Chapter 142 Encirclement
The gunshots in the alley soon attracted police cars on the nearby streets.

Detectives and riot police rushed forward and quickly searched the scene.

The situation in the alley was soon discovered, and eleven agents, including Lei Luo, suffered three deaths and eight injuries.

Inspector Lei Luo died on the spot in a strange posture.

At this point, the whole incident was clearly deteriorating.

The agent immediately used the walkie-talkie to quickly report the situation in the alley to his superiors.

"…That's it. Including Inspector Lei Luo, a total of three people died and eight people were seriously injured and unconscious."

"No specific traces of Hua Zai Rong have been found in the alley, and the search area is being expanded."

Listening to the message coming back from the intercom, Zhuyouzai's face had turned completely gloomy.

He has followed Lei Luo for so many years and has a very deep brotherly friendship with Lei Luo.

Even in the movie, Zhuyouzai used his body to block the gun in order to help Lei Luo, which shows his true intention.

Before Lei Luo set out this time, he had a bad feeling, but he didn't expect it to be confirmed so soon.

At this moment, the fat on Zhuyouzi's face was trembling, and his expression looked a little ferocious: "Hua Zairong, you deserve to die! I swear, I will never let you go!"

Chief Superintendent Godber of the White Police also had a gloomy expression on his face.

After living a high and mighty life for so many years, he was forced into such an embarrassing situation overnight by the indigenous people whom he had always looked down upon.

This incident has caused such a big stir that even he will probably be held accountable by those bastards in the country.

In particular, the longer the time goes on, the more difficult the situation will become.

He must resolve this incident in the shortest possible time!
This is also the main reason why the White Chief Superintendent did not hesitate to mobilize police forces from several nearby districts to launch such a large-scale operation.

Moreover, unlike others, he knew something about Inspector Lei Luo's identity.

Although the information has not been released to the outside world yet, Chief Superintendent Peter Godber is very clear about it.

Lei Luo is the son-in-law that Sir Zhou has chosen.

Sir Zhou has an incredible influence and a huge fortune. Even the Queen of England has met him several times.

Such a person, however, values ​​Lei Luo very much.

Supporting Lei Luo to take the position is almost a foregone conclusion, and at most it is just a matter of time.

As a result, not only Lei Luo died on the spot.

Yan Tong, the most influential Chinese detective, also died.

Even the newly appointed white police superintendent Blanchard died!

If the casualties among police officers are added, Godber feels extremely stressed out by the current situation.

However, given his status, it is impossible for him to go to the front line to command in person.

Now that they have lost the Chinese detective they could use, they turned their attention to Zhuyouzai.

Especially after noticing Lard's mood changes, Godber became more and more fond of Lard.

Although Zhuyouzai is not a detective, he is very popular among the detectives, has good marksmanship, and has followed Lei Luo for so many years, so it is obvious that he has some skills.

After the loss of Lei Luo, the front line needed a new commander.

Zhuyouzai did not refuse at all. He directly accepted the order from the white chief superintendent and personally led a team of detectives to the scene.

On the way there, Zhuyouzai began to give commands in an orderly manner using the walkie-talkie.

Right now, after Inspector Lei Luo fired a warning shot, the surrounding large area has been completely blocked off.

For this operation, more than 400 police officers were mobilized for rapid support, but this lineup was only used to encircle and suppress a terrorist thug.

This is unprecedented in the entire history of Hong Kong Island. …

At this time, under the command of Zhuyouzai.

In the blockade area, police officers who were conducting carpet searches on various streets began to continuously report on the conditions of the areas they were responsible for and gradually narrowed the search scope.

Be sure to force the target person within the range into a desperate situation little by little.

Zhuyouzai quickly arrived at the place where Lei Luo had the accident.

Medical staff who had been on standby at the scene quickly rushed to the rescue, and two detectives were in charge of handling the scene.

When he saw Zhuyouzai coming, he immediately came over to report the situation.

Zhuyouzai didn't say anything, but when he saw how Lei Luo died, the anger in his eyes became hotter than ever before.

Because the scene was so unbelievable, no one dared to move Lei Luo's body until now.

From the outside, it seemed that the bones in his shoulders were completely collapsed.

The chest and back were almost pierced by a single punch, so that the vertebrae supporting the spine were broken, and the spine in the entire back was obviously dislocated and deformed!
The chest cavity collapsed horribly in the shape of a fist, and the wall behind was covered with spider-web-like cracks, with spots of blood splattered on it.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock!
Lei Luo's head was pressed against the ground, with sticky blood still dripping slowly from his mouth and nose.

A pool of blood had formed on the ground beneath the head.

This shocking death made Zhuyouzai tremble all over.

An autopsy officer was still chattering on the side: "...It's unbelievable, how could the human body's explosive power reach such an astonishing level!"

"The only fatal wound on Inspector Lei Luo's body is on his chest."

"Although his shoulder bones were severely damaged, it was not fatal. He was probably just hit by a heavy object. According to my guess, it is likely that he was violently smashed through by someone's knees."

"The rest of the body is almost completely unscathed, which means the opponent only used two moves with bare hands."

"One move subdued Inspector Lei Luo, and the other move, with the final punch, killed Inspector Lei Luo on the spot."

"His internal organs were severely damaged, his ribs were shattered, and his spine was broken..."

Zhuyouzi's eyes turned red and he couldn't help but yelled, "Shut up!!!"

The autopsy personnel were startled. Seeing Zhuyouzai's fat face full of anger, they quickly stammered and shut their mouths.

An agent next to him suddenly came over and said:
"Brother Zai, I just received news that the target person disguised himself as a riot police officer and appeared from Changyi Street. After being discovered, he attacked a team of riot police officers and fled to the northwest."

Zhuyouzi raised his head in silence.

The agent continued, "Brother Zai, I must say that Hua Zairong is behaving very strangely."

"His skills are incredible. If he fights alone, even a dozen elite soldiers would not be his match. I even doubt if he can hold out for a minute."

"However, this is still within the scope of understanding, but his explosive power is really too horrifying."

"Let's not talk about the injuries caused to Inspector Lei Luo, just from his running speed, we can see it. His explosive power and unimaginable running speed are almost comparable to a normal driving car."

"This is totally incomprehensible and absolutely beyond the limits of the human body."

"It's no exaggeration to say that this is simply an ancient warrior who commanded three armies. He is ridiculously strong!"

"Brother Zai, do you think... could this person be a super soldier created by the mainland?"

"Otherwise there's no way to explain it."

Zhuyouzi had a dark face, but his tone was extremely firm: "Super soldier? Damn you, even if he is the reincarnation of Guan Erye, I will chop him alive!!!"

The death of Lei Luo has completely turned Zhuyouzai into a dark person.

(End of this chapter)

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