guardrail in the middle of the road.

Boom! ! !
A large section of the guardrail was knocked over, the police car's headlights were shattered, and the front of the car was also slightly deformed!
The two police officers in the car were knocked into a daze and it took them a long time to come back to their senses. When they looked up, they saw the door of the car in front opened with a bang.

Four armed gangsters in black clothes and sunglasses got out of the car in leather shoes.

The two policemen were suddenly panicked. When they frantically reached for their guns, they were shot dead by Tian Yangsheng and his men with two quick shots.

The special car behind also stopped in the middle of the road due to rear-end collision.

Seeing this situation, he couldn't care about anything else. He was so scared that he jumped out of the car and ran away.

Tian Yangsheng and his gang did not chase after him, but walked straight to the special car where the morgue was kept, opened the door, and opened the three body bags to start the autopsy.

Until I saw the corpse inside and its tragic condition.

The eyes of Tian Yangsheng and the other three instantly turned red!
Fourth sister, fifth brother...

The last one could not be identified for a moment.

There is no way around it, it’s just too fragmented!

But soon, they recognized the body of the sixth brother from some tattoo patterns on the broken limbs and arms.

Tian Yangsheng crushed the sunglasses on his face with a fist, lowered his head with bloodshot eyes, and the veins from his clenched fists were bulging!

Hua Zai Rong, let's fight to the death!!!


The four of them quickly suppressed their grief and anger, repacked the body bags of the fourth sister and the other two, and then carried them into the black commercial vehicle.

Just as the business car started, a Mercedes-Benz drove past quickly from behind.

The four brothers were alert for a moment!

At the moment the two cars passed each other, a gap appeared on the window of the Mercedes-Benz.

Tian Yangsheng, who was sitting in the back seat, turned his head and, through the gap in the car window, happened to look into a pair of sharp pupils.

The next moment, Tian Yangsheng noticed that a dark object flew out from the gap and rolled under the business car in an instant.

Tian Yangsheng reacted the fastest, but it was still too late!
boom! ! !
The exploding grenade blew the entire commercial vehicle into the air more than a foot high, and then it fell heavily to the ground!
Song Ren didn't give these ruthless people any chance to resist.

After overtaking, he slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel forcefully, causing the rear of the car to leave a long, charred arc on the street.

The car body has been turned sideways.

After lowering the car window a little, he instantly took out an AK rifle from the storage space and started firing at the commercial vehicle that was emitting some smoke and dust!
Bang bang bang bang——

It is true that Tian Yangsheng and his team's business car had undergone some modifications, but it obviously did not increase the bulletproof effect.

The windshield was shattered in no time!
Tian Yangren, who was driving, and Tian Yangzhi, who was the co-pilot, were shot to pieces in just a few breaths before they could recover from the grenade explosion. There were bloody holes all over their bodies, and the blood stained their clothes red!
The AK rifle's bullets were quickly used up.

However, the problem of bullets is not a big deal. Song Ren has prepared several full magazines of the same model in the storage space.

The sound of gunfire would only pause briefly.

Soon he replaced the magazine with a new one full of bullets.

However, the two brothers Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi sat in the back row, and they were the best among the seven siblings.

At this moment, they both seized the opportunity when Song Ren was changing the magazine, opened the car door, dodged quickly, and rolled down!

Tian Yangsheng was alerted in advance and was in the back row. He was also lucky and his overall defense was quite decent. He was just a little disheveled, but his injuries were not serious.

Tian Yangyi was different. His right shoulder was hit by a stray bullet, and blood stained half of his arm. His right arm hung weakly at his side and he could not lift it up at all.

At the same time, due to the violent explosion of the grenade, the right leg was cut in the calf by fragments ejected from under the car, causing some delay in movement.

Song Ren watched this scene with cold eyes, and immediately turned the gun around, firing several shots at Tian Yangyi's position.

The first shot missed, and the second shot still missed!
The third shot was a close shot!
The fourth shot successfully hit his abdomen, causing his dodging action to freeze for a moment.

Then, the next bullet followed instantly and pierced through the back of Tian Yangyi's head cleanly and neatly!

A streak of scarlet blood beads flowed out from the blood hole on the forehead!
Tian Yangyi's pupils lost their color in an instant, and he fell to the ground on the street, with blood gushing out from under him!
Tian Yangsheng watched this scene with his eyes turning completely bloodshot.

The veins on his forehead were clearly bulging, and his back teeth were almost bitten off.

He was already filled with rage towards this attacker!

At the moment when Song Ren shot Tian Yangyi, Tian Yangyi suddenly threw out a specially made round time bomb and threw it accurately under Song Ren's car.

Song Ren was always paying attention to Tian Yangsheng's movements, and he was already aware of it when the time bomb was thrown at him.

He moved quickly without any pause, and the gun disappeared from his hand in a flash.

He stepped sideways and violently kicked the car door open, then rolled outward.

He gripped the ground with his fingers, his knuckles turned blue and white, and using the force to push himself, he turned over and leaped again, covering a long distance in an instant.

boom! ! !
A violent explosion roared behind me!

The exploding flames blew the entire Mercedes Benz into the air, and the window glass was blown into granular crystalline fragments!

The power of this explosion is much stronger than Song Ren’s grenade!
However, the real lethality of the grenade lies in the shrapnel attack.

However, the main feature of the explosive made of this high explosive is the explosive impact!
We can't force a comparison. Anyway, once they are hit, neither one can withstand it.

Song Ren turned over and landed on the ground, kneeling on one knee. With a flip of his wrist, the compound bow appeared in his hands in an instant, relying on the last vision memory before escaping.

Draw your bow and draw an arrow!

The pitch-black and transparent carbon arrow broke free from the bowstring in the next instant!
It rushed straight into the flames, and it was gone in a flash!

Unlike guns, arrows are silent and fly extremely fast!
When Tian Yangsheng realized something was wrong, the arrow had already hit him, and his face was filled with horror!
It is hard to imagine that someone can do it so efficiently!
From Song Ren forcibly escaping from the bomb to drawing the bow and arrow in an instant, the whole process can be said to be done in one go.

If there had been a second more in between, Tian Yangsheng wouldn't have been so unbelievable!

Faced with the arrows that were so close to him, he had no place to display his martial arts skills.

The arrow pierced directly into Tian Yangsheng's forehead with a rustling sound. The powerful force caused Tian Yangsheng to fall backwards!
With the final turn of vision, he could only vaguely see a blurry black shadow on the other side of the raging fire.

At this point, all seven brothers and sisters of Tian Yangsheng died!
(End of this chapter)

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