I killed the film and television world

Chapter 144 9 Dragon City Walled City

Chapter 144 Kowloon Walled City
Kowloon Walled City, Ding Ye Club.

When Mr. Ding heard the news, he did not hesitate and immediately began to recruit people on a large scale.

With such a big scene outside, even the Kowloon Walled City, which has always been special due to historical reasons, would not dare to go against the entire Hong Kong government at this point in time.

What's more, the target this time is Hua Zai Rong, the current leader of Liansheng.

The walled city has not yet recovered from the losses it suffered in Yau Tsim Mong.

And Uncle Ding is famous for his vengeance.

Although the leader of Liansheng at that time, Big Grizzly Bear, had died, Hua Zairong successfully took over.

In the past month or so, Uncle Ding had arranged several waves of knifemen and even hired the Big Circle Boys a few times.

But without exception, all the people sent out never returned.

To the extent that, Mr. Ding was at a loss as to what to do with the new leader of Liansheng.

This time the incident happened suddenly, but Uncle Ding was obviously in a good mood.

That bastard Hua Zai Rong poked a hole in the sky outside.

Now not only he is going to suffer, but Liansheng is also going to be doomed!
In the club, Uncle Ding sipped his tea while narrowing his cloudy eyes which reflected a murderous look.

After doing all those things, he still dared to come into our city.

Hua Zai Rong, you really are an old man hanging himself——

After drinking tea, Uncle Ding uttered a few words with a fierce look on his face: "I'm tired of living!"


The geographical location of Kowloon Walled City is extremely special.

Due to many factors, this place has long been defined as a no-man's land.

The walled city covers an area of ​​less than 30,000 square meters.

However, there are more than 300 buildings built inside, almost one next to the other, so that the lighting inside is extremely poor, and many places need to have lights on 24 hours a day.

At the same time, it is adjacent to an airport.

The height of all buildings in the walled city was limited to 14 stories. Every day, planes would fly overhead when taking off or landing, creating a huge amount of noise.

Dirty, chaotic, narrow, dark, poor...

These are almost all synonymous with Kowloon Walled City.

Yet, it is such a place that is home to tens of thousands of permanent residents.

The population density here is one of the highest in the world.

At the same time, the only few tap water sources in the city were all controlled by the Dragon City Elders Council.

The Dragon City Elders Council is headed by Lord Ding, who holds great power in the city.

Following Master Ding's order, the entire Kowloon Walled City began to turn gradually like an old but sophisticated machine.

Under the cover of night, every household closed their doors and windows.

Except for members of the society, no one else is allowed to go out before dawn, and lights in the house are not allowed to be turned on easily.

If any suspicious individuals are spotted, turn on the lights to give warnings or notify patrolling community members.

Among them, some special areas were completely blocked and the power switches were turned off.

After Uncle Ding took action, members of the societies under the Dragon City Elders Council began to take large-scale actions with extremely high efficiency.


Zhuyouzai led hundreds of police officers and quickly rushed to the outside of Longcheng.

At a narrow entrance to the walled city, the stolen police car was seen.

The agent who tracked here came to report the situation.

They said they saw Hua Zairong abandon his car and disappear in Kowloon City. Zhu Youzai made up his mind and immediately arranged for people to completely block all the major entrances and exits of Kowloon Walled City with riot police armed with live ammunition.

Zhuyouzai looked at the dark Dragon City, with a gloomy look on his face.

Next, it’s a real game of catching a turtle in a jar!
Hua Zai Rong, you can't run away!

With the help of the narrow alley, the anti-theft windows on both sides, and some messy shelves, Song Ren easily climbed to the rooftop of a building.

The moonlight shines on the balcony, empty and bright.

Song Ren took a short rest on the top.

He drank mineral water, ate some compressed biscuits, and watched the club members taking action below.

Now the white police superintendent is dead, Yan Tong is dead, and Lei Luo is also dead.

The rest are the Chief Superintendent, Mr. Ding from the Walled City, and Fatty Chao from Changle.

It might be a little difficult with the Chief Superintendent of Police.

As for Fatty Chao and Ding Ye...

Song Ren chewed the last bite of compressed biscuits in his mouth, stood up, brushed the dust off his butt, pushed open the door to the rooftop, and went straight downstairs.

The architecture of the walled city, or the architecture of Hong Kong Island during this era, mostly adopted the external corridor style.

An exterior corridor connects all doors on the entire floor.

Song Ren went down the stairs directly to the corridor on the second floor and glanced at the eight gangsters walking below.

Four of them were wearing double-breasted shirts, while the other four were shirtless, with hideous tattoos of demons and monsters on their exposed muscles.

Song Ren casually threw a piece of chocolate into his mouth.

Then he supported himself on the edge of the corridor with one hand and jumped down from the second floor.

From a height of more than three meters, he stepped heavily on the head of the person below!
The sudden and violent force caused the man to fall to his knees immediately.

He wasn't paying attention for a moment and his head jerked forward, causing his cervical vertebrae to be dislocated.

This scene also made the other young and dangerous guys horrified!
When everyone turned their heads to look over, Song Ren's eyes were already fierce, and he attacked the others with the force of thunder!
He twisted his body and kicked fiercely, first hitting the nearest gangster on the side of the face!
With the instep highly tensed, the striking force is extremely fierce!

The man's facial bones were deformed on the spot, and he stretched his neck to the other side and slammed his head against the dark blue, greasy wall!
The wall dust fell down.

Flowers bloomed on the top of the head and blood flowed out!

However, Song Ren's actions were smooth and without any delay.

Each move was becoming more and more violent. He dodged the oncoming knife and grabbed the other man's fragile neck with his backhand.

The five fingers were like hooks, and under the brutal force, the fingertips sank deeply into the flesh.

He twisted his knuckles violently, crushing the man's throat with ease.

Then he faced several other gangsters who had already reacted and looked vicious, some even pulling out guns.

Song Ren did not retreat but advanced, pushing his body to the extreme.

The soles of the feet and leg muscles explode instantly!

The waist, back and legs collapsed into an inclined straight line, and in just an instant they were launched into action.

At the same time, a sharp bone-cutting knife appeared, and it slashed across the waist with an extremely violent blow!

The gangster who had just pulled out his pistol had not even reacted when his body was cut in half.

A line of blood clearly cut the human body in half, and then the upper half of the body broke off and fell off!

Blood is like a fountain!
At the same time, Song Ren leaned over again, dodged the knife, and swept his foot low, knocking the knifeman down directly.

The bone-cutting knife in his hand drew a sharp arc from bottom to top.

The gangster fell down without even making a sound before his head was chopped off by a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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